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Project Mene
Project Mene is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 05:49 AM

Welcome to Project Mene!

Project Mene is one of the longest running avatar contests on Menewsha. Started as a way to inspire some healthy competition, this contest has spawned some of the greatest avatars in Mene history, including several AP and UP wins, and has more than ten cycles of contests under its belt! We’re an elimination based avatar contest; eight contestants enter, three to five judges judge, mentors inspire, and someone wins! The contest lasts 5-7 weeks, and each week the contestants are given a new challenge to inspire them until one contestant remains. Sound interesting?


10.13.15 Currently updating thread for potential new cycle? Might be restructuring to make more inviting.


Old AnnouncementsX

unknown date: The theme for this cycle is the zodiac. Here on Project Mene, we're looking to the stars and beyond to serve as the inspiration for this cycle's batch of contestants! Challenges will all revolve around central themes of the zodiac, and are sure to push the buttons from what Project Mene has done before!
5.15.14: Sign up now for the next round of Project Mene!
3.30.14: Let's go! :D
3.15.14: Okay everyone, so there's about a week left to finish signing up! If you think you know anyone who might want to join in, go ahead and tell them about the contest! Sign ups will be closing on the 23rd! everyone! I know that you have all been waiting patiently for us to update you on everything that has been happening behind the scenes with Project Mene, which I’m sorry about, but we’re happy to start filling you all in on the things we have been discussing. Below I have a list of changes that Cora and I have discussed thoroughly, which we hope will address all of the problems we have experienced in the past while hosting this contest. Some of the changes are more drastic than others, but we are doing these changes because we’re tired of seeing the same things happen over and over again with no real consequences. So without further ado, here are some things that we’re excited to announce:
  1. All previous winners/contestants will receive a clean slate. This means anyone is eligible for this next cycle of Project Mene, after which we will return to our three-cycle eligibility wait.
  2. Dedication Requirements: During the application process, we will have very specific run dates for the cycle listed, which you will be expected to be available for the duration of the contest. If you sign up to participate and drop out before the first challenge is over (without a valid reason), you will effectively be banned (placed on probation)* from participating as a contestant in future challenges.
    1. We want users to want to be part of this contest and if you don’t have the time to dedicate to it, we want to offer your spot to users who do. Sorry if this comes off as harsh.
    2. We don’t want to exclude anyone from participating, so if this is the case, we’ll require that you wait at least one cycle before you can participate again.
  3. Group Challenges: Each cycle will have at least one group challenge; so be prepared to participate in them if you expect to participate.
    1. Group Challenge Scores will be determined by having judges submit a group score out of ten, which will then be averaged and added to contestant’s individual scores.
  4. Contestant count will be reduced from ten contestants per cycle to eight. This will allow us to host more cycles more often.
  5. Application Process: Applications will run as normal via the Project Mene Blog, but contestants will be chosen on a first come, first served basis. If we receive excess applications, we will PM those users before we start the application process for the next cycle and offer them first dibs at a spot.
  6. Each cycle will have exactly six challenges, which effectively works out to a six to eight week cycle time counting time for events or personal setbacks for the hosts, but they will be no longer than eight weeks total.
  7. This one is a biggie! We’re giving the Mentor one save per cycle. Mentors will be able to save a single eliminated contestant once during the duration of the contest. However, there is a catch. The Mentor must use his or her save by no later than the end of the third elimination and can only save the user eliminated that week.
  8. Images must be uploaded to Imgur or ImageShack only, just like with UP so we don't lose any images accidentally.
  9. Contestants will be notified to check their entries once uploaded to ensure that nothing is missing or incorrect; they will be pinged alongside the judges and will have 12 hours to notify Cora or Seiki if something needs changing.
  10. If scores/contests are put up late, deadlines will be updated according to the hour that the update occurred.
  11. Because prizes have been inconsistent in the past, we’re making a set prize for each cycle. Prizes will be set at 5000g each cycle, or contestants will be allowed to choose one (or more) items equivalent to 5000g from Project Mene's inventory.
  12. Last, but not least, there will be no more double elimination challenges.
  13. I know this was a long read, but they are changes that we have felt are necessary for running a better contest. If we find that these changes do not work, then we will continue to tweak them until we find a solution that works for everyone.
  14. Additionally, applications and the new cycle theme will go up for the next cycle Sunday, March 2nd, at noon, Arizona time, and will be available until March 23rd. The first challenge will be available on March 30th.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them here in the thread or PM Cora or myself (Seiki) and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks everyone!

PS. The thread will begin to see a makeover during the next couple of weeks leading up to the new cycle. I will be updating things periodically as I have time between my schoolwork and my internship.
11.3.13 Let the games begin!
9.30.13 Applications are now available! Apply now so we can start on the 13th!
8.6.13 HOLY SHIZ YO, IT'S SHARK WEEK! Join our Shark Week avatar contest now. Entries due Tuesday, August 13th. See post 7 for more details!
6.12.13 Thread update currently in progress. First challenge will be available Sunday at 12PM EST.
5.18.13 Applications are now available! Click the link below to apply for the next cycle!
5.15.13 Hi hi! Seiki here! There's been a bit of stirring lately about the upcoming cycle, which will be cohosted this time by yours truly and the wonderful Cora Lorington who has done a great job orchestrating the current cycle. All challenges aside, dealing with timing and such, I personally feel that this cycle has been amazing! I love seeing all the old challenges again, and getting a real feel for what contestants had to go through during my time as sole host of this fun competition! It's tough! That said, I hope you're all ready for some changes.

Project Mene is heading for a full revamp with this upcoming cycle. There's going to be a lot more organization, a new layout, new judging structure, new everything! I'm in the process of overhauling a lot of the existing material found in the thread, tweaking rules and doing general updates. There is also a PM Closet in the works starting with this cycle, and if anyone from any of the previous cycle has any of their old entries and remembers what the challenges were, please PM them to Project Mene so we can account for them in that thread soon as it's completed.

As I posted in the thread earlier, applications for the next cycle will be going up really soon! We're hoping for a mid-June start as I'll be leaving for Quebec for my study abroad program at the beginning of July so I want to make sure that the contest is up and running and that the new format works before I have to disappear for a week or so while I adjust to life 2700 miles from home! Be on the lookout for more announcements in the next few days!
12.31.12 Applications are Up for Cycle 10, please do apply! And Tell your friends, Cora would like to see a big turn out for her first cycle.
12.20.12: Hi everyone! I know this has been a long and drawn-out cycle, something that I had originally hoped to avoid but it turns out luck was not on my side again. Scores have been added and the prize has been sent out to the winner. Congratulations Maria, and to all the other contestants, you did a wonderful job! Honestly, I think you all deserved to be winners, but there can only be one!

Also, as most of you know, this is my last cycle as host of Project Mene. I've decided to step down because I no longer have adequate time to spend on Mene to keep track of everything. This doesn't mean it's the end for the contest though. Our very own Cora Lorington: has accepted the hosting position for the next cycle, something I think will really bring new life to the contest! Cora is amazing, so I have no doubt that she'll do us all proud!

Thanks again to everyone who has ever participated or been a part of Project Mene. I have a lot of amazing memories with you guys! I'll keep stopping in occasionally to see who things are going! I hope you're all well during the holiday season!
8.4.12: Hi guys. I've been noticing a trend of really long descriptions this cycle when contestants have been turning in their entries, and I just wanted to inform you all that in regards to that, there's been a new rule added. I'll post it here so you can see it, but it has been added to the official rules. The reason for this rule change, is that I want your entries to speak for themselves with minimal input from you guys. The judges should be able to interpret the entries the way that makes the most sense to them, and I think that long descriptions don't really help them, or at least they don't help me.

"Contestants will be allowed to provide a brief description/explanation of their entry that is no longer than 75 words, with one link to video or image reference not counting towards that total."
7.10.12: With the contestants all confirmed and the judges ready to go, the official first round will be starting sometime tomorrow. Not entirely sure what time I'll have it up, but since it's starting in the middle of the week instead of a Sunday like it normally would, it's going to work a bit different time-wise. No worries though. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone can come up with!
6.27.12: Just a little update for everyone. The application period has been extended to July 6th to allow us to achieve the amount of contestants we need in order to start a new round. As a reminder, the referral bonus is still in place, so refer your friends and get us some new blood in here!

Also, thank you to CK and the staff for giving us a chance to do a site-wide advertisement to promote the return of the contest. Hopefully it's a success in more ways than one!

One final thing. The prize for this cycle has officially been determined. The winner will receive Les Voiles d'Or and 2500g!
6.10.12: Hi everyone! So I just wanted to let you know that applications are up and it's time for you all to go and apply! And if you can, tell your friends. Because I want to see a large turnout for our grand reopening. Applications will run until midnight, June 29th, and I'll be notifying the selected judges and contestants on July 1st, with the first round to start July 4th!

Also, since I bet you're all wondering, I've decided that the theme for this cycle of Project Mene is going to be Hollywood! I have so much fun stuff planned for you guys and I can't wait for you to see the challenges.

One more thing. To help bring in new contestants, I'm including a bit of an incentive for you all to help spread the word of the contest. For every user that you refer to Project Mene that applies as a serious applicant, I will give you 100g! I really want this contest to be a success and I need your help to do it! Thanks!
6.1.12: I know that it has been a while since Project Mene was fully functioning but I’m fully prepared to get back into the loop of things and get it rolling again. As it stands, I’m looking to start the upcoming cycle the first week of June, so I will be looking for contestants and judges alike to aid me in rebooting the contest that we all know and love. To make this happen, I’m hoping that I can get you all to help me out in advertising the contest, so for every user that you get to apply (please have them include your usernames as a reference when they fill out the application), I will give you 100g! I know it’s not much, but I think a large part of why Project Mene started slacking was because there was a lack of awareness within the other forums and I can’t really be everywhere to advertise it all the time.

Applications will begin on or around June 10th, so keep a lookout for an announcement then.


1. Intro + Announcements
2. Current Challenge
3. Judges + Mentors
4. Contestants + Entries
5. Eliminated Contestants
6. Would you like to see our closet?
7. Mini-Contests
8. Rules + FAQs
9. Reserved
Mule Approved by Sizzla.

Last edited by Project Mene; 10-14-2015 at 07:57 AM..

Project Mene
Project Mene is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 05:50 AM


Entries due, n/a @12:00PM Arizona Standard Time
Scores due, n/a @10:00AM Arizona Standard Time

Last edited by Project Mene; 10-14-2015 at 07:58 AM..

Project Mene
Project Mene is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 05:50 AM

Seiki Nova

Last edited by Project Mene; 10-14-2015 at 07:59 AM..

Project Mene
Project Mene is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 05:51 AM



Trinidad version of a carnival:
Trinidad's Carnival Celebration | Islands



For this final round I decided to choose my favourite ride. A Helter Skelter, (Neller also informed me that in some places these are called rocket slides) I decided to mostly follow the traditional colour scheme of red, yellow and white, but also added in plum purple for my own twist. As you can see the mina scarf represents the twisting slide. In the background there is parkland, as in the UK most fun fairs/carnivals take place in parks. There is also the entry gate behind and the metal floor synonymous with all fairground rides. As a final touch to really bring the atmosphere of a fun fair, music floats in the air.

Incase some of you haven't encountered the awesomeness that is a Helter skelter, here are some images which I used for inspiration: (please ignore the trapdoor and jelly pit at the base of this one, it's an illustration for some financial company xD)



I always think of carousel horses when I think of carnivals or fairs. They are usually so elegant and decorated, so I tried to incorporate that in my entry.

Last edited by Project Mene; 10-14-2015 at 08:01 AM..

Project Mene
Project Mene is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 05:51 AM



Just enjoying a fun little backyard baseball game. Gotta have some popcorn to munch on while watching.



LONGCAT: Off on the sod. Those were my favorite seats in the stadium. Would have loved to see the use of the airplanes in the background.
Maria: I have to say that your outfit is so similar to fireprincess. The super short shorts on your avvie seem to work well. You would see them a lot at baseball games! I'm not sure I understand the shoes. The hearts are really throwing me off to be honest with you! It looks like a nice clear day to have a game!
Mythos: Cute and summery, that’s for sure! Someone looks nice and set up for cheering on the neighborhood kids. Good, bold colors and a sensible outfit for the summer sport. Some trees in the background might have been nice to make the background seems a bit more complete, but the central figure gives a nice sense of being either the sister, friend or girlfriend of one of the players on the field. She’s got the summer look.
Seiki: I think because you're going with a back yard baseball game, it might have been more fitting if you had a white picket fence instead of a brown one. It would have felt more like kids playing catch in the back yard sort of thing. That said, I think you have a really simple, yet clear entry and I can definitely see baseball in it. I might have gone with longer shorts though?

Score: 27.2/40 - Eliminated



Right across the hall from Patient Access, Delilah is ready to take a patient up to the surgical waiting room to await their procedure.

Volunteers of hospitals have many jobs, from wheeling patients down for discharge, to guiding them to the different departments for their procedures, and many

As a short term volunteer, she is required to wear a teal vest and khaki's, but she wears them proudly!



LONGCAT: Candy Striper. My mom worked hospitals since I was little, so I was used to seeing the volunteers around the hospital but there are bits of the outfit that make little sense to me. Why a bowtie, or hair baubles, and where are your gloves!!! The hospital would have a fit with you not wearing gloves.
Maria: My first impression was that you were a waitress which made me confused - a volunteer waitress? The hair clips with the hearts and fans and stuff and the multiple bows confuse me. I get trying to balance the colors but they just don't fit in with the rest of the avatar. I like the use of the floor and the chairs to give a pristine hospital feel.
Mythos: While this outfit is very, very cute it doesn’t look authentic to me. It looks like something out of a steampunk comic—which in itself isn’t a bad thing! I’m a sucker for steampunk—but in the setting of the contest and challenge it’s a little odd. I appreciate how you were striving to spread your colors across the avatar so evenly. That takes a lot of work, and so does coming up with such a unique theme! Overall I love the thought you put into this but I feel it is a little far over the top for this particular challenge.
Seiki: I think this would have worked more if you had gone off of one of those classic volunteer looks and included a reference picture. The outfit is just a little too flashy/busy in my opinion for a volunteer worker. There are elements that I like. I think the double bow is interesting, and I do like the background layering.

Score: 26.1/40 - Eliminated



It's time to gather up your sports paraphernalia and head to Brazil for, yes,
that's right, you guessed it, the World Cup!
Traditional Brazllian team colors: yellow, green, and blue.
Avatar now complete with complementary booze and swearing.



Seiki: <3

Score: 0/40 - Eliminated



Flying used to be considered a special ocassion that people would get dressed in their best for. I prefer to travel in style like they did.



Maria: I didn't understand you were going for flying when I saw this. I can see why you used the background from the squishy space CI because it's the most planelike one we have. HOwever, it looks more like the captain of the ship would be sitting there, not a passenger drinking cocktails. Also, your little clouds are INSIDE the place XD I think if you had left them off, it would have been okay. I like that your outfit matches your bag because that's what swanky, upscale plane go-ers would do!
Mythos: Well you definitely look comfortable! I mean cocktails during flight? That’s just swanky~ I like that you were clearly trying to stand out from your background and still being conscious of color combinations but I can’t help but think something ivory needs to appear topside to finish off that look. I’m not sure I would have noticed it so much if you had omitted the console in the background. It makes everything a bit busy right around torso level and makes my eyes want to jump elsewhere… don’t get me wrong, I think it was a smart choice to add the console or you wouldn’t have the right type window look I think you were going for but to me it just makes the absence of the ivory stand out a bit too much.
Seiki: I know that you say your entry is a flyer, but the outfit looks more cruise appropriate than flying if you're going for a dressier theme. The slacks are a bit loose and the shirt is too casual. If you had gone with a cruise theme, I think it would have been more fitting. The colors also don't really read fancier dress either. That said, I think the outfit is well done, though the background throws me a bit. I can't think of that as being a plane at all.

Score: 21/30 - Eliminated






LONGCAT: :< Sorry to hear you are sick, hope you get better!

Score: 0/30 - :(

/insert Jaws theme song here.



Using the power of the sun and its fire, Leos are the leaders, and warriors of this world. The constellation itself shows this power as the mighty lion roars into the heavens. I represented the locations of the stars in the constellation as the colored locations, keeping the outfit blue and starry where you can see past the constellation into other stars beyond.


~LONGCAT~ -Not one of my favorites. I feel like you tried cramming so much into this that you lost the image. The theme is there but only barely, I can sort of see Leo. But it's just so busy and cluttered. The center especially, I would have gone with a more solid color blue especially with all the glam in the fire pieces.
BSW- I see what you are getting at with your avatar, but I feel the avatar itself is unbalanced and awkward. I do not think that is a characteristic of leos and therefore I feel that the avatar's flaws really take away from the entry overall. I feel if you were using the fire to represent to stars locations in the constellation, you should have used a tail that had that colour of fire on it and your head should have that colour as well. since they dont, I feel that aspect did not get represented the way you intended.
Cora- I like the concepts in this, and In that way you DID represent Leo. The avi itself is not quite to my taste but Its really to each there own. In the end my advice for next time is to remember that each item in an entry should mean something, if added just for the color balance you need to assess whether that item was needed.
Seiki Nova-I think this avatar has a lot of the same problems as Eastriel's. There are too many things going on at once and you need to simplify. I know your style of avatars is very specific, but the item choices and the super sharp contrasting colors makes it hard to see the layering that goes in to the avatar's outfit, and the flames don't really fit in with the whole constellation aspect, though I do love the use of floaties!

Score-18.3 /30-ELIMINATED

Iroase Delschatten





LONGCAT: nothing??? sadface.
Seiki Nova: Sorry you couldn’t carry on with us : (

Score: 0/30 - Eliminated



The Sibyls were oracular women believed to possess prophetic powers in ancient Greece.

Here is my interpretation of a Sibyl, mid prophecy predicting various fates for the people of Athens, surrounding her are different omens which could have been foreseen in ancient Greece;

The arrow is a symbol meaning desire or virility
The snake means spiteful enemies
The butterfly means great pleasure or success
And so on.



BSW: Again you have blown me away with your interesting take on the challenge. i love the feel and the mystery to your avatar. the whole things is very ominous. which is great! the images do seem a little bright, but i dont think there is anything to be done about that. the colours are great and you really get your point across very well.
LONGCAT: Works with description, would not have used the cartoon bird. Comparing it to your last entry it doesn't look like you deviated much, almost the same items were used to create the same feeling. I think this could have been executed better.
Seiki Nova: I can see where you're coming from, but I think you could have approached it in a better way. I really don't like that the robes consist of both positions of the same item. I think you could have been more creative with dress layers to give the robes more depth. Also, try and simplify your avatars. You don't have to add so many details that the judges won't be able to understand them without an explanation.

Score: 19.6/30 - Eliminated



Easier said than done, horoscope.



BSW: You seem to have taken a step away from the simplicity of your avatars previous. Your avatar looks like they are suffering anxiety not enjoying the day. I see how much you struggled with the interpretation of this challenge, and I honestly didn't know how to help you the whole way along. I would have liked to see something spectacular and simple like your previous entries though.
Cora: While I quite like your avatar, I feel it is quite the contrary to your horoscope. Your horoscope said that there should be joy from going outside but instead your avatar looks to have hit all the miseries instead. Still, it did make me giggle, I'll give you props for that
Seiki Nova: I'm so glad you changed the actual outfit for your entry. I think it really gives the avatar a better grounding for the absurdity of the bad luck she is having with the ants and the rain storm and the animal attacks on her picnic. Your avatar's face reads as uncomfortable, but the entry is definitely lighthearted and working its way through all the downsides of her day. I like it!

Score: 17.6/30 Eliminated!





BSW: Fire is my favourite element. Your avatar though confuses me. The sash and hair do a wonderful job showing the movement of fire, but the rest of your avatar doesnt show that at all. Mostly its the foot/leg layering that really takes away from your avatar. that being said... the "creepy" eyes are so awesome in that they can represent the "creeping" way that fire has of spreading. although I am not sure that was what you were going for.
Cora: I wish you had turned in the other avatar with fire, because that one was much more exciting. This, while it embodies the challenge to the tee, is a relatively boring avatar. I just don't find it exciting. I wish you would have maybe added a background or something. It's good but not great.
LONGCAT: The socks are very distracting and the face seems too flat. The addition of a Tengu nose would have helped the face, or even not using that particular smile. It's something I see in most of your entries now, and while it's worked in the past, this time it just falls flat. This just looks a lot like previous entries. I think with fire you could have pulled out a real stunner.
Seiki Nova: No Comment

Score: 21.2/30 Eliminated!



The old Mars colony was built directly into a natural cave system. While this offered protection from sand storms and the cold, it was also constantly in need of repairs. Plumbers and mechanics were in high demand in those early days, and were often seen at work throughout the colony.



BSW: you got me. I love steampunk Avatars. And Mars and steampunk are just made for each other! I love the colours of the avatar and the background layering really does make it look like you are on a mars colony. I think you did a fantastic job. I also love that the hair matches the wrench and that really helps to pull the avatar together. Its the little things you notice that make a huge difference.
Cora Easy to spot what you are even before you told me. I could see the story building in your character as they rather happily go from one job to the next fixing things almost like it was their baby and they were determined to see it through to the bitter end. The background really worked, the color scheme is very muted which I like. The avatar fits with the background, overall, I like it!
LONGCAT: I love love love the synergy between the background and the avi in this one! I can get the story without reading your description and I feel like that's sometimes one of the hardest things to get across. Nothing feels out of place or added for the sake of something being there. Very successful and my favorite from you during PM.
Seiki Nova: I like this one, but I think you should have added a fog over it to make it seem a little more dirty. You say in your description that they stuck to caves because of winds and such, and yet it's nice and clear outside. I wish you had just used the jumper bottoms instead of the whole thing and then worked more with top layering, but that's okay. It looks good as is. Also, I'm upset that you took away the tank/tube from one of your WIPs. I thought it was a good addition. Overall, I would say this is pretty good.

Score: 26.5/30



I didn't simply want to be a person ON Neptune. I wanted to become Neptune. So I took into account the fact it was named for the God of the Sea as well as the facts about the planet itself while making my avatar



BSW: I love that you incorporated the rings of neptune. i also love the colours of your avatar. they really represent the planet very well. I also love the blue lava, although i dont think neptune is actually volcanic...the waterfalls are perfect though. because it really does have "waterfalls" they are just not water, apparently they are liquid diamond. and thats why the sparkles work so well. I think you did a fabulous job representing this planet!
Cora: I have one word here. Absolutely stunning! Ok so that is two words, but seriously I think your item choices are very amazingly placed. You portray the movement, the water, even the darkness and the cold. I absolutely LOVE this!
LONGCAT: My favorite part of this avi is how the hair seems to flow into the ground circle. And the little touches that remind you of what the planet is thought to have; noxious fumes, hazy atmosphere, molten methane. I think the only trident we have is the Atlantis one, and the colors wouldn't have matched, otherwise I would have loved to have seen one included in this.
Seiki Nova: Well you definitely don't make things easy for the others. This is really well done. I can see the darkness of the planet, as well as the icy features it must possess. Your use of backgrounds is really well done and I think the gas mask is a clever addition, however, the boots throw me. They're just a little too light compared to the rest of the avatar and it throws off the balance a little bit. Perhaps if you had truncated it using the bone anklets from the Bone Warrior CI?

Score: 26.6/30 Winner!



Gassy Venus classically shown red and yellow lends to the color scheme while keeping in mind the toxic conditions with the helmet and full body cover. Additionally her suit makes use of the women are from Venus trope with the frilly skirts and flower



BSW: I love the background of your avatar in that it looks like a storm and I like that you used the dune since that makes it more venus than jupiter. I would have liked to see a reference to the goddess venus since there are so many common depictions and the association is obvious, but that might be my personal taste. the avatar itself is significantly lacking in my opinion. there is nothing overly interesting or eye catching, nothing that screams venus about the avatar. That is the biggest draw back to your avatar.
Cora: Your background works, your avi...kind of works. Something in the avatar is a little weird to me. As an avatar its nice, but the story is slightly off. The fact that she wears a helmet to keep out the poison I understand, but the flower would have probably died then. Perhaps it wouldn't, I could just be being picky. I do like the nod to women in it though so kudos for that.
LONGCAT: I get that Venus is toxic, but your background shows your avi to be indoors. I don't think the helmet and complete cover would be necessary inside a surface shelter unless it was built below codes. I know you could have come up with a more suitable background to fit the avi, then it would have been (pardon my pun) stellar!
Seiki Nova: I like how you make your character a visitor on Venus, like it's a tourist hotspot. The background is nice and simple, and the outfit itself is cute. I like the "women are from Venus" reference. The actual outfit is a little less creative than I would have liked to see, but I think it's a nice entry

Score: 21.3/30

Last edited by Project Mene; 10-14-2015 at 08:02 AM..

Project Mene
Project Mene is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 05:52 AM

Thread Rules

1. Chat.
2. Be jovial.
3. Promote Project Mene to your friends.
4. Eat a cookie.
5. Kill the contestants with devastatingly harsh feedback.

Deadline Rules and Exceptions!

1. All entries must be submitted via Private Message by posted deadline unless contestant is using an extension.
2. Contestants are allowed one extension per cycle and must notify the host via Private Message at least 24 hours prior to entry deadline to be valid.
3. Late entries will not be considered.
4. If you have not submitted your entry by deadline, but have posted WIPs in the thread, we will assume your most recent WIP is your entry.
5. Contestants may submit a brief description of their entry no longer than 75 words.

Other Rules

1. Entries will only be accepted that have been uploaded to Imageshack or imgur.
2. Contestant selection is first come, first served. If there are extra sign ups, we will PM you prior to the start of the following cycle and offer you first dibs.
3. Contestants will be offered a one-week immunity for winning until there are five contestants left.
4. Users who sign up to participate will be expected to dedicate themselves to completing the contest. If you sign up and drop out or do not submit an entry before the first challenge is complete, you will be placed on probation and won’t be allowed to participate for two cycles.
5. For winning PM, contestants will receive a gold prize of either 5000g or an item from the PM Prize Pool.
6. Hi!

Last edited by Project Mene; 10-14-2015 at 08:03 AM..

Project Mene
Project Mene is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 05:53 AM

Last edited by Project Mene; 10-14-2015 at 08:06 AM..

Project Mene
Project Mene is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 05:54 AM

Last edited by Project Mene; 10-14-2015 at 08:06 AM..

Project Mene
Project Mene is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 05:54 AM

Last edited by Project Mene; 10-14-2015 at 08:06 AM..

Project Mene
Project Mene is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 05:54 AM

Last edited by Project Mene; 10-14-2015 at 08:06 AM..

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 05:54 AM

And feel free to posty posty. Or whatever!~


Would it be better for you guys if I used the reserved post for FAQs to minimize the rules post?

Last edited by Seiki Nova; 06-02-2012 at 06:21 AM..

Baby Jae
Vanora is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 06:20 AM

*Peeks in* o. o
This is pretty awesome. o:
I've never been a part of Project Mene, but I've seen the thread before.
Well the old thread.

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 06:22 AM

Yeah. I've been meaning to get this up and running again for a long time now but I've been a little busy. My schedule hasn't changed much and if anything, I'm even more busy but I wanted to bring the contest back for everyone who loved it.

Baby Jae
Vanora is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 06:28 AM

Oh I see. o:
Well it certainly seems like tons of fun!
Hopefully this time around it will stay up and running.

Project Mene
Project Mene is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 06:31 AM

Well the only reason it really stopped before is because I was having trouble finding new contestants to play and things were starting to get really busy/complicated with my life. I figured a good break would do me well and so I took a nice long break from Mene with a few short visits, but now I'm forcing myself to be more active and to try again now that there are new users and I feel all refreshed and happy about the contest again.

Baby Jae
Vanora is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 06:35 AM

Well that's good. :3
Good long breaks are sometimes really needed.
Maybe this time around there will be more contestants.

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 06:40 AM

That's the goal. I'm going to make a real effort to spread word about the contest across the site so that we can get a wider range of users to participate!

Cora Lorington: Hatake Ayumi: Ferra: Cherry Who?: CK: Suona: Paprika: Arikana: come back to me? <3

Last edited by Seiki Nova; 06-02-2012 at 06:45 AM..

Ted D Ber
Ted D Ber is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 08:54 AM

looks like fun,
about how long would there be between deadlines?
I'd love to participate, but work 2 jobs, which means I need about a week to make sure I'd at least have 1 day off @_@
and when you say we can use any medium, does that mean that creating our own items is allowed?

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 09:08 AM

No, that's actually covered in the FAQs. You can use any medium you like to create your avatars, but you can't use them to create new items. And usually, there's about a 4-5 day period for all contestants to work on their entry and then 2-3 day period for the judges to send me their feedback and scores. So a typical round/week would go along the lines of Su-Th for the work period and F-Su for the judging. Once I have all the scores back from the judges, I update the contestant roster and put up the new challenge. Of course, if there are extenuating circumstances, I do offer a single use 24 hour extension for contestants, which could push the timeline back by a day. There should be plenty of time though

Sky Pirate
Bartuc is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 09:09 AM

GL Guys =) This is a great thing seiki runs =)

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 09:55 AM

Originally Posted by Bartuc View Post
GL Guys =) This is a great thing seiki runs =)
Thanks! Maybe you should give it a try sometime! : )


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 11:42 AM

OMG Its BACK! *Squee!*

I can come home now ^.^

You forgot to poke Cami:

Despite the fact that she is rarely on anymore.....this was her home too.

Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 12:38 PM

Seiki Nova: amagad -faint-


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 12:45 PM

@Paprika- isn't it totally exciting? I need to start promoting this everywhere. *needs to be a success*

Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 12:49 PM

Mannnn, I am so behind though! Hahaha. Commons, Imma need 'em. Or wait, were we using the DAC before? O:


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