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icey_paradise is offline
Old 06-27-2008, 02:36 AM

[B]->I'm going to attempt at something and hopefully I can catch a fairly wide array of people to join. I would hope that this will be interesting, but again, I can only hope.<-

->Hello, my name is icey_paradise, icey for short, and well, I would like to consider myself semi-literate (and would like all you to at least be the same). Now, I have been roleplaying on and off for probably the better part of 10 years, starting off on a small site and finally graduating to various other sites. However, I am not on and able to RP all the time, but I will attempt to make a post at least every other day.<-

Last edited by icey_paradise; 06-27-2008 at 02:51 AM.. Reason: Title change

icey_paradise is offline
Old 06-27-2008, 02:38 AM


1)Follow the rules I have set forth
2)Follow the Menewsha TOS (they are there for a reason) NOTHING OVER PG-13!
3)No god-mod/power play, you don't know what these are, leave
4)Be at least semi-literate (one liners should not be your fortee, but can happen once in a while)
5)No killing without the other person's approval
6)Romance is allowed, but for once should be slightly minimal.
7)Put "icey is god" as the title of the PM when sending me your character skeleton
8 )Read all posts before your own, don't jump in randomly, it tends to throw off the beat
9)Use one post to say everything you wish to say, and wait for others to post before posting again
10)Submit all bios to me
11)Some where in your PM to me, put "the moon is cheese" so I know you have read everything.
12)I reserve the right to add rules as I see fit
13)Have fun

icey_paradise is offline
Old 06-27-2008, 02:39 AM


I was once told by a prophet that come the year 2030, the chance of demons ruling the earth would be vast. Nay, they would rule the world by getting rid of the vampires one by one. There would be no mercy, no sanctuary from these power hungry beasts. Your neighbor might not be a neighbor, but a demon, trust no one I have been told. For, if the demon race expands, there will be no balance of power, vampires will cease to exist and the human race will become slaves to the demons.

For the vampires to survive the influx of demon blood, they must procreate with a true human, but finding one will be hard. And in the end, if the demons do not prevail, not a single human soul will be left to dine in hell.

The only true human will die at the age of 133 after raising her own half-vampiric children.

icey_paradise is offline
Old 06-27-2008, 02:43 AM


The year is 2030 and the war of nations just ended a couple years ago. There are still some after effects of the whole affair, people poor and begging for money, countries left with a damaged economy, you know, the whole works. But the ones that seem to be immune are the vampires and demons, they just walk around, feeding on the humans, and killing each other when they cross each other's paths. The people of the world are fearing that the prophecy might in fact be coming true, but can't do anything to protect themselves.

Technology is that of today, just slightly perfected. No, people aren't living as 'peasants', there just aren't very wealthy people, all the money went to the war efforts. And if things keep going the way they are, there might be another war at hand that people really won't be ready for.

Character Skeleton

User Name:
Character Name:
Race: (Choose from human, vampire, demon or a mix of any but vampire/demon)
Appearance: (If choosing to use a picture, make it a URL link)
[Please follow the above skeleton to the "T" to make it easier for me to have all skeletons be nearly exact...]

icey_paradise is offline
Old 06-27-2008, 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by icey_paradise
User Name: icey_paradise
Character Name: Charles Mark Stevenson
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Race: Human
History: Born during the midst of the war, Charles was brought up fearing anything and everything for you never know who can betray you. But, as he grew, he also realized that his ancestors would have hated to see the world as it was, but knowing at the same time that there is nothing he can do to change the facts.
Personality: A very headstrong guy, but can't very easily think on his feet. In his loft, he has some plans on how to stop this supposed prophecy from coming true, but he would need the support of everyone around him.
Appearance: Charles Since the color is black and white, his hair and eyes are a chocolate brown.

icey_paradise is offline
Old 06-27-2008, 02:47 AM

Updates etc.

YEAH, Its open time! Have fun!:heart:

icey_paradise is offline
Old 06-27-2008, 02:50 AM

Charles walked down the street, hands in his faded blue jeans and watched the broken cement pass him as he walked. Without the use of a car, he had to walk both ways to his job, unless one of his co-workers got enough money to afford a tank of gas. He was just happy to be out of his stuffed up home and into what should be fresh air. But the air was highly polluted from the factories trying to boost up the economy again. A light breeze brushed his hair into his eyes and he brushed the strands away with ease.

Something was coming, could it be the change of wind his great-grandmother kept talking about? The one that the prophet told her? At last he walked into the building he worked at, a machine shop that once made parts for cars, but now makes parts for houses to keep them up in repair. A dead end job, but thats how things are now-a-days.

"There's got to be a way out of this," he pondered, while he punched himself in and nodded in hello to his fellow co-workers.

Just another day of thankless work. Hey, at least it kept some food on the table.

Wearer of glow-in-the-dark snowm...
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Old 06-27-2008, 09:31 PM

I'll go ahead and move this to the Horror subforum as it best suits this type of roleplay. Good luck on it!

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 07-21-2008, 08:06 PM

(( i joined^^))


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