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Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:23 AM

Hey everyone...

I just got to thinking.. I am so in love with Nalin... some of you already

I realized that he deserves to have a thread dedicated entirely to him...although we are free to talk about anything.

Nalin is sweet, kind, gentle, and sexy!!! I just love his costume! It suits him very well ^^.

He is the best flowerboy there is! =3

So come join the FanClub ...If you love Nalin like I do...let it be known!!!!

and we can also talk about other stuffs! k?

and... I might give away an item on a certain page.. i will update further depending on how well this thread goes...

so lets get posting in the name of our beloved Nalin!! <3333


ART CONTEST!!!! RULES and PRIZE info <3:

Ok, guys...guess what? I am starting my very first ever Art Contest! YAY! Excited yet? ^^ good! Now, this art contest is for whoever can draw an art of Nalin with me. ^^ This is kind of tricky since it involves drawing two people..but I am giving away the following to the winner:

Dragon Helm (est. value = 2.5k at the moment)

the total value worth approx: 3.3k ^^

Sound good? ^^

Now there are a few rules to follow:

1. The drawing has to be Nalin AND Esmereina. Drawing only one of us wouldn't be prize worthy since the whole point is to draw him with me.

2. You are free to express however you wish with us as long as you keep it PG-13 (Reina-chan doesn't want to get in trouble with Menewsha..^^;)

3. You can color it, animate it, pixel it, basically any form of Art you want to use to show us together is acceptable. I judge the best not by the technique but by quality and detail. ^^ you can even send in a pencil sketch...and if it is the best quality and detail..It could be a winner.. you never know unless you try..:)

4. I do also accept WIP although they must be done by the deadline. [The Deadline will be on NOVEMBER 3rd at 12pm EST]I will set up another thread announcing the winner of the contest if this thread gets locked up before I could announce will most likely be in the General Discussion section. I would also PM the winner too. ^^

5. You can keep me in my current avi clothes, but if you could just make it so that the hood is put down and shows the hair more.. i would appreciate it.. ^^ (wishes the cloak of healing was a multi You are also free to do whatever you want with me clothing wise as long as you keep the hair pink and the crown.. and the eyes stay pink too..^^ (pretty much it needs to look like its me with Nalin..thats

5. Have fun with it. This is the most important rule!!!! <333

************************************************** **
~APPLICATION for Submitted entries: PLEASE PM THEM TO ME! <3 ~


Art Entry image:

Title of Entry:

Brief Description:

Who is your favorite flowerboy?:

************************************************** **
Remember to put in the subject line: "Entry for Art Contest" for submission so i don't get confused with my other ^^




Name: LennaHime

Art Entry image:

Title of Entry: Princess Reina and Sir Nalin
Brief Description: Its Reina and Nalin! They're so cute together! X3
Who is your favorite flowerboy?: NALIN!!!
Hope you like~<3 <3 <3

Name: Queen Haythia Mlerkrad
Art Entry image:
Title of Entry: Sir Nalin and Dear Esmereina.
Brief Description: It's Nalin surprising Esmereina by coming up behind her and taking her by the waist and hand.
Who is your favorite flowerboy?: Who else, Nalin!
Sorry if the hands are way to out of proportion. 'Tis one of my weak spots >3<


Name: Tilly
Art Entry: W.I.P;
Title of Entry: T.I.P
Brief Description: It's not colored. I'm rly tired. This is totally bumming me out because I did such a bad job. I'm sorry.
Who is your favorite flowerboy?: Him, I guess.



~Esmereina (number 1 fan for life!)<3
~LennaHime <3
~Lilith W <3
~Micki Chibi <3
~Rynlynne <3
~iC[a]ndy <3
~Sanoko <3

Last edited by Esmereina; 11-03-2008 at 06:56 PM..

LennaHime is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:27 AM

Lenna wants to join! Nalin looks so darling in his costume. Now if only he would give Lenna more candy. ^__^

Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:29 AM

Lol.. hehehe.. he is smexy...eventhough the armour itself is cold to the touch... lol

remember me Lenna? ^^ how are you dear?

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:31 AM

This is great Esme.
Nalin is quite sexy in his costume.
I love how he is a knight but he still has that rose.

Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:33 AM

Yes the rose is like his signature image...^^ I can totally see him saving a damsel in distress..and slaying dragons!!! <3333

I hope he visits my dreams tonite!! I shall be the princess..hehehe..

:hug: Lil! <3
did you want to join the club too? :)

LennaHime is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:34 AM

I remember you Esme!

Hiya Lilith~

Yes...the rose Nalin just makes him seem so...romantic! <3 <3 <3

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:34 AM

Ah, I was wondering when the fanclub would show up...

LennaHime is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:36 AM

XD There cannot be an event without a fanclub!

Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:38 AM

LOL... hehehe.. it took a while for my brain to umm...think of it...

actually i thought that someone else would have done it by now..but since its not been done..i will start it! YAY!

so are you in, Knerd? =3

@Lenna: YAY you remember! you get a hershy's kiss! Weee!!! ^^
I think Nalin would be a romantic too..and like into poetry. He is definitely into gardening..and for me thats like a very romantic profession..<3

LennaHime is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:45 AM

I don't see how Nalin could own a flower shop and then be Mr Manly Man outside of work. ^^ Definitely the sweet, poetic hero of romantic novels, or something. XD

Onomnom candy! <3

Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:53 AM

hehehe..ahh i am thinking about holding a little art one.. who can draw me and Nalin...^^

the winner will receive a nice item..and some gold too..^^

what do you think.. should I put it to play?

LennaHime is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:56 AM


Lenna would enter that. However, I dunno how good I am at drawing armor. It may look a bit awkward...oh well XD

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 01:56 AM

Hi Lenna

And of course I want in Esme. He is a cutie ^^
I hope that if he is going to slay dragons he also has a sword somewhere with that rose.

That is a great idea you should do it.

Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 02:00 AM

maybe the rose is part of the sword.. XD

@Lenna: Awesome.. you would? cool.. i am going to set up the contest then.. i gues ill just use my first

@Lil: and I think I should too..thank you! YAY!!! ^^

**goes off to set up art contest in first post!**

LennaHime is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 02:00 AM

Knight in Shining Nalin, saving all of Menewsha from scary dragons....*sigh* :3

Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 02:51 AM

Alright!!! ^^ Ahh.. Knight in Shining Nalin.. sounds like Nalin got a Knight trapped inside him.. ^^ :)

Hey I updated the Art Contest stuff... what do you think?

its my first time! I am a Art Contest virgin! XD

Im sorry for second posting..but id really like for people to see this art contest i just set up...forgive me, mods...T_T

Last edited by Knerd; 10-29-2008 at 08:11 PM..

LennaHime is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 03:33 AM

Wait...did Lenna do a typo? Oh well. XD

Hrm. Is it okay if you're randomly in a princess dress, Esme?

Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 03:43 AM

yeah that is fine....^^ you can even make me as princessy as you want.. long hair or whatever.. lol...^^ just as long as its pink eyes..the crown....just to distinguish that its my avi..thats all..^^

YAY! :hug: Lenna!!!

LennaHime is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 03:44 AM

Okay! YAY! <3

Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 03:50 AM

remember to PM me the entry when you feel ready to.. i do accept WIPs too.. :)

LennaHime is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 03:53 AM

Okay. I'll get it to you tomorrow or Thursday then...Lenna needs to finish her homework. ^__^;;; Hope lots of peoples enter~!

Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 03:55 AM

yeah same here! ^^... i think my prizes are good XD gots homework..definitely do that first! ^^

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Old 10-29-2008, 04:20 AM

-Sneaks in-

Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 10-29-2008, 04:24 AM

Hi Sanoko! I don't believe i have met you before...

how are you? ^^

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Old 10-29-2008, 04:28 AM

I'm fine you?


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