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OhMahGawz is offline
Old 06-26-2009, 08:56 AM

It was the end of the school year in Spring City and, as with every year, the local drama department set up its masquerade dance. It was a cutesy little event that everybody was invited to, and the past couple years it had certainly been nothing special. This year, however, was different. Due to the popularity of the plays performed that year the department had a startlingly large amount of money and, with this money, they rented out a beautiful mansion for the last hurrah masquerade. It went from being a fun little thing to the event of the year, and everybody was planning on going.

"Oh, god." The color seemed to vanish from Sean Baterdene's already pale skin as he looked at the oversized mansion, and it didn't get much better when he saw all the kids from his school. He hadn't been exactly the most popular kid, and though he was at the end of his Junior year and thankfully had been left alone as of late that thought was fresh in his mind. He was more popular than he had been, to be sure, but to imagine him as anything but socially awkward was a bit silly.

Taking a deep calming breath he tried to relax himself as he stepped into the masses of people after parking his car - which was brand new, he might add. He had just gotten enough money from his new job to afford it - uneager for the night ahead. He had been persuaded to go despite being absolutely single, and now he felt like an idiot because of it. I should have just stayed home. He thought to himself, hanging his head low for a few seconds. After he regained his composure he ran his long, spindly fingers through his shaggy, medium length brown hair, eyes of the same color gazing at all the sights around him.

Despite having come with no date whatsoever, his mother had forgone no expense in the hopes of making him appear attractive. First and foremost was the tux rented for the evening, black with a red tie, but even the mask felt too fancy for him. It covered the top half of his face, and was black save for a single solitary crimson horizontal stripe that covered the entire center, with two feathers, one red and one black, sticking out on the side. He felt less than comfortable having it on his head, to say the least. Even with everybody else wearing one he felt like it made him stick out in the crowd.

Inside it was a typical ballroom, proving the mansion was fairly old. It was pretty, but Sean seemed to be paying little attention to it. He hardly even heeded the fact that this year they had even afforded a small orchestra, playing music authentically and professionally. He just felt awkward and uncomfortable. Is the night over yet? He thought to himself bitterly.

In lieu of anything else to do he migrated towards the punch bowl, all his focus placed on the container as if it held the secrets to entertainment. In reply all he got were funny stares for looking at the punch bowl, and he looked away with a small blush. After filling himself a cup full of the drink he almost let a small smile come on his face. Everything seemed so authentic until you came to the bowl full of fruit punch. Oh well, you couldn't have everything be like it was in the olden days.

Leaning against the table he stared at the ceiling, wondering if tonight was going to be spent simply avoiding people like he felt it was. He hoped not, but it was silly for him to raise his hopes in such a situation.

After all, who wanted to talk to someone as boring as Sean?

Chase the Morning, Yeild for Not...
ThyFaerieQueen is offline
Old 06-26-2009, 04:44 PM

Only so many remember the year the local drama department pulled off the first Masquerade. It wasn't even that good, with mediocre costume, a cruddy CD player that skipped most of the songs, and worse it was help in the Gym of the High School. But everyone loved it and they decided to do it the next year, and the year after that. Soon it became a grand tradition that added up to this year's event.

Amethyst Tonnerre remembered the first Masquerade. She had been Seven at the time, and not very intelligent on Masquerades and their history. But she knew that she wanted to find the love of her life at the Masquerade. Of course it was a silly dream, but she was Seven and not very intelligent. That was ten years ago, and there still was a small hope, a small prayer inside of her.

Amethyst Tonnerre, Junior at Spring Town High School (now to be known as STHS), Leading Actress of the Drama Department, Three year Winner of the STHS Talent Competition, Pianist and Accompanist for the Band Solos, and the class' Salutatorian (well, that's what everyone hopes). She was very smart, and quiet popular, but she always had that distant look in her eyes. That's why most stayed away from her. But tonight, none could see the face behind the mask.

The Drama Department was lucky enough to get to use the 2nd floor level of the Mansion to get ready. Amethyst (nicknamed Amy) did one last look over of herself. Her golden blonde hair cascaded down her back in Sleeping Beauty like curls. The dress she had been made especially for the girl, a Renaissance type gown with purple and silver and lace. It looked stunning on Amy, emphasising her hour-glass figure. She didn't have much makeup on, the basics. Her shoes were imported from Venice when her mum went a couple weeks back. They were silver and wonderful. But the mask, Amy's mask was her new prized possession. The blonde loved to collect masks and this was too wonderful. It was a silver Libellula with purple and silver metal. She put that mask on her face, a small playing on her lips.

Amy walked out of the room she was in and then she went down the main staircase. Everyone saw her the girl, and most were quiet. Even the band stopped playing. She was quiet a beauty. Looking around, Miss Tonnerre smiled and asked "Quel est le problème? The party mustn't stop because of my presence!" Everyone went back to dancing and she went towards the drink table, for there weren't many people over there. Amy poured herself a cup of punch and stood next to a man in a black tux with a red tie. "Lovely Masquerade, isn't it?"
OOC: Amy's mask:
Her gown:

Pretty, No??

Dead Account Holder
OhMahGawz is offline
Old 06-26-2009, 11:24 PM

There was a soft hush of a whisper as everybody turned to look at a specific person, and deliberately he looked away. He wouldn't be caught under the spell of the ordinary folk. Not today. He would be his own man, and avoid such things to the best of his ability. He had to. Rebellion was about the only identity he had.

He was still turned away when he heard that sing-song voice, and still turned away when he took a deep swig of his punch and the dancing continued. Probably some smug harpy. Nothing worth my notice. He thought bitterly to himself, finishing what was left in his cup before preparing to get another drink.

Before he swallowed, though, he heard that voice. The same one before. He froze in place and fought back an imminent spit-take, swallowing the liquid all just in time to avoid the humiliation that would have followed such an act. Turning around nervously, he caught sight of who he knew to be Amy Tonnerre. But she was far different than usual.

On an average day she was certainly interesting. She was beautiful, talented and an intellectual. Somehow she managed to top this off with the popularity anybody could envy, but not be touched with the vanity so many others fell to. What her secret was, Sean would never know. Today, she was above and beyond even what she normally was. The dress was so eloquent and the mask so beautiful, each made his own costume look pathetic. She was perfectly done, obviously having worked ages to make such an outfit perfect. He had spent the five minutes to be fitted into the tux. A pang of envy hit him, but more importantly was a pang of awe.

After a second he realized she had talked to him. Fumbling, he tried to answer. "Well I- Erm- You see-" He took a deep breath, realizing that he sounded like an idiot. After clearing his throat Sean tried again. "Yeah, it's pretty nice."

Way to go, idiot. He thought, internally kicking himself. Now she's sure to hate your guts.

Chase the Morning, Yeild for Not...
ThyFaerieQueen is offline
Old 06-27-2009, 06:36 PM

Amy laughed, clear as a spring bell. She had to admit that stuttering boys were always a bit amusing to look at. They got so flustered so easily, especially around her. It was a tad embarressing too, because it was hard to have an intellectual conversation with most men. Hopefully Sean was different.

"Yes, I'm very happy that the Masquerade went smoothly this year. I was Seven when the Drama department held the first one. That was lame and I promised myself that when I got older I would make it the event of the year. Seems I got something else off my bucket list." Amy smiled at Sean. He wasn't bad looking at all. Pretty easy on the eyes, pretty easy to ignore.

"It's Sean Baterdene, right? I don't believe we've ever been formally introduced. I'm Amethyst Tonnerre." She held her hand up so they could shake. "I've heard interesting things about you." Many interesting things indeed.

Dead Account Holder
OhMahGawz is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 12:03 AM

This is wrong, this is wrong! His mind was practically screaming as she continued to talk to him. Why is she interested in me? Is this some kind of prank? Sean wasn't quite used to being social, but he could handle it when he had to. But being social with someone like this...that was an entirely different ball game. It seemed like she was everything and he was nothing - how could she even pretend to be interested in him?

He did his best to shove all of the mixed, chaotic emotions downward for a calm, cool exterior. When she looked at him, however, it all flew out the window. When it came to his turn to speak, it was the same, terrified stutter as before. God, he hated himself right now. "That's - well, that's interesting." He sounded far less sincere than he was, and immediately tried to set it right by talking more.

"This is the first one I've ever been to, and I think that it's fantastic." There. Now at least it sounded a little better.

Against his will a blush stained his cheeks whenever she said his name, although he wasn't sure why. Embarrassed by his blush, the feeling was counter-productive by making his cheeks even more red. There was no way to explain how much he hated himself right now. She was probably going to walk away, laughing about how pathetic he was. Sean could hardly blame her if she did.

With his nerves calmer than before, the situation seeming a little bit easier to handle, he took her hand and shook it. It was a sort of unusual greeting, but Sean didn't mind in the slightest. He was calm and it all seemed to be going well until-

"I've heard interesting things about you."

- he immediately felt panicked again, so soon after chasing it away. What had she heard? Interesting? Was that good or bad? Did she hear humiliating stories about him?

"Did you?" He asked, somehow withholding all of his terror from the outside. "What kinds of interesting things?"

Chase the Morning, Yeild for Not...
ThyFaerieQueen is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 01:39 AM

Amy smiled at Sean. He seemed so tense, so frightened. Was he afraid of her? Did she have something on her face? Was her mask scary? Why was this adorable boy so afraid of her? It made Amy sad, she did not wish to frighten people like this. Did he know her secret? That could be, that he knew her secret. That would be bad. Most people didn't know about that. Amy frowned, subtly.

She went back to smiling when Sean said that the Masquerade was good. "Do you really like it? This was such a dream doing. I think everything turned out perfectly!" Amy clasped her hands together and did a twirl. "Practically perfect" she whispered, a sigh escaping her lips.

"Yeah, I've heard many things about you, Sean Sean Baterdene. But I've seen more things than I've heard. You're a Junior, a senior next year. You were in my French Elective this year. From what I can tell, you're single, really quiet, and all in all a good student." She walked closer to the boy. "I know for a fact, that you're really really cute." It was whispered into his ear, like a little secret that she didn't want anyone to know. Amy's mouth curved into a mischievous little grin.

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OhMahGawz is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 02:47 AM

Her frown immediately sent Sean into a fit of fear. He had to have said something wrong. Maybe he just looked stupid? Compared to her costume, so ornate, his looked like something he had dug out of a trashcan. That was bound to be it, right? She said she had worked hard on this place, and seeing someone who looked so out of time was bound to be frowned on. He felt like he marred the perfection of the world around him, now.

When she got to smiling again a wave of relief washed over him like no other. Apparently she didn't hate him that much. Praise the lord. Then she was so happy she did a twirl, and Sean was intrigued. She switched emotions pretty fast. How did she manage to bounce back from negative emotions so fast? It blew his mind. But in a good way. At least he thought so, anyway.

"You did good. Everything really is perfect." Except me. He thought negatively. Why couldn't he be like her? So perfect and positive. Instead he was a mopey mess.

She named all of the facts about him, and he couldn't help but nod after each one to assure her it was true. That was stupid, considering how she already knew, but he figured he had already screwed up so much what did it matter? All the little, stupid things he did built up, and he was beyond caring. He'd be an idiot, and he'd handle it. He was talking to someone he never thought he would talk to in his life. That was a confidence boost enough to keep him moving on.

It both fed his ego and made him nervous as she complimented his looks. Rather than stammer for an hour like he initially wanted to, he stayed quiet until he could compose himself. Even if he would tolerate his mistakes, he sure as hell wasn't going to encourage them. "I would hardly call myself cute." He admitted. It was true, as well.

"You're beautiful though." Sean added, immediately regretting that after saying it. Well, now he seemed creepy.

Chase the Morning, Yeild for Not...
ThyFaerieQueen is offline
Old 06-29-2009, 02:07 AM

"You really are cute Sean. I don't see why you haven't got yourself a girlfriend." Amy blushed, her mouth clamping shut and her cheeks turning a vicious red color. Why did I say that?, she asked herself, a blonde curl falling in front of her mask. Her mask didn't hide the blush, but made t stand out. None the less it looked rather pretty on the girl.

Her head popped when Sean said she was beautiful. "Wait- What? Me? Beautiful? And in the same sentence? Wow. You're really sweet to say that, but I'm not pretty. Not at all." Somehow, Amy's feet became more interesting than Sean's face so she decided to look at that instead. "He really thinks I'm beautiful. That's so amazing and wonderful... Oh my gosh he's gorgeous." Amy gasped, realizing she had spoken that aloud. "I'm so sorry, I've got to go!" So embarrassed was Amethyst, she sprinted out into the garden, her shoes being left behind in the process.

The May air was cool against Amy's cheeks out in the garden. She sat at the base of the gazebo, her toes slightly dipped in the pond. Her mask lay next to her. "I can't believe I said that. I may be book smart, but I was acting so goddamn stupid." Amy threw a rock into the pond, watching as skidded across the water. "And I really liked him to. Sean probably thought I was an idiot."

Dead Account Holder
OhMahGawz is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 02:30 AM

Amy's blush couldn't compare to the one that came upon Sean's face at her comment. His mind was absolutely blown by disbelief at her comment, and the heat that radiated off of his face made him feel as if he were on fire. Ugh...She has to be lying. Why would she be interested in me? He thought. Still, what if it were true? He wished it was, to say the least.

"Well," He was still blushing, and his voice was quivering a little bit, "I'm not very popular...people don't really like me considering how quiet I am."

He pulled back a little bit, awaiting her to reject him. Of course, his attention switched quickly to her comment, and a dead serious look come on his face. "You are pretty. There's no getting around that, do don't pretend."

He immediately froze up at that - and her speaking aloud did little to help. He felt so shocked. He was about to apologize for sounding like such an idiot - trying to artfully ignore her comment so that he didn't die of embarrassment at such compliments - but she took to it first. And then promptly ran away.

"But- Hey- Wait!" He called after her, watching her flee.

After grabbing the shoes she had left behind he took after her, trying his best not to stumble and fall. Once he arrived tot he garden he was almost out of breath, not being very athletic, and felt like he had a good few words to say. He was, to say the least, far more confident.

"...thought I was an idiot."

He could hear her voice, and immediately froze up. Pressing himself up against a bush so that he couldn't be seen, he clutched the shoes to his chest and took in many a deep, shaky breath, trying to regain his confidence.

Chase the Morning, Yeild for Not...
ThyFaerieQueen is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 03:59 AM

Amy sighed, drawing her knees to her chest. Why could her life be a bit simpler, she thought to herself. It seemed as though she were going through the motions each day, like the repeat button on a CD player. She needed to get out of this rut, this internal mess. Amy needed to feel something from the others around her. Maybe Sean could help her with that. Yeah, he could help her with that, she just needed to tell him her feelings. But that would involve getting up, and she didn't want to do that just yet.

The click of riding boots echoed against the cool concrete, disrupting the peace that had been so calmly quiet before. "Why, such a precious jewel, all alone on a night like this? That shouldn't be so. My dear Miss Tonnerre, you would look so much happier wrapped around my arm, don't you know that already?" Amy's whole body froze rigid, and you could hear her teeth clenching.

Daemon Hensley, a Junior at Spring Town High School, Womanizer, Rich, and his father just so happened to be the Vice President of her Dad's company. Victor Hensley and Richard Tonnerre were very close in both business and personal life, so it was no surprise the two teens spent so much time together. What Daemon lacked in IQ points he made up for in charms and good looks that were wasted on Amethyst. She spent too much time around him over the years to smell the stench behind the cheap perfume. He was a cunning, obnoxious narcissus bastard who was going to waste his whole life making bad choices.

"Leave me alone Daemon, you didn't get an invitation, so you're not allowed to be here. Get out before I have to call security!" Wiping her tears, the blonde stood up to face the slacker who stood before her.

Although uninvited to the party, Daemon took time with his outfit. On top he wore a white silk poets' shirt, the deep v-neck revealing his buffed chest. On top of that he wore a black vest and a black cape. Black riding pants left nothing to the imagination and black riding boots clicked as Daemon neared closer to Amethyst. A leather gloved hand grasped Amy's own, kissing the front of it suggestibility.

Dead Account Holder
OhMahGawz is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 04:24 AM

Click, click, click.

A sickening feeling hit the pit of Sean's stomach as he heard that noise. He wasn't sure who it was, exactly, but he knew it was somebody else. That was enough. It was one thing to gather courage around one person, but with two it was nearly impossible.

And then he heard that voice.

It rang quite clear in Sean's mind. There were only so many people in the school, and amongst those there were so few popular ones. Once you got into popular and rich, the names that came to mind were enough that he could count them on his fingers.

Daemon Hensley was a scourge in his mind. Sean knew his fair share about what one could endure from someone higher on the social ladder in school, and at the height Daemon was at the right they felt over someone such as he was incredibly strong. On the rare chance he wasn't busy ignoring Sean, he was making his life hell.

How that he was here, Sean didn't know how to act. He felt even more nervous than before, but after hearing Amy's opinions he felt like he had to help her out somehow. There was no way he was going to leave her hanging like this. Besides, he still had her shoes.

Nervously he took a step from behind the bushes and revealed himself, looking like a deer in headlights. He tried to find words to speak, but he found himself unable, simply staring.

Chase the Morning, Yeild for Not...
ThyFaerieQueen is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 11:23 PM

The two aristocrat's heads swirled around to see Sean standing there with a pair of shoes in his hands. While Amy's mouth curled into a smile at the sight of him, Daemon's twisted into a sneer. "What's this commoner doing here Amy? Don't tell me you actually invited a poor person to the Masquerade." Amy spun out of his grip and smacked him in the head.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Now Amy was not a loud person. She didn't yell very often, and was more often heard laughing. But Daemon was taking it to far this time. "You are so horrible. For your information Daemon, I invited everyone except you because you decided last year to smuggle in Alcoholic beverages when it's clearly not allowed! You are such a jerk to everyone, why do you think I hate you! Now get out or I'll call security again!"

Daemon was speechless, his mouth in a wide "O" shape. Then once again it turned into a smug grin. "It figures, you hiding you love for me with anger. Happens all the time my dear Amethyst. I know you'll admit it sooner or later. But for now, I will do as you wish and leave." Before the jerk left he decided to have a little fun and kiss a certain blonde's cheek. Amy turned red all over and before she had a chance to throw an insult at him, he was gone.

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OhMahGawz is offline
Old 07-01-2009, 12:00 AM

There was some part of Sean that envied Daemon. He was far more confident than Sean could ever dream of being. Of course, that was where the envy stopped. He wasn't bright, or very nice. It wasn't very often that Sean felt an advantage over someone, but with him he felt better. Maybe for now he was going to be dealing with the blunt end of life, but in twenty years he knew which one of them was going to be living a comfortable life and which one was going to have contracted enough STDs to be laughable.

The insult that was slung at him ran off of him like water off a duck's back, but Amy didn't seem quite as willing to let it slide. Safe to say, Sean was surprised when she hit Daemon. There was no way he had expected her to scream to top it all off. Did she really like him that much? Maybe she's not just kidding. He thought, his heart picking up speed just a little.

It was enough to keep his focus away from the conversation at hand. The rest of Amy's words faded off, and his focus only remained in reality during Daemon's reply long enough to see the shocked look on his face turn smug. All he could think about was the fact that Amy really did like him. He blushed a little, his stomach seeming full of butterflies.

His attention only returned whenever Daemon had the nerve to kiss her. It was on the cheek, sure, but it was enough to bother him.

"What an egotistical jackass." He muttered. Almost instantly he froze in terror, realizing he had said that out loud. All Sean could do was pray that Daemon hadn't heard by some good fortune.

Chase the Morning, Yeild for Not...
ThyFaerieQueen is offline
Old 07-01-2009, 02:32 PM

Amy coughed, quietly, for screaming really made her throat hurt. She picked up her mask and walked over to Sean. "I have to agree with you on that one. He has more criminal offenses than my IQ number, which is really saying something. But when my Dad hears I hit him, there might be hell to pay, or a good pat on the back. I can't really be sure yet." Emerald eyes looked at Sean. "Thanks for grabbing my shoes. They easily slip off. And I'm sorry you had to see that. I can't believe that jerk, kissing me like I'm his whore." You could see the anger in Amy's eyes.

It died down fairly quickly though. "I didn't mean to walk out on you like that. I was just embarressed by myself. When I get excited I say stuff that's suppossed to be kept in my head." She smiled softly, blushing even more. "I feel like a stalker. I've been watching you all week in French trying to ask you to come with me tonight. I never got to ask. I'm sorry."

OOC: Sorry it's so short. T.T

Dead Account Holder
OhMahGawz is offline
Old 07-04-2009, 04:34 AM

Although he tried to keep from laughing, Amy's insult made Sean let out a low chuckle. "Well, I'll give you a pat on the back all you need for giving that idiot what-for." There was a moment's pause, and within the moment he let himself lose just a little bit of control. "Or..."

Sean gave her a small peck on the cheek, followed by a grin he didn't even know he could muster. Considering he was full of terror at how she would react and anger at how stupid he had been, the fact that he could smile was magical. "That's better than a pat on the back, right?"

Despite how confidently he seemed to be carrying himself he was blushing so much he would be shocked if his face weren't as red as a tomato. Even the smile turned into some mix of shock and delight when she admitted about her wanting to ask him to the dance. And, if possible, his face became even more red.

"I...well, I thought you never even noticed me. I'm surprised you even new my name, honestly." He gave a shaky laugh.


It's okay. x.o
My reply was short, too, so I understand.

Chase the Morning, Yeild for Not...
ThyFaerieQueen is offline
Old 07-05-2009, 01:14 AM

The blush started at her checks, and quickly spread through her whole face, followed by a few minutes of stuttering. Ohmygosh, oh god. He kissed me.

Looking back up at him, a small smile spread across her face. She got up her nerve and kissed Sean on the kips. It wasn't very good, 'cause Amy was extremly inexperienced. But none the less it was so magical. Like a fairytale come true.

"Of course I knew your name. I try and know the names of most people in my classes. And you're cute."

OOC: Yeah, this is really crappy. I'll make it up to you, somehow. If you make a really long one, I can make one back.

Dead Account Holder
OhMahGawz is offline
Old 07-08-2009, 09:32 PM


It's not as long as you wanted, I know, but it's the best I can muster to your reply. xD Otherwise I'd just be rambling.


The instant their lips touched, he felt he had reached heaven. He absolutely froze like a complete idiot, of course, but there was no way he could have prevented the smile that forced its way onto his face. In his chest he could feel his heart pounding as if trying to escape, its beat so powerful he could hardly hear anything beyond it. When she pulled away he let out a quiet chuckle without even realizing it, that familiar blush forcing its way onto his face to accompany his grin.

"Me?" Sean said, not quite being able to believe that he could be seen as cute. "Really? I wouldn't call myself cute. Homely is more like it."

He forced himself to meet her eyes, still smiling, only breaking contact for a second to run his hand through his hair nervously. "I would make a big deal about knowing your name, but I'm pretty sure everybody knows your name. Someone would have to be an idiot not to know who somebody as amazing as you are was." Immediately after saying that he looked down to his shoes and gave an awkward cough, realizing how absolutely cheesy he was being. He must have sounded like some sort of tacky character from some love story! Somehow cheesier than Romeo..he thought negatively, kicking himself internally.

For a second he had the urge to turn around and walk away to avoid any further embarrassment. Before he could even take a single step in the other direction, however, the kiss from just moments before emerged in his head. There was no denying how well that cemented him in place. As long as there was a chance of something quite so magical happening again, he wouldn't have the heart to move an inch.

"I know this is going to sound stupid but...I think I like you."

There. I said it. Now she can hang me and be done with it.

Chase the Morning, Yeild for Not...
ThyFaerieQueen is offline
Old 07-12-2009, 03:52 AM

OOC: I think it's pretty good. Makes me want to do a really long post, so that's good. :) :) :)

Amethyst looked down at her feet, still without shoes. "Ever since I was little, I had this dream of sorts. It wasn't anything spectacular, but it was still a special dream and promise. I always wished that I had my first real kiss at the Masquerade." Blush spread throughout her face, but quickly cooling with the night breeze. Amy tucked a curl of golden hair behind her ear, and looked up to Sean. "Thank you for making that dream come true. It made me feel really special."
A smile spread on Amy's lips. "Homely? Homely is a good word to describe you, Sean Baterdene. I think it's perfect, until I find something better to call you, my homely prince." Amy kissed Sean on the cheek, being perfectly comfortable with it. "I can't believe I just did that..."

Amy tilted her head, a tad bit confused. "I make that big of an impression on people that they all know my name without knowing me?? Really? And amazing? I'm confused...." It seemed the Salutatorian was absolutly clueless when it came to anything and everything about herself. But then her confusion turned back into a smile.

"I think I like you too Sean."

Last edited by ThyFaerieQueen; 07-25-2009 at 06:09 PM..


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