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Steve the Garden Hose
Oxygen Molecule Rangler
Steve the Garden Hose is offline
Old 11-20-2007, 08:10 PM

What art?
There is no art here!
You must be a crazy person.

If you want a few pixels soooo badly.
I just started trying to draw and color completely on computer, so this would only be my second try.
Try not to be too pissed with how lame it is >.>


(First attempt ever)

And as a friendly reminder, please do not molest trees and shrubs.

Alcoholic Lollypop
Alcoholic Lollypop is offline
Old 11-20-2007, 08:37 PM

Was that a Gaia reference I see? (the trees and the shrubs...)

Anyways... I wouldn't mind a freebie. I know my avatar isn't too complicated (or so I think).

And. Hello! How are you?

Cute art. I know the pain of trying to draw and color in photoshop. Unfortunately I paint when I make art digital, and on Gaia everyone hates art that looks actually painted... grrr... and weird. It does take some talent to be able to paint with a mouse in photoshop, and to be a painter in general (I love painting with acrylics on canvas...)

Steve the Garden Hose
Oxygen Molecule Rangler
Steve the Garden Hose is offline
Old 11-20-2007, 08:39 PM

No, I dont go on gaia.
Thats a phrase used on there?

I don't have photoshop, that was made with GIMP xD

And sure, I'll draw you sometime tonight xD

Alcoholic Lollypop
Alcoholic Lollypop is offline
Old 11-20-2007, 08:44 PM

I'm not really sure what GIMP is. I've never had the money to explore different programs.

Ohhhh. hahaha. On gaia it would have been a huge pun. Gaia has a towns program and you can walk into trees and bushes in order to get some gold from them (gold grows on trees?! o_O )... And you can hump them if you click the sit down/stand up button over and over again. Hahaha.

Oh yes, and thank you for being willing to draw my avatar!

Steve the Garden Hose
Oxygen Molecule Rangler
Steve the Garden Hose is offline
Old 11-20-2007, 08:47 PM

GIMP is free xD
I cant afford pay-to-use programs like photoshop.

Yreka is offline
Old 11-20-2007, 08:47 PM

  • It's more fun to poke trees and shrubs. With chainsaws. :]

    Lollypop: GIMP is an open source image editor/drawing program that is relatively good for it being free. :3

Alcoholic Lollypop
Alcoholic Lollypop is offline
Old 11-20-2007, 08:52 PM

Ohhh.. It's free? I'll google it when I get around to it. Is it pretty decent? What kind of art is best for using the program to make?

*cough* Let's just say that I got my photoshop for free...........

Steve the Garden Hose
Oxygen Molecule Rangler
Steve the Garden Hose is offline
Old 11-20-2007, 09:10 PM

Lol xD xD xD

Anyway, I'm le done now.

I made the eyes too big >.>
And the clips look funny because I forgot them and added them at the last minute xD?

Alcoholic Lollypop
Alcoholic Lollypop is offline
Old 11-20-2007, 09:21 PM

It's adorable! Thank you! =^_^=

Now I'm going to put it in my profile. *grins*

The thing is? I have the same hair, but a bit shorter all around. I had this avatar before I dyed my hair black and cut it. Then I logged onto Menewsha and laughed so hard that I fell off of my chair, because I didn't realize that I had cut my hair so similar to this avatar's hair.

Proud to be nekkid since '08.
Bunnyy is offline
Old 11-21-2007, 01:40 PM

  • It`s not laaame . XD
    It`s cute ! <3
    You can practice with my avatar if you want . 8DD


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