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xlightwingx is offline
Old 04-25-2008, 03:02 PM

Okay, so my picture is this much finished:

And I was wondering
1. if there's anything wrong with it :3
2. if anyone would actually buy a sketch like that
and 3. any ideas for pose/clothing would be greatly appreciated!

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TheChibiPhoenix is offline
Old 04-25-2008, 10:29 PM

OH, that's a neat look ^^

I think that the only problem, and this might just be a personal thing, is that her eyes look a tiny bit too far apart. Other than that, I can't really see anything ^^

oh, and for poses, you could look through this gallery:
She has a LOT of good poses ^^

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xlightwingx is offline
Old 04-26-2008, 01:15 PM

Thank you <3 The eye is pretty much intended to look that way though ^^'

mene certainly isn't very active in the arts section.
Or I'm being pointedly ignored -.-''

Last edited by xlightwingx; 04-26-2008 at 02:56 PM..

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Old 04-27-2008, 12:02 AM

I don't think it's very active. The forums I've been in so far are somewhat quiet. It may have to do with the time of day, too? I wouldn't know, I'm new here.

Anyway, as ShanShan said, the only "problem" is her eyes are too far apart, but because you're not doing realism and your image is very stylized, it doesn't matter. I quite like the look of black and white, and if I had the gold, depending on your prices, I could go for something like this.

Generally, though, I think commissioners look for color.

kiaen is offline
Old 04-27-2008, 02:08 PM

I suppose you're right =P
thanks for your input 0w0

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Shadizilla is offline
Old 04-27-2008, 03:39 PM

As others have said, the eyes a tad far apart. Even for an anime style, it makes it look off. The size, however, I think is perfect. If you moved them a bit closer together, I think it would look much better.
She lacks most any of what could be called a chin. Remember that the bottom of the mouth isn't at the end of the face. There's a good gap between the mouth and the end of the face. However, I think that you got the distance between the nose and the mouth on fairly good.
Here is a good reference for a front-view face for you.
Her neck is a tad thin. It wouldn't naturally support her head -- normally, necks are about the same size of the head when it's straight-on. Women do typically have it a bit thinner, but still enough to support their head. The link I gave you above is another good reference. That is a female there, and it shows the width of the neck very well.
The hair could use a bit more definition. It's hard to tell where things start and end. Just darkening some of the lines would do wonders for the hair. Give it a bit more form, without simply outlining it. Hair isn't exactly a solid form, it can flow, but when looking at it, you can tell the difference between different parts of the hair.
This, is a great site for poses and anatomy~

Personally, no, I wouldn't buy it. But, it's over personal preference -- I don't like such firmly based anime styles.
However, I do believe others would buy it. As Reiko said, you may get more appeal with colors as well. It catches peoples eyes, and they're more likely to come in and look around more if it's colorful.
Please, please stay away from dodge and burn tools.

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xlightwingx is offline
Old 04-28-2008, 04:36 PM

Honestly, the mene avatar's neck can't hold up its head in real life anyways ^^'

And I thank you for your time and effort into your suggestions, but does that really look like anime =| ? It's more in the style of Korean ball-jointed dolls. Not Japanese! I don't see why everyone that sees cartoon people that aren't obviously western to be anime/manga =.= That just kind of annoys me.

just a tick. don't mind me.

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Old 04-28-2008, 07:01 PM

Pointy chin + Super thin neck = normally Anime.

Also, the Avatars are typically anatomically incorrect anyway, so.

Welcome hon. Remember, I'm not going against your style or anything. I'm going by real anatomy.

Last edited by Shadizilla; 04-28-2008 at 07:47 PM..

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TheChibiPhoenix is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 10:32 PM

Oh~ It's part of your style then >w<

It's just difficult to tell what's intentional and what isn't sometimes. Sorry about that >//////< ;


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