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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-11-2023, 06:22 PM

Howdy all! I was curious, what are your plans for the upcoming end of year holidays? Will you be traveling? Spending time with family? Do you celebrate any special traditions? Is there something about this time of year that you look forward to?

I'll go first. I'm traveling home for the holidays. I haven't seen my family in a year so it'll be good to catch up with them (though stressful, travel/family can be a lot ). I am looking forward to some holiday traditions though. We just decorated our Christmas tree here last night and it's so nice seeing it lit up with all my favorite ornaments! I also love making/eating cutout cookies. I'll have to add that to my to-do list soon!

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 12-12-2023, 11:24 PM

I'm lying to get out of Christmas with my toxic father and then spending it with friends instead. I don't have much in the way of special traditions or things I look forward to currently, but I'm hoping that changes in the next few years.
I do have a few mini trees that I decorate (one for my dragon, Derpy lol), which I guess could be a tradition. I like to buy a new ornament or two for each one and this year added a third tree which will eventually be either for Disney or Pokemon. (I get the mini hallmark ornaments and currently just have 2 pokemon and 2 disney princess ornaments so it's both for now.

Tbh mostly I tend to dread the holidays because my dad likes to guilt and force me into spending time with the family and since I don't have my own car, I basically have to stay until he decides it's time to take me home.

But I do actually enjoy the little holiday party that work throws and giving my friends fun little (or...kinda big) gifts and doing the secret santa exchange.


Kent is offline
Old 12-15-2023, 04:30 PM

Let's see... Since I visited my parents in Texas for Thanksgiving, I'm planning to stay in town for Christmas. Hopefully I'll have a Christmas eve or Christmas dinner with my brother and his family.

My sister and I started this new tradition a few years back where we send gifts for 12 days of Christmas or 6 days of Christmas and open one gift per day. We had some issues this last year with getting enough gifts though, but she just sent me the package recently! I still need to send her package of gifts! D:

Oh and my place of work has been hosting a white elephant party since I've started working here so I'm looking forward to that. o wo

I think I'll be going to a New Year's Party hosted by a local furry too, if my friends aren't planning any parties.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-20-2023, 03:07 PM

I went to a fun Chanukah party hosted by my friends every year. We're also doing a Secret Santa at work. Then, I went to a fun winter holiday party hosted by my job...and it turned out to be a super spreader event :( a lot of people now calling in sick. I am so glad that I have received every possible vaccine I could (including the newest flu and covid shots that came out a few months ago), otherwise I probably would feel sicker than I do. And I have a New Year's party with my family coming up.

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onsenmark is offline
Old 12-21-2023, 07:43 AM

I've got plans to visit friends locally on Christmas, but that's about it, really.


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