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Kiyoshiko is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 01:53 PM

Since I am a lazy bugger, I thought making a thread of my own would help me keep up with any conversations I might have for this event.

I will be giving chibis out to people I like or to people with purdy avatars [shouldn't be too hard since I haven't posted on Menewsha like ever despite having an account for nearly two years XD]

lol the only example of a Mene avatar XD

Feel free to tip me if you receive art. I could use the gold :sweat:

whitebeast is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 01:54 PM

Being lazy ain't so bad! XD

Kiyoshiko is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 01:56 PM

Lol, I wish I could agree.
I, however, do suffer from a great indulgence of Sloth.

BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi
Kaihei Tsukiredi the Black Mage
BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 01:59 PM

Welcome to the club... of Sloth. I really need to color stuff... I have an art shop to start on Gaia. But Sloth always gets me... :C
I have been trying to break the habit for a while, but I never seem to break it. >.<
Oh and by the way, nice chibis. :3

Kiyoshiko is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:02 PM

The only reason I have a successful art shop on Gaia is cause its a joint shop with my amazing friend who does all the spiffy banner type stuff. I started a guild like a year and a half ago and still have not done anything to make it purdy or recruit members. ^^;;

Thank you for the compliment. <3

The Daydreamer
Ling is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:03 PM


whitebeast is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:05 PM


...My art shops die too much.

I just get too caught up in other things.

Heck mine here also died.

o x o;;

Kiyoshiko is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:05 PM


How are you today?

BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi
Kaihei Tsukiredi the Black Mage
BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:05 PM

Oh, I see. Well I'm sort of alone in my Art shop. Maybe I should ask a couple of people to join, to finally start running it. I made if a couple of months ago, too. XD
And you're most welcome.

whitebeast is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:06 PM

People don't buy from me.


-rocks back and forth-

It's so HARD to find someone who'll come.

Then again I'm also picky. D:

If I'm not picky, I feel like I'm ripped off... Since they come to me with such details/fugly avatars and I can't bear to draw them.

._. Am I the only one with this problem?

Or am I just...wrong somewhere?

Kiyoshiko is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:10 PM

@Black: It really does help to have more than one person in a shop, that way you get more traffic seeing as there is more of a chance for open slots and varied art.

@White: Non, you aren't the only one with that problem. I tend to take the fugly avatars despite my lack of motivation to draw then, but only if I am not receiving very many forms and don't have much choice if I wanna make the gold. It sometimes helps to set guidelines for what you will/won't draw. That way you feel more justified if you deny someone.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:10 PM

Hi! I love your chibis! They're so cute! n____________n

How are you/is everyone?

whitebeast is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:12 PM

At some point, I tried not to deny people.

I even tried to draw for low prices.

...Sure I got A LOT of stuff for em in return.

Then it took a toll on my mental and physical well being. XDDD;

BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi
Kaihei Tsukiredi the Black Mage
BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:12 PM

@whitebeast: I sort of have that problem too... but I'm pretty good with details though. I just can't draw fugly avatars. I really like to draw avatars that are either interesting to look at or it just appeals to me.

@kiyoshiko: Hmm... I guess I'll have to find someone then.. :P

Kiyoshiko is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:13 PM

Thank you.
I use to be horrible at chibis, but practice has made me decent. XD

I'm considerably good for going as long as I have without sleep.

whitebeast is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:14 PM

...I want avatars that are actually appealing/generally UNDERSTANDABLE.

I like layers.

But those that make sense.


JessiFlakes is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:15 PM

White: I used to be that way. I used to try not to deny people, but then I got so overwhelmed sometimes and I was like "Holy crap, I can't do this! D= "

Black: I think everyone's like that. What they're drawing has to appeal to them in some way, even slightly, or else the drawing is just... Bleh. It's that way with me at least. .____.'

Kiyo: Why haven't you slept?

I still kind of suck at chibis. <w<;

The Daydreamer
Ling is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:15 PM

I'm fine thanks.

BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi
Kaihei Tsukiredi the Black Mage
BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:17 PM

Oh my god this thread is going so fast @.@

@jessiflakes: I think that goes with me as well. D:

@whitebeast: True, so true. >.<

whitebeast is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:18 PM

I remember getting sick...

As in physically exhausted.

From Gaia artsu'ng.

I felt so insulted when I got accused of being a bot/hacker when I was found to be dressed in a lot of MIs.


...They didn't believe me because I was on a recently made account.


Kiyoshiko is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:18 PM

@Black: I'd volunteer if I had more of a feeling for the monetary system here. Alas, I am but a green bud in this economy. XD

@White: I know how it is. Too many people tend to think clutter = good or are color blind. I personally can't stand when an avi isn't somewhat matching in colors. I tend to "correct" it when I color the art. Which surprisingly hasn't led to any complaints.

@Jessi: cuz I haven't gotten tired yet.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:22 PM

Black: n_n; Yeah, I think most artists want to be able to appreciate what they're drawing, the subject, I mean. It's no fun otherwise.

White: D= Ugh, I hate that! I did a lot of art on Gaia, never good enough to get a ton of MC's, but I got mine in other ways and I've had that happen to me too.

Kiyo: .___.' Well, I just hope you don't spontaneously crash at some point. <w<;

BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi
Kaihei Tsukiredi the Black Mage
BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:24 PM


@whitebeast: Gawd, that sucks! D:<

@Kiyoshiko: Ha ha, you and me both. XD I might ask a friend I know to join. She's a decent artist (and she's the only one I know who would be happy to do it).

@jessiflake: Very true, I agree with that 100 % all the way.

Kiyoshiko is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:24 PM

@Jessi: so far these past few weeks, I haven't spontaneously crashed. Though I did fall asleep for like 30 secs on the john last time I went without sleep for 38+ hours.

@Black: My friend from Gaia really loves it here, so she convinced me to get on my neglected account. Then she asked how much gold she should give me for art of her avatar. We both ended up having a convo about not knowing an appropriate price.

Last edited by Kiyoshiko; 08-13-2009 at 02:27 PM..

whitebeast is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 02:25 PM

My most expensive item was a gift.

Because someone thought it would be nice to give it to me randomly.


The rest... gifts or stuff I got sick over.

D: It's no longer fun if you kill yourself over.


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