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Old 09-19-2007, 01:42 AM

If you feel the need to make comments/critique, please feel free.

Oh, now I want to try this. I need to develop my OCs, more so...

I'll add more information about my OCs to this post later. (Profiles and stuff). I just wanna start writing now. XD

Name: Magnus
Species: Formerly human, now a dragon/human hybrid
Gender: Female
Fairly tall girl with blond hair cut to chin length around her head with one long tail in the back. Has one blue eye and one red eye, scars where wings would be, and one scar on her left shoulder. Very, very flat chested. (Could probably go around half naked with nobody noticing.)
Magnus is the chosen dragon knight of Kazhiel and Kiriel. First she fell into their world, spent a lot of time with them, then they were separated in a terrible accident that sent them across the worlds, made Magnus into a dragon/human and also made her think her companions were dead. Now that they're reunited, they fight together to protect the worlds as members of the Infinity Mark.

Name: Kiriel
Species: Dragon (takes human form)
Gender: Male
In dragon form, is a large black dragon with a fluffy dark red mane. In human form, is a tall, dark skinned young man with short, dark red hair. Has ruby eyes and black dragon wings. Very mischievous.
Kiriel is one of Magnus' dragon companions. After the incident that separated them, Kiriel traveled the worlds, honing his shadow powers. Now reunited with the others, he is a member of the Infinity Mark.

Name: Kazhiel
Species: Dragon (takes human form)
Gender: Male
In dragon form, is a long, serpentine white dragon with a blue mane. In human form, is slightly shorter than Kiriel, has pale skin, and long, pale blue hair held up in a pony tail. Has light blue violet eyes and white dragon wings.
Kazhiel is the other of Magnus' dragon companions. After the incident that separated them, Kazhiel traveled the worlds and nearly got killed a few times because of his lack of offensive powers. Kazhiel, while regaining a mental link with Magnus and Kiriel once the two reunite, returns to Infinity Castle much later, missing an arm, vocal cords and much of his pride. (Nikora restores the first two with his magic.) Prior to that point, the Kazhiel staying in the castle was an impostor.

Name: Shaft
Species: Half elf/Half Fae
Gender: Male
Has semi long red hair (about an inch past his chin), gray eyes, and long pointed ears. He has several mystical marking on his body, including on his forehead, under his eyes, along the tips of his ears and on his shoulders. (These markings are green and glow when he uses magic.) He is very short, only just barely taller than the girls.
Shaft was raised as a human on Earth, but eventually fell into a magical portal, where he met Odessa, Damien, and several others. It is eventually revealed that Shaft is a powerful magician, and that neither of his parents were human. For a while, Shaft is separated from the others when they are all sent to different worlds, but eventually they are reunited and they join the Infinity Mark.

Name: Damien
Species: Butterfly Demon
Gender: Male
Hair is all black except for one large white chunk above his left eye. The left eye is golden, while the right is blue. Ears are slightly pointed, and he has several scale like objects over his body. (These extend and become armor like when he is fighting.) Has wings that have patterns like a monarch butterfly (only white/not orange) and antennae that can grow to any length from five inches to six feet.
Damien and his older brother fell into a portal and were nearly made sacrifices by a bunch of heathen demons. Damien and his brother escaped in opposite directions, but both were cursed to eventually become demons themselves! Damien's curse was shown by a tattoo marking running down the left side of his body, along with the gold eye and white hair. He met Shaft and Odessa, and they traveled around the world. Eventually they were separated and sent off to different worlds, but they reunite later when joining the Infinity Mark. It was only after the final confrontation with Jackle/Janus that Damien received his true form and that he finally accepted his powers.

Name: Odessa
Species: Originally human, became an angelic
Gender: Female
Girl with very long blond hair pulled up in a ponytail, and sometimes decorated with cute clips. Has bright green eyes, and is almost always smiling. Has light blue, almost white wings. Is very very short.
Odessa also got pulled into a portal and ended up landing on the seal of an evil angel. Said evil decided to enter Odessa's body, and slowly began erasing Odessa's memories in hopes of being able to take over. Throughout the journey with Shaft and Damien, Odessa has moments of possession and battles her memory loss. Eventually, Odessa manages to banish the being within her, regain her lost memories, and become an angel in her own right. When they are separated, she travels the worlds, generally getting into mischief, and eventually joins the Infinity Mark.

Name: Janus
Species: Formerly angel of the plant element, now half monster/half angel
Gender: Male
Appearance: Long red hair that he usually braids or puts into a ponytail and pointed ears. Also has five green eyes, one on his forehead, and two tiny ones under his regular eyes. His wings are green and brown, and you can see small plants and vines growing in them.
Janus was part of a reincarnated group of angels that were fighting a group of demons on his homeworld. Eventually, Janus finds the forbidden information that the group of demons were not truly the bad guys, and that there was another force pulling the mysterious monsters that appeared in the world's strings. As Janus tries to escape with this information, he is ambushed with no escape. Finally a voice offers to help Janus, and he accepts. Unfortunately, this voice was the evil spirit virus known as Jackle, and it possessed his body, killed everything within a 20 foot radius, then began to travel around to different worlds. Jackle eventually comes head to head with Shaft, who he wants as a new host. Eventually, the Infinity Mark manages to exorcise Jackle out of Janus. Janus is revealed to be another Infinity Mark, and he joins them in protecting all worlds.



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Old 09-19-2007, 01:52 AM

My list of 100 different words. Taken from here. Last five were chosen by me because they popped into my head.

Finished prompts will be italicized.
  • 1. Crash
    2. Dim
    3. Futile
    4. Erratic
    5. Loved
    6. Soft
    7. Hold
    8. Shackles
    9. Broken
    10. Precious
    11. Odds and Ends
    12. Tea
    13. Twisted
    14. Echo
    15. Soothe
    16. Fight
    17. Naked
    18. Push
    19. Alive
    20. New
    21. Born
    22. Murmur
    23. Devious
    24. Isolation
    25. Starve
    26. Breakable
    27. Winter
    28. Ignore
    29. Color
    30. Grace
    31. Belong
    32. Choke
    33. Reach
    34. Difficult
    35. Heat
    36. Veneer
    37. Fall
    38. Nightmare
    39. Contagious
    40. Good riddance
    41. Goodbye
    42. Scarred
    43. Last Dance
    44. Burn
    45. Steady
    46. Monster
    47. Voodoo
    48. Shine
    49. Intent
    50. Camping
    51. Grave
    52. Machine
    53. Destination
    54. Nowhere
    55. Garden
    56. I know
    57. Dust
    58. Dream
    59. Destiny
    60. Spring
    61. Sigh
    62. Fingertips
    63. Waiting
    64. Playboy
    65. Revenge
    66. July
    67. Desire
    68. Free
    69. Celebration
    70. Stars
    71. Morgue
    72. Space
    73. Whitewash
    74. Alone
    75. Coma
    76. Letters
    77. Phone Call
    78. Music
    79. Silence
    80. Cards
    81. Emblem
    82. Elephant
    83. Monopoly
    84. Reality
    85. Serenity
    86. Bone
    87. Chalk dust
    88. Manuscript
    89. Ink
    90. Perfection
    91. Ring
    92. Drive
    93. Missing
    94. Full Moon
    95. New Direction
    96. Breathe
    97. Pulse
    98. Hope
    99. Light
    100. Dark

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Old 09-19-2007, 02:03 AM

42. Scarred
Characters: Magnus, Kazhiel and Kiriel
Warnings: Blood
Scenario: After the battle...

Magnus held the wad of shredded cloth to her wounded shoulder. The pale brown material quickly soaked through, hanging like a limp red banner from her hand. Holding her arm stiffly, so as not to agitate the injury, she stumbled over to her friends, barely keeping her balance over the rocky battleground.

Kiriel lifted his head at her approach, giving a snort of annoyance upon seeing her wound. The black dragon had sustained a few injuries himself, but none of the monsters that had ambushed them could seriously harm him in his true form. Kazhiel, however, had managed to receive a hard blow from a troll's club, and was out cold.

'Leave it to the healer to get himself knocked out,' Kiriel moaned in mindspeech.

The two sat in silence, tolerating their pain until Kazhiel finally woke up. Muttering sincere appologies, he set about healing their wounds.

Though it was too late, and the young woman found herself scarred.

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Old 09-19-2007, 02:28 AM

8. Shackles
Characters: Shaft, Damien, brief mention of Odessa
Warnings: Boy/Boy, very light mature content (suggestion mostly)
Scenario: Shaft and Damien spend some alone time after Shaft receives a very odd gift...

Odessa had given the redhead the brightly wrapped box with a wink, telling him not to open it until he was alone with Damien later. Frankly, the half elf wanted to throw the package out the window and be done with it, but then Damien reminded him that Odessa would probably be asking about it later. Grudgingly, the halfling had agreed to open his gift, if only to see it before tossing it in the garbage.

Odessa did have the most obscure sense of humor, after all.

So, after tearing off the ridiculously shiny paper, unraveling too many ribbons (Shaft had to use his magic to remove the last one, apparently Odessa had some sort of degree in tying knots), the couple was faced with a fairly innocuous brown box. Shaft warily poked it with a tendril of wind magic, half expecting it to explode.

"It would probably be better just to open it," Damien urged softly, one of his antennae falling in front of his face as he leaned forward. Shaft gave his lover a dirty look, then, quickly, flicked off the top of the box with one finger.

After a few moments at the opposite ends of the room, and being sure that something wasn't going to pop out of the box and attack them, they slowly approached the present. Since Shaft seemed to be unwilling to do anything but eye the gift warily, Damien took it upon himself to inspect the contents. Peering over the edge of the container, he got his first glimpse of Shaft's birthday present.

Judging by the expression on Damien's face, Shaft determined that, whatever Odessa had given him, it was definitely something weird. Joining Damien next to the box, he took his first cautious glance inside.

First there was the puzzlement. This was followed by slow recognition, then slow denial, then admittance that what he saw was indeed what he saw.

By this point, Damien had lifted the object out of the box, and held it dangling from one hand. The confused look still hadn't left his face.

"Um, Shaft, what does Odessa expect you to do with a pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs?" he asked, examining the offending article as if it had some hidden meaning.

Shaft vowed to do something unpleasant to Odessa at the first opportunity. But first...

He grabbed the cuffs out of Damien's hands, maybe a little too quickly, and tossed them across the room. A red flush spread across his face. Just what was that crazy she-angel thinking he'd do with these.

"Just forget it, Dami," he mumbled, shaking his head. Damien shrugged and sat down on the bed. He figured that whatever it was Shaft was hiding, he'd tell him if necessary. Or whenever he stopped being embarrassed about it.

After all, what could a fuzzy pair of handcuffs mean?

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Old 09-19-2007, 05:54 PM

31. Belong
Characters: Mainly Janus, hints of Shaft, Damien, Magnus, Odessa, Jackle
Warnings: Hmmm...not really.
Scenario: Janus awakens after his exorcism...

Janus awakened to the sunrise, as he had a thousand times before, bathing in the light of a new day. Swinging his legs off the bed, he stretched towards the ceiling, arms and legs that were finally his and his alone to command. He took delight in wiggling every finger, down to the smallest, exhilarated with his own actions.

Was the spirit virus gone forever? Janus, in a rare moment of cynicism, didn't believe that the tenacious ghoul would give up so easily. However, now that it had been driven from his body, he had immunity, a blessing in itself.

Janus gazed out the window as the last stars vanished from the sky. A considerate someone had left a potted plant on the sill, perhaps as a testament to their new trust in him? He had a feeling that it was the female angel, Odessa, who had done it, seeing as how the others probably were still cautious. Reaching out, Janus allowed the tiny flower stems to curl around his fingers for a moment, basking in his power, before letting them return to rest.

'So, now that I am finally myself,' Janus mused, 'How should I begin the day?'

The path had opened.

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Old 09-21-2007, 01:53 PM

39. Contagious
Characters: Odessa and Kado
Warnings: Random fun.
Scenario: Odessa spills a cup of ramen noodles on her head, and Kado just happens to see.

It started with a barely discernible quirk of the lips, so quick that one could blink and miss it. His face lowered slowly, a vague attempt to conceal his expression. His shoulders quivered and he brought a hand up to his mouth, as if he thought it would serve as a mask to hide his face.

There were a couple quick gasps, during which the hand was lowered, revealing that he was only just restraining a smile. His entire frame was shaking with mirth at this point, and it wasn't long before he erupted into pure howling laughter. Tears sprung to the corners of his eyes, and he tried to look away from the spectacle that had induced such unruly behavior.

Odessa's own giggles had long past died down at this point, and she stared at Kado in surprise.

Huh, who knew that the technic had a sense of humor?

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Old 09-23-2007, 10:05 PM

77. Phone Call
Characters: Hakura
Warnings: Pure Randomness
Scenario: Please insert more quarters to continue...

It all started with a sound. A shrill, piercing sound that echoed about the almost empty common room, a loud, offending sound.

A sound which shocked poor Hakura so much that the halfling nearly went into orbit from jumping out of his chair.

Ten seconds later, after much posturing with weapons and battle posing, Hakura determined that something was not, in fact, out to get him. Giving one last quick glance around the room, he eased himself back into his chair.

Two seconds after that the sound repeated. Again, there was much jumping and battle posturing on the part of the half demon.

Deciding to stay on his feet for a few seconds longer, Hakura examined the room around him. Nothing appeared to be out of place. The bookshelves were still standing, filled with random books and trinkets that the others had picked up on their trips off world. The side tables were covered with more of these trinkets, most of which were made out of an odd material called "plastic". Several of these objects had odd strings coming out of them. The most intriguing of these had a curling string, which came out of the top of the object, became a corkscrew styled rope that reached nearly to the floor, then returned back up to the object to connect to the bottom. The couches were still in place, so were the armchairs and carpets, and nobody had entered the room.

Feeling comfortable with his surroundings, Hakura returned to a seated position.

Five seconds later, Hakura ran from the room, swearing profusely, trying to find the source of the noise.

Odessa, awakened from her afternoon nap, strolled into the common room. Stretching and yawning, she strolled over to the end table and picked up the phone, which had rung several times before actually registering in the angelic's drowsy state.

"Odessa speaking..." she slurred, rubbing sleepiness out of her eyes.

"Oh, for heaven's sake Odessa, are you drunk?" Shaft's angry voice came over the line. "I've been calling for hell knows how long trying to get someone on the line. It's too late now, everything finished already."

Odessa blinked a few times, words not really registering in her tired state.

"Nevermind. Hell, you can never get anybody to pick up a phone when you need them," Shaft continued, exasperated. "I'll get back to you later."

The phone went dead in Odessa's hand. She stared at it, then placed it back in the cradle. Walking slowly out to the hallway, she finally noticed Hakura, who was making his way back to the common room to face the mysterious sound.

"Hey, 'kura..." Odessa said mellowly, "next time Shafty calls, pick up the phone...kay?" She gave him a weak smile, then walked back into her room, most likely to continue her nap.

Hakura watched her retreating back, puzzled.

What was this phone?

((Note: Poor Hakura comes from a world that functions entirely by magic, and has no technology such as telephones and TVs. Poor deprived little man. XD))

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Old 09-24-2007, 01:26 AM

21. Born
Characters: Bellemere
Warnings: Sadness.
Scenario: The birth of a princess...

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful kingdom by the sea. It was ruled by a wise and kind king and his fair and generous queen. The king was just and good to his people, and the kingdom was content.

One day, news came that the queen was with child. Celebrations filled the streets, the people toasting to the happiness and prosperity of the monarchs and their future baby. When the day that the queen was due arrived, the entire city waited in hushed anticipation.

The queen cried out in pain as the child she had been bearing for so long was taken from her body. Despite the hurt, she looked to the midwife with joy in her eyes.

The midwife shook her head in despair. The child was stillborn.

The king and his queen were shocked and torn with grief. How could their first child be taken from them like this? What would they tell their people who were anxiously awaiting the news?

As their tears fell, a young woman came forward. A cloak covered her features, in her arms she held a tightly wrapped bundle.

"Majesties," she said, her voice humble, "I come to offer you this gift in this time of sorrow."

The young woman handed the bundle to the queen. The queen looked down, and was shocked to find a child wrapped in the cloths. When asked what the meaning of her actions were, the woman sighed, and said...

"I have all the love in the world for the child, but none of what she truly needs. So long as she is with you, I know that she shall be loved and taken care of."

The king and queen protested. Surely the woman couldn't mean for them to take this unknown baby and raise it as their own.

"Is pedigree so important?" the young woman countered. "Blood matters not to love. If you take the child, raise her, care for her, and come to love her as your own, then she shall be your child, no matter what her origins may be."

Touched, the king looked down at the child nestled in his wife's arms. The baby opened her soft green eyes and stared lovingly at the man and woman who beheld her. As they stood together, ensnared in the love that had already begun to grow, the young woman who had given up her child slipped away.

The next morning, a royal procession paraded down the street, bringing tidings of great joy.

The Princess Bellemere Calder of the royal family of Avalon had been born.

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Old 09-28-2007, 09:17 PM

51. Grave
Characters: Zain
Warnings: Doom and Gloom
Scenario: ---

Memories were useless. For as far back as his mind reached, he had been dead, and no whisper of remembrance could alter this conviction. There had been no absolute moment of creation, no exact place and time that he could pinpoint where he could say, "This is where I came from. This is how I came to be."

Zain was not born nor was he created.

He just was.

But, when the chills raced through his corporeal body, an unrealistic shiver wracking the bones that made his skeletal hands and arms, he wondered if, somewhere out there, someone was walking over his grave.

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Old 09-29-2007, 02:51 PM

17. Naked
Characters: Magnus
Warnings: Some nudity. XD
Scenario: ---

Most people would say that Magnus had no modesty. They would think she was proud of her body, willing to walked naked anywhere, a showoff. That those scars on her back and neck, the little ones on legs and hands were battle trophies to be displayed to the world.

Magnus would laugh at such people. No matter what you wear, you couldn't hide the scars inside.

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Old 10-01-2007, 01:44 PM

06. Soft
Characters: Magnus, Kiriel
Warnings: Foul language
Scenario: Magnus POV.

Kazhiel is soft.

Now, don't go giving me that look. Soft WHAT?, right?

Yeah, he sure doesn't look soft. Nearly six feet of sinewy muscle, that gorgeous angled face and that mop of dark crimson hair that is just so fine...m-mm-m. I digress.

And he sure doesn't fight soft either. I mean, hell, he rips apart monsters and enemies with his bare hands - er - claws. Whatever, don't need to mess with the little details.

Did I mention that he has a fine ass? Man, I remember the first time...

Okay, you're staring at me weird again. What, don't like to hear about people's asses?

It really is a nice ass...alright I'll get back to the point. Sheesh.

Y'see, it's all about the little things. Like, when he isn't inspiring terror in the legions of evil, or throwing a temper tantrum, he's a really nice person. I mean, he usually helps people without being asked/threatened/blackmailed, and I think he likes kids and small animals.

Don't test that theory yet. The last thing we need are a bunch of crying kids and wild animals.

But, in the downtime, he's always so sweet to me and Kazhi. He's kinda like a giant kitten, little bugger has sharp claws, but stroke him the right way, and he starts purring up a storm. And dragons, even in human form, do purr sometimes when they're happy.

Speaking of happy Kiri, don't tell him that I called him a kitten. For that matter, don't even think about telling him of this conversation, or I'm gonna hafta kill you.

Don't smile, that wasn't a joke.

I'm serious.

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Old 10-14-2007, 03:10 AM

37. Fall
Characters: (Actually have not decided the name of the two characters here. XD)

He screamed. He pleaded. He cried.

Separation was more frightening than pain. Loneliness was more motivation than punishment.

He struggled. He gasped. He moaned.

Valiant efforts lead to futility. Even the leader of the fifth could not shake his tormentors.

He watched. He waited. He pondered.

Even after the fact, he wondered if there had been nothing he could've done to escape. Perhaps the wait was worse than the end result.

She came. He ignored. She left.

He somehow regretted his treatment of the lady, for she had come out of sympathy for him. But, somehow, sympathy could be worse for the soul than apathy.

They came. They cut. They pushed.

He thought that the agony would never end. How could something that caused such beauty and joy in use cause so much anguish in removal?

He fell. He landed. He returned.

In the end, he came full cycle. Reunited, together, they rose again.

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Old 11-16-2007, 08:17 PM

4. Erratic

Odessa was spontaneous, loud, silly and unconventional.

Kado just wanted to be left alone in his quiet little lab.

But no matter what, she would always come into his space, yammering on about something or another, poking and prodding into his personal life.

"Kind of reminds me of that old cartoon where the annoying blond sister wrecks her little genius brother's lab," Magnus teased him one day, after Odessa had left from her daily visit. "Only Odessa doesn't wreck. She just asks questions until your brain explodes."

Kado just glared at her until she left, laughing loudly.

One would believe that he would be glad for the chances to send Odessa on assignment, so that he could be left to his own devices, his programming and constructing.

But, for some reason, he always sent her on the missions that he thought would end the fastest.

Mind boggling, isn't it?


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