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Kiyoto is offline
Old 09-29-2012, 01:53 AM

The sentinal progect has been shut down for some time now, and progress to equality and peace between mutants and non mutans has been in full swing. San Francisco Mutant Response Division Chief Luis Reyes has been working with the x-men, and they are planning to hold a peace rally with the people of the city. Rumors about the Brotherhood of Mutants wanting to stop the ralley however begin to surface, the X-Men do not want to take any chances, and enlist the help of their fellow X-Men. All seems to be going well, until an explosion interrupts the rally, it is suspected that Magneto is behind the attack, but upon further inveestigation, it seems something else is going on. The X-Men have no choice to defend the city, even if its' people are now more afraid and leery about them. As the fight moves on, the antimutant group the Purifiers show up with more advanced weapons, bent on taking down not only the mutants and their attempts at peace, but Luis Reyes as well. Nothing seems to make sense anymore, and it seems the Purifiers are hiding more then meets the eye.


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Last edited by Kiyoto; 09-29-2012 at 03:07 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-24-2012, 05:14 AM

Kurt Wagner
A.K.A Nightcrawler

Kurt laid in bed. The manor was quiet, so the rest of the students would be in bed asleep. It was almost seven in the morning, and he had not been able to sleep at all. His alarm soon beeped, and his tail slipped out from under the covers pressing the button to stop the sound. He pushed his body up out of the bed and slowly made his way to the bathroom. A hot shower felt great on his body. His eyes closing as the water flowed over his fur and to his skin. He washed and dried, brushing his hair and dressing in simple black pants and a white t-shirt for now. He made his way down to the kitchen wondering if anyone else was up yet. It was early still, so he did not have to be totally ready. He could always teleport up to his room if needed. He moved to the fridge and looked inside. He picked up a carton of orange juice, they would need to go to the store soon.

He walked to the counter to get a glass. He was glad for this place, it was the place he could be himself. Some of the students, especially the newer ones were shocked by his appearance. He had to be careful though, if anyone on the outside came he would need to use the cloaking watch the professor had given him. It made him appear human, and it kept the facade that everything was fine here. He wished the people would understand, but with the upcoming rallies and the confusion going on... He sighed a bit, pouring himself a glass of juice. He raised it to his lips, the tart taste helping to wake him up. He moved to the coffee pot starting a fresh pot. Logan was not himself in the morning until he had his coffee, even then it was safe to say he was not a morning person at all. Today Kurt had an important tast. He was going to go into town and scout out the area where the upcoming rallies were going to be held.

He sighed, watching the dark liquid drop into the pot. He sat at the table and folded his hands resting his forhead on them. He needed to be careful, with the Purifiers being more active lately, it was not a good idea to be on his own. He still had not chosen who he would take with him, the Professor had left it up to him. A lot of the other X-Men had their own things to do, and taking a student could potentially be dangerous to. He had to look after them, and make sure that they are prepared for what could go down. His tail swayed lazily behind him through the bars in the chair. He looked up for a moment, before picking up his glass once more. He began drinking once again, before pondering if he was up for something to eat. It would probrably be a good idea, but he was not really hungry.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-24-2012, 10:00 AM

Katrina Weston
A.K.A Dark Raven

Katrina yawned and padded across her room to the bathroom, one hand rubbing the sleep from her eyes, the other trying to tame her long, messy black hair. She flipped the light on and was momentarily blinded by its brightness. Blinking, she looked into the mirror. This nightmare had been particularly bad, and it was evident in the dark circles under her eyes. She splashed some cold water on her face and scrubbed, waking up slightly. She ran a comb through her hair, untangling it. Usually, her hair is long and pin straight. But she had been thrashing around in her sleep and now her hair was the most uncooperative it could possibly be. Scowling, she threw it up into a quick ponytail, deciding to deal with it later.

Satisfied, she made her way down towards the kitchen. She had smelled coffee brewing while she was washing her face and was eager to get a fresh cup. Katrina rounded the corner and was mildly surprised to find Kurt sitting at the table, head hung and a glass of orange juice sitting in front of him. "Morning, Kurt." Trina mumbled, shuffling towards the coffee pot. "Bad night, too, huh?" She poured the coffee into her favorite mug before adding sugar and cream and stirred. She took a sip and almost moaned. Yeah, she needed caffeine desperately today. Trina sat in the chair opposite Kurt, her legs up, chin resting on her knees. Her palms were resting lightly on the hot mug on the table in front of her. Trina was slowly waking up, finally.

Trina considered talking to Professor X about these nightmares. It wasn't that they unnerved her, or anything. It was just that they had been happening almost every night now for the past month and it was affecting her sleep. Trina had to be on her game 24/7, and if she's running on four hours of sleep every night, she would be bound to make a mistake, one that could be fatal. She decided to talk to him later in the day, when classes were over and the students had their down time. Maybe X could pick around in her brain and see what was causing the nightmares.

Trina looked up at the blue man sitting in front of her. Where most people would find Kurt Wagner's appearance frightening, she found it intriguing. Kurt was a calm man, even fun. He was gentle and would never hurt a fly. But try telling the humans, specifically the Purifiers that. Today, though, it seemed Kurt was down about something and Trina suspected it was about the upcoming rallies. She had heard he was in charge of scouting out rally locations. Not a pleasant task when most of the general public is hostile towards anything not normal. She didn't blame his subdued attitude. "If you want," She began. "Once I get my bike up, I can help you scout the locations. Four eyes are better than two, and all that. Plus, it's not a pleasant task and the sooner it's over, the better. Just let me know." Trina sat back, taking a long sip. The caffeine was starting to flood her system and she was almost fully awake now. She was certainly looking forward to ending these stupid dreams. She wanted her sleep, dammit.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-24-2012, 08:42 PM

Kurt looked up as the female entered the kitchen. She spoke but for a moment he did not even register the words. When she moved to the table after obtaining her coffee he finally looked up at her. "If you mean bad night as in not a bit of sleep then yes" he sighed, looking into his glass. When she spoke of helping him with the rally problem he paused, the thought was nice, but he had a suspicion that she had problems of her own. He couldn't just ask her to drop everything to follow him around for the day. "Nein, it shouldn't take to long, and it is easier to not draw much attention if I stay to the shadows." He stood, pushing his chair back. Saying that made his stomach clench a bit. He was used to having to stay to the shadows a lot, people had mixed feelings. They had seemed like they were getting better, more people were accepting mutants, but now with the Purifiers being more active in the city more people were on the ropes about them.

The Prodessor had said that it was better not to aggrivate at the moment. The X-Men were not there to cause problems, their main priority was to help make sure that the peace rallies went smoothly. They were there to help and protect the people, not to hurt them. He was all for peace, after all he knew better then most what it was like to be an outcast, but that was not something he could worry about right now. He turned to her after placing his glass in the sink he smiled a bit "besides, I'm sure you have better things to do then walk around with a fuzzy elf as Logan would say." He had grown more acustomed to the nickanmes. They were in a way, Logan's way of saying that he cared, even if the other would never outright admit it. He didn't mind at all, he knew when it came down to it they had his back, and he had theirs. They were his friends, his family and he would not let them down.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-24-2012, 10:47 PM

Trina smiled at the mention of "fuzzy elf". Logan was always coming up with witty nicknames for everyone. "Ah, I could use some fresh air, but okay." She stood up, draining the last few dregs of the coffee. "It's actually surprising how little I have to do today. Just my martial arts classes until ten. Since the last Purifier situation has been dealt with, my afternoons are free now." Trina walked over to the sink and rinsed her mug out. She taught the martial arts classes here at the academy and her latest students were testing for their next belts soon, so today was a full contact sparring session. After that, she didn't have anything planned.

Trina took out a pan and set about making some breakfast. She was starving. "You hungry?" She asked Kurt. "I can whip up some eggs and hashbrowns if you want." After this, she was going to figure out why her bike wouldn't start.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-24-2012, 11:12 PM

He smiled an nodded a bit, looking at her. "I suppose I should eat something, would not be good if I passed out before I finishe eh?" he moved to the fridge, placing the carten of juice back inside. He got some of the things she would need, then wondered if he should go see if the students were waking up. He should have gotten better dressed now as well, perhaps that would be a good idea as well. He had a bit of time, and being around the kitchen early enough before everyone woke up was nice. He could hear the birds waking up and chirping outside, and the sun shining in the windows was nice as well. He moved to the curtains, opening them a bit, letting more of the sun in, He smiled, looking out over the nice green lawns of the institution. His tail swayed a bit more behind him, as he watched. He loved the feeling of the sun on his fur and his face, it was warm and relaxing, maybe this day wouldn't be so bad after all..

Avias Styx
A.K.A Tech

The alarm blared in his ear, beeping annoyingly. He sighed, pressing the button before his hand moved over the top of the nightstand looking for his glasses. Sitting up in bed, the room was fuzzy until he placed them on. As soon as everything was in focus, he slipped out of bed. He made sure to make it, opening the windows to his room to let the light in. It was a beautiful day, and he hoped that ment that it would be a good day. He had classes this morning, so he had to hurry. He made his way to the bathroom, taking a quick shower before getting dressed. He made his way down into the kitchen to see the button on his answering machine blinking. He had gotten in late last night, so he never checked them. He had an idea about who many of them were from. Slowly he pressed the button before moving to the fridge. The machine gave a beep, and then jumpped into the first message.

"Avias" his father's voice boomed into the room. "This is foolish, we need to talk. Avoiding us is not going to do you any good, niether is this sudden intrest into the mutants. You can do a lot more good with your tallents here at home, your mother is worried sick about you living on your own at your age and-" his eyes flashed a deep green light, and the machine immedietly shut off. He sighed, sitting a bottle of water and milk on the counter. He placed his hands on the counter on either side of the objects. His father was at it again, trying to get him to come back home. He talked about Avias' 'talents' and how he could be more use there, but he knew the truth. His father hated the fact that he was a mutant. If the doctors could work up a solid cure he would force Avias to take it the best he could.

Bringing his mother into it was bad as well. He cared a lot for his mother, and he knew this was hard on her. Using that to his father's advantage was low though. He lifted a hand, and ran it through his hair. Why couldn't they understand that here he was doing something worth while. He was making a difference. It may have not been important to them, since they hated mutants, but for him it was his people. He didn't let others know about what he was, but that did not mean that he did not want to help them. It was a complicated mess, mutants, the Purifiers, and the Brotherhood, then the X-Men on top of it. He was confused on a lot of this, but one thing he was not confused about was that he needed to help his people.

He shook his head, standing around here was not going to do any good, especially complaining. He made himself a bowl of cereal, eating quickly before grabbing his bag. He ignored the messages, he had no intrest in dealing with his parents right now. He entered the building, to see many of the workers and scientists already around. He knew it was dangerous to be this close, but he would not let it stop him. He was careful, making sure not to use his abilities at work. He did not speak about mutants or anything like that unless he had to. He diffinetly kept his home life and his parents out of the workplace, he could not afford to let that get out. As he walked towards the study area where he was taking part time classes, Dr. Kenan caught up with him, handing him a file.

"I need you to look into this if you don't mind" he said with a smile. "There is a lot of work going on with the upcoming rallies, and I know that Rayes will want you there by his side." Avias smiled and nodded, taking the file. "I'll look into it and get started right away sir, and Mr. Rayes can count on me, I will do whatever I can to make sure that these rallies go down without a hitch." Kenan smiled and nodded, clapping him on the shoulder "you're a good kid Styx, you'll go far in this buisiness if you keep it up." He smiled and laughed, nodding to him as he turned and walked away. Avias smiled and took a breath, hoping that everything would go alright. He continued his way to his class to begin his day.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 10-24-2012 at 11:38 PM..

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 07:20 AM

Trina finished cooking breakfast and slid the food on two plates. "Done." She said to Kurt. The mansion was just beginning to wake up and luckily the students had their own kitchen, so Trina didn't have to worry about anyone wandering in while she was in boxers and a tank top. She sat in the same spot at the table she had been in a few minutes earlier and set about eating. She had class in a little over an hour. Plenty of time to eat and take a quick shower. She swallowed the last bite of egg, rinsed her plate off and set it and the coffee cup in the dishwasher before rushing out of the kitchen. "Later, Kurt!" She called over her shoulder as she disappeared around the corner.

Trina stood in the shower, letting the water cascade down her back. She checked her watch for the time. She would have to get out soon, but the water was so relaxing. She wanted to crawl into bed and take a nap. Sighing, she shut the water off and stepped out, wrapping herself in a towel. She decided on a simple black tank top, black cargo pants and light, flexible tennis shoes. She dressed quickly and headed out the door.

An hour later, Trina was walking up and down the mat, observing her students as they practiced. "Jackson," She called. "Your side kick has good momentum and power, but your over pitch yourself. Try pivoting your anchor leg forty five degrees out before you kick to keep your balance... See? Much better." She walked up to one of the smaller seniors, Mariah, as she practiced punching. "Remember, Mariah, twist as you make contact. Here- Like this." Trina demonstrated a right punch, twisting right as she made contact. The bag skidded back a foot. "See how there's more power behind it that way? It's like throwing a football with a perfect rotation, except it's your fist. You have more control over your attack, plus you do more damage." She observed the girl experiment with the advice. "Marked improvement already, very good." She patted Mariah on the shoulder and moved on.

Class had ended and the student were piling out, calling their goodbyes to Trina. She smiled and returned in kind. She looked up and noticed Mariah hesitating nearby. "Do you need something?" She asked the girl. "U-um." Mariah stuttered. "I know you have to be invited to be an X-men and I know my grades aren't that good and all, but, u-uhm, I'm thinking about taking the test to become an X-Men. Do you think i could pass, or am I wasting my time?" Trina smiled at the small young woman in front of her. She remembered being in this position two years ago, and smiled warmly at Mariah. "I believe you can do it. Remember, it isn't all physical. There's strategy and general knowledge aspects too. If you want, I can give you the study packet for it, so you have an idea of what to expect. I think you would be a wonderful addition to the team, Mariah. I would personally love to work with you. I think you can do a lot of good with your gifts. It's very rare to have a mutant with latent healing abilities. Logan can heal himself, but you have the ability to heal others. You would be very useful on the team." The teens eyes lit up, a huge smile spreading on her face."Oh cool! thank you so much, Katrina! You rock!" Mariah gave her a quick hug and bounded out. Trina preferred her students called her by her first name, because she knew there was a very real chance they could become her colleague, and she wanted to avoid the awkward transition of student/teacher relationship to teammates. It was easier this way, and besides, Trina wasn't overly fond of a lot of formalities. She sat down on a metal folding chair near the extra mats, hugging herself, a smile on her face. This was why she loved being a teacher. For the thousandth time, she was thankful to have accepted the position.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 07:57 AM

Kurt finished his meal before moving to change in his room. Soon he was off and heading to the city as asked by the Professor. He had opted to go alone this time, for he could cover more ground quicker, and not attract to much attention on his own. He was glad to be alone a bit, for it gave him a bit of time to think. He sat on the side of a building, looking out at one of the sites where the rallies were to take place. It seemed calm enough, no one was around at the moment, he was alone other then people casually going on their way with their buisiness. He smiled, perhaps he would be done before he knew it, and get to go back and relax with some of the students. He had fun training on his off time with them, giving them a bit of experience, and keeping himself occupied as well. He was about to start heading back when he noticed someone heading towards the MRD building. He was hard to miss, big and red, only one man would dress that way. He sighed, pulling out a communicator and radioing it back to the mannor. "I do not mean to be a buzz kill, but we have a situation downtown. Juggernaut is here and he does not look to happy" he said. He was not sure if he should move in or not, the brotherhood member could be dangerous. Kurt would take him if he had to, but he had a feeling that if one of the brotherhood was near, others would be as well. He teleported in a puff of smoke, moving fast as Juggernaut began to ram into cars, sending them flying into buildings and towards innocent people. He had to act fast.

Avias was heading towards the labs when the shaking started. He moved to a window to be able to look down at the street below. A large man was down there. He knew from his looks into the databases, the man was with the Brotherhood, and went by the name of Juggernaut. He was practically unstoppable and indestructable, like a human bulldozer or wreching ball. Many of the officers were beginning to direct people, incase Juggernaut decided to target the MRD building instead. Avias thought about going down there, but what could he do to help. His powers over technology would be useless against that guy basically. He sighed, his powers were useless most of the time as he saw it. He noticed the puffs of smoke custom to another mutant. The X-Man Nightcrawler was down there. He smiled, at least the people would hopefully now be safe. He wondered if this made him a coward, he had these powers, and yet he chose not to use them because of his parents and his family name. He was nervous about the people he knew finding out he was a mutant. He sighed, placing a hand to his head. He ccouldn't hide forever, with things going down the way they were, eventually someone would find out about him, and eventually they would begin asking questions. He had to get to the lab. He made his way past the people in the building making their way to the lower floors. He entered the lab and made his way to a locked box. He looked at the keypad and smiled, placing a hand over it. The lock clicked open, and he picked up what looked to be a tennis ball sized sphere. This would give the X-Men an edge. He had been working on it for awhile. Now all he had to do, was get it down there.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 09:46 PM

Trina's bike revved, the rumbling echoing loudly in the garage. She let out a whoop, her fist raised. Finally. It had only taken her forty five minutes to figure out she had a gas leak. She shook her head and twisted the acceleration on the handle. The bike revved louder, as if it was happy to be up and running. She almost missed the squawk in her ear from the com unit she wore. "Alerting all available X-Men. Nightcrawler has reported a sighting of Jauggernaut destroying cars in the vicinity of the MRD building. Requesting immediate back up. Please respond." The small voice said. "Central, this is Dark Raven, responding to back up request. En route from the Mansion, ETA less than fifteen minutes. Will proceed with caution. Please be advised, I will engage Juggernaut in the event of a threatened human." She sighed and peeled out of the garage. Trina had tussled with Jugger in the past. She was one the only person who could get past his psi helmet. She figured Magneto was probably close by if Juggernaut was out gallivanting and destroying city property. Trina dropped the throttle and sped towards the city. She could see small trails of smoke rising through the skyline. Man. Jugger was not one for subtleties.

Just before she reached the city, she pulled off behind a billboard and quickly changed into her usual gear. Black leather tank top style corset with a magenta stripe down each side with matching pants and heavy combat boots and leather cuffs around her wrists for deflecting blows. She came to a skidding halt, right where the path of destruction began and jumped off the bike, following the quickly fading puffs of smoke. Kurt was right on his ass. Good. She found them right outside the MRD building. Kurt was ducked in an alleyway, trying to get a good vantage point and Trina hustled over to him. "I see we're having a late party. May I join? She quirked a smile. " I can hold off everything he's tossing around if you can distract him. We better act soon. I think he's trying to muscle his way into the MRD building."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 09:58 PM

Kurt looked up at the female as she moved over to him. "By all means, be my guest" he said slightly out of breath. Juggernaut may have been a big lumbering oaf, but he could move when he wanted to. Kurt was becoming a bit tired from staying so close to him and watching out for any moves against the humans. They had to make sure no one got hurt at all costs. He looked out at the man, right now he was standing near a fountain yelling. For the time being it looked like he was standing down, that was good. Kurt looks back at his companion, his tail slightly twitching from agitation behind him. "Do you have a plan, or are we just winging it as usual" he smiled, wondering what they would do to at least get the man out of the city. That was it, he could, he was to big..but his helmet wasn't. "I have an idea" he says smiling, his eyes on the lumbering oaf. "We will have to move fast though, if you're up for it" he waited for her responce.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 11:08 PM

Trina saw his eyes flick back at forth from Juggernaut to his helmet. She didn't need to read his mind to know what he was planning. Oh this was brash, she loved it. Trina turned her glinting eyes back to Kurt. "If you're thinking about doing what I think you're thinking about doing, I just want to say; you have the biggest set of balls known to man, and hell yes I am up for this." She grinned at the blue skinned man before her. "This is going to make one hell of a story later on. Let's do this."

Artist Poison
Artist Poison is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 11:43 PM

Rose was walking through a park, she decided to leave her family behind, and go join the mutants at the X-academy. However, she didn't know where they were exactly, she just left the house planning to return later for her clothes, and such. She loved the X-men and how they were like super heroes compared to her. She envied them for that, though, she knew it wasn't all fun and games, but, using her powers...or in other words abilities, was fun to her. The wind blew past her as she listened to her music, she had her mp3 player with her, her big, green, skull candy headphones

She didn't even notice the fight about to go on here by the fountain, she had her eyes closed listening to "All the right reasons" by One Republic, one of her favorite songs to dance to no matter where she went. Whenever she danced, she moved with the wind, in order to keep the rhythm, and her talents she had, helped her avoid things in her way. "All the right yea we're going down..." she somewhat sung to herself.

Rose wasn't paying no attention when she had accidently ran into the Juggernaut, it threw her off balance, and she wasn't sure what she had ran into. Most of the time she was able to avoid using the energy in nature around her, but, this was something different, more like someone. Rose's headphones came off her head falling to the ground as she stared up in awe, looking at the big guy, and he didn't look to pleased to see someone, let alone such a little girl, to run into him. "Oh wow, das ist groß" Rose spoke in German, it was her native language.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 11:55 PM

"If you mean take out his helmet then hit him hard then yes" he smiled. He noticed the female in front of Juggernaut and blinked. "What is she doing?" he shook his head looking at his companion. "We need to move now, and fast" he did not wait for an answer, vanishing from the spot. He appeared on top of Juggernauts helmet, knocking on the metal. "Anyone home?" the man reached up to grab him, staggering back a bit. He smiled, holding onto it. His tail moves back, flipping up one of the tabs holding the helmet in place. He vanished as Juggernaut swung, appearing once more by his helmet flipping up another tab. He continued one by one, until every tab on the helmet was up. Then, grabbing the helmet he teleported it away, landing a ways away. The helmet was heavy, and Juggernaut did not look happy to see it missing. He turned on Kurt and began charging at him. He swallowed, "now" he said calling to his companion for her to make her move. If she didn't, he would have to think quick.

Artist Poison
Artist Poison is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 12:16 AM

Rose never thought about things before she did them, she knew what to do, and she had to act quickly. Without wasting another second, Rose made the vines from the trees and bushes rise out of the ground, and zoom across the ground to Juggernaut's feet stopping him from going after the teleporter even for a moment. She knew it wouldn't hold as she made the ground crack open, calling upon more vines, and yelled out "Don't worry I got you" she said, her green eyes slightly glowing a bit of a brighter green. Rose had no idea what would happen next, she knew a little bit about this guy, but, only what she heard about on the news. Rose knew that they always lied about things before the news let them out, more like before the government would let out the news.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 12:21 AM

Trina raised her palm and summoned shimmering purple "walls" of energy in around Juggernaut. The man bounced off and charged again. Eventually, he would break it, but she needed to buy time so she could knock him out. Psychological attacks took more time to develop, as one wrong move could leave the victims brain in a puddle. She closed here eyes and snaked inside his consciousness. Luckily, it was fairly easy. Jugger wasn't a very bright individual. Various images swept over her, but she ignored them, diving deeper. She felt her way along his brain, searching for the control room, per se, of his system. Ah! There it was. She nudged it, urging him to want to sleep, coaxing his system into shutting down. She felt, rather than saw him start to slow. He staggered once, twice, and fell to his knees the third time. He shook his head and put his hand out, just as he lost consciousness.

Trina opened her eyes and looked at the crater that is Juggernaut, vines snaked around him. Vines? Her eyes cut to the girl still standing near him. Ah, she was an elemental mutant. Storm would positively love her. Thankfully, Juggernaut would be out for quite a while. They would need to find a way to move him if they wanted to detain him for questioning. "Central, this is Dark Raven. We have one unconscious Juggernaut for pick up. I suggest transport get here quickly. I suspect Magneto is around here somewhere and would be glad to pick up his cohort. Over." " Confirmed. Transport is en route." Came the reply. She looked at Kurt, still holding the massive helmet in his hands. "Well that was fun." Trina said. "Something tells me Juggernaut was supposed to be the wrecking ball into MRD. I think they have something Magneto wants."

Last edited by Tancileena; 10-26-2012 at 12:25 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 12:53 AM

Kurt looked over at the building, tossing the helmet aside. He narrowed his eyes slightly at it. "The question is..what" he was then caught off guard as a baseball sized white metal orb moved forward. It paused in front of him, before swirling around him in a circle. "What the,,,," he watched as it zoomed over to the girl who had summoned the vines, before moving on to the other X-Men and then to Juggernaut. It hovered over the Brotherhood agent's body for a moment before it shot out a beam of green light. The light spread out and turned, and began moving down the mutant's form. Was it..scanning him? Kurt had no idea what the little ball was, but he thought they needed to find out. He moved over towards it, when the orb turned on him. A green lense like eye looking at him. He tilted his head, looking at it as the lense shifted from one of them to the next. It then took off, shooting up to the roof of the MRD building. He narrowed his eyes once more, and looked at the other two. "Tell me I am not the only one who saw that" he says slowly.

Avias sighed as his mind picked up the information that the orb was seeing down below. He had gotten trapped in the movement of people, and stopped by security guards so he had missed the fight. He moved the orb over to Juggernauts body, at least he could compile some data so the day would not be a complete loss. As the orb scanned, the data was beamed directly into his head, which picked it up like a supercomputer would. To him, he was standing in a black darkness, numbers flying up past him in a wall of green light. To the outside though, he would still be standing on the roof, still as can be other then his eyes glowing green. He was currently interfaced with the orb, seeing and moving it with his mind as if it was him. The scan was complete, he turned the orb to come back and noticed the look on Nightcrawler's face. It had to be a bit odd he knew, but couldn't be helpped.

He sent the order to come, and the orb shot off back up to him. Blinking for a moment, he let his mind adjust back to his own body, and his eyes to the light of the sun. He caught the orb as it floated up to him, looking at it with a smile. "Well, I'd say that was a pretty successful trial run, wouldn't you say little buddy?" The orb gave a boop, two little flaps like wings opened and closed a few times on the side. He laughed, "ok ok orbie, no need to get so excited. We have to get off of here before they find us. The orb booped once again and flapped the little wing like plates. He turned away from where he had been standing, pressing the button for the elevator. Once it arrived he immediately stepped on. Many of the people were returning to their posts, so he had no trouble slipping into the lab. He would give the data on Juggernaut a look later

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 05:01 AM

Trina narrowed her eyes as the orb circled her before moving to Juggernaut and then soaring up to the roof of the MRD building. "Nope. I definitely saw that too." She said, slightly shocked. "Folks, I believe we have just been examined. I'm... not quite sure how I feel about it." Just then, the transport vehicle showed up and two mutants hopped out. One wandered over to them, a tall man with bright red hair, while his companion, a short, black haired woman opened the doors in the back. "So you guys took down Juggernaut. Impressive." He whistled as he examined the unconscious mountain of a body before them. "Hey, Mag!" He hollered to the woman. "Can you lift him?" Mag eyed Juggernaut, a skeptical look on her face. "I might need some help. I may have super human strength, but rumors say this man is several tons of packed muscle. He wouldn't even float on the moon." She jerked her chin towards Trina. "Up for some mental exercise? I think we can get him into the truck together. We have a rig at the mansion that can lift him out of the truck for us."

Trina nodded and lifted her hand, focusing herself on Juggernaut while Mag grabbed him by the back of his vest and the back of his pants and hefted. Trina "grabbed" him and took some of the weight, and slowly, they turned him over, lowering him onto the reinforced gurney and sliding it into the truck. Mag tossed his helmet in, slammed the door, jumped into the passenger seat, and waited for her companion. The neon red haired man gave them a brief salute before he hopped in and took off.

Trina turned to her companions and looked at them. "Well I wonder what we do now?" This was pretty anticlimactic, now that she had time to think. and that made her very uneasy.

Artist Poison
Artist Poison is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 05:13 AM

Rose gathered her things, she knew who night crawler was, but, for some reason it didn't yet register in her mind. She called back the vines leaving only a cracks in the concrete, and turned walking away. She wasn't even trying to get involved, she just did 'Gotta stop doing that' she stated shaking her head, she had bumped into someone dangerous and only used her abilities to trap his feet, that had to look lame to the others. Annoyed at herself, she figured she would go find some tea, she could use some herbal tea after this little battle, and the caffeine could help her calm down.

Rose pulled out a bottle of water from her bag, she opened it taking a drink, and looked around. Shrugging after she put the bottle away, she turned her music back on, and started walking whichever way she felt the roots of nature would lead her to. What Rose didn't know was that after that little scan happened, things most likely wouldn't be the same, but, she did always treat change as something good rather than not so good. Swaying a bit, she forgot she hadn't eaten, she didn't like to most of the time, a bad habit she started a couple years ago. Catching herself with a near by tree that branched out towards her as if to catch her, she regained her balance and sat the base of it for a bit as it went back to normal.

However Rose was too tired to stay awake, so she closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep. She was drained and holding that guy back was harder than it looked, minus the fact she didn't have food in her stomach much, she would sleep for awhile.

Last edited by Artist Poison; 10-26-2012 at 05:26 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 05:28 AM

Kurt blinked a bit, and for a moment he watched the other girl walk away. He looked at his companion and then at the building. "Would it be a bad thing to go see where that...thing came from?" he asked. They may get in trouble for barging into the MRD building, but that thing had felt odd to him. He shakes his head, slight chills running through his fur. He had a strange feeling he could not quite put his finger on. His companion was right. If Magneto had sent Juggernaut, he was trying to send a message. He obviously did not want these rallies to go on as planned. Then again, many did not, so that was nothing out of the ordinary. He had to find out what was going on, but how? He couldn't verywell walk up to Magneto and ask him. He was going to need the X-Men for this one. He sighs, and looks back at the female, awaiting her opinion on the issue. She always seemed bright and optomistic, and right now he could use that.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 09:14 AM

Trina shrugged. "It wouldn't hurt to ask." She said and tapped her head. "We needn't worry about the guards trying to kick us out." She stared off into the distance, thinking about everything Kurt had said. "Magneto's modus operandi usually involves him making a statement. Reminding us he's always there, waiting on the outskirts to strike." She paused for a second, thinking. "I think today was more than his usual soapbox platitudes and threats. Everybody knows he wants no peace with the humans. Hell, even the humans don't want peace with us, as far as the Purifiers are concerned. In a very strange way, they hold something in common- the lack of desire for peace between the species. These peace rallies are starting to look a little harder to accomplish the way we wanted." She looked at Kurt directly. "We may have promised the humans that there would be no weapons -excluding mutants born with weaponizeable abilities, of course- at the rallies. But we're going to have to bend that rule a little bit. With the Brotherhood attacking on one side and the Purifiers on the other, humans are bound to get hurt in the crossfire, with us caught in the middle to blame. We should have some easily disguise-able mutants on the fringe for security purposes. They need to be able to keep an eye out for Brotherhood and Purifier extremists. In the even there's an attempt to attack, or thwart the rally, we need to have a response team already in place to deal with the issue swiftly. I'm willing to put the team together and have us mobilized the second the rally starts. I know we promised them, Kurt, but we still need to protect them. From themselves and from mutants like us." Trina twisted her lips and bit her cheek, still thinking. Something was still nagging her, but she couldn't figure out what.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 08:36 PM

"Mutants like us.." Kurt repeated what she said, those words slightly made a twinge of anger move through him, but he shook it off. He looked around at some of the people still staring at them and whispering. He sighed. "The ones who are at the rally will be able to handle it..Cyclopse and Emma, and of course you and I will be there I'm sure. If the Professor has anything to say about it he will have us looking out for them. Do you not think we can handle it?" he asked looking at her. His eyes moved back to the MRD building. "As for what is going on in there...I am not so sure..." he sighed "we should back off for now, and wait, keep an eye out as they leave for the evening". He turned, looking around "we should also see if that girl is alright, the one who was here...taking on Juggernaut is never an easy task so....Who does what?" he asked.

Artist Poison
Artist Poison is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 09:21 PM

Val had watched the entire fight from the tree he stood by keeping hidden, it was next to the tree that his prey was sitting under, and even though he thought this was too easy, he decided to go with the flow. Walking over to her without looking around he picked up the girl to walk away with her. Holding her as if holding a sleeping child, he began to walk away.

Rose had no idea as to what was going on, but, before she knew it she felt like she was freezing. She hated anything cold, she would never get over it, but, her powers worked best when it wasn't cold. That was why she loved living in Panama, Florida. It was nice, warm, and had a great view of the ocean. A moment later she fell to the ground, the tree next to her felt her pain, and knocked the guy backwards a few feet onto his back.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 10:08 PM

Avias worked on paperwork and getting things settled for the rally, but his mind kept flowing back to what had happened just a short time ago. He sighed, placing a hand to his head. A hand slid over his shoulder and a warm voice flowed to his ear "are you alright?" He jumpped slightly, looking over his shoulder to see a man standing there. "Doctor Knight, I'm alright, I was just working on paperwork." The doctor smiled, nodding as he moved over to his desk sitting some files down. "You look distracted today" he says sitting. Avias shook his head and looked back at the file he had been working on. "Just this morning on my mind" he picked up his pen. "Ah yes, the attack" he nods a bit, looking out the window "it was quite the exciting events right?" "If you say so" Avias sighed. He stood from his desk and walked over to the filing cabinate. He slid open one of the drawers and put the file away. "Why don't you take the afternoon off" the doctor says, looking over at him "you look a bit pale, and like you could use the rest." Avias looks over at him "I have a lot of work to get done" he says. "I can handle the buisiness here, if it is that big, you can take the paperwork home, as long as you get some rest" he smiles. Avias smiles and nods, a nap sounded really good right now, and he could look into the data on Juggernaut. "Alright, thanks Dr. Knight." he smiles, gathering up his papers before getting his coat. "I'll make sure it all gets done, and to work harder tomorrow" the doctor laughed warmly "you work any harder, and you'll burn yourself out." Avias laughs, and moves to the door, walking out to the elevator. He placed his papers in his case and waited for the doors to open before he walked out and slowly made his way to his car. He could tell the two X-Men were across the street still, but he resisted the urge to glance over. He couldn't risk it.

Tancileena is offline
Old 10-29-2012, 08:37 PM

"Mutants like us..." Trina waved her hand, trying to grasp the proper words. "Not us, the X-Men, specifically, or neutral mutants unaffiliated with either side, but," She pointed to the crater in the ground. "Mutants like the Brotherhood. Bent on war and destruction. But most humans can't tell the difference. They see a mutant, and they jump to the conclusion that we want to eat their soul or something. When I say they need protection from mutants like us, I mean we, as mutants, are the best defense against mutants like us who are the real enemy, mutants like those in the Brotherhood. Does that make sense?" She shook her head, trying to sort out her thoughts. "And I do think we can handle it. This is our job. I... I... We need them as much as they need us, though they may not want to admit it. They need us to protect them, and we need them to protect. We, I believe, were designed for this purpose. So, yes, we will be more than capable of handling any threat at the rallies."

Trina's eyes followed Kurt's to the MRD building. "May be we should come back at night. but..." She thought for a second. "If we want to bypass security, I need to get in there and see the general layout. I can implant the memories into your brain so you can teleport in once the doors are locked. So maybe you should check on our spur of the moment teammate while I finagle my way in and do some recon." Trina was turning away just as a flash of movement caught her eye. Someone was coming out of the MRD building, a young man, trying hard not to look in their direction. It was apparent in his body language, and the way he was hurrying to leave. Unless he had something to hide, someone wouldn't be that eager to leave their job like that. It looked too suspicious. "Hold on." She said to Kurt. Trina hopped off the curb, skirted the crater and made her way to the young man.

"Excuse me, sir." She called. She caught up to him and took a place by his shoulder. "Hi. Do you work here? I need to talk to the supervisor of this business. I hate to be bothersome, but it's standard operation to collect eye witness accounts if there are any hostile mutants in the area. All I need is a few minutes of his time, just an assurance from him that nobody was hurt, and to give him my information in case another hostile mutant is spotted. Could you be a dear and help, please?" Trina gave him her best smile and exuded psychological trustworthiness. His instincts should tell him that she wasn't a threat and just needed to get her job done and go home. She waited patiently for his response, hoping this would work. If not, she could pop into his brain and get the layout that way. Trina was hoping for the less invasive route.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-29-2012, 09:47 PM

Kurt sighed, turning away to go after the girl who had walked away. He noticed a man holding her and walking away like it was nothing. Something felt wrong about that. He teleported in front of the man. "What buisiness do you have with her?" he asked, his body tensing to be ready for anything he needed to do. He wondered why now. All this coming up with the rallies about to start, it was bad timing. He sighs, looking over at the male.

When he was spoken to he paused, turning to look at the female. He nodded to the guarrds talking to a few people at the entrance. "They should be able to help you, I'm sure Reyes is still in his office getting things settled" he gave nothing away, keeping calm and having no trouble with eye contact. He was use to this kind of thing, interacting with other mutants. He slipped out his car keys "I have a lot of paperwork and things to get done, and unfortunately I'm not feeling to well right now." He gave a slight smile "I am sure that the security cameras can be of use to, you might want to talk to Salen about that though, he will be of better use to you. There are also those who were being evacuated like those talking with the guards, they will be better at this then I would, I was in the lab when all this was going on." His phone rang, and for once he was a bit glad. He pulled it out of his pocket, the number for his father flashed over the front. He sighs, and looks at the woman. "I should take's important. I'm sorry I wasn't much use, excuse me" he stepped away, pressing the button to talk.

"I'm a bit busy" he says, stepping a bit more over to his car. "You are not to busy to speak with your father young man" his father says, clearly angry. "I should not be surprised though, you havn't been returning any of our calls for awhile now" he continued. Avias sighed, leaning against his car a bit "I have had a lot to do, with the upcoming rallies." "Still working with those...those things" his father sighed "their more important to you, then your own family." "I never said that, and their not things their-" his father interrupted "their monsters, and you need to come home, your mother is worried, and you need help son." "Help from what? There is nothing wrong with me at all, and if you think their monsters, then seems I am one to" he hangs up, his heart racing a bit now. He closes his eyes, removing his glasses for a moment. He rubs the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. His father was so stubborn, and pig headed at times. He was trying to run Avias' life, and wanted him to be the duitiful son, but he could not do that, not anymore.


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