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Old 02-11-2010, 04:22 AM

" I Wish That I Could Tell You . . . "

I know that every Valentines Day there is a boy i wish i could tell my feelings to.
Though due to the fear of rejection i never do.
I KNOW there are other people out there with the same problem.
This is a thread where i would like you to type a letter.
Include what you wish you would tell to that special someone.
The person who makes your heart flutter, skip a beat or race until you feel like its going to explode.
Simple right?
Im a hopeless romantic, plus getting out your feelings will really help, maye even give you courage?
So why not give it a try?


The most thoughtful/romantic/cute letter during every day of the event with get 300g.

Tell me your love stories too if you'd like, i love reading them and the cutest one by the end of the event gets 2k <3
(there will be a vote on my top 5 to see who wins C: )

The Letter i connect with and think is fabulous cute and aww aww awwww with receive 1k :).

Lyrics to get us all in the mood to share our love.<3


Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me Music Video

"You Belong With Me"

You're on the phone
With your girlfriend
She's upset
She's going off about
Something that you said
'cause she doesn't get your humor
Like I do

I'm in the room
It's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music
She doesn't like
She'll never know your story
Like I do

But she wears short skirts
I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain
And I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
You belong with me.

Walking the streets
With you and your worn out jeans
I can't help thinking
This is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench
Thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?

And you've got a smile
That could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in awhile
Since she brought you down
You say you're fine
I know you better than that
Hey what you doing
With a girl like that

She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain
I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
Standing by and
Waiting at your backdoor
All this time
How could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me.


Oh, I remember
You driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me

Can't you see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you see?
You belong with me.

Have you ever thought
Just maybe
You belong with me?

Last edited by JessehBoo; 02-18-2010 at 08:33 PM..

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Old 02-11-2010, 04:32 AM

Follow My Rules

♥ follow T.O.S ♥
♥ Be nice to other people in thread ♥
♥ If there is any intimacy in your letter, PLEASE dont get too indetail, if you do i will make it illegible for the contest. ♥
♥ Do not, i repeat DO NOT bash people becasue of their stories ♥
♥ Do not try and bribe me, my decision will not sway ♥
♥ If you dont feel comfortable posting your story here, PM it and i will make it anonymous C: ♥
♥ Keep cursing to a minimum ♥
♥ Have fun anf feel the L♥veee ♥


Last edited by JessehBoo; 02-12-2010 at 06:51 PM..

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  • Challenge JessehBoo in the Arcade
Old 02-11-2010, 04:32 AM

Submitted L♥ve Letters

Here i will post the love letter entries.

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Originally Posted by Stress View Post
Oh, well.. uh... I guess.. I'll put it here then... It's a letter I wrote in Junior High, and I still feel embarrassed that I came so close to giving it to Him (I also felt really, really sad [he had a girlfriend you see]... it would also be doubly awkward considering He was also my friend...)

'Hey Jacob.

People say that somethings are best left unsaid, to be left under a rock so that no one can see them. So that no one can see our embarrassing thoughts, our little opinions, our true feelings. Yet, I find myself suffocated in silence, and amazingly immobile, waiting to see if this would be accepted.

So many times I found myself slipping up a little more each day, falling a little more in love with you. Yes, there, the point of these embarrassing words. I am in love with you, and never before have I felt more terrified.

Each time you walk past, each time you speak, it feels as if my heart is going at war with itself. I find myself searching for you during breaks, during lunch. I find myself hanging on you every word and motion. Yet I have to hide behind an ever fragile facade of being only a friend, and I find myself nearly crying at each realization of how unreachable you are.

You give my day, my life something to look forward to. I want nothing but your happiness, and it kills me that you being happy means me staying off to the side.

If she makes you happy, if Danielle makes your heart race as you do to mine, then I accept the fact that I shall never be the one to hold the place in your heart.
I'm just happy you took the time to read this, to finally see the feelings I've harbored for you going on since grade 4.

I hope we can still be friends, though I find it how unlikely it could be.

- *NAME*'

(gosh now I feel really embarrassed.. I'll go crawl into a hole now...)
Originally Posted by XxEmber_MIstxX View Post
Okay, so letter first:

I wrote it to a boy I had had a crush on since elementary school. But we were like best friends. So here is the note:

Dear Owen,

I know we have been friends for like...well ever right?
Well see there is something pretty Major I need to get off my chest, and it might hurt our relationship a bit, but I think you need to know this.

See, there's this boy, who every time I talk to him, my heart breaks and heals it's self. Every time we hang out with our friends, I really want to just be alone with him and be wrapped up in his arms, Every time he talks to me about his problems with his uber crazy girl-friend and how he feels broken inside since she dumped him, I feel broken inside too. He's the one I can dedicate almost all of Taylor Swifts songs too.

You see, that boy is you. After all these years I've fallen in love with you. It's like I can tell you anything, every broken heart, every nightmare, every crazy or wacky idea, your always right there Owen...I've fallen for you.

Hopefully yours.

And yes, my real name is ember :XP and actually I can't remember the story that happened after I gave him that, only that we have been dating for about three months now.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Dear Adam,

You know I like you, right?

So, I'm not going to tell you, not even the last time I say goodbye to you before I move across the country. I'll give you a long clinging hug, and maybe I'll even whisper into your ear that you're the one I'll miss the most. But that'll be it. and I won't expect you to say anything either.

Maybe one day I'll tell you why I didn't leave him for you. It certainly wasn't because I liked him more. He needed me. And I cared about him. So I stayed. And I wasn't quite ready to let go of him either. I know that it wasn't fair, being with him the entire time and never giving us a chance. But I was with him long before I met you. And I'll need time after I break up with him too. I've been with him for a long time and I need to know who I am without him. So, I stay until I move across the country.

Maybe one day I'll let it slip just how attracted to you I am I'm not making any comments about how hot you are or your nice butt because your ego is big enough already. But your body is the one body I love to touch. That's why I love your hugs. That's why I love it when you wrap your arm around my shoulders. You're like one of those minimalistic, ergonomic chairs. You're not soft and cushy, and you have long clean lines, and maybe you're even a bit odd looking. But once I lean against you, you are the most comfortable thing in the world. You are warm and I fit perfectly and I am content.

So, even though I'm not saying anything, I'm not counting you as a missed chance. I'll probably be visiting next summer. Perhaps you'll let me stay with you for a few days.


P.S. I thought your solving that Rubik's cube was really hot.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
:mail:To my love,:mail:
I have loved you since I layed eyes on you that first day at Winn-Dixie. You make me smile when I am down. I cant look at you without getting butterflies in my Tummy. I get jealous over the little things that other girls do that make you giggle. I wanna be the one to make you giggle when you are down, I wanna be the one that makes you feel the way you make me feel. I sincerely care about you. I know that care about me to just not in the same way. :shock: I go out of my way to show you how much I love you. I wish i could show you how much I do care and how much that I want you to want me too. :feesh:

UnNoticed love
Originally Posted by Firoren Slyshot View Post
Dear Stranger,

It seems odd that I am referring to you in such a manner, but I fear I have no other way to tell you just how much you mean to me. Perhaps, not knowing who you are and not knowing myself will give me the courage to tell you what you mean to me.

Because of you, my world has seen a whole new light. Wounds that I've thought never to be healed again, are renewing themselves. Every time I see your smiling face, my heart fights to break free from it's tightening cage.

And yet, in my dizziness and daydreams, I've never felt so calm imagining what life would be like with you by my side. A trip to the moon and farther is hiding just behind your eyes. I would share nothing but my hopes, dreams, and life with you. And I ask for nothing back, except your heart, in return for mine.

To you, Stranger, I send everything. You are my friend. You are my sanctuary. You are my love.
Originally Posted by Mirana View Post
I've got a letter, for someone I love, but not in a valentine sort of way. Not eros, but philia? Storge?

:mail: Dear Jamie,

It's been a long time since my last letter, but please know that isn't because I haven't stopped thinking about you. In fact, more and more I find you are on my mind.

I wonder how you would be feeling about Valentine's day. I have a boyfriend now - Mom and Dad approve, I wonder what you would think of him. I know you'd want the best for me - you've a caring nature - and don't worry, he thinks the world of me. More then I deserve, I'm sure.

Home has been more empty. Our sister moved out, she's got a teaching job in another town. Our little brother barely spends time at home, between working a job, going to high school, taking his EMR, and dating a sweet girl. He'll be done with his EMR training when he graduates high school, which means he can begin paramedic training in September. I feel as though you've somehow influenced this decision, he has an amazing passion for the medical field.

I wonder what you would be doing now.

Mom and Dad don't talk about you - no one does. This isn't because you're a painful memory, but because there is no point in grieving. Not when you're no longer locked in your prison. You are free now, and in a lot less pain. We rejoice for you in our own way. I picture the empty wheelchair in my mind, and know somewhere in heaven you are running and walking on your own legs.

You should practice football, our younger brother loves the game, he'll want to play with you when he gets there. You'll like him, I'm sorry you never got to meet him. He always wanted an older brother, but us girls didn't do so bad raising him, either. He's very popular with the ladies, and living with two older sisters, he knows how to treat them respectfully.

I love you. And I miss you. And with hope, this letter reaches your heart.

With love,
Your Miranamo.

Valentine's day, I find, is a great day not just to celebrate a romantic love, but all the people you love.

Originally Posted by Polarys View Post
Dearest Friend,

I remember the day you and I met, two years ago on this passed Tuesday. It's so hard to believe it's been that feels like yesterday. You were such a flirt back then, and thinking about it now you still are! It wasn't long at all before you became my best friend and maybe something deeper than that, though I didn't notice. You were hot-headed and impatient, but I suppose that's part of what attracted me to you.

We've gone through so much these last two years...drama and fights, and we preservered home and relationship issues with ex-boyfriends and girlfriends. And there were hours upon hours when we would just sit and chat, joking and sharing music. I've told you about the dreams I've had and you shared your past with me.

I'm not really able to put into words everything you've done for me. You've been there when I needed you, stood up for me, made me laugh when I was close to crying. I've always feel wanted and loved...and like my opinion and thoughts matter. When I'm angry or upset, you know what to say or do to help me feel better. There's so much more and I want to share it all with you...

I always used to worry about where I was headed and who I was...I let others run my life. Now though, I know what I want to do and what would make me happy. Just by walking besides me down this path I learned the answers. I'm not scared to be myself anymore, even if people think I'm weird or creepy.

I wish I was better with words, maybe all of this would make more sense. There's one more thing I'd like to say though. I hope that for the past two years, I've been as good a friend to you as you have to me. I hope that you know if you ever need an ear to listen, or arms to hug you, that I'm here whenever you need me. I love you so much my heart feels as though it'll burst every time we speak (although, that wouldn't be good).

Du machst mich so glücklich. <3
Originally Posted by broadway_princessxo34 View Post
{Ok...I have like the biggest crush...on an unamed person....I've known him forever and don't want to ruin our friend ship just because I kinda sorta happen to like him....but if I was going to give him a letter it would be something like this.....}


I'm not really sure how I'm suppose to start a love letter off. This is the first time I've ever written one so excuse the fact it won't be really good. I've always had the biggest crush on you, ever since we were best friends in like third grade.....I guess then I was a little kid so crush isn't really thought of but I still liked you, and loved being around you. Even in kindergarden when we weren't really friends you were always nice. I guess I kinda always felt like I could tell you anything, you were always there and still are there. I don't know if you like me at all but I don't really mind if you don't I just hope someday I can really give this letter to you and not feel like anything would be different between us.

If you are reading this letter right now...then I think I might have possably gone completely crazy and have no idea why the heck I decided to write this letter in the first place but it makes me feel better. I hope you won't feel aquward around me now or anything cause really I won't die if you don't like me back but I just wanted you to know that I like you alot.

Do I really need to put a name here? I'm guessing you know who it is.

{I honestly hope he comes online and reads this cause there is no chance of me giving it to him.}

{Ohhh and...I know it's kinda bad....sorry I'm hopeless when it comes to love letters}
Originally Posted by Princess Cupcake View Post
I wanted to post this Love Letter I wrote for my school newspaper. The guy I like still doesn't know I exist, even though I wrote it for him. :(

Dearest Beloved,

As these lonely starless nights loom towards Saint Valentine's Day, my mind is filled with thoughts of you, and little to nothing else. That day which is to be celebrated in festivity and bliss, I fear, will only be another gloomy Sunday for me. It will be barren of those affectionate presents Romeos give to their Juliets. No sweet whispered nothings, no unfulfilled promises, no so longing kisses or pink teddy bears to call my own. But I can watch the jubilee from afar.

Do you see? I doubt you do. After all these tiresome months of stressful work, you're as blind as a bat. Every dab of lip gloss, change of wardrobe, and pull of hair. I offered to carry your books and give you my whole lunch,

And yet, you still don't see.

My lips long to reveal the secret locked in my heart, but fear represses the lips of mine thirst to speak. What if you reject me? Then I will be alone. My life seems less without your smile, without the laughter in your crystal-like eyes.

I only wish to tell you how I feel inside. I may hide behind insecurity, but it doesn't mean I can't feel passion, can't feel love.

Love, that's what it is. That candy-coated, overused word that means to much to my delicate chrome heart. I love you, and if you loved me... it would be like having cloud and sky running through my veins. It could break my constant melancholy, and finally, my metamorphoses would end. You'd know the butterfly that I am, not the caterpillar that I appear to be.

One of these days, I will tell you. I'll scream it to the sun and moon, and even the stars would whisper of it.

But today, I'll stand on the street whose charcoal snow has been paved away. I'll stand as you kiss her lips and hold her hand. I'll watch and hold this note, then let it fall to the icy ground as I walk away, wishing, waiting, wanting....

For another day...
Originally Posted by RinaRoad View Post
This was written in my mind when I had a crush on the boy who became my boyfriend

Dear Josh,

I wish I knew how to tell you I like you, but I can only give you little notes and such, like that Teddy Bear note I gave you after sixth period, since you're in my hallway. You're tall and the sweetest person I've ever met. You're the one I went to when my phone was taken by administration, when I had been crying of frustration and embarrassment. The one who warms my heart when I'm having an emotionally cold day. I don't know how to say it any other way but, when we met over near the cafeteria a few months ago, around September, I fell for you.

Love, "RinaRoad"

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Originally Posted by XxEmber_MIstxX View Post
Yay i got a letter from Owen today!!!!! Here it is:

Dear Ember,

Can you Believe it's been almost a year next week? Gosh it feels like forever since I've seen your face or heard your voice, I miss you calling me each night and singing to me. Gosh it's hard especially since it's valentines day soon, and we can't even talk on that day. I think I might cry that day. I'm sending this on Friday, you'll get it next week on Friday. Oh by the way, i know run over my original time, I ran the five miles in 5 minutes, one minute a mile can you believe it!! So how have you been lately? Last letter was in December. Have you forgotten about me?? Nah, I know you haven't. I want to ask you something really important. Get down on your knees and open the box this letter came with, inside is a ring. I think you know what it means. XoXoXo. See I'm still a sweet guy :)
Owen James Williamson.

Isn't he sweet!! He asked me to marry him!!!!
Originally Posted by Li_the_were_lion View Post
Dear Michael,

If you be my star
I'll be your sky
you can hide underneath me and come out at night
when I turn jet black and you show off your light
I live to let you shine

You are the world. No matter where i go, you are there. No matter what seas i cross, you are there. You surround me with wonder and there's always something new to discover.

but you can skyrocket away from me
and never come back if you find another galaxy
far from here with more room to fly
just leave me your stardust to remember you by

You light up the best parts of me, however few there are. You bring out my creativity, my motherly nature, my confidence. You inspire me, not only in art, but in body. Never before have i been truly motivated to change myself for the better, be healthier just so i can keep up with you. No one has ever told me: "You're beautiful." and meant it. You can tell these things, when someone says something just to say it or to cheer you up out of pity. You mean it. Even though you were born with eyes that do not see you see more of me than anyone else in the world. You see through me, into parts of my soul that have remained untouched.

if you be my boat
I'll be your sea
a depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity
ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze
I live to make you free

As corny as it is to say, i've always believed everyone has a soulmate, that other half of themselves that exists in another person. I never believed i would find my other half; until i met you. You complete me and i complete you. I could never be prouder to say that i will one day be your wife. And we won't have one of these new age marriages that only last a short while, as seems to be the trend. I know we'll be together until the day we die.

but you can set sail to the west if you want to
and past the horizon till I can't even see you
far from here where the beaches are wide
just leave me your wake to remember you by

So here's to Valentine's Day, a holiday i delight in participating in. But when one has someone like you, one can't help but enjoy every holiday, every month, every week, every day.

With as much love as i can give,

Li :mail:

[Lyrics are from 'Boats and Birds' ]
Originally Posted by Eyea View Post
*wanders in*

Dearest Love,

I was captivated the moment I saw you. So full of life and cheer. Everything I wish I could be. You accepted me so quickly. I found myself swept up in your charm. Soon I was smiling and laughing more than I have in years. As I got to know you better, I was only enchanted more. We had so much in common, even the things I hid from the world.
Now, we've only known each other a short time, but I feel like I know you as well as myself. Our lives are on different paths, and I dread to think what the future holds. My heart aches to think that there may come a day when our lives no longer allow us to speak.
So, before that day comes, I want to let you know how I truly feel. I have never been in love, and do not pretend to know what it is, but I would like to learn. That is, I would like for you to show me.
No matter your response, my feelings will not change. I only hope to learn where I stand in your life, or if I am simply an observer on the sidelines.

With Love,

I hope this is acceptable. ...and I hope I don't go and send it to the person like I usually do. :sweat:

*blushes and walks out*
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Originally Posted by Sasha1985 View Post
(This is a letter to the love that i might never be able to be with he knows i love him but he lives far away and i dont date long distance and i'm an old pro at letters I use to write them to guy and make sure not to be around when they open them)

Dear Brody,

Ever since the first day that I met you I had an electric feeling that we were ment to be I know that we have dated other people since then and continue to date other people even though we still share an intense love for each other it pains me all the time the fact that you are my perfect match you are my heart and soul but I might never be able to look into your eyes, to be surrounded by your embrace, to feel your breath on my lips. It breaks my heart that god would let me see that I have a soul mate out there but he is just out of my reach it is a very cruel fate and it seems to be my curse I would give anything to be by your side forever but I fear that it might never happen. I love the way that you love me for my insides the most and how you make me feel like im the most important intelligent person. I love how the moment I hear your voice my heart skips a beat, how we can talk on the phone for 6 hrs straight and only get off the phone cause we have to go to bed or my phone dies. I just love every bit of you I wish I could just put you in my pocket and carry you everywhere with me. I want to shout it to the world "I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!" But for now I will suffer in silence waiting for the day that we can be together.

Love always


(that felt really good to get out lol)

Originally Posted by FadedSky View Post
Unknown and unsent,
I do not know your name. My heart flutters every time we slide past
each other. It skips a beat when you open doors politely for me if we
head the same direction. Pathetic, I knew that already. I walked into
the library with friends hooked onto both arms, giggling loudly while
poking silly at each other. The librarian scolds us and threatens to
kick us out. My brown eyes meets your chocolate irises. My cheeks burn,
embarrassed. While I dream, and while you dream,
please tell me your name.
- - - - - - - - - - -

Originally Posted by Seiko-no-uta View Post
To my John,
You are the most amazing man I've ever had the serendipity to meet, and I can't believe you want to be with me. Through our difficulties and beautiful moments, through every dimpled smile that makes my heart melt, I've found myself falling hopelessly and wonderfully for you. I know how you feel about saying 'love', that you don't want to say it unless you know absolutely, but I need you to know. I can't keep pretending that I feel any less for you than I do. In sooth, my wonderful boyfriend, I do love you.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Originally Posted by inugurl3 View Post
Dear Zack

I wish I could have told you thousands of times that i like you. Even if we have graduated from High School, i still feel we could have more then a beautiful friendship. We get along pretty well, and have for years. You were one of many list of crushes but i would choose you over most of them in a heart beat. Everytime i get to see you, it brightens my day, just knowing that i may get to see you again soon makes me smile and giddy with excitement. I sound like a girl in this letter even though i never really have acted as one. At Prom you looked very handsome, even if i didnt have a date, i would always admire you from afar wishing one day it would be me.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Originally Posted by hayzel View Post

People said we were too young. They said you were too much older than me. They said we'd never make it. They said we were desperate, it was just puppy love. Where are they now? 2 1/2 years have gone by in a blissful dream and yet our age has not kept us apart. Nor the 3 year difference between us. The only desperation in us is to show the world how much we love each other. We are making it, and we are making our history and our future together.
I know I can trust and love someone. I know I can give myself to you and you will always accept and respect me. I know I can throw the biggest fit and you'll still smile at me as if I was as cute as a button that is flipping you off. I know that no matter what you will laugh when I'm silly, cry when I'm hurting, cover me when I'm cold and love me when I need it most. When I'm with you all my problems melt away and everything that I am is out in the open for you to see. My weaknesses, darkest secrets. You have them all but you don't use them against me.
I want you to know that forever and always I will be yours and I will never leave your side. I will support you in everything that you do and love you no matter what it is you decide to do. I will never leave you, and I will be the shoulder you can always cry on or the guinea pig you cream in video games. I love every part of you, body mind and soul.

Forever and Always <3<3

Your babydoll,

(This is for my fiance, Travis)

Last edited by JessehBoo; 02-17-2010 at 07:02 PM..

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Old 02-11-2010, 04:32 AM

Submitted L♥ve Stories

Here i will post the love story entries.
I will not be scoring these, i will pick my favorite at the end of the event.
Dont like who i choose? Too Bad.

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Originally Posted by fairywaif View Post
Well, I've never written a love letter, but I do have a love story. In freshman year of high school I moved to a new city, which was in a state that I had only been living in for a year previously. At my new school I had to take the bus because I lived halfway across the county from where I had been placed. My first couple of days I was simply dazed and confused, trying to figure things out. And then I bumped into him. I was leaving moving seats, and he was trying to get to his. And I felt it, like electricity. I mumbled an apology and sat down. The funny thing was, he lived in the apartment next door to me! We rode the bus together every day for a year, and I could have told him any time. One time some kids were picking on him, and I defended him, but he couldn't hear. He had his headphones on, and had shut out the world. He moved away at the end of the year, but it kills me to this day that I never told him how much I liked him. There were so many opportunities, and I missed them all...

Sorry, that's really depressing, isn't it? :lol:
Originally Posted by chihiro View Post
i've now been inspired to share a story i have! :]

so in college i was vaguely friends with this guy some of my close friends went to hs with and were cool with. we would sometimes see him on the street or at mutual friends parties and said hi, but we never really talked or anything. but my senior yr, i moved into the apt building him and my other friend lived in, directly beneath them, and we began to get closer. we would start studying together and watching tv together. in the beginning i went up there to hang with his roommate, but slowly each day i would end up spending more time with him. we got along so well!

so one day, one of my best friends met him when he gave me and her a ride somewhere, and she thought he was so hott! she kept talking about how looking into his eyes was like looking into pools of blue. i was kind of annoyed at her talking about him like that, and then i realized i liked him! i was completely enamored with him, and i was jealous! i didn't know what to do because i didn't want to hurt my friend by pursuing him, because she basically called dibs on him. but the more we flirted and talked the more i fell for him but tried to hide it inside.

one day i ran into him at a late night food spot on a weekday, we both had been out and were headed home. my friends had a full car, but we were headed to the same place so we managed to squeeze him in, and of course i ended up sitting on his lap, lol. when we got there, wer were still talking down the hall until we stopped at my door. we both got a little quieter and and the atmosphere had changed. i felt like it was the time in a movie where the two leads kiss, but i freaked out because i didn't want to hurt my friend's feelings. i said my goodbyes and rushed in my door, before i did something i might regret later. i was kind of relieved, but at the same time sad i didn't tell him how i feel. so i changed into my pj's and started getting ready for bed, defeated. but that's when he texted me, saying he needed to talk to me, and asking if i could meet him on the stairwell that connected my door to his, and i agreed confused but curious. what could he possibly have to say? what should i do if he doesn't like me, or more importantly if he does?

meeting on the landing, we sat and chatted about random things, me wondering what the real reason he asked to talk to me. after 10 minutes of small talk, i finally asked him what he wanted to talk bout. he replied, "i wanted to ask you how you feel about this . . .". and then he leaned over and kissed me. i was past the point of wanting to care about my friend, because who knew him better than me? i am the one who studied with him, cooked with him, laughed with him every day, and this was my chance. we sat there for a while kissing in the dark stairwell, finally aware of how each other felt. i was so relieved, and happy that he felt the same.

and it turns out my friend didn't care, she was happy for me after all :] el fin, lol. sorry that was so long!! o_O
Originally Posted by Firoren Slyshot View Post
When I joined a history class in my junior year, I didn't know there would be a man I loved so much as I did. He never spoke to me, and I never spoke to him, but we often worked in the same groups for projects. We had a few friends that knew both of us.

And even when I was around him I never felt the need to blush, unless I started talking. This usually ended up making me look like a fool. Something I'm very good at. I think once he grinned and started laughing, but it wasn't at me. He never laughed at anyone. I had never actually seen him laugh before. And it was happy.

So, although I'd looked silly, I had managed to see a part of him that made the butterflies jump and twist in my stomach and made my breath catch in my throat. It wasn't until my friend asked me a question that I realized I had been holding my breath.

Unfortunately, the school year passed faster than I wanted it to, and he wasn't there the next year, but I remember coming to school that last few days with a homemade yearbook.

I didn't ask a lot of people to sign it. Only the people who I could ask comfortably. And even then, there weren't many. I asked him if he'd mind. Of course, he didn't. It only took him a second to write what he did.

I didn't look at it until after school. I don't like reading them until after school ends, because they don't seem to mean as much when I can still talk to the person who wrote them.

When I saw his note, I was confused, but overwhelmingly happy.

"[his name]
Talk more!"

I didn't get a chance to tell him that he should as well. He talked less than me, but it made me happy.

And that's my story. Haha. Not too long, I hope. I did love him, but I couldn't find him during twelfth grade, and after I got out of school, I got busy and met someone who I'm currently dating and happy staying with.

I hope I'll bump into him again someday, but for now...
Originally Posted by Mirana View Post
Kishiya! That is definitely results right there!

As for the boy I'm spending valentines day with... I grabbed him by the hands and told him how awesome he was, how brilliant he was, and how one day he was going to make a great husband and a great father, that who he was, was precious. I spent probably an hour telling him how awesome he was... with no strings attached (didn't tell him that I had a major crush on him, nor did I ask him out.)

This is, of course, after I had given him a black eye.

I'm not sure why he asked me out a few months later. <3 I'm abusive. Mostly by accident.

Since we've started dating, I punched him, again - in front of his quiet, small-town librarian mother. She laughed hysterically as I half laughed and cried, and he took turns between telling me it was okay and nursing his bleeding lip.

When we first met, he set my heart aflutter - but not the romantic kind. He's the sort that has to run and jump over everything (he hasn't grown up, it's so cute!) and so I'd have a small heart attack every time he jumped the fence, picnic table, person... My mind visualizing him landing face down and bleeding everywhere.

To keep me from constantly panicking (we were work partners for a summer job) we made a deal that if he significantly damaged himself doing something stupid that summer, he owed me $50 per incident... if I kissed it. Ends up the only things he managed to do to himself was "can" himself. And he got a decent cut on his upper lip. I ended up not making any money off of him.

After the summer job was over, he made many road trips down to my city to see me... and finally, after learning a favourite song of mine on the piano, he played the song and asked me out at night on the front porch of my house.

Our first kiss was a few months later, in the snow, under one of the decorative lamp posts in my neighbourhood, after stargazing and keeping our hands warm by interlacing our fingers in my pocket.
Originally Posted by Chibes View Post
Hmm...I haven't written a love letter since like the 7th grade (that was more than 10 years ago!) But lets see the love story I have now.

Well in October my boyfriend of 2.5 years dumped me (found this site shortly afterwards) but anyways I had to deal with the fact the man lives across the hall from me and what I thought was our friends well most of them shut me out of their lives. They chose sides and they went with the charismatic loud one. But I was getting messages of support and just being nice to me from his friends in his hometown (funny isn't it? The people you would have expected to side with him were siding with little ole me). One of these guys named Jake was fooling around with me. We were well basically having dirty/silly conversations. I didn't take it serious and neither did he. But one of the guys here who was interested in me convinced me to stop talking to him for a while and I did. Because well I wanted to look for a relationship, nothing too serious but have someone next to me on the cold lonely nights. And I gave the guy here a chance. But one day the guy here hurt my hand while trying to take something from me. So hurt I ignored him and decided to talk to Jake again. And lo and behold we started to talk about more serious stuff. I confided in him some of the stuff I went through in the last relationship and he did the same. A week of Facebook chatting and I confessed that I may have fallen for him. And we decided to begin to date. 3 months coming the 16th.

So if it wasn't for my now ex I would have never met my new boyfriend. Life is funny like that sometimes.

Originally Posted by Polarys View Post
"Stepping on you. ._."
"No problem. You're light as a feather. =3"


(There's something that I should explain first...I play MMOs and I have manners on them too, so if I log in and I'm right on top of someone, I apologize, even though I didn't ACTUALLY step on them. Thus, the above conversation.)

Those were the first words.

I didn't realize it back then, but he'd soon become the best friend I've ever had...and the first guy I've ever really loved. He was a complete flirt and loved to tease me (because my reactions were "cute") all the time. I'm not sure why, but I really trusted him right off the bat even though he had some bad history. He is way too smart for his own good too. >>

Before I even admitted it, he figured out I liked him. I started noticing all of the little things he did. There was once when he and his girlfriend played a game (since we were on an MMO) and some friends had to guess who the real one was. They both did very good, but...I was watching his reactions and how he typed and wound up getting it right. I don't think I've ever paid that much attention to a guy before.

It's been two years now, this past February 7th. I still love him and I only grow to more each day, and I have to watch be there for him as his best friend, and to congratulate him when he finds his happiness, his future, in someone else's eyes. I can live with that though, because it'd hurt worse not having him in my life at all. I know because I've tried. I made a promise to myself when he told me about her. No matter how deeply I love him and no matter how jealous I was of her and even though sometimes (not often,though I don't like admitting it) wishing they'd break up, I am his best friend, first and foremost. It hurts, a lot, but I know I can do it. I have for two years now. Nothing's set in stone...and I don't plan on giving up when there's still a chance.

I don't normally quote songs but...this is the first time I've wanted something rational.

Originally Posted by Juicy_skittles View Post
His screen name was Must_luv_dogs.
We met on Gaia. And hit it right off. We started off by joining a roleplay together, but then we started a Private roleplay. Then everyday when I'd log in he's send me Comment saying Good Morning. I missed you. I'd smile and write back, Missed ya to.

We exchanged numbers and started talking, turned out he lived one town over from me. We ended up meeting. I remember sitting in the Starbucks watching every guy that walked in, then he walked up behind him and hugged me. We introduced ourselves, "Hey I'm Emilee." "Hi, I'm James." We spent that whole day just talking.

We would talk all night until 3 in the morning, or we'd meet up for the weekend, and go down to the Pier. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I never even thought that he might have a girl friend or that he thought of us as just friends. One day when we were at the Pier, I pulled him over to the railing and kissed him. He kissed me back but then stopped me and said he had a girlfriend, he wished he didn't but they had started dating right when he met me. I've never cried so hard in my life.

I guess I'm telling this story just to finally get if off my chest, and in the spirit of the holiday, to let everyone know, that even if it seems like life sucks, it gets better. In fact he just called me today, that's why I wanted to post this story. He dumped his girlfriend because she had been cheating on him. See, that happened about two years ago, we kept talking. He's coming out tomorrow and hopefully we can start what was ready to start so long ago.

Originally Posted by Lovers Never Tell View Post
Here is my love story::

My name is Shannon. I am 21 years old today (Feb 14th). I was always told how lucky I was and that I must always have some guy crazy over the fact he had to by me two gifts. Unfortunately, that was never true. The one time I was dating on my birthday was when I turned 19. I was engaged to someone I once thought I would marry. At the time things seemed perfect and couldn't ever get any better, or so I thought. I even met some really great people online, one in paticular, Zero the Last Decepticon.

Later the same year, my ex fience had started to cheat on me and even hit me once. I left him as soon as it got that far. I was in and out of relationships for the next two years not really being able to quite trust anyone ever again, all the while talking Zero through out the forums.

Now Zero hated me at first. I would be lieing if I didn't share some of the same loathing towards him, so we always argued calling each other horrible names and always tried to one-up each other with smart ass comments. We went on like this until just before the New Year 2010 when he confessed he didn't hate me at all. So we started to actually talk and get to know each other realzing then we were bascially the same person, though with enough differing views to keep things interesting. I eventually made the first move and went to meet him in January. We hit it off like no other I've ever known and I don't do long distance relationships but something about him ticked inside me and I couldn't let it go.

Needless to say; one month later, he told me he loved me and I'm going back up for another visit next week. We can't get enough of each other and he's filled my text inbox in under a week himself (1,000 texts). I posted this here for anyone who said there was no such thing as true love or fate. Or that because he's 10 years my senior that we would never work. Love can happen anywhere and this has offically made me a believer that everyone has a certain someone that's just waiting to be discovered.

Never hold back from anything that makes feel like you can fly.

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Old 02-11-2010, 04:32 AM

Daily Winners

Here i will post the love letter that wins for each day.

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Originally Posted by Princess Cupcake View Post
I wanted to post this Love Letter I wrote for my school newspaper. The guy I like still doesn't know I exist, even though I wrote it for him. :(

Dearest Beloved,

As these lonely starless nights loom towards Saint Valentine's Day, my mind is filled with thoughts of you, and little to nothing else. That day which is to be celebrated in festivity and bliss, I fear, will only be another gloomy Sunday for me. It will be barren of those affectionate presents Romeos give to their Juliets. No sweet whispered nothings, no unfulfilled promises, no so longing kisses or pink teddy bears to call my own. But I can watch the jubilee from afar.

Do you see? I doubt you do. After all these tiresome months of stressful work, you're as blind as a bat. Every dab of lip gloss, change of wardrobe, and pull of hair. I offered to carry your books and give you my whole lunch,

And yet, you still don't see.

My lips long to reveal the secret locked in my heart, but fear represses the lips of mine thirst to speak. What if you reject me? Then I will be alone. My life seems less without your smile, without the laughter in your crystal-like eyes.

I only wish to tell you how I feel inside. I may hide behind insecurity, but it doesn't mean I can't feel passion, can't feel love.

Love, that's what it is. That candy-coated, overused word that means to much to my delicate chrome heart. I love you, and if you loved me... it would be like having cloud and sky running through my veins. It could break my constant melancholy, and finally, my metamorphoses would end. You'd know the butterfly that I am, not the caterpillar that I appear to be.

One of these days, I will tell you. I'll scream it to the sun and moon, and even the stars would whisper of it.

But today, I'll stand on the street whose charcoal snow has been paved away. I'll stand as you kiss her lips and hold her hand. I'll watch and hold this note, then let it fall to the icy ground as I walk away, wishing, waiting, wanting....

For another day...
reasoning; her writing was absolutely beautiful! And the ending pulled me to tears.

- - - - - - - - - - -
Originally Posted by Li_the_were_lion View Post
Dear Michael,

If you be my star
I'll be your sky
you can hide underneath me and come out at night
when I turn jet black and you show off your light
I live to let you shine

You are the world. No matter where i go, you are there. No matter what seas i cross, you are there. You surround me with wonder and there's always something new to discover.

but you can skyrocket away from me
and never come back if you find another galaxy
far from here with more room to fly
just leave me your stardust to remember you by

You light up the best parts of me, however few there are. You bring out my creativity, my motherly nature, my confidence. You inspire me, not only in art, but in body. Never before have i been truly motivated to change myself for the better, be healthier just so i can keep up with you. No one has ever told me: "You're beautiful." and meant it. You can tell these things, when someone says something just to say it or to cheer you up out of pity. You mean it. Even though you were born with eyes that do not see you see more of me than anyone else in the world. You see through me, into parts of my soul that have remained untouched.

if you be my boat
I'll be your sea
a depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity
ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze
I live to make you free

As corny as it is to say, i've always believed everyone has a soulmate, that other half of themselves that exists in another person. I never believed i would find my other half; until i met you. You complete me and i complete you. I could never be prouder to say that i will one day be your wife. And we won't have one of these new age marriages that only last a short while, as seems to be the trend. I know we'll be together until the day we die.

but you can set sail to the west if you want to
and past the horizon till I can't even see you
far from here where the beaches are wide
just leave me your wake to remember you by

So here's to Valentine's Day, a holiday i delight in participating in. But when one has someone like you, one can't help but enjoy every holiday, every month, every week, every day.

With as much love as i can give,

Li :mail:

[Lyrics are from 'Boats and Birds' ]
reasoning; the use of lyrics were amazing and i love the letter as a whole. <3

- - - - - - - - - - -
Originally Posted by Sasha1985 View Post
(This is a letter to the love that i might never be able to be with he knows i love him but he lives far away and i dont date long distance and i'm an old pro at letters I use to write them to guy and make sure not to be around when they open them)

Dear Brody,

Ever since the first day that I met you I had an electric feeling that we were ment to be I know that we have dated other people since then and continue to date other people even though we still share an intense love for each other it pains me all the time the fact that you are my perfect match you are my heart and soul but I might never be able to look into your eyes, to be surrounded by your embrace, to feel your breath on my lips. It breaks my heart that god would let me see that I have a soul mate out there but he is just out of my reach it is a very cruel fate and it seems to be my curse I would give anything to be by your side forever but I fear that it might never happen. I love the way that you love me for my insides the most and how you make me feel like im the most important intelligent person. I love how the moment I hear your voice my heart skips a beat, how we can talk on the phone for 6 hrs straight and only get off the phone cause we have to go to bed or my phone dies. I just love every bit of you I wish I could just put you in my pocket and carry you everywhere with me. I want to shout it to the world "I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!" But for now I will suffer in silence waiting for the day that we can be together.

Love always


(that felt really good to get out lol)
- - - - - - - - - - -

Originally Posted by Seiko-no-uta View Post
To my John,
You are the most amazing man I've ever had the serendipity to meet, and I can't believe you want to be with me. Through our difficulties and beautiful moments, through every dimpled smile that makes my heart melt, I've found myself falling hopelessly and wonderfully for you. I know how you feel about saying 'love', that you don't want to say it unless you know absolutely, but I need you to know. I can't keep pretending that I feel any less for you than I do. In sooth, my wonderful boyfriend, I do love you.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Originally Posted by inugurl3 View Post
Dear Zack

I wish I could have told you thousands of times that i like you. Even if we have graduated from High School, i still feel we could have more then a beautiful friendship. We get along pretty well, and have for years. You were one of many list of crushes but i would choose you over most of them in a heart beat. Everytime i get to see you, it brightens my day, just knowing that i may get to see you again soon makes me smile and giddy with excitement. I sound like a girl in this letter even though i never really have acted as one. At Prom you looked very handsome, even if i didnt have a date, i would always admire you from afar wishing one day it would be me.

- - - - - - - - - - -

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Old 02-11-2010, 04:33 AM

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Sky Pirates - SHOW YOUR L♥VE <3

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Old 02-11-2010, 04:44 AM

R e s e r v e d

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Old 02-11-2010, 04:48 AM

R e s e r v e d

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Old 02-11-2010, 04:53 AM

O p e n


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Old 02-11-2010, 05:04 AM

I moved your thread for you~ <3

Also, this looks like a very interesting thread~ I wrote a love letter once...
But I don't know if the guy ever got it. :C

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:08 AM

This is such a cute idea! I love it. XD I might enter this...though what I would write for this I already gushed onto the guy I liked...and now we're dating. :3

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:17 AM

@Kent; thank yoouuuu and You should enter my contesttt <3 maybe rewrite it, i bet it was adorable<33
@neller: heheh well, write down what you gusheedd ? <3


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Old 02-11-2010, 05:23 AM

Nah, it scares me to think of what I wrote in it. XD Like "I love everything about you" and stuff like that.
*shivers* I can't believe I wrote such things!

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:31 AM

Awww thats cute <3
yuhhh i'll be posting my love letter, though of course it wont be part of the contest XD

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:35 AM

MAWHAHAHAHA I found you!!! *glomps*

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:37 AM

OH NOEZ! <333
howre you Chiky dear?

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:38 AM

I'm good. How you been?

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:38 AM

:3 How do we enter this.. contest?

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:39 AM

pretty good, ive been busy all day shoveling and neeed to reply in a few RPS D: but i need to shower too </3
and i got this idea and i wanted to make this before i forgot it so , bam! XD

@Stress: either post your entries here for all to read, or send it to me in a PM and ill put it on the front under anonymous :)

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:40 AM

lol you sounds as busy as me XP

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:40 AM

iknow righT? ughhhh i shoveled my sidewalk and drive way and my friends AND my neighbors and got the sno off the cars...


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Old 02-11-2010, 05:42 AM

Don't you hate that! It sucks so bad when you do all that work and then it just snows again.

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:52 AM

I'll post my love letter for this contest..Can you post two letters?

Last edited by LenGe; 02-11-2010 at 06:00 AM..

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:59 AM

Oh, well.. uh... I guess.. I'll put it here then... It's a letter I wrote in Junior High, and I still feel embarrassed that I came so close to giving it to Him (I also felt really, really sad [he had a girlfriend you see]... it would also be doubly awkward considering He was also my friend...)

'Hey Jacob.

People say that somethings are best left unsaid, to be left under a rock so that no one can see them. So that no one can see our embarrassing thoughts, our little opinions, our true feelings. Yet, I find myself suffocated in silence, and amazingly immobile, waiting to see if this would be accepted.

So many times I found myself slipping up a little more each day, falling a little more in love with you. Yes, there, the point of these embarrassing words. I am in love with you, and never before have I felt more terrified.

Each time you walk past, each time you speak, it feels as if my heart is going at war with itself. I find myself searching for you during breaks, during lunch. I find myself hanging on you every word and motion. Yet I have to hide behind an ever fragile facade of being only a friend, and I find myself nearly crying at each realization of how unreachable you are.

You give my day, my life something to look forward to. I want nothing but your happiness, and it kills me that you being happy means me staying off to the side.

If she makes you happy, if Danielle makes your heart race as you do to mine, then I accept the fact that I shall never be the one to hold the place in your heart.
I'm just happy you took the time to read this, to finally see the feelings I've harbored for you going on since grade 4.

I hope we can still be friends, though I find it how unlikely it could be.

- *NAME*'

(gosh now I feel really embarrassed.. I'll go crawl into a hole now...)

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Old 02-11-2010, 06:15 AM


THAT WAS SO CUTe<3333 your adorable <333

@Lenge : sure <3 the contest starts tomorrow like at the end of the day ill pick my favorite of the day, and im gonna add a prize for best letter of all :)

Last edited by JessehBoo; 02-11-2010 at 06:30 AM..


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