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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-14-2008, 02:35 AM

It was a nice day outside, so Kiba was out training with Akamaru. The male was punching a big log that was sticking out of the ground, that had many marks on it from when he knew that Lee and Neji would practice on it. After a while, Kiba stopped, turning around and leaned back on the log.

The male yawned as the sun started to slowly move down behind the trees. "Let's go Akamaru," He said, his dog like fangs showing as he spoke to his furry companion. When he got a bark in return, he smiled and started off back towards Konoha. He put his hands behind his head, a sigh escaping his lips.

"This was a good work out today Akamaru. Maybe we could get Shino to work out with us tomorrow. We'll probably beat his behind, but at least we will know that we're the best." He grinned. Akamaru barked in agreement.

{there ya go^-^}

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Kyoki_Hinote is offline
Old 01-14-2008, 03:57 PM

"Since when have you ever 'beat my behind' as you put it?" Shino spoke up from behind Kiba, having jumped out of the tree he had been collecting bugs in upon hearing the male talk to his dog.

In his hands he held a small bug cage, a few butterflies fluttering inside. They were a rare, nearly extinct species that his family was working to protect... He had stumbled across them and decided to take them home.

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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-14-2008, 07:15 PM

Kiba stopped, swallowing a little. He turned around. "H--Hey Shino," The male said, grinning. Truth was, Kiba could never beat Shino at anything, except maybe a smelling contest, but that was it.

The male's eyes went to the butterflies. "Those are interesting butterflies. Are they for your family?" He asked, completely avoiding the question that Shino had asked him.

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Kyoki_Hinote is offline
Old 01-14-2008, 11:40 PM

Shino nodded, noticing Kiba's blatant change of subject but making no remark on it.

"They're an endangered species." He stated quietly, staring at Kiba through his sunglasses. He could tell the Inuzuka had been training; his face was sweaty, his hair even more disheveled than usual. He was glad his eyes were hidden behind the dark glasses... Kiba couldn't see that the dark orbs were wandering his body, taking in every little detail and committing it to memory.

He was also glad Kiba could be so oblivious... He would never guess that Shino liked him the way he did. In fact, the brunette probably thought he liked Hinata. Shino would rather him remain clueless about that fact.

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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-15-2008, 12:16 AM

Kiba nodded and sighed. He put his hands into his pockets, looking around. "Well...I should probably getting home," The male said, smiling at his teammate. "See ya later, Shino-kun," Sounding like Hinata at the end of the sentence, which was unlike that.

The brown haired boy smiled, and then turned and he and Akamaru jolted towards the gate. When Kiba approached the gate, he slid to a halt, dust being thrown out to the sides and above him. Man, his mother was not going to be happy that he stayed out late and that he was now all dusty. He started towards his house.

{i'm leaving for work, and i won't be on for the rest of the night. i'll answer tomorrow}

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Kyoki_Hinote is offline
Old 01-15-2008, 11:02 AM

Shino nodded and watched the other leave, slowly turning to his own house. He walked, trying not to disturb the butterflies in their cage too much.

Upon reaching his home, he released them into the Aburame reserve, a small, green-house-like building where they kept all the endangered bugs that weren't harmful to other bugs. The more dangerous ones were kept in separate cages, where they wouldn't harm the others.

After that, the Aburame went up to his room and started practicing with some scrolls when a phone call came through. No one was in the house, since his mother and father were both out on missions, so he answered it.

"Aburame household, Shino speaking."

"Oh, Sh-Shino-kun? I-It's Hinata."

"Ah." As if he hadn't known from the moment she spoke. "Is there something you want?"

"W-Well... C-Could you please meet me at the hot springs t-tomorrow at noon?"

"Ah." In Shino-language, that was yes.

"Thank you..."

Her plan was working perfectly. She turned around and smiled at Sakura and Ino, who had inspired the whole plot. The two most oblivious boys in Konoha were going to get together as long as they had something to say about it. Now they just had to call Kiba...

((Woo! Matchmakers! xD Alright, we've got something of a plot now. Shall we fastforward to the next day at noon?))

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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-15-2008, 05:18 PM


The next day, the sun was high in the sky as Kiba stood outside the hot springs, without Akamaru, as per Hinata's request. He smirked, thinking in his head. Yes! I'm finally going to be alone with Hinata! Completely unaware of the fact that Hinata wasn't coming to the springs.

As the Inuzuka boy stood there, he thought of things that he could say to Hinata. Like 'Hey doll, how's it going,' or 'Trust me, I know what I'm doing'. The male's signature smirk appeared on his face when he though of the last one.

"Yeah, that last one will definitely work," He said. When he heard footsteps, he started to fix his hair a little bit.

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Kyoki_Hinote is offline
Old 01-16-2008, 12:10 AM

Shino's bugs notified him of the brunette's presence and Hinata's absence as soon as they came back, and a frown had been hidden behind the Aburame's collar ever since.

A quick glance around the bath house told him that there was no one else there, which was strange. Usually there were at least a few people resting up from a mission or taking a relaxing day off, but he could sense no one.

As soon as he entered the building, the door shut, and he heard the lock fall into place. Whirling around, he tried to open it, only to find it blocked with seals. Not even the kikaichuu could get through.

It appeared they had been tricked. But why would Hinata do this? Where would she even get the courage to lock her two teammates and closest friends into a bath house?

Already, the room was getting steamier than usual, which was saying something. Shino was starting to feel very uncomfortable in his big, insulated jacket.

"We're locked in. My kikaichuu can't get through." Shino relayed their predicment to the Inuzuka quietly.

((Sorry for the uber-long posts... o_o;; I usually don't write this much. It's just, there are certain things that have to happen. xD Please don't feel like you have no say or anything... Sorry, I'm paranoid that I might bug people.))

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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-16-2008, 12:54 AM

Kiba looked at Shino when he appeared and rose an eyebrow, but didn't say anything about it. When they were inside, he sat down on one of the benches.

When the door slammed shut, his ears twitched and he rose to his feet. He went to the door and smelled, but he couldn't smell anything, except for the steam that was coming in very quickly and Shino's scent.

The brunette started to pant, undoing his coat and taking it off, revealing his normal black shirt.

"Man...So hot," He muttered, sitting back down on the bench and fanning himself.

"Hinata said she was gonna be here," He said to himself more than Shino.

{its ok^-^}

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Kyoki_Hinote is offline
Old 01-16-2008, 10:46 AM

"Ah. She told me that as well." Shino answered quietly, already starting to sweat in his oversized jacket.

Well... It would do him no good to overheat. He unbuttoned the coat, slipping it off, which left him in a loose, black undershirt as well. Now the frown on his face was permanently revealed and he sat on the opposite end of the bench from Kiba. The further away he sat, the less the other's body heat would affect him.

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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-16-2008, 06:15 PM

Kiba looked at Shino and then down at the floor. "Well, it looks like we were both tricked by her," He said, getting warmer.

"Man, who keeps turning up the heat?" The brunette questioned as he finally took off his black shirt, leaving him in just his pants and shoes, though his shoes didn't stay on for very long.

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Kyoki_Hinote is offline
Old 01-17-2008, 01:33 AM

Shino was more hesitant to undress than Kiba, deciding to keep his shirt on. He did, however, take off his shoes, as they were unnecessary.

"Usually heat escapes through the door, but the building has been sealed off. It's only going to get hotter..." Shino murmured, forcing himself not to look at Kiba.

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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-17-2008, 10:58 AM

Kiba glanced up at Shino, smiling a little. "Well, if it gets any hotter, than we'll just have to try and make our way out of here. I can't let you begin to prune, now can I, Shino?" The brunette questioned.

His signature smirk appeared though as he stood up and walked over to the door. The male closed his eyes and tried to listen. As the Inuzuka boy listened, his mouth parted a little, his breath escaping in soft puffs.

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Kyoki_Hinote is offline
Old 01-17-2008, 11:10 AM

Shino made no response to the teasing comment, but the frown on his face grew more defined.

He watched Kiba walk over to the door and had to put a tight clamp over his hormones at the look on the brunette's face.

If Kiba knew what he really thought of him, he would never let him live it down... and it would probably destroy the fragile friendship/camaraderie they had. Even if neither of them would ever admit it, they were friends and they cared about each other. And... friends didn't get hard-ons when their friends made certain facial expressions. Shino sighed silently. This was going to be a long day.

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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-17-2008, 06:39 PM

Kiba could faintly hear talking outside of the door. He pressed his ear closer to see if he could hear any louder than what he could hear then.

"Good job Hinata. We knew you had it in you," Ino said to the young Hyuuga. "Too bad there isn't a way to watch them. Oh well. Hinata got both of them to come to the springs, right Sakura?"

Kiba's eyes shot open and he went to say something, though he coughed instead, choking on his own saliva. When he regained his composure, the brunette looked at the Aburame.

"Hinata did this...with Ino and Sakura's help!" He told the other. "I just barely heard them talking outside. Man, they are gonna get it when I get out." He balled his hand into a fist and went to punch the door.

{woo! that was long^-^}

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Kyoki_Hinote is offline
Old 01-18-2008, 01:00 AM

Shino nodded. "I thought as much." He swiftly stood up and grabbed onto Kiba's arm right before it hit the door.

"Doing that will accomplish nothing other than hurting your hand. Think before you act. Even if we can't find a way out, they won't keep us in here forever."

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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-18-2008, 09:03 AM

Kiba blinked when he felt Shino grab his hand. The brunette looked at the Aburame, too stunned to say anything back. After a while though he pulled his hand away and went back and sat down.

"Well, they could at least turn down the heat," The brunette said, whining a little bit. "I'm almost so hot that I need to take all of my clothes off and just sit here naked." A soft sigh escaped his lips.

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Kyoki_Hinote is offline
Old 01-18-2008, 10:53 AM

Do not respond, do not even think about it, stop it! Shino mentally berated himself for reacting to that statement, despite his best efforts to remain neutral.

Kiba naked... an appealing image. The brunette had a point, though. It was getting far too hot, and Shino was starting to feel dizzy. That was not good.

Shino sighed almost unnoticeably. "At this point, that may be best."

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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-18-2008, 08:29 PM

Kiba looked at Shino and rose an eyebrow. Though he didn't say anything. He undid his pants as he stood up, pushing them down to the floor. The brunette stepped out of his pants, leaving him in just his underwear.

Wow, that was a sight. His body was toned in all the right spots and his muscles were starting become more apparant. Though they weren't visible with all the steam around them. He couldn't believe that he was doing this though, in front of his...well, best friend.

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Kyoki_Hinote is offline
Old 01-19-2008, 01:50 AM

There were two reasons the Aburame kept most of their bodies covered. One, it let the kikaichuu crawl as they wished, without freaking people out too much. The other reason was less obvious, only known to the few people who had seen someone in the Aburame family naked.

When the insects entered or exited the body, small scars began to form. After years and years of that treatment, the small pain didn't affect them any more, but the scars remained.

Some were already exposed by Shino's shirt but as he took it off and started on his pants, modestly turning away from Kiba, more were revealed. Tiny dots, all over his shoulders and back, covering his chest. They were tiny, and nearly unnoticiable from a distance against Shino's pale skin. But they were exposed now, and Shino was sure Kiba would have questions once he noticed them.

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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-19-2008, 05:41 AM

The Inuzuka boy looked at Shino and he blinked a little bit. Not at the scars on his body, but because Shino looked amazing with all the steam surrounding his naked body. He didn't know what it was, but something invisible pulled him up and moved him towards Shino.

He swallowed. "Shino..." He whispered to the other, making him look at him. The male reached up towards Shino's glasses, wanting to see the eyes behind them. "Don't stop my hand," He told him, almost like he was saying a command.

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Kyoki_Hinote is offline
Old 01-19-2008, 07:28 PM

Shino didn't stop his hand, though his mind was screaming at him to stop it right that second. His dark eyes were revealed to Kiba, despite his brain's protests.

Aburame eyes looked black, so black it was like it was just the pupil and nothing else. They were also sensitive to the light, which was why they all wore sunglasses. All of it was a side-effect to the kikaichuu, of course, and Shino couldn't help but squint as the light hit his eyes full-on. It hurt, giving him a mild head-ache.

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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-20-2008, 05:38 AM

Kiba just looked at Shino's eyes like they were the most beautiful thing he'd seen. Finally, he was able to see the Aburame's eyes. Though as he saw him squint, he put them back on and then backed up a little bit.

He went to the door and leaned back against it, crossing his arms and staring at the floor. "So that's why you keep them on?" The brunette questioned, glancing up at the other.

"Shino, your eyes are...amazing," He told the other. "I'm happy that I got to see them." The Inuzuka boy smiled.

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Kyoki_Hinote is offline
Old 01-20-2008, 11:12 AM

Shino nodded at the question, though he had to turn away from his teammate as a blush rose up on his cheeks at the compliment. That was... unexpected.

Hell, everything about this was unexpected! He and Kiba were locked in a bathhouse by Hinata, completely naked, and Kiba was smiling at him and telling him his eyes were amazing. This had to be some weird dream after a particularly exhausting mission or something, because there was no way this could actually be happening.

And then Shino sighed because it was happening and he knew that, even if it was impossible to believe.

He felt so exposed like this, naked in front of Kiba. Everything he was used to hiding was now exposed, even his eyes. Yes, they were hidden now, but Kiba still knew.

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Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 01-20-2008, 06:49 PM

Kiba blinked a little when the other turned around, but smirked a little as he thought about it for a second. The brunette walked over to Shino and he slowly and lightly ran his fingers down the Aburame's back.

"Shino," The boy whispered, getting closer to the other. "Are you blushing?" His lips were right next to Shino's ear. The brunette's breath was hot, thanks to all the steam in the bathhouse.

Kiba turned Shino around and smiled, moving his fingers up and tracing the other's jawline. Kiba was getting turned on by just looking at the other for some reason.


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