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The Anime Lover And Artist
invertqueen7 is offline
Old 03-03-2013, 07:21 AM

All about the anime, right here!

My Questions (Anyone can answer these, please quote if you are going to include them in your post):

1. Do you know about and/or have you watched the show?

2. How many episodes of it have you seen?

3. Who's your favorite character? (Can be anyone from the show)

4. What's your favorite scene/episode?

5. What's your favorite character's phrase?

6. What (in your opinion) is the most perverted/funny moment?

7. If you were going to make an OC, who would they date?

8. If you already have an OC, what breed are they and what is their weapon?

9. What is your most-hated moment/character?

10. What is your favorite song from the series? (Can be transform songs)

11. What is your favorite transformation scene?

12. What is your favorite Weapon scene?

13. Is the original or the English Dub version better?

14. What do you think of a genderbend (gender-change) version of the characters?

My Answers:

1. Yes, I have seen and know about the show.

2. I've seen the 1st 3 1/2 (each episode has 2 in it), plus some clips from others.

3. Um...Briefs/Briefers! Oh, and Panty. Mostly because they're both sexy. and I have a thing for nerds...I think they're cute!

4. The one with Chocolat & Stocking! I think it is a cute scene, no matter if others say it's bad.

Don't bother me until I've had my Damn sugar!
- Stocking, Episode 1.

6. The train in the 1st episode, when he makes the sex groans as Panty is on top of it trying to stop the Ghost inside it. I laughed to no end, just because the show is so pervy anyways.

7. I guess...she would date Briefs.

8. Well, she is a Demon/Angel hybrid and her weapon is her bracelet which turns into a huge Shuriken.

9. I don't know...I kinda like it so far. So I don't exactly have one.

10. 'I Want You' - Scanty & Kneesocks Transform Song

11. Panty & Stocking Transformation.

12. Stocking's 1st Weapon scene in Episode 1.

13. The English Dub, just because it's funnier (and oh-so dirty).

14. I like the idea, I've always wondered what a male version of the characters would really look like!

Last edited by Cardinal Biggles; 03-03-2013 at 08:30 AM..

Cinderhaze is offline
Old 03-05-2013, 05:31 AM

1. Yes, I had heard about it on forums and gave it a try.

2. All of it

3. Probably...Garterbelt or Briefs

4.The first one with Scanty and Kneesocks...I think it's like 5 or 6


6. Scanty and Kneesocks' little moment on the couch. That got me really bad the first time.

7 and 8. I never really considered a PSG OC... But I'd want a spear...and I'd probably be a human.

9. I don't think I really have one.

10. I Want You, the Demon Transform theme.

11. First demon transform

12. When Panty is trying out all the football player's underwear and keeps getting jenky pistols. Then tries Brief's..well...briefs..and gets the crazy shotgun.

13. I haven't seen the dub. It was played at a local con over the weekend but I missed it.

14. Only if they don't change the personalities at all. I want a giant, angry black woman as Garter.

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 03-07-2013, 12:57 PM

1. Do you know about and/or have you watched the show?
Uh... I'm gonna just point to my username here. That should say a lot.

2. How many episodes of it have you seen?
All of them. In one sitting. Was a bad idea.

3. Who's your favorite character? (Can be anyone from the show)

4. What's your favorite scene/episode?
Episode 10, scene 4.

Otherwise, it would be the Scanty/Kneesocks vs Panty/Stocking. That was an amazing fight.

5. What's your favorite character's phrase?
Uh... Crap. I can't remember any.

6. What (in your opinion) is the most perverted/funny moment?
All of them. Face it, it's too hard to pick one.

7. If you were going to make an OC, who would they date?
No-one. The OC would be just like me. An asshole who is incapable of getting a date.

8. If you already have an OC, what breed are they and what is their weapon?
9. What is your most-hated moment/character?
The end.
Seriously. Screw you, Gainax.

10. What is your favorite song from the series? (Can be transform songs)
Aside from D-City, I'ma sucker for Fly Away. It's just so happy sounding.

11. What is your favorite transformation scene?
The normal one. I like the style of it.

12. What is your favorite Weapon scene?
Any of them, really. The Briefs Shotgun one was probably the best though.

13. Is the original or the English Dub version better?
Original, I think.

14. What do you think of a genderbend (gender-change) version of the characters?
That... that would be hilarious. Because a guy-panty taking of panties would appeal top my humour.

Last edited by Cardinal Biggles; 03-09-2013 at 06:01 AM..

Kiba_Ryuun is offline
Old 03-14-2013, 08:01 AM

1-2. Oh, I have watched all of its episodes XD I watched it with subtitles, but I'm also looking forward to watching the English dub.

3 -4. Brieferssss! He's adorkable XD But my second fave would be both Scanty and Kneesocks, really. My fave scenes tend to be with those two (beach episode, their transformation vs Panty and Stocking's transformation scene).


6. Shoot, where to begin? IS there a 'most perverted' moment? Because by the time you reach five episodes, you're so used to everything sexual XD

7-8. If there were an OC, they'd probably end up hanging out with Panty a lot to cruise for boys.

9. Not hate so much as "Wow, this joke is pretty long..." which is the one-scene only room episode. I know they're making fun of budget cuts as well as a nod to the elevator scene in Evangelion, but wow did they run with that joke.

10. D City Rock, followed by the Fly Away transformation song.

11. Scanty and Kneesock's transformation scene.

12. Can't think of a fave.

13. I haven't seen the dub yet, but from what I've heard, it's as raunchy as you can expect it.

14. I've seen tons of genderbent art and yes, that would be awesome.


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