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Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-29-2013, 04:51 AM

Welcome to a place where there are no rules and no one to save you. A strange sickness refered to as the "Breach" has spread across the land and more are dying every day. Half the world's population has already been wiped out in a five year period since the beginning and many say it is just a matter of time before the other half follows. No one knows where the Breach came from but it is like nothing anyone has ever seen before. It seems to attack the brain, one day you could be fine and the next your having hallucinations of things that drive you crazy and to attack those you care about or jump off a building, till eventually your mind litterally overloads, causing a seizure resulting in death. Those infected seem to experience odd qualities, their bodies and minds being pushed to the limits. Episodes of superhuman speed, strength, durability and overall physical abilities have been reported, though due to the speed of deterioration, these only last till the infected dies. During this time, an uprise of crime has begun to happen. Groups have taken charge of neighborhoods, towns and even cities. They take whatever they want and do whatever they want, with little reguard for anyone else. With so many falling ill and dying each day, keeping a strong criminal system has become nearly impossible. Many see it as the coming judgement day and as a trial against man. Others see it as a chance to live their lives to the fullest. How do you see it? Would you try to protect those who are left? Or will you be one who takes what they want? Perhaps you will fall to the madness and the Breach as so many others have done? There is hope for a cure, scientists have found those who have a rare gene within their system that seems to make them imune to the Breach. The trick is finding them without dying first or losing to much of humanity. Those who are found are not treated to nice either, for with panic and chaos, they care little weather these few are willing or not to provide help. They force them under the name of saving the people to become test subjects and undergo experiments. Others are as well, experiments that include injecting them with the Breach that has been concentrated to build up an immunity to it that can be used in the cure. Few of these other subjects survive and the pain from the concentrated Breach virus is horrific to their bodies and mind. Will there be a cure before it's to late, if so, at what cost?

Last edited by Kiyoto; 07-29-2013 at 05:48 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-29-2013, 05:12 AM


1. NO Godmodding
2. Follow Mene Rules
3. Yaoi, Yuri and Romance allowed within the pg 13 rule.
4. NO OOC in the rp thread, keep it in the OOC, this is your only warning.
5. Submit pro's to me titled Breach, or they will not be looked at. NO ACCEPTIONS.
6. No killing off other's characters without their permission, NPC's are free game though.
7. Post a paragraph minimum, NO one. two or three liners. This is your warning.
8. Not a grammar nazi or anything, but please do try in posts.
9. Keep it friendly.
10. Have fun.
11. More rules will be added if needed

Pro Skeleton (you will be able to develop your characters as we go, so it's kinda short.):

HTML Code:
[CENTER][SIZE="1"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Username[/B][/FONT][/SIZE]


[SIZE="1"][FONT="Century Gothic"][I]Age[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Century Gothic"][I]Gender[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Century Gothic"][I]Sexuality[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Century Gothic"][I]Role in the rp, (are you one with the gene, are you infected, are you a military member who is looking for and capturing those with the gene, are you a scientist reaserching and experimenting with the gene, are you a shop keeper of supplies, be creative if you can.)[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Century Gothic"][I]Info on character (everything you want us to know)[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Century Gothic"][I]Theme song [/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

Last edited by Kiyoto; 07-29-2013 at 05:25 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-29-2013, 05:20 AM

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Last edited by Kiyoto; 07-29-2013 at 05:32 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-29-2013, 05:23 AM

Rp Info:

Day: 1

Weather: Partly Cloudy

Status: The military has begun a mass roundup of groups of people to be tested for the gene to combat the Breach.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-29-2013, 05:25 AM


~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 07-30-2013, 06:16 AM

Morning. It was morning, wasn't it? Yes, the sun was in the East. East meant morning, Gemini reminded herself. She had to keep track. Counting. Counting would help. One, two,, not helping. The young redhead stood up and stretched, shaking her head to clear it. Counting never worked, she should know that by now. The numbers just got jumbled. It had been that way ever since she'd come down with the Breach. Come down with it? Is that what it's called? She's not sure anymore. Numbers. Words. They used to make sense, she remembered. "Okay, once more. My name is Gemini. I am sixteen years old. My hair is red and my eyes are blueish purple. I am unlucky. The sun is rising, and I need to eat." She listed off the facts carefully. It was a rehearsed speech, something she did every day to keep herself sane. Only things that were absolute fact. The last sentence usually changed, depending on the time of day. She knew she was hungry, and you had to eat when you were hungry. Right? Yes. Humans ate food to stay alive.

She sighed. Her mind was always so scattered these days. Sometimes, she couldn't be sure what was real. Only the night before she had started seeing things. A sun in the dark sky, a murderous clown following her, the color green where it should not be. Hallucinations, she remembered, were the first part of the Breach. The speed or strength would follow, but only for a short time. Gemini was determined to stay alive until a cure was found. As a cloud passed over the sun, she heard sounds up ahead. Investigating, she saw that the military were up to their tricks again. It made her smile, though she couldn't say why.
Gemini couldn't count the number of times she had thought of giving herself up to them. Maybe their tests could help, she would think. But in the end, she could never work up the nerve. She heard only bad things about those tests, and besides, what could they do now that she was already infected? No, it was better for her to fly under the radar. Still, she was lonely. She missed her big brother, the golden boy, everyone's favorite.

She had never held a grudge against her brother. They were polar opposites, in every way, but Gemini had loved him dearly. Loved him still. She had looked up to him, and she had even liked the nickname he had given her. Except. Except when anyone else used it, it was an insult. So she only liked it when her brother called her "Black Cat." Because he still loved her. They were twins, Gemini and her brother, but he had been born first, and so he was her big brother. Yes, opposites. Even down to their looks. The only thing they had in common was their birthday, and their brains. They had both been smart, but of course her brother was smarter.

Thinking about it made Gemini sad. Finding a safe place to sit, she did the only thing that helped when she was sad. She started to draw. She still had her sketch pad and pencil, the only things she had taken when she had left home. Her sketch pad was filled with drawings. Looking through it, one could see where the Breach had started to take hold. The images were still beautiful, amazingly detailed and lifelike, but the subjects became more and more outlandish. There was only one constant: yes, her brother. She drew him constantly. "Brother, my brother..." She sang, the melody a remnant of a song from a movie she had once loved. At least, she thought it was. It was hard to remember. This time, she drew her brother smiling down at her. He was taller, of course. Always had been. Gemini smiled. "Now you can still be with me, brother. Even if we're not together."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-31-2013, 07:30 AM

Experiment 008 "MockingBird"

The sun rising above was beautiful, so big and bright, he just wanted to reach out and grab it. Laughing, the experiment reached out his hands to the sky above. Sadly, he was sitting on the edge of a building, kicking his legs. He nearley fell, leaning so far foward, though he caught himself by grabbing the edge of the roof. "What a pitty what a pitty, the sun is to high for man!" he laughed again, leaning back this time, falling back onto the roof with a slight "ompf." He stared at the sky for a moment not moving, before his stomach growled. He had not eaten yet since yesterday, it was begining to adgitate him. Hopping up, he moved to the door of the roof, opening it. Humming, he began his decent into the building. The bodies of dead guards within the stairwell did not seem to phase him at all.

Why should they? He was the one who put them there after all. Laughing, he took out his pocket knife, twirling it around. "Get him, help me, no no please" he mocked the voices he had heard in a sing song voice. He hopped down the last few steps to the ground floor, the building dark. It had once been an office building of some kind, now after the Breach, it was abandoned. He walked along the hall, his blade running along the wall as he did. He paused at a door, looking around the corner. It was an old office, just the way whoever had owned it had left it. Stepping inside, he moved to the desk. A picture sat on it, of a man and a woman, with a little girl between them. He picked it up, looking at it.

A flash of a memory errupted in his head, a woman screaming, a man calling out. no no nono! He threw the picture at the wall, making the glass on it shatter, before it fell to the floor. Memories, they were like nightmares now, haunting his sleep, he didn't need them while he was awake. He walked to the window, looking out at the city as he pulled the shades up to let the light fill the room. The people were dying, going mad with this disease. He had it to, though it seemed to be affecting him different then all the rest. Why? Why was he different? Why was he so special? He looked at his reflection within the glass, who was experiment 008 "MockingBird?"

Lestat (Les)

The group of men exited the house. The escaped experiment was not there, nor were any carriers. There had been two bodies in the upstairs bedroom though, a man and woman, elderly. There had been blood all over. Not the sight one should see, though for Lestat, it was typical with the job. He sighed, running a hand through his hair, before looking up at the sky. The sun was rising, with it his thoughts. He wondered how many infected they would kill today, how many carriers they would find, or if they would find the experiment that had escaped? It was hard to tell, every day held new challenges and its own set of horror filled events. He sighed, a sound off to his side caught his attention. He glanced to see a man staggering down the street with a butcher knife, blood on his clothes and face. He was laughing, crying out something about death coming to claim them all.

Placing his hand to his side, he gripped the handle of his sword. The man was heading for them, the others had their guns drawn aimed at the man. Before they could fire however, Lestat rushed forward, in an instant slicing along the man's neck, until it was clean off and the body fell. The guards watched silent, a bit scared of him and he knew it. Most were. He gave a flick of his blade, to get the blood off, before sheathing it again. The Breach...a leaked virus was doing this to people. It was not airborn, though it could be spread through fluids, through the water and many foods, as well as animals. The infected still had to eat and such, odly many were known to bite as well. At first due to this, many had thought it was some form of zombie apocolypse at first...if only they had been that lucky.

No, this virus drove its victims mad, to the brink of insanity. Tearing them appart from the inside out, their minds, then bodies, costing them their lives. The human population was depleating quickly. The worst carriers were the animals, their brains so small, they were more proned to anger and attacking those who could not fight back. With the population thinning, more wild animals were prone to coming within cities and such as well. He could see a wolf or even a bear on his job and not be surprised one bit. They would be put down, like any other. Letting the guards handle this, he turned away, walking on down the street. He pulled out his phone, dialing a number, before hanging up and waiting, the phone rang a few minutes later, "hello."

Yuki "Ghost" Sayuri

Yuki had been in the shower when the phone rang, getting out he grabbed his robe and a towel for his head. Thank god most of the technology and water was running still, after five years some of the suriving people had taken up running the plants to give people their needs. He walked over to the phone, flipping it open to read the name. Lestat. Why was he not surprised, the other was one of the few with his number, which was changed often. He was also the only one who insisted on calling him so much, to check up on him. The phone quit, as was their agreement. He would call the number, let it ring three time, then hang up. If all was well, he would get a call back. If ment Yuki was in danger, or something was wrong. He would not be surprised to find Lestat kicking down his door not long later if that happened. Pressing the button, he held the phone up to his ear.

"Hello...I'm alright Les, just as I was yesterday" he says, moving to the window. "I wanted to make sure, we are in your area today..will you be alright?" Lestat's voice asked from the other end. He didn't seem to mind being called Les anymore, a nickname Yuki had come up with a while back when he had found Lestat and nursed him back to health. He had hated it at first, but Yuki had kept right on calling him it. He crossed his arms, leaning againt the window sill looking out. "I'll be fine, I will lock the doors and stay inside today if I must" he says then paused, "wait...I can't...I have a drop off today to do, can't stay here" he says. Lestat sighed on the other end of the phone, "must it be today? I hate the thought of you going out alone.." Yuki smiled a bit, "aw worried about me?"

Lestat hesitated, Yuki could tell that he did, but he would not admit it. "I can't aford you dying on me, especially being a carrier and such a good little boy at what you do" the teasing tone in his voice and his words made a slight blush form on Yuki's cheeks. "Jerk" he said, Lestat chuckling on the other end. "Where is this drop off?" he asked. "The old appartments downtown...why?" he knew the answer. "I'm coming with you" there it was. He sighed, Lestat would show up one way or another, no point in arguing with him really. His sword and him altogether would be a good asset though. Yuki was secretly relieved to hear he would come with him. " here in an hour" he says, "don't be late." With that he clicked the phone closed, drying his hair, and turning to get dressed. This would be an interesting day.

Kaito Starr

The sun brought another morning. Another day of this growing nightmare, another day of this hell. Kaito sighed, making sure that the gun he had hidden within his belt was secure. So far he hadn't had to use it and he hoped he wouldn't have to. The thought of killing someone made him squirm, though with the kind of people that were out there now, he was going to have to get over that soon. He couldn't go to the military for what he was looking for. No, they would just kill her if they found her. He was looking for his sister, she had been infected then took off without even so much as a goodbye. Now he was looking for her, he would finsd her, he would protect her. He did not want to get involved with the military anyways, for he had herd that they were testing people for some gene that made them immune to the Breach, as well as subjects to experiment on.

Of course he had thought the man who had told him this was crazy from all that was going on, but he was not to interested to find out if he had been telling the truth. He sighed, looking at the rhoad in front of him. Another city, another day. How was he going to find her in this mess? Running a hand through his hair, he walked along the street. Something smelled, what was that? It smelled like..rotting meat. He froze, it was comming from the ally up ahead. He could turn back, try to find another way around, but his feet would not move. His heart was racing and his mouth went a bit dry. He herd a slight sound that was similar to that of a growl, before three dogs stepped out of the ally, their snouts covered in blood. His stomach did a spiral, he thought for a moment he would throw up right then and there. The dogs looked at him, snarling. Their eyes were dark and bloodshot, they were deffinetly under the Breach.

Kaito took a step back, the dogs watching him. He took another, then another. He did not dare make any sudden movements, the dogs could rush at any time. If they were faster....He swallowed, he couldn't think like that, no, he had to escape. He took another step back into something...or rather someone. An arm wrapped around him, making him jump. "What's the hurry, the bats arn't here yet" slurred words met his ear. His body tensed, dammit, he had let his guard down. He had to make a move, had to do something! He turned, throwing a punch and hitting the man in the head. He staggered, but Kaito did not stay to give him a good look, taking off as the dogs gave a loud howl and were lunging forward. Great, this was turning into one hell of a morning.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-01-2013, 05:23 AM

Gemini giggled as she finished her drawing. It was good, she thought. But something was off. Yes, off...his smile. Yes, her brother had never smiled like that, never looked like a hungry cat staring at a fish. She frowned. That was not her brother's smile, it was the smile of an infected person. She closed her sketchbook and shook her head, angry. Had the virus really gone that far, to have altered her memories? Her stomach growled, temporarily taking her mind off of her anger, and she decided to go looking for food.

Walking through the back alleys that she had learned through the past weeks, Gemini kept her senses on alert for any danger. While she was doing this, she caught a whiff of something. Rotting meat? Her stomach turned, and she was slightly relieved to know that she hadn't gone as far as eating rotting meat yet. Still, curiosity made her follow the scent. She arrived in an alleyway just in time to see three dogs chasing after a boy about her age. Narrowing her eyes, she considered following. The boy's figure, his build and hair color had seemed familiar. But why? Well, she had to find out, now.

Determined, Gemini climbed a fire escape and started following the boy and dogs overhead on the rooftops. It wasn't long before she caught up with them, and she looked for a way down. Frowning, she realized there was only one way down: she had to jump. The madness caught up to her and overtook all rational thought. Suddenly, jumping seemed like fun. With a smile, she ran forward and jumped down, curling up in the air so that she landed rolling, and rolled to her feet. Of course- physical super abilities. She never would have survived that jump back when she was well. Shaking this thought, she looked to see that she had timed her jump perfectly, and had landed directly between the boy and the dogs. The dogs snarled at her, angry that she had interrupted their hunt. As they lunged forward, Gemini pulled a dagger from her boot and started fighting all three at once. She heard the sound of laughter, and realized that it was coming from her. She was actually laughing as she fought tooth and nail with three diseased dogs. "What does it matter? I'm already infected! You mutts can't hurt me! Silly doggies!" She laughed.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-02-2013, 01:03 AM

Kaito froze as the dogs stopped and began fighting....That voice. He turned, looking back the way he had come. No, it couldn't be....could it? He stood there for a moment silent, memories flowing through his mind of the little girl growing up along side of him all these years. The girl who had become infected, then run away without a word. The whole world seemed to slow down around them and he could't move. He took a breath, his heart racing quickly. This was not what he had expected at all. He had gone off to try and find her, though somehow she had found him. It couldn't be, could it? He forced himself to take a step forward towards her. The dogs snarreling and dripping saliva all over as they rushed and attempted to attack. His shaking hand went to the gun in his belt, slipping it out. He tried to focus, as he lifted the gun and aimed it. His hands were moving from side to side a bit, he was barley able to recognize about the weapon. He swallowed hard, looking over at her as he felt sick. His stomach turning as his heart was racing "G...gem?"

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-02-2013, 03:22 AM

Gemini laughed as one of the dogs fell, a fatal gash to the stomach bleeding it out. And then...and then. That voice. No, it couldn't be. Impossible. But. But no one had ever called her Gem besides him. She turned, startled, as time seemed to slow down. Even the snarling dogs seemed to fade away as she looked at a face she had thought she would never see again. A face so like her own, but so different. So familiar that she considered him half of her own soul.

"Kai..." She whispered, then, "Kai! Dammit!" Time sped up again with a snap, and she leaped forward to slit the throat of a dog that was advancing on her brother. It was surreal, she thought. Their whole lives, Kaito had been the one to protect her, and now suddenly she was saving him. It was strange enough to make her wonder if it was the madness making her hallucinate again. Once the second dog was dispatched, she turned to the third dog and growled menacingly. Insane though it was, the creature still had enough sense to know that it should stay back.

"That won't last long. Kai, what the hell are you doing here? I came so far. Weeks...months? Years? Time means nothing anymore. But it's been so long. I thought for sure you were safe. But here you are, not safe. Not safe at all. Safe? Unsafe? Unsafeness. NO!" She shook her head violently, trying to clear her thoughts. She couldn't let him see her this way, talking the way she was. She had to seem sane. "Stupid doggies..."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-02-2013, 06:20 AM

Kaito looked at the girl, no, he looked at his sister. Taking a breath, he found that he had been holding it. His body still shaking a bit, though he forced himself to aim the gun at the dog. A gun, was he really prepared to use it? No, though after watching his sister with a knife, how could he really say he could not fire? All of this was madness, guns, knives, people dying, the entire stupid Breach. He closed his eyes for a moment, he needed to focus. He had come all this way to help her, to FIND her, now here she was. His finger tightened on the trigger. He was doing the right thing...right? The dog would die anyways soon enough, it must have been in so much pain and confusion, the Breach inside its head. His finger tightened more. He wanted to help them, to end this, to stop it all. There had to be a way right? There had to be a-

The gun went off. He froze. He had not realized he had squeezed so tightly on it. Maybe he missed. Maybe the dog would still be alive. Maybe he hadn't killed it. He opened his eyes and froze. No. He had hit it. The dog laid on the ground, a bullet hole right between the eyes. Oh god, he had done that, he had killed it. His eyes still on it, the gun still in his hand. It was smoking a bit, the feel of the kick from it still vibrating his hands a bit. He felt even more sick then before. Sick and unsure of himself. He had killed it. Killed the first thing ever in his life... He lowered the gun slowly, he couldn't focus on The shot would have allerted whatever was around, good or evil. All he wanted, was to get the hell away. He grabbed his sister's hand, and ran

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-02-2013, 07:21 AM

Gemini waited for her brother to answer her, but he seemed to be struggling with something. The gun? Could he not use it? That was just like him. Kai would never-
Gemini jumped, surprised by the sound. Kai had fired? Yes. But...not on purpose. She could tell by his face, even though he didn't speak. Then he was grabbing her hand and running, and she thought of how they used to run like this through the back yard. Gemini smiled and laughed just as she had back then. "Kai, where are we going? Be careful, Black Cat is bad luck!" She said gleefully. She knew why they were running, but she simply couldn't make herself think straight. They were in danger. Danger? The word sparked something in her head, bringing her senses back. She stopped short, yanked her brother into a nearby building, and shut the door securely behind them. "Danger! You are in danger! Kaito, what are you doing here? I left to keep you and mom and dad safe! I came all this way to make sure you couldn't possibly be in any danger from me! And here you are, risking infection, risking your safety if I go insane on you...what are you thinking?" She asked. She had started off yelling, but at the end of her tirade, she was crying. She wanted to throw herself forward and hug her brother like she would have before, but instead she kept her distance, making sure she couldn't infect him in any way.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-02-2013, 07:36 AM

He stepped forward, grabbing her arms and pinning her against the wall. "I came for my sister...Breach or no Breach, you are still my sister" he says, looking her straight in the eyes. He was shaking, reeling from all of this. He sighed, turning away from her and running a hand through his hair. "You left without so much as a word, not even a goodbye. Do you have ANY idea how much that hurt? How much you scared mother and father? How much you scared me?" He turned to look at her again. "I do not care what I am risking, what is going on or that you are infected...I am NOT leaving you to die alone, or at all if I can stop it" he says. "I will follow you wherever you go if I have to, you run, I'll chase" he says moving close again, "no matter where you go I will ALWAYS find you, I will always be there for you my little blackcat."

He pulled her into his arms, holding her against him in a hug. He did not care about the danger or the world at the moment, none of it mattere but her to him at the moment. He stood there, though looking at his hand, he still held the gun. He stepped back, putting it away with a sigh. "I can't believe I did that" he says. "I will have to learn to shoot sometime I suppose" he could not get the image from his head. It had been for him and for his sister right? So he shouldn't feel this way. He had helped the dog, yes, he needed to believe that. He took a breath, looking at his sister for a moment, then around them. The building was silent, a tad bit creepy. Were they alone here? Or was something lurking around the corner. He did not want to think about it right now.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-03-2013, 03:53 AM

Gemini sniffled, and then, when he pulled her into a hug, she finally let herself sob, hugging her brother tightly. "K-kai, I'm so sorry. I was so scared, I didn't want to get any of you infected. I swear I left a note, but it must have gotten lost. I missed you so's selfish, but I don't want you to ever leave me again!" She said, looking up at him with teary eyes. "I was surprised, too. I didn't think you'd shoot it. But, I never thought I'd carry a knife, either, and here I am. It's scary the first time, and you never really get used to it...oh! I know, you have to see my drawings! I've drawn so much, my sketch pad is almost full! I drew you a lot." She exclaimed, trying to get his mind off of whatever was bothering him. She took out her sketchbook and handed it to him with the expression of hope she had always worn as a child when showing him her pictures. She had always wanted to please him above all else. "My soul was missing, and now he's here~ Half and half, sun and moon~" She sang softly, slipping a little bit back into the madness.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-04-2013, 06:53 PM

He glanced at her, watching for a moment. It saddened him a bit to see her like this, though he would not share that information with her. He did not want to worry or scare her at all. He opened the book that she handed him, looking through the picturres that she had done through the past time she had been one. "Their really good as always" he smiles affectionatly at her. He hid the other feelings for now away to where she would not have to see them. She was happy and safe, for now that was indeed enough for him. They would talk and worry about this later. A noise upstairs made him pause. While she was singing, he sat the book down slowly, before moving to the stairs. What had that been? His heart began to race just a little at the thought of having to potentially face something else so soon. He knew the best option was to probrably leave, though the outside world was not a plesant one at the moment. The house was only a bit safer and if someone was within, the best thing would be to know who and why right? He slowly made his way up the stairs a bit, his eyes on the top. His mind moving back to the man and the dogs, what was here? Would it be worse then that? Could it be a survivor or something? He hoped one thing was for sure, that he would not have to use his gun again.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-05-2013, 05:03 AM

Gemini frowned slightly when he put her sketchbook down. She had expected a bigger reaction, seeing as the drawings were rather graphic. "Really good? They're really good? LIAR! You're hiding from me! I can tell, I always could tell! Those are awful, horrible images! Pictures of death and disease and entrails! You don't want me to see how you really feel, that you feel sad for me! You thought I'd react badly, didn't you? I would rather have the truth! Liar liar li-" She stopped suddenly as a noise sounded from above. Instantly, she slipped her knife out of her boot and followed her brother up the stairs. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she realized that her tantrum was Breach related. Growing up, Gemini had never thrown tantrums or yelled. When she was angry or upset, she would withdraw into herself and fall silent. Why was she yelling all of a sudden? And at her twin, no less? She had never, ever gotten that angry at Kaito.

Last edited by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~; 08-06-2013 at 03:19 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-05-2013, 08:57 AM

"Shhhh" he hissed at her yelling. He sighed a bit, it seemed this madness had gone farther then he had thought. He did think some of them were good, others he had not spent much time on due to the thoughts within his mind, and this place. It was never a good idea to let one's guard down within the Breach madness. Danger could be anywhere. He paused at the top, looking slowly around the corner of the hall. The door on the end was adjar, though other than that, it looked fine. There were pictures on the wall, of a family.

A man and woman, even a little girl and boy with a dog. It almost made him think of his own family. "Stay here" he said to his sister, before placing his hand on the concieled gun. He stood, slowly moving down the hall towards the door. One of the boards creaked under his foot, causing him to freeze instantly. He swallowed, his eyes never leaving the door. When nothing moved, he took a breath and moved to the door.

He placed a hand on the wood, pushing it open a bit. A blue nursery greeted him. So, they had been expecting a baby?He looked around, no one was there. He let out a breath, till something moved inside the slightly open closet. He drew his gun, pointing it at the door. "Come out" he said, trying to sound braver then he felt. No answer came.

"Last warning" he called, taking a step, then another. He moved to the door, reaching out his hand. Gripping the knob, he pulled open the door, bracing himself for the worst. What he got was a meow. The closet only had a few boxes in it, sitting between two was a black and white cat. He looked at it, the yellow green eyes looking back at him as the tail swished.

Kaito laughed a bit shakily, relieved it was only a cat. He put away the gun and kneeled. "Hey little guy" the cat meowed again and rubbed against his leg. "Friendly arn't you" he looked at the name on the collar, "Whiskers....your family left you here...didn't they?" The cat looked up at him, giving a light meow as it did. He picked it up, moving back to the door. "It's ok, just a kitty" he smiled.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-06-2013, 03:18 AM

Gemini, of course, did not listen to his orders. She followed her brother into the room, and watched warily as he approached the closet. She came up behind him as he picked up the cat. "Don't trust it." She said severely. Infected can seem perfectly harmless at first, and then go mad on you. What do you think you're doing, anyway, telling me to stay?" She put her hands on her hips, clearly annoyed. "I am not as helpless as I used to be. In fact, I'm better able to take care of myself than ever. You,'re out of you're element here, Kai. Now that you're here, you would be smart to stay near me rather than leaving me behind like a good little girl." She told him crossly, still eyeing the cat with distrust.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 08:48 PM

He sighed a bit, "I came to protect you, you need to trust me instead of arguing with me. What if it had been an enemy, it would have known both of us were here, meaning we lose our element of surprise. Rushing in without thought means your putting us both in danger and we both could be dead right need to think more rationally." He held the cat passing her a bit, "I am not as so out of my element as you think, not everyone is an enemy thankfully, and I do not need to be looked after like I am helpless." The cat gave a meow in his arms and he sighed a bit, "we should see if there is any food here, to keep our strength up...I hate fighting with you my not worry about me, I am here to help and to have your back...I will protect you." With that he walked out, going back down the stairs to find the kitchen. There had to be cat food around to, being there was a cat in the house. He sat the little guy on the counter as he looked through the cubbords. He smiled, most still well stocked, the family had been here maybe not long ago. That was good and bad, they shouldn't stay for to long then. The cat watched from the counter, swaying his tail as he seemed to wait patiently where he was. Kaito smiled, such a cute animal.

The city was quiet and still at the moment, no one seemed to be out. What a bore. Walking down the street, MockingBird whistled as he spun his knife around. He looked around a bit, but still no signs of entertainment or anyone at all. Maybe this place was a barren wastland like others he had been to. He sighed a bit, though soon smelled something icky. He followed it to an ally, where a body laid in a pool of blood. Crouching down by it, he poked it with the tip of his kife. Yup, he was dead alright. MockingBird laughed, so sad, so funny. He sat back against the wall by the body.

"Poor poor little fishy, in the end the cat got you" he notices the larger bloody footprients leading away, "or the doggies!" He hopped up, following the prints out of the ally and down the street until he came upon the bodies. They laid in the street, some harmed by a blade, one shot by a gun. He laughed, so there were people around here! What fun what fun, maybe he would be able to find them and make some new friends, though if they didn't want to be his friends...He lightly smiled, his hand tightening on the handle of his blade, before he continued down the street. He would find the little fishies or the mousies, this would be a good day in the end indeed.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 08-08-2013 at 09:37 PM..

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 03:59 AM

Gemini crossed her arms and followed her brother to the kitchen. "You don't seem to understand. I don't need to be protected!" She said, aggravated that he seemed to think she was helpless without him. "And thinking rationally doesn't always work. You could barely shoot a dog, how am I supposed to trust that you could shoot a real enemy? Speaking of which, everyone, and I mean everyone is an enemy out here. No matter how innocent they might seem." She said, glaring at the cat. She did think it was cute, and when she was healthy she had loved animals, but now the disease in her mind would not let her trust this one. "Why do you have to pay more attention to that cat than me? I'm your sister. I need you more than any stupid cat. Are you listening? Don't make me fight with you! NO NO NO!!" She clutched her head and shook it. "No. My name is Gemini. I am sixteen years old. My hair is red and my eyes are blueish purple. I am unlucky. My twin is here now. It is morning. The cat is not dangerous..." She chanted her daily mantra, trying to keep herself centered. She couldn't go mad, not now. Not with Kai there. "I'm not crazy. I'm not. My name is me...."

Last edited by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~; 08-12-2013 at 03:28 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-10-2013, 12:54 AM

Kaito sighed a bit, moving over to his sister. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. The cat seemed to sense something was wrong, coming over and rubbing up against the two purring and giving slight meows. "It's alright, calm down" he said calmly and quietly, holding her close to him. He hummed lightly, an old lullaby their mother used to sing to them when they were little or upset. It brought back memories, not all good, but they were still a part of his past and his sisters as well. He took a breath, lifting her face to give her a reassuring smile. "We will be alright and get through this...I promise" he says to her. He holds her within his arms once more, not letting go of her. "You and I are a team, we always have been, always will be" he says, "this is not going to get the best of us alright? We can do this..together."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 05:15 AM

Gemini stepped into her brother's embrace gratefully. She rocked back and forth as he hummed their lullaby, letting it calm her as it always used to. She looked up at him trustingly when he lifted her face, and she nodded. "Right. A team." She agreed. then he was hugging her again, and this time she hugged him back. "Everything will be okay if we stick together. Kai, please promise that if I lose my sanity, you won't abandon me." She asked quietly. She heard the cat meowing and reached out to pet it, even as she was hugging her brother.

Last edited by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~; 08-12-2013 at 03:28 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 10:14 PM

"Of course I would never abandon you" he said, lifting her face a bit. "I came all this way for you, I am not going to leave you alright" he held onto her tight. He ment it, he would stay with her to the end if he had to, never leaving her side. He gave her a light smile, holding her close. "We should eat, get our strength" he turned back to the counters still humming the lullaby. He smiles at her warmly. The cat was moving around his sister, running up against her a bit. He chuckled lightly, enjoing the calmness of the moment, even if it was fleeting. He would take what he could get. Looking at the cubbords, he looked for whatever they could take with them, taking cans and boxes down form it. He tilts his head a little bit, wondering if this would be alright.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-12-2013, 03:28 AM

Gemini nodded. "Okay. Thank you." She said. She stepped back a little to lean against the wall, and watched him search for food. She petted the cat absently and smiled. The disease had receded for the moment, letting her mind rest and allowing her to think clearly for the first time. She knew, of course, that the madness would rear back up again soon, but for the moment it seemed as though the mere presence of her twin could help her. "I'm sure whoever lived here won't mind if we take some food. If they left the cat, they're probably not coming back. Besides, at least if we eat it, it won't go to waste." She reasoned as she watched him puzzle over the food.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-15-2013, 04:13 AM

"Still, it is not truly ours" he says. He had never stolen anything within his life, taking things that were not his or without asking felt wrong to him. Taking a breath, he turned away and moved back up the stairs. They had to have a bag somewhere, one that they could put things they would need within it. He felt horrible at the idea of looking around someone's house, though it gave him a chance to think about other things a bit. Where would they go from here? There had to bee someplace safe, where they could stay for awhile. He sighed a bit, looking at some of the pictures on the wall. A happy family, like theirs used to be, until all of this happened. He slipped a hand into his pocket, pulling out a picture of their family. The last one that was taken before all of this began. They looked so happy, smiling and looking at the camera. He noticed his hand was shaking a bit, placing the picture back within his pocket. There would be more, he would make sure their family was safe and sound. Which ment the place to head...was home.


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