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But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 12-30-2011, 09:35 PM

~Alice Jakins~

16 years old
Alice is a strong-willed, kind, gracious, smart, wise, and sensitive girl. She tends to over-think things, but she always ends up where she should no matter what. She loves music and she loves to sing. And most of all, she loves her friends and family more than anything in the whole world. She enjoys school being that she doesn't have any problems and she doesn't struggle in any of her classes.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 12-31-2011, 12:47 AM

Calcifer 'cal' Sunfara

17 years of age.
Cal is a nerd at heart but he doesn't act it he is the totally diffrent around people then at home. He tends to cause a lot and his mother is always forgiving him chalking ((not sure)) it up to him being a teenager. He doesn't like it when she
forgives him he nows he deserves to be grounded for life with the trouble he gives her. She is the only parent know, his father died a few years back but lucky for his mother she's not the only one he drives up a wall with his behavior.

Last edited by finx15; 12-31-2011 at 03:52 PM..

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 12-31-2011, 03:57 PM

Cal slowly walked threw school casting looks around him. He hated this time of the school year prom time it meant being mobbed by years both pretty and ugly. He knew he would have to pick someone soon with a smile he noted that the wierd goth girl was staring at him. Out of everyone in school she got made fun of the most first she was chubby second she wore only black third she thought she was a witch she had supposedly joined a wicca group. With a snort he decided that wouldn't be who he asked there were several on that list already but so far there was only one person he would ask.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 12-31-2011, 07:06 PM

Alice took a step into the high school, all eyes immediately on her. Oblivious to them, she looked down at the books in her hands, making sure that they were all there--all the books she needed for this day. She walked through the halls, looking for her friend Calcifer. She still had fifteen minutes left before the morning bell would ring and signal everyone to head to their first period. The minute Alice saw the back of Calcifer's head she smiled and hurried forth, jumping up and wrapping an arm around his chest from behind.

"Gooood morning, Cal!" she said cheerfully with a giggle and then let go so she could move to walk beside him. "I was worried about you not talking to me yesterday. Is everything alright?" Alice then asked, worried.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 01-01-2012, 01:27 AM

"It's prom week." Cal said "Plus I got in trouble again." he sighed and glanced at her. "Want to go with me as a friend." he added the last part quickly maybe to quickly. "You don't have to...why is it you always manage to get me frazzeled?" he asked with a soft sigh then looked up scowling at the girls that were watching me. "I hate it when they all look at me like i'm choose meat."

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 01:56 AM

Alice chuckled and shook her head. "Has there ever been a week where you haven't gotten into any trouble, Cal?" she asked playfully as she ruffled his hair as a sign of endearment. Her smile widened. "I was planning on asking you the same thing. Sounds fun. I originally wasn't planning on going, but this girl deserves a night of wearing a big puffy dress and some classy makeup," she joked around as she purposely bumped her shoulder into Calcifer's. "Oh calm down. They're just jealous of the fact you actually have a brain."

The warning bell finally rang and Bella sighed. She stopped and turned to Calcifer. She gave him a small smile now. "I'll see you at lunch," she said as she quickly flung her arms around him and hurried away to Drama.

Last edited by Junabelle; 01-02-2012 at 01:58 AM..

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 02:09 AM

Cal blinked after her and sighed. "Sometimes i wonder how she can be my friend." he glared at the people staring at him before going off to music class. His secret love was to play the piano no one knew about it but there music teacher and cal had sworn him to secrecy.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 02:14 AM

Drama class was a bore today. Above all other classes, why did she have to have a substitute for this teacher? She got excited whenever she had a stub for any other teacher except for Drama. All of her morning classes were boring today. Her AP English class' lecture on the new three chapters of Jane Eyre that Alice and her other classmates had to read was boring. It nearly put her to sleep. And Math was as tiring and boring as usual.

Finally, it was lunch time. Alice got in the ale-cart(sp...) line and grabbed a bag of chips and a burrito wrap along with a can of sparkling juice as she paid for her food and hurried over to her usual table, which sat in the far back corner of the lunch room. She sat down and waited for Calcifer to show up.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 02:19 AM

Cal walked swiftly threw the halls to lunch with an air of mess with me and I'll kick you're butt. Finally he sat next to alice a scowl on his face "Why are people so annoying?" he asked as he poked half heartedly at the lunch his mother had made him.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 02:34 AM

Alice was chewing happily with a mouthful of chips until Calcifer sat down and spoke. She gulped down greedily and chuckled. "Because we're in high school?" She gently and playfully jabbed him in the side with her elbow as she then rested her head on his shoulder, pouting. "What's got you so on edge?"

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 02:37 AM

Cal huffed loudly and stabbed his food with force. "Everthing prom, school, humans, animals, planet earth." he glared at a girl who was staring at him. "I swear if one more girl looks at me like that i will leave school." he meant it to despite all his promises to his mother and alice he would get up at leave school.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 02:45 AM

Alice took her head off of his shoulder and studied his face. He seemed so angry that it hurt Alice. She gave him a worried face as she grabbed his hand that held the fork that was stabbing his food. She took it into both of her hands until he looked at her. "Cal, in case you haven't noticed, they're looking at you because they're curious. It's kinda funny how they started looking at you like that close to prom. It's because they want to go with you," she said as she then let go of her hands and faced her food, chuckling evilly. "Sucks for them because I now have full dibs on you," she said.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 02:57 AM

Cal looked at her and smiled "At least I have you to keep me sane." he pulled off his glass and kissed the top of her head. "but I do wish the wouldn't stare at me. You know how annoying that is i don't mind when I'm in trouble but I feel like I'm surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves." suddenly he brightened "meet me in the music room after school I have a surprise for you." He swiftly stood and but his threw his trash away now in a better mood then he had been earlier.

Last edited by finx15; 01-02-2012 at 03:01 AM..

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 03:04 AM

Alice was left sitting alone at her lunch table, blinking profusely as the place where Calcifer kissed burned like ice on dry skin. A surprise? Alice couldn't help but feel highly curious and a just a little bit excited. Then she looked after Calcifer and watched him exit the emptying lunch room. She smiled as she got to her feet and dumped her trash and hurried to her locker so she could grab her afternoon class' books.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 01-03-2012, 01:41 AM

Cal went threw the rest of his class with an air of excitment. Finally the day ended and her hurried to the music room and tried to decide what song he would play. Relaxing Music ( Instrumental Piano ) - YouTube finally he settled for the one in the video and began playing.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 01-03-2012, 02:54 AM

The day had passed by quickly. It was hardly long at all before Alice was able to head over to the music room where she hoped Calcifer was waiting for her. When she opened up the music room and saw him, she smiled. "I had a feeling that you would bail on me. But then again, I know you better than that," she said with a wink as she basically added a skip to her step as she hurried over to Calcifer happily.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 01-03-2012, 07:08 PM

"Please sit." cal said gestering to the spot on the bench next to him. "i want you to hear something." with a deep breath he began playing the piano with the skill of someone who had been at it for a while. ((the song in the video of course.)) He glanced up at her once to smile and kept on playing.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 01-04-2012, 01:42 AM

Alice smiled and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear as she sat down beside Calcifer. When he began playing, she closed her eyes. She loved piano music. It had always been her secret guilty pleasure. She had always used piano music for whenever she needed to calm down about something. This was a perfect way to end the day. She her lips quirked up into a small smile as she focused on the notes that Calcifer played. When he had finished, her eyes were still shut. "That was so beautiful, Cal!" she exclaimed as she she slowly opened her eyes and looked down at the piano keys before her. She nonchalantely placed her fingers on the keys, but never pushed down. "I always wondered what it'd be like to know someone who can play so beautifully," she said as she chuckled nervously for some reason and looked up at Calcifer to read his expression.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 01-04-2012, 01:49 AM

"I'm not that good." Cal said with a smile as he ajusted himself to stare at her. "Is there anything you want me to play? I can play pretty much anything. Though I'm not as good as mazort." cal studied the piano a faint smile playing on his lips.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 01-04-2012, 09:44 PM

Alice looked up at Calcifer with a smile. "Don't say that. I thought you played beautifully," she said, making sure her voice was kept steady. She looked down at the piano and thought. Just when she was about to open her mouth to give the request she suddenly thought of, a loud buzzing noise came from her purse. She jumped up and hurried over to where she had sat her purse and book bag down. She fumbled through her purse and withdrew her cell phone. It was a text message from her mother saying that she was here.

Alice sighed and let out a displeased groan. "My mom's here. I'll see you tomorrow? Maybe we can start planning on what color we'll go with for prom?" Alice asked, hope in her voice as she put her phone back in her purse and put it on her shoulders followed by her book bag.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 01:28 AM

Cal followed her out with his eyes not moving from the piano. he knew he would need to tell his mom about today but he wasn't exactly looking forward to telling her about the piano. With a sigh he rose and went to the parking lot were his car was parked and drove home listening to bach and mozart. When he got home no one was there so he started supper and waited for his mother to get home.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 01-07-2012, 08:24 PM

Alice got into her mother's mini van and buckled herself in. "How was school, sweetie?" her mother asked her as she pulled out of the parking lot.

Alice shrugged her shoulders. "I have a person to go to prom with now," Alice informed her mother and looked out the window.

Her mother raised her eyebrows and looked over at her. "Oh? A date?"

Alice shook her head and scoffed slightly. "I wouldn't call going with your best guy friend to prom a date," Alice said, somehow finding herself smiling. She wondered what it'd be like to go to Prom with an official date.

Her mother just smiled. "Ah, so Cal asked you, huh?"

Alice nodded her head. Yes, Calcifer, her best friend in the world who she's know since, like, ever, had asked to go to prom *as friends*. There wasn't a person in school she'd rather go with, in all honesty. So naturally, she was a little more than excited to go with him to Prom.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 01-09-2012, 02:01 AM

Cal got grounded when his mom found out he had been in trouble but she was happy that her boy could do something with his life. Cal sat at his desk doing homework and going over his sheet music he hadn't told his mom about prom yet but he would when he went down to supper. His mom nearly killed him with her hug of death before she started going on about a tux which at that point he toned her out.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 01-11-2012, 04:27 AM

When Alice had returned home from school, she did her homework, ate supper, took her shower, and now laid in her bed. Her night stand lamp was turned on, casting a low yellowish orange glow in her room, mellow enough to make her feel lazy. She just laid there, her bed still made. Her clock only read 9pm and she usually didn't fall asleep till 11. She just felt like she needed this. Just lay there in silence, alone, and in the freedom to think about her life and everything in it.

She remembered watching the movies where the girl would go to prom and end up with her 'prince charming' by midnight. She always wanted to be that girl. She wanted to get a guy she really liked to ask her, to pick out a really pretty dress, to get a corsage that matches her eyes and dress at the same time, to go to Prom in the arms of her date, and to end up with a goodnight kiss. That was all she truly wanted. To feel like Cinderella. But going to with Calcifer was better than going stag or basically not going at all.

Calcifer. She found herself repeating what she seems to be repeating lately: she's known him since she could remember. Though all the fights, problems, month-long silences, and drama...Alice has ended up with Calcifer as her best friend today. She doesn't bother talking to anyone else. She doesn't even want to talk to anyone else. She just wants to talk to Calcifer and Calcifer alone. He never annoyed her and she always felt more than happy to put aside something for him. She devoted her time to him on a daily basis when possible. At times, she found herself wandering what things would be like today if they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 06:51 PM

Cal eventually went to work at the convinince store dow the road from his house. With a disgruntled sighhe realized his mother had taken his car which meant hers wasn't working which meant walking. With roll of his eyes he set off down the street his hand in his pockets and his ipod turned all the up to drown out the sounds of his neighborhood. Eventually he got to the store and clocked in preparing for the long boring day ahead.


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