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Old 12-26-2011, 01:08 AM

Welcome to your last stop within the dangerous snow storm; this inn is the only safe place that goes on for miles among miles that feels like there is no end to the storm. The name of this lovely place is the Crescent Moon Inn; the reason behind the name of the inn is because usually within a storm like this. Looking outside into the storm; one wouldn't usually find anything but the blurriness of the snow blowing. Than when someone were to look up to the sky, they usually wouldn't see any stars or any moon due to the clouds covered up everything because of the storm. Although here at this inn, the entire area that surrounds the inn is a bit strange. It also gets hit hard by the storm but it remains to be standing as though the storm were nothing but a little breeze and once inside; its as though you feel like nothing is wrong outside. While here, if someone were to look out the window and up into the sky; anyone would be able to see the beautiful stars and the crescent moon up high in the sky.

There are many different areas that you may enjoy within the inn:

The check-in area / Lobby
Music Room
Spa / Hot springs room
Kitchen (only for staff)
Meeting room for staff
Indoor gym
Indoor swimming pool
Greenhouse garden
Dining room

There are also multiple different areas that are connected through a long snowy path outside of the inn. Strangely enough as well, whenever you will end up reaching one of the different areas; the snow storm will strangely vanish as though it were never snowing. However when you return to the inn, it shall return. The different areas that you may visit are:

1. A village filled with people and markets that sell almost everything.
2. Another village that is about half a mile from that one; but is burnt down to the ground with supposed spirits of the dead villagers haunting the area.
3. A graveyard right in between the path leading between the two villages.
4. A large crystal clear lake hidden within the forest nearby from the inn.
5. A large field of all different kinds of flowers planted by no one knows who.
6. A giant tree that had been there in the middle of the forest that is higher than all the other trees.
7. A graveyard that is near to the left direction of the destoryed and burnt down village.

Last edited by happydeath; 12-26-2011 at 01:10 AM..

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Old 12-26-2011, 01:10 AM


  1. No Godmodding.
  2. Follow Menewsha's ToS.
  3. Pm all profiles to me. Title it 'guest' if your going to be living at the inn; and title it as 'employee' if you working there.
  4. Violence and romance is encouraged but keep it to PG13 please.
  5. PLEASE PLEASE, if your going to join DO NOT just sit there and not post. If your going to be gone for too long, tell me early so that the rp doesn't get held back. Many of my rps have died like that. Thank you~
  6. Please leave real life drama outside of the RP.
  7. Make sure if your talking in OOC use () or [].
  8. You can have as many characters as you want; just make sure you keep up with them all, and can make it so that people understand which one your talking about by changing the color font.
  9. I am allowed to remove or add any rules I see fit.
  10. Have fun! :D

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Old 12-26-2011, 01:37 AM

~Profile Skeletons~


Weapon(s): (only two max.)


Reason for being here:
Weapon(s): (only two max.)

Employee Jobs

Co-Owner --
Gardener --
Bartender -- Codette
Chef --
Check-in employee --
Room service --
Cleaning up --

(anymore jobs you have in mind; pm me it. These are only some I thought up.)

Last edited by happydeath; 12-28-2011 at 01:04 AM..

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Old 12-26-2011, 02:37 AM

~Accepted Employees~

Originally Posted by Happydeath
Hiroshi Akita
Looks about the age of 19; but is actually around his mid 4000s.
Fallen Angel
Heaven's rage and Hell's will
Reading, playing music, helping out others in need, flowers, sweets, happiness, animals
Bloodshed, murder, death, people who have no respect for others, ignorance
Hiroshi was originally born and raised within Heaven with his mother and father; both of them being angels themselves as well. Although the worst thing to have happened was that he was born during the time Heaven and Hell were fighting one another; within one of the wars they had within almost once every one billion if not one million years. Being born, God had noticed how Hiroshi's power was much more extreme than any normal angel let alone any other god that existed within Heaven. Noticing this, he couldn't take the chance of letting him stay in Heaven as he told the parents that they had to banish their own son to Earth to become a fallen; if not kill him. God refused to let Hiroshi stay in Heaven, due to his thoughts being focused on what would happen if the son were to lean over toward the side of the demons and fight back against Heaven. Only to completely kill every single angel and god that lived there. Refusing to let their only son go just like that, they went right into hiding on the planet earth; not letting God know what had happened. While they lived in a small home, Hiroshi's parents did the best they could to raise their only child up as an angel even if they weren't living in Heaven. He grew up with his parents, learning about everything that ever happened within the war while at the same time Hiroshi began to get a love for playing all different kinds of instruments.

Although one day, Hiroshi's parents' barrier that protected the house from God's eyes was weakened due to both his parents had become much too old in their age; causing their power to become weaker and weaker as they grew older. Figuring out this whole time that they were raising Hiroshi in secret even after he had told them, they had to banish their own child or kill him. So because his own parents wouldn't do it, God decided to take his only parents away from Hiroshi and send them down to Hell where they suffer to this day; having Hiroshi unaware if they are dead or alive. What God did to Hiroshi however was completely different; shockingly enough he had mercy and simply banished Hiroshi to become a fallen the rest of his life. After becoming one, life was difficult as he traveled around the entire planet in search of his parents; with the two weapons of Heaven's rage and Hell's will. Both weapons, being his parents' original weapons. Soon enough after searching for several years, Hiroshi was smart enough to realize that he probably won't ever see them again as he settled down in the woods and began to build up this inn; in hopes that one day maybe his parents would show up here. While he was building up this large inn, a strange raven seemed to always fly around the inn only to have one day that it ended up landing onto his shoulder. It seemed that the raven had liked Hiroshi and he enjoyed it's company so he decided to call it "Yukito". This was the only family he had at the time while he built the inn.
None at the moment.

~Fallen Angel~
Originally Posted by Codette
Name: Alura Monroe (pronounced: Ah-lure-ah)
Age: appears to be 18 but is really 198
Gender: female
Race: Enlightened Demon (a demon that was cast out of Hell)
Job: bartender
Weapon(s): Silvara (Its the same katana, just in the sheath and out)

Likes: Alura enjoys being around people, helping them and aiding them in their troubles. She loves the sunlight and happiness and hope, everything that she never had back at home in Hell. Flowers and candy.
Dislikes: Shadows and darkness. When Alura escaped Hell, she left behind as many demonic qualities as she could.
Bio: Alura was born a demon. She wasn't the daughter of any demon, she's the daughter of Lucifer himself. Her mother was a lower class demon that he had randomly chosen to bare his child. Alura grew up knowing how to be dark and devious, but thats not what she wanted. She heard the rumors of a world full of light and love. Alura gathered up her courage and defied her father, she ran out of Hell to Earth. Alura was amazing and ecstatic by what she saw and experienced, unfortunately without much experience for doing anything, she didn't quite fit in. After years of wandering she found the Crescent Moon Inn, and she's been bar-tending there ever since.
Crush: She's not sure if it's a crush or just respect for her employer, Hiroshi.
~Accepted Guests~

Originally Posted by Angelo
Name: Tali Paendrag
Age: 152
Gender: Female
Race: Wisp
Reason for being here: Just looking for a place to hide out for a while.
Weapon(s): A hunting knife that she always has with her. She doesn't really need weapons.
Likes: Heat, and lots of it, spicy foods, and being able to stay in one place for a while.
Dislikes: Sour foods, being small, and being hunted.
Bio: An amalgamation of human and phoenix genes, Tali is quite the oddity. As such, many hunters all over the world seek to make her one of their trophies, which leads to her being chased out of town after town. Finally, she's found the inn, which is the first place that she can actually stay at without fear of being caged. As she's immortal, she doesn't have to worry about death, but eternal imprisonment is a much worse fate to her.

Due to running from so many hunters and threats, protecting her freedom as she did so, Tali has developed her powers to an expert level. She can control fire so precisely that she could light a candle in a room full of dynamite. She can also use fire for various purposes; she can make some fire explode with concussive force, or burn very coldly, or even blind. As such, she is actually quite the useful worker, always willing to help out with chores and such in return for being allowed to stay.
Crush: N/A
Originally Posted by Katie Scarlett Divine

Name: Scarlett Aurora Andrews
Age: Appears 19 - Actually 119
Gender: Female
Race: Demonic Angelic
Reason for being here: To spend time with her friend, Troy. And visit what used to be her old home. And her family.
Weapon(s):A silver hand gun, and my ability. I can Dream jump where I go into others dreams to manipulate them.
*Victorian styled things.
*And Swimming.

*Annoying people.
*Cocky people.
*Being alone.

Bio: Scarlett and her friend Troy both grew up in the village that had been burned to the ground. It had been home to many people of their kind. A demon with an angelic heart. Otherwise known as demons that were born from angels. A rare breed that's not looked upon nicely. But when people found out what they were the were presumed an abomination and the village was destroyed. Those who got away started life else where.. while the ones that were killed were buried by the survivors.
Crush: None at the moment.

Name: Troy
Age: Appears 23 but actually 123
Gender: Male
Race: Demonic Angelic
Reason for being here: To spend time with Scarlett and visit his old home.
Weapon(s): Black hand gun, and a sword.
*Having fun
*People that annoy him.
*People that annoy Scarlett.
*Loud noises
Bio: He's from the same village that Scarlett had been from.
Crush: None at the moment.
Originally Posted by Quarter_Queen
Name: Yoseob Joon
Age: Appears 20 or so, while he is in fact 2394 years old.
Gender: Male
Race: Death God/Grim Reaper
Reason for being here: Well, he has to collect lives in order to survive. He's just staying here for a little break.
Weapon(s): Death Scythe and a Death God's ability to see your memories like a movie.
Likes: Darkness, cats, and human foods.
Dislikes: Annoying, pesky people, sunlight, happiness, and hope. Well, it is kind of his job to rid a person of those things after all.
Bio: Yoseob Joon is a Death God. He's not just any Death God, either. The first and original Death God, the infamous Grim Reaper, is his father. Because of this, there are many high expectations placed on his shoulders and he is constantly going on missions, deciding on the exact time and place that people will die. It's not a very flattering job, but it's the family business, and it's not like he has any other choice.

While he may appear kind and friendly, he's rather cold and distant. What do you expect from a Death God?
Crush: N/A


Death God-

Originally Posted by Hidden Cupcake
Name: Yolshulah - literally means Fire (yol) Sun (shul) Hunter (ah)
Age: Ancient wyrm - approximately 5,000 years old
Gender: Male
Race: Common Southern Dragon
Reason for being here: A hunter by heart, the ancient wyrm is currently tracking his greatest quarry, a creature of great necormantic power, bearing the souls of many mortal races, and a few immortal ones, trapped within its deceptively frail looking shell. He stops at the inn only to gather information on his prey's whereabouts, having lost the trail a few weeks prior to his arrival.
Weapon: A crooked looking bow that appears to directly bent from the branch of an ancient tree. This bow is known as Hist-Song, a trophy from his first hunt long ago. It was crafted from the branch of an ancient Hist tree long ago.
~The thrill of the hunt
~The glitter of gold and gems
~Being a prideful dragon, he enjoys compliments and other forms of humility from 'lesser races'
~Murderers. He finds them cowardly, as they give their victims neither the respect well-hunted prey deserves or a warrior's death.
~Insults that directly damage his pride, though he is talented at keeping these misgivings outwardly hidden.
Bio: Born to a clutch of thirteen eggs, Yolshulah's early life was uneventful, learning of his kind's history and culture through his Flight's ancient leader. His interest in hunting came from a mission of revenge. One of his clutch mates had been killed by an archer from the swamp that made up the southern half of the Flight's territory. He tracked the skilled archer for many the days, the archer hunting him in turn. But it Yolshulah that won their game, taking the bow as his trophy as per the archer's request, as he had taken it as a trophy from it's last wielder. Yolshulah soon grew to be an accomplished hunter and well respected dragon, taken many trophies, adding each and every one to his rapidly growing horde.

Yolshulah's life took a turn for the worst in the waning days of his 3500th year, when his entire Flight was slaughtered by another dragon. This led the prideful hunter to revenge, tracking and killing the lone wyrm out of rage. As he grew older, he began to look back on the vent with more and more distaste, eventually coming to hate what he had done, feeling he had tainted his honor. He bears the scars he earned with a grain of salt, though finds their presence a welcome reminder to never do such a thing again. He now wanders the many continents of the world, hunting and taking trophies from creatures he finds worth his time. He is currently tracking an elusive creature that smells of frozen deserts and dusty old flesh.
Crush: Yolshulah has had many mates and sired many whelps, some of which may have survived the detsruction of his Flight as he did participate in a yearly ritual of open Flight mating.
Human Disguise~
A rather young looking man wearing furs and worn leather, Hist-Song strung to back along with a quiver of arrows. His hair shines almost gold in the light, framing his stern looking face almost expertly. His eyes are a lighter shade of gold, bright even in dark spaces.
True Dragon Form~ (the model is a tad choppy due to the fact it was meant to be viewed with armor.)

Last edited by happydeath; 01-11-2012 at 12:27 AM..

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Old 12-28-2011, 04:34 AM


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Old 12-29-2011, 12:41 AM


The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 12-29-2011, 01:39 AM

Alura awoke from a dreamless sleep. "Still snowing." she murmured softly, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Once her eyes were clear Alura pulled back the covers and jumped out of bed. She studied her wardrobe for a quick second before grabbing a black bikini top with a white skull and crossbone on one side and a bio-hazard symbol on the other, and a pair of low-slung jeans. Alura ran a brush through her brown hair, although the mirror seemed to disagree. In the mirror was a white-lavender haired woman, with sharp claws and misty swirls about her.

Alura put down her brush and quickly turned away from the mirror. "Leave me alone." she spoke to her reflection. Alura was a demon, not just any demon, but the daughter of Lucifer. "I left you behind on purpose." her eyes narrowed as she grabbed a black zippered hoodie, and left her room.

She shook her head to rid herself of the painful reminder of her other self, and bounced merrily down the steps to the main floor. There weren't many guests about at the moment, but Alura was happiest in the bar.

Alura looked about. "Hey Hiroshi! Good Morning!" she called out, unsure of where her boss was.

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Old 12-29-2011, 03:11 AM

Sitting with the music Hiroshi was actually taking off the old covers that were covering over all the instruments within the room. All of them were being preserved by himself since he didn't want them to gather up dust too much. It had taken up lots of time to build this inn as well as lots of work so he never wanted them to gather dust while he worked on the inn. Taking off the covers now since the inn itself was now open and ready for business. Hiroshi gave a small smile as he looked around the entire room, only to see the piano, drums, trumpets, guitars and many other instruments. Making his way over toward the large black piano; Hiroshi took a seat on the chair before running his fingers across all the keys softly, just enough so that he wouldn't make a singe note get pressed. Looking at his fingers right after, he noticed how not even a single speck of dust was on his fingers; meaning the piano along with the other instruments were still clean as though they were brand new.

A small smile spread across his face when he noticed how the piano was actually still in brand new condition. He took in a deep breath for a moment before sighing it out as he placed both his hands onto the keys of the piano as though he were about to play it. It had been some time since he last played any of these instruments but that didn't stop him from still knowing how to play it; due to his love of music. Although right before he could even play the right keys to start his song, Hiroshi stumbled forward and pressed on several random keys loudly from hearing a female call out his name; tell him good morning. "What the hell?..?" he whispered to himself, turning his attention toward the exit of the music room from where he heard the voice. It was Alura, no doubt; there was no way he could forget that tone of voice as he gave a little sigh but before long a little smile spread across his face once more.

Making his way right out of the music room and toward the lobby room, Hiroshi turned his head left and right for a moment to see where Alura was. Soon enough he began to make his way toward the bar, since he remembered that was the job she had asked for when Alura had come here to look for a job. Seeing her there he gave a little wave of his arm before scratching the back of his head along with a small chuckle escaping his lips. "Hey there Alura. Morning to you too." he stated before making his way over toward one of the stools in front of the bar and taking a seat on one of them. "Think we'll get any customers today?"

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 12-29-2011, 03:19 PM

Alura smiled brightly as she wiped down the counters and polished glasses until they shined. "Hiroshi! Oh I hope so! It would be marvelous to see the inn full of people." She did a spin behind the bar, her dogtag necklace clinking merrily as she moved.

The woman turned to make sure she had everything she needed set up, before moving about the small room, gathering the cloths off of tables and chairs. Alura was careful that no dust settled on the furniture as she moved the cloths to the laundry. "What all still needs to be done until we're ready?" She called out as she re-entered the room. "Or do you have everything taken care of again." Alura giggled softly.

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Old 12-29-2011, 04:50 PM

While Hiroshi continued to sit there on the stool in front of the bar stand, he simply watched how Alura was cleaning the glasses the whole time. It wasn't much a surprise to him when he had heard how she had spoken up so loudly, as though she truly wanted to have more guests come into the inn. Truly, he wanted the samething however, he wasn't really ever much of the type to be as hyperactive as she was. From the first time he had met her was when Alura came to the inn, just looking at how she dressed was already easy to give away that she was the hyperactive type like that. Much of her history was kind of a mystery even to him since he never really thought about asking her about it; but that was only to the thought that she probably just didn't want to talk about it.

Crossing his arms on the bar counter as Hiroshi watched her moving about the room to grab the cloths as well as making sure that each of the tables had no dust on them. Ready for any guest to come into the inn and have a drink if not stay away from this horrible storm going on outside. The last thing he was expecting was when she spoke up, asking if there was anything else needed to be done or if everything was already done as usual. A little chuckle escaped his lips as he looked up toward the ceiling for a moment to think of anything else that needed to be done. "Hmm...nothing I can think of. Unless you want to go make some breakfast with me for any guest coming in. I thought about making some for anyone..but was afraid that we wouldn't get any guest today. So it'd get cold." he explained before scratching the back of his head and turning his attention back over toward her. "You hungry?.."

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 12-29-2011, 05:09 PM

Alura walked up and sat next to Hiroshi at the bar, as he though over her question. She twirled a lock of brown hair around her finger. She happened to glance and noticed silver-y lavender strand. With wide eyes, she quickly tucked the strand away, hoping the normal brown would cover it. She wasn't quite ready to explain herself yet. Only if she was asked would she tell her story.

"I'm starving Hiroshi. We could prepare a cold breakfast, or one thats easy to heat up, if guests arrive. Oh, I know a lovely recipe for a slow cooked stew that I could start at lunch and have ready by supper. Since I slow cook it, it stays warm for a very long time." She smiled.

Angelo is offline
Old 12-31-2011, 03:10 AM

Squinting into the snowfall, Tali made a sound of disgust as she realized that she could see no better than before. A gust of wind swirled around her legs, lifting up the tattered edges of her long shirt before they died down. If anyone had been around, she might have been embarrassed, but as no one was, she didn't worry about it. Frowning, she gathered up flames in a ball before launching it through the air, hoping to clear up some of the snow as she did so. Unfortunately, the blizzard filled in the hole she had made shortly afterward.

As it was, the snow never touched her. Nor did she feel cold. Her body temperature, aka insanely high, melted it all before it ever got close enough. In fact, the only reason the snow around her wasn't gone already was because she didn't want to walk through a swamp. Sighing, she figured it was best to continue, plodding along with her bare feet.

About ten minutes later, Tali found herself standing outside of a wooden cabin, the lights shining brightly from inside. Smiling widely at her good fortune, she hopped forward, using heated air to sustain her leap until she was on the porch. She proceeded to knock on the door loudly then, hoping that whoever lived there would let her stay for a while. She had lost the hunters in the woods earlier, but she could still remember feeling the tree behind her quiver as the icy crossbow bolt embedded itself into the bark.

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Old 12-31-2011, 07:47 AM

(Codette: not sure chu noticed ^^'' but just pinging chu tew let chu know the rp moving :3)

Turning his attention right over toward the stool next to him, Hiroshi had noticed how Alura seemed to make her way over toward the seat next to him for a moment. A quick smile spread across his face as he turned his attention back forward to look at the bar counter. There were many different brands of drinks here at this inn but never once did Hiroshi even think once about taking even the smallest sip of any of it. While his attention was focused on the drinks in front of him, so that he could see each and everyone of them; he didn't notice the strand of silvery lavender hair that Alura seemed to quickly pluck out of the way. If he had seen it however, there was a good chance that he would've ended up asking about it. Since the entire time since Hiroshi had first met Alura, he had simply thought of her as a human that was actually strong enough to make her way around in this huge blizzard.

By the time he had heard her reply about making a cold breakfast that could be easily reheated for the guests. He simply nodded before standing up onto his feet to go to the kitchen and prepare something simple like that. Although, it wasn't long before he heard that she had a great recipe for a stew that she could make during lunch and would last until supper before it would be done. Hearing that, Hiroshi nodded once more toward the idea. "Yeah, that'd be great. We--" as he was about to finish his sentence, the sound of the front door of the inn knocking caught his attention. Turning his head over toward the direction of the front door, his own eyes widened up in a bit of shock that they had a guest. "Oh, thats shocking. We have a guest. Why don't you go introduce them for me Alura? I'll go get breakfast set up in the dining room." Hiroshi explained right before he turned to make his way toward the kitchen.

Last edited by happydeath; 01-02-2012 at 09:16 PM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 03:06 PM

(sorry had a hectic new years ^.^' I'm back now)

Alura had been following Hiroshi, pulling her brown hair over her shoulder. She smiled when he liked her idea, and then quickly spun when she heard the knocking at the door. "oh my. Yes, I'll go get them!" Alura's smile brightened, and she rushed to the front of the inn.

Alura pulled open the door and smiled. "Hi, Welcome to the Crescent Moon Inn! Please come in!" She gestured, welcoming the young girl. "My name is Alura and I'm the bartender and resident secret keeper. The owner is in the kitchen preparing breakfast, if you'd like to join me in the dining room?"

Angelo is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 03:45 PM

((Don't worry about it. :3))

Rocking on the balls of her feet, Tali was getting a bit impatient with how long it was taking for someone to answer the door. Were they asleep or something? It was hard to tell what time of day it was in the blizzard, but it couldn't be that early. Could it? Groaning, she was about to turn and leave, but she stopped when she heard footsteps on the other side. Instantly, she whipped around, putting on a small smile and offering a silent thanks.

"Nice ta meetcha!" Tali replied, stepping over the threshold. Instantly, the temperature inside seemed to climb a few degrees, despite Tali's efforts to keep her power in check. "Breakfast sounds yummy!" Her bare feet were tickled by the carpet as she followed Alura, causing her to giggle slightly. Then they reached the linoleum, and her laughter was replaced with the sound of skin slapping against the slick surface.

Her tattered nightshirt, which hang down to her knees, was ruffled by an updraft coming off of her body every so often, though she didn't seem to notice as she sat down at the long table, eagerly anticipating some food. She hadn't eaten in... three days? It was kind of hard to tell, but it was definitely two or three days. Being on the run most of the time meant that she didn't have time to stop and get a meal anywhere. Usually she could have killed something, but the blizzard made that incredibly hard.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 03:58 PM

Alura noticed a strange increase in the buildings warmth, but shrugged it off. It was nice.
"So whats your name, and what brings you to the Inn?" Alura asked, making small talk, as she gathered plates, cutlery and glasses, for Hiroshi, their guest and herself.
"Is there anything specific you do or don't enjoy? I can tell Hiroshi to alter the menu, although I'm not sure what we're to have for breakfast."

Angelo is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 04:35 PM

Due to her small stature, her feet dangled off the seat a bit, her kicking them as she waited for the food. She was a little hesitant to answer Alura's questions, but did so anyway. "Oh, sorry. My name is Tali Paendrag," she replied sheepishly, her formality betraying her social awkwardness. "I suppose I'm here to avoid some creepy people who have been chasing me all over the place. You don't get a lot of guests here, right?"

As she waited for a response, she eyed the dining utensils appreciatively. They looked beautiful! The next question caught her by surprise as well, and she found herself chewing her bottom lip lightly as she thought it over. "Anything is good, I suppose, but I really love the... strips of pig? Do you know what I'm talking about?" she asked, blushing lightly as she spoke. The fact that she didn't know the name of bacon showed that she was not all that educated, as it was truly ignorance and not just a failing of memory.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 04:53 PM

Alura smiled softly. "It's a pleasure to meet you Tali. You're our first guest, hopefully not the last, but you're welcome to stay as long as you need too. After breakfast either Hiroshi or myself can take you on a tour."

She watched as Tali thought over the question. "strips of pig? Oh Bacon! Yes it is delicious. I can ask Hiroshi to prepare some if you like." Alura's soft smile never lost patience. "If you don't mind waiting here for a bit. Oh! Is there any beverage you would like, coffee, water, juice, tea?"

Angelo is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 05:32 PM

"A tour sounds nice," Tali replied, looking around at the room. The mahogany wood that made up the walls was polished to a reflective shine, which gave the entire room an air of elegance. There were also various plants in each of the corners, which added a spice of color and diversity. In all, it was probably incredibly expensive. As it was, she couldn't wait to see what the rest of the place was like. It was definitely one of the best places she had stayed at.

"Yeah... that," Tali muttered quietly, still blushing at her lack of knowledge. "I like juice. Do you have something tropical? Like grapefruit or papayas? Or a blend? I love tropical fruit." At the mention of drinks, she had perked up, glad that Alura hadn't made fun of her ignorance. She was curious about Hiroshi though. It was to be expected though. She hadn't seen him yet, so he remained a mystery figure, and the imagination was always more creative than reality concerning people.

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happydeath is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 09:15 PM

While Alura had gotten up to go introduce the new guest to the inn, Hiroshi had already made his own way into the kitchen. As soon as he made his way through the double doors that lead into the kitchen; he immediately came to a complete stop as he scratched the back of his head in curiosity of what to make for breakfast. With a small sigh he made his way straight over toward the fridge where he opened it to look for something he could make. There were so many different choices of food; but he had to pick something and make it already. Having brand new guests waiting forever for food was a horrible way to start off their first time coming here. So just grabbing a large box full of pancake mix; he made his way straight over toward the stove where there was a pan already setup for making breakfast or any kind of food. The pan was set here by Hiroshi himself during the morning when he was getting everything ready to begin with.

All of a sudden, without even a bit of a warning to himself; Hiroshi gave out a sharp whistle in the middle of the kitchen as a pitch black raven bolted into the room with it's dark red eyes and a strange cross-shaped necklace around it's neck. Pouring the pancake mix into the pan and letting it cook under the roaring flame from underneath the pan, he had already known this raven was in the room; since he had called for it. "Yukito, get the fruit ready and bring it to the dining room." He ordered out, to the raven as it gave a quick crow-like noise from it's beak before flying around the kitchen room to get two baskets from the drawers. Laying them both down onto the counter it made it's own way over toward the fridge; opening it to grab a couple of different fruits, such as apples, bananas, pears, etc.

After grabbing all the fruits it needed to fill up both the baskets, Yukito grabbed onto both the baskets with one in each of it's own talons. Flapping it's wings to get itself into the air and straight out a pair of different double doors that lead into the dining room. Yukito flew over toward one of the tables within the room laying one basket on one table while another onto a separate table. Straight after doing so, it immediately flew back into the kitchen where it hopped itself onto the counter to watch Hiroshi cook the pancakes. There were about five plates already out, sitting next to the stove. Three of them already had two pancakes each on them; while the last two plates, Hiroshi was beginning to make pancakes for those as well. Unaware of what the new guest wanted for breakfast anyway.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-03-2012, 04:00 AM

Scarlett opened the Inn door, snow flying in around her. She looked very upset, tired, and obviously not happy to have walked in the snow for miles to get here. She wore dark skinny jeans, black fur boots and then a black long sleeved V neck shirt under her button up black fleece coat. She ran her hand through her dark, wavy hair and then stepped aside so that Troy could come in. She shut the door behind him and pulled her brown duffel bag a little more onto her shoulder. Her emerald eyes glanced around the room, taking it all in. "Oh Troy, it is quite lovely." She said, smiling. She glanced at the window. How odd, the storm looked so calm from inside.

But odd things didn't puzzle Scarlett anymore. She had seen it all. She glanced around the entrance. "Hello?" She called softly, not knowing if there was someone she could check in with for a room. Even though she had no love interest in Troy, she still wanted to share a room with him. He was like her older brother. And in a new, kind of scary place, she needed him. She cursed under her breath. Her angelic rants sometimes worried her to the point of annoying her demonic side. That was the bad thing about their species. They were very unbalanced.

She glanced to Troy who had only a black duffel bag, and then shrugged. "Maybe this place isn't open." She said, but then after looking around her senses were telling her someone had recently been here. She gave Troy a small smile. "I hope they have a pool. I haven't been swimming in ages.."Her voice trailed off as she stared around the room.

Troy stepped into the Inn after Scarlett, helping her shut the door to keep from any snow blowing in. Once inside he glanced to the window. Odd. But not odd enough for Troy to truly care. He smirked at Scarlett staring around in awe. "Scar, we've seen so many things. It amazes me how after so long you still gawk at everything beautiful." He chuckled, shaking his head. The tall male pulled his black duffel bag closer to him. "Wonder where they are.." He mumbled.

As he stared at Scarlett he knew she'd want him to sleep in the same room as her. But he would, for he knew how bad her nightmares were. Plus being in a relationship together as more than friends never worked for them. They had tried once, but it always ended in arguments. But still they clung to each other because they were the only things they had left from their old life. The rest had been burned. But luckily him and Scar could just live as friends, because they were both too stubborn to be a couple.

He nodded. "I hope they have a pool too. The last time I swam was with you in Greece. And we both remember how long ago that was." He said, smirking. Too long. It had been over fifty years since they had last seen each other. But finally they had found each other and decided to visit home. They knew they had to do that to find peace.

Angelo is offline
Old 01-03-2012, 12:08 PM

The bird that flew out of the kitchen surprised Tali, who found herself staring as it deposited it's load of fruit before returning from whence it came. "Does that happen a lot?" she asked Alura, still staring after the bird. As a rule, she loved birds. How could she not when she was part phoenix? "He was definitely a very pretty bird." Grinning, she grabbed a piece of fruit from the basket, biting into it without hesitation.

A few minutes later, the fruit was gone, and she was wiping the juice from her smiling face. The fruit was richer and sweeter than any she had had before. Certainly the inn was a higher-end facility. That thought brought along worries as well. How could she possibly pay for a room? She didn't have any money at all.

The sound of the door opening and people entering broke her out of her daze, leading her to dive under the table as fast as possible to remain hidden, her skin actually giving off little trails of flame as she prepared to defend herself. As it was, she could probably incapacitate them and make a run for it, but if they had the same weapons as before, she didn't think she would make it.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 01-03-2012, 03:37 PM

Alura smiled. "Thats Yukito, Hiroshi's pet, I think, or maybe they're just friends. I'll be right back!" She smiled at the girl.
Alura rushed to the Kitchen. "Hey Hiroshi, our guest wants some kind of tropical fruit juice if you can manage it. I'm going to greet our new guest. Not sure how many but you might want to prepare at least two more plates." The girl flounced off before listening to his response and headed to the front door.
"Hi! Welcome to the Crescent Moon Inn. I'm Alura, bartender and resident secret keeper." she smiled warmly. "May I have your names, and would you like to join us for breakfast?" Everything about the girl was warm and inviting.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 01-03-2012, 05:14 PM

Scarlett looked over at the girl. "My names Scarlett Andrews and this is my friend Troy Todd." She said, glancing to him. "Breakfast sounds nice." She said, smiling. As her eyes scanned over the girl she bit her bottom lip. Where had she seen her before? She looked to Troy and could tell from the way his black eyes stared at the girl.

Scarlett saw were the breakfast was being held and glanced back to Troy. "Troy, how about you find out the room number and I'll go eat." She said, flashing her pearly whites at him. She watched him chuckle, handed him her bag and then went down the hall to where she smelled food. The thin female that stood about 5'9 bobbed up and down slightly at the sight of a meal. It had been a few days since she and Troy had eaten anything. Her emerald eyes lit up, and then glanced around the room looking for whoever was in charge of the food.

Troy chuckled at Scarlett and took her bag. "Kay Scar. Grab me a plate too." He said, then his dark eyes went over the girl. Where had he seen her? She looked familiar. He pushed his thoughts away. "So is there anything else you need to know?" He asked, looking down at her. He was a tall man that was rather strong, but with an average muscular appearance. He was slim and handsome, but not too overly cocky about his appearance. He could actually rather care less about what he looked like.

He glanced to the window, watching the snow gently hit the window. "Oh, Scar wanted to know if there was an indoor pool?" He asked, his eyes glancing back at the girl.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 01-03-2012, 05:28 PM

Alura smiled. "Welcome Scarlett and Troy." She went behind the desk, scribbled something on some paper.
"Right through those doors is the dinning room. Another guest is already in there if you'd like to join her. And if you go up those stairs" she gestured to her left." you'll find the bedrooms. Just pick one that suits your needs and let me know which one it is. Usually Hiroshi deals with all of this, but he's busy in the kitchen at the moment."
Alura laughed a little. She was actually a bit nervous. She recognized the two of them, just barely, but she did. She hid her nervousness, and walked out from behind the desk. "There is an indoor pool, as well as a indoor hot spring."

Alura walked towards the dining room doors. "Oh, may I ask if theres anything you both would prefer with breakfast, a certain food or beverage, or anything you both dislike to eat?"


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