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Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 04:23 AM

Name: Sean Douglass
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen and a half
Grade: Senior
Persona: People who say Sean's a snob don't know him very well. Though he's rich and can seem a little prissy, Sean isn't a complete snob. He likes the finer things in life and is very refined when it comes to disposition and manners, but rarely does he actually look down upon someone. In fact, he often times seems annoyed with the whole social-climbing routine and all the girls mindlessly crushing on him, but feels he's stuck with it for he was born into it. He has a reputation and family name to live up to, after all. He is very intelligent, very well-spoken, and has a sharp tongue when he needs it.
Background: Comes from a wealthy family and lives in the biggest house in town. He always dresses classy and is very popular. Everyone in the town knows him and just about every girl in the school has a crush on him.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 05:16 AM


Name: Stella
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Bio: Stella is a rebel, she looks cute and sweet but shes tough, shes sarcastic and rude at times, shes also pretty blunt about things. Stella finds it odd that people go through life by the book. She hated boring people, and people who thought they are funny.

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 05:43 PM

Sean walked down the long school hallway to his locker, shoulder-bag hanging from his shoulder. It was Monday, about a month into the fall semester. Fall Break would be coming up soon. Not that Sean was much looking forward to it, considering his parents probably already arranged him to go assist a missionary camp or attend a week-long formal dinner party.

As he made it to his locker, he switched out some books, putting back the ones he'd used that weekend for homework and grabbing different ones. He was actually there eerily and class wouldn't start in half an hour or so. But Sean liked to get out of the house as early as possible, and this was usual for him. So he did what he sometimes did and made his way to the school lounge. Once there, he sipped a cup of coffee and read a book labeled 'Pride and Prejudice'.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 10:55 PM

Stella's alarm went off and her head pooped up from a mound of pillows and stuffed animals, her hair a mess and she groaned, it was too early! She would never get used to getting up this early fro anything ever, she pulled herself out of bed, and into the shower. When she was done she blow dried her hair and styled it. She put on dark eye makeup, and dressed in a white shirt that said "Eat me" And black tight jeans, she grabbed a hoodie and her handbag and headed for school.

When she got there she went to her locker and grabbed some things out, books, papers, etc. She then walked the halls until class started, a few people gave her looks and she just flipped them off, soon the bell rang and she headed to class, not really caring if she was late or not, she was most likely gonna skip her next class anyways.

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 11:33 PM

Sean heard the bell and placed a bookmark in his book before closing it and putting in his shoulder-bag. He then stood up and headed for class. As he walked the halls, he could hear girls giggle as he walked by, just like they always did. "Hey, Sean. Wanna hang out after school?" One girl finally dared to come up and ask as she forced her way in front of him, blocking his way. He'd seen this girl before. She was the pushy type. Sean sighed. "I'll think about it." He said before stepping to the side and walking by her, heading to his class. He really did hate how the girls at this school acted.

As he made it to his chemistry class, he sat down at his lab table. The teacher said they'd switch partners next week, and here next week was. Looks like his partner hadn't shown yet though. So he waited, wondering who his new lab partner might be.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 11:43 PM

Stella found herself being late, as always. She got distracted by something she cannot even recall, oh well she thought and headed to her class when she got there she was informed she would be sean's lab partner this week, she groaned out loud and shuffled to her seat, not bothering to look at the boy, all the girls started saying "No fair, why does that freak get to be his partner" Stella smiled and said "Because I gave him a Blow job last night so he talked the teacher about letting me be his partner this week" She said and laughed. The girls just looked at her. "Slut" They whispered, stella didn't care, she still has not even looked sean in the face, she just stared off once class started.

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 11:56 PM

Hmm... Stella was to be his new lab partner? That was different. He'd heard a bit about her and her 'good standing' with some of the other girls, but other than that, didn't know much about her at all.

When she came to sit down though, Sean's brows furrowed with hearing her comment. It was obviously a lie what she'd told those girls, but at least it got the other girls to be quiet and stop complaining over him. Still though... lies did not sit well in his book, nor did people spreading bad rumors about him.

"Your name. It's Stella, right?" He asked, remembering what the teacher had called her when assigning partners. He studied her for a moment before getting out his notebook and scanning his notes. "I hope you know your chemistry." For his own sake, anyway. Just how reliable was this girl, he wondered.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-20-2011, 12:02 AM

She didnt bother looking at him, she hated guys like him. And hearing him speak was worse. "Yeah, thats my name, no need to remember it though" She said, bringing out a book and reading it. When he spoke again she finally looked at him, her hair falling in a her face a bit.

"Look, Im not doing shit, ok? You might as well find a new partner, I may not even show up tomorrow" She said, now back to reading her book, she hated school and saw no point what so ever in it. She was failing almost every class and her parents? Ha, they didn't even care about her.

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-20-2011, 01:51 AM

Sean looked up from his notes to Stella with her reply. She was getting to be rather annoying. Why was she like that? She was unlike any girl he'd ever seen, let alone talked to. Most girls wouldn't dare talk to him that way. They'd be too busy drooling over him for no reason whatsoever. "Don't you even care if you graduate high school?" He had to ask. "At the rate you're going, you won't even be eligible for a GED." Did she really not care? How absurd was that?

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-20-2011, 03:21 AM

She rolled her eyes. "No I really dont care" Man was he getting on Stella's nerves, why would he care how she turned out no one else did. "Look why do you even care? Or are you just asking 2o questions cause Im not drooling over you?" She was in a bad mood, well I guess you could say she was always in a bad mood.

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-20-2011, 04:29 AM

Sean's frown deepened, his brows furrowing even more with frustration. "I'm asking because I'm curious." He answered in a calmly solid voice. "It's simply hard to believe someone at your age could care less about her future." He let out a sigh, still holding his notebook. "And on the other hand, as much as I appreciate you not 'drooling over me', I'm equally as offed by your unappealing attitude." He had really met no one like this girl before. And it bothered him. He knew all kinds of people; had met and seen them with the kind of business he was associated with in being from a wealthy family. Something just wasn't right here.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-20-2011, 04:34 AM

She laughed. "A girl my age huh? Well this girl, right here, dont care" She said pointing to herself. Then she looked away and rolled her eyes, sheesh this guy talks way to much, she thought. "Well get used to it, I offend millions every day." She said now oping her book and she began to read it, ignoring the teacher speaking. Stella swore if this guy keeps talking to her...grrr.

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-20-2011, 04:48 AM

"That's not hard to believe." He replied dully. By now the two of them were already starting to get the evil eye by the teacher. He now opened his chemistry book and scanned through it as if he were doing something of significance for their project. "Just what are you so angry at anyway?" He then asked casually with his eye still on the book as if he were reading it, other students already beginning working on their chemistry projects together.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-20-2011, 04:51 AM

"Pfft" She said when he made a smart ass remark to her. When she saw the stink eye from her teacher hse rolled her eyes and continued to read her book. She could care less for this kid, sean or whatever. He thinks hes so much better than anyone else, Stella hates every really. She didnt look at him either when she spoke to him. "Everyone" Is all she said, why was he pretending to care?

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-20-2011, 04:58 AM

For Sean, that was hardly an answer. "It doesn't make sense to be angry at everyone." He replied, still looking at the book, now even flipping the page. The last thing he wanted was to get a bad mark on his record because of this girl.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-20-2011, 05:03 AM

She rolled her eyes. She gave a small "Whatever" still reading her book, she didnt care for his, or her own grades, school was a waste of time, and yes she was mad at everyone, her parents, her peers, even teachers disliked her. if noone can accept her as is, they can all go to hell fro all stella thought. She had a right to hate everyone, and she most certainly does.

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 04:55 AM

It was the longest class ever, even for Sean. He could tell that this was definitely not going to be a very pleasing class for him any longer with a partner like Stella. With the bell for the class to be over sounding, Sean began putting his books back in his shoulder-bag. "Well, it's been... interesting." He said. "I suggest you come tomorrow too. Otherwise your grade will suffer. And mine."

(Hope you don't mind the mini time-skip)

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 05:35 AM

Stella rolled her eyes and grabbed her things, she walked through the halls and then off school grounds. She was done fro the day and who the hell did sean think he was? stella did not have to go, she did not care. She walked all the way home. Her mom and step dad were always gone now a days so stella has been able to just leave school and come home.

(not at all)


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