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my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 06-24-2010, 09:02 PM

{Martian Academy}:
a school were humans and aliens can create peace


This academy provides a place were aliens and humans can make peace. The school is protected in a dome which daily air is purified everyday. A school where humans, aliens, half alien- half human, can come and learn new things about themselves. Any powers or talents that they might never known about themselves. You can come and find romance or friends throughout the school year. Martian Academy thrives on every student and every student thrives on coming to Martian Academy. There is also something bad forming around the dome of the school and it plans to rid Mars of this academy and humans because they do not want peace between the two races. Only a few students know about it and are planning on stopping it, but they will need help. Do you think you can handle such a school like this and what is to come?


@Pm all profiles title them Mars
@You can as many characters you can handle
@Minimal swearing
@When doing the romance thing, if it goes way to far take it to the pms
@When posting please post more than two sentences
@Follow Mene rules
@Have Fun




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Last edited by Mischa; 06-28-2010 at 08:22 PM..

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 06-25-2010, 02:08 AM


Username: Mischa
Name: Rosco Wilkins-Gore
Age: 18
Race: Half- Human Half- Alien
Ability: Manipulate ppl, can make alien technology, can use magic
Bio: Rosco was born on the planet Mars. He has a alien for a father and a human for a mother. Rosco isn't that outgoing, but he likes to might just a normal human and a normal alien.

Username: Mischa
Name: Kita Mashuro
Age: 18
Race: Human
Ability: Studying magic, wield swords
Bio: Kita was raised on the planet earth, She grew up on earth for most of her life until her parents decided to send her to the Martian Academy. Kita hopes this was the best idea, she really want's to meet a alien. This is her chance.

Originally Posted by Kia_

Username: Kia_
Name: Aniella Silverstone
Age: 19
Race: Human
Ability: Telepathic
Bio: Lived in a normal area with loads of people always wanting to be her friend because her family was rich. She later went out in the cemetery close to her home and met a real alien named Jae Cays or in earth speak Jake Calebs. Ever since then they became friends and now want to get away from everyone to be closer together. She has feelings for him but never lets him know it.

Username: Kia_
Name: Jake Calebs/Jae Cays (Human/Martian name)
Age: 20/200 (Human yrs/alien yrs)
Race: Alien
Ability: Telekenesis
Bio: Lived on mars but got tired of being told what to do so he took his ship he got for his 200 birthday and went to earth to see if he could start his life over. He later met Aniella whom he seems to be attracted to but knows that it is forbidden to fall for another species.
Pic: (This is his human form)
Originally Posted by iSparkle2Much
Ability:Can read minds
Bio: People always teased her about her powers and they were ruthless about it, so her parents sent her here to fit in more.
Originally Posted by rosi
Name:Javina Jonson
Age:18 (in human years)
Ability:She can use the air around at her will, excellent with swordsman ship and hand to hand combat.

Bio: Javina was raised on Jupiter but when she was five she had to move to another planet, because her planet was at War. She moved to mars and grew up the rest of her life there. Later on she meet Quieton and they became best friends. Javina decided to go to Martian Academy when she was old enough.

Name:Quieton Marigon
Age:19 (in human years)
Race:half human and half alien
Ability: sword fighting, he bends ice and is very fast.
Bio:Quieton was born and raised on earth. His mother was a human and his father was a Alien from the planet Venus. When he was born his father left him and didn't accept him as his son. His father also tried to kill him, thus Quieton had to move to another planet to be safe. He had to move to Mars, where he meet Javina, and go to Martin academy.

Last edited by Mischa; 06-25-2010 at 08:00 PM..

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 06-25-2010, 08:18 PM

Kita walked to the transport deck to await the ship that would take her to the academy. She was reading the rule book for the school. It had one side of it in english and the other side in alien. 'Oh great, now I have to learn another language' she thought to herself. She was wear a black plaid skirt with a tank top on. Kita really didn't want to go to the school, but the things that she could do were not normal so she had to go.

Rosco had waited for the same transport. Some people call him weird and unintelligent, but he proved them wrong by creating weaponary that was alien. So many people stayed away from him. Rosco was listening to music and watching the time go by. He kept to himself mostly because he didn't know how people would react when he told them that he was half-human and half-alien. May people were afraid and wanted to kill him until his father took over. So Rosco is going to this school so he can protect himself and maybe others.

iSparkle2Much is offline
Old 06-26-2010, 04:40 PM

"I can't WAIT to get to this school!" Ryu squealed, jumping up and down beside her parents' car. They were at the ship deck, waiting for the ship to come. "Can you believe it?" She said to her mom, "I'll finally fit in!!" Ryu didn't have to wait for her mom to answer because she had already read her mind. "Of course I'll stay out of trouble!" she said while rolling her eyes, then continuing her squealing. This school was going to be awesome.

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 06-26-2010, 07:42 PM

Kita looked around to notice that there were other people that were going to the same place that she going. She was done reading the rule so she put it away and heavenly waited for the transport to get here. She pulled out her computer and sat down on the bench next to her and played some games.

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Old 06-26-2010, 07:49 PM

Ani and Jake were sitting next to eachother talking as if there was no one around but they weren't loud. They seemed to be enjoying themselves on this nice and beautiful day. "So what do you think?" Jake asked. "About the school or you?" Ani teased. "Both Ani" Jake replied still smiling. "The school is impressive..." Ani stopped talking and smirked a tad. "And what about me?" Jake asked curiously. "What about you?" Ani teased some more. "Fine, have it that way" and he stood up walking way. Ani got up and sighed but smiling as she ran over to him and stood in front of him just before kissing him a couple seconds later. He kissed back.

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 06-26-2010, 08:16 PM

{Transport has now arrived. Please all board}

Kita heard the announcement and got up. She put her things away, picked up her bags, and took one last look at what she was leaving behind. Then she moved towards the transport and waited in line. They had to do a roll call in order to make sure everyone is accounted for.

Rosco also stood up when the announcement was given. He grabbed all of his stuff and started to make his way to the transport and wait for his name to be called.

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Old 06-27-2010, 07:03 PM

Aniella and Jake stop kissing to here their transport was ready and they walked hand in hand to the transportation. Luckily about Aniella's stuff, there wasn't alot of it like other girls. She only had 2 roll along suitcases and a big bookbag on her back. Jake had 2 large rolling suitcases and 2 bookbags that were big. "Ready?" Aniella asked Jake "Always with you" Jake replied smiling.

iSparkle2Much is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 09:19 PM

"Well, I'm off now" Ryu said hugging and kissing her parents. "I'll write to you guys as soon as I get there!" She promised. "Bye, Sweetie! Have fun!" Her dad said, and with that Ryu turned around and walked to the ship, pulling her lugage along with here. There was a line so she had to wait. "I just can't wait!"

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 12:25 AM

The line got shorter and everyone had boarded. The took the bags and put them under the bus cargo.
{Is you have a personal bag, then keep that with you on the way to the school}

Kita moved all the way to the back so she could read her book. Also to look around at all the other people that were going because she was kind of nervous to even go to the Martian Academy.
Rosco had sat second to the back on the right by the window so he could see everything that would pass the transport. He thinking to himself if there were any other half breeds like him. If there were then he wouldn't feel so alone and complete shameless.

iSparkle2Much is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 01:37 AM

Ryu made sure to sit near a window, she wanted to see the sea and all it's animals. Her gift wasn't just limited to humans , she could hear anyone's thoughts, even animals. Ryu like listening to animal thoughts, they always had the funniest. She looked out the window and waved to a dolphin that just passed, even though it's thoughts were anything but inviting.

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Kia_ is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 02:11 AM

Aniella and Jake found a seat towards the middle and sat right next to eachother. "I wonder how long the ride will be" Jake wondered out loud "Shouldn't be too long" Aniella answered and layed her head on his shoulder. He then laid his head on her head. They both already closed their eyes thinking they were happy to leave everything behind for quite some time.

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 08:30 PM

{Doors are closed, please make sure that everything is secure and that you are buckled in. The first part of the trip will be bumpy so hold on tight. We will lift off in three, two, one, hold on tight everyone.}

The transport had lifted off the ground and started to head upwards towards the sky. It jetted off into to all the atmospheres as it started jiggle a little bit. Then it came to a calm smooth ride into space towards Mars.

{We are now in space, so I advise you not to move around the cabin because you will float and we did not want to injure the other students on board. In five minutes we will hit hyperspeed and arrive at the school in twenty minutes. Have a good flight and a good school year, Thank You.}

iSparkle2Much is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 09:13 PM

Ryu buckled in and then stared out into the window. I'm finally going there, she thought excitedly, Here I come better life!

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 08:27 PM

Transport had finally arrived at the school. It stopped at a air port station to unload all students and to get them to the school building.

{You may now exit the transport and I hope you have a good school year. Boys dorms on the left and girls dorms on the right, also each of your schedule's will be on your beds. You will be roomed up in twos, so I hope that you guys become friends and do well in school. Thank You}

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Kia_ is offline
Old 07-01-2010, 02:41 AM

Aniella and Jake had gotten up getting their things and heading to their dorms. Before they left eachother's side they kissed for a couple of moments, maybe close to five minutes and then said "Bye seeya soon" Aniella replied "I'll be waiting" Jake replied as they headed off with their information sheets.

Aniella went into the girl's side for her dorm and went to a room on the very top floor. Of course her room would be up high. She sighed and walked to the room right near the stairs. "Floor 3, room 14. Got it." She opened the door realizing she was the first one in the room. So she went to the far side from the door and put her stuff on the bed. She began unpacking her things and putting everything in place. She might have been a girl but all her things would be more of something a boy would want. A skateboard leaned up against the wall with a pair of inline skates. She hung up pictures she made by taping them to the wall. She just loved to draw and they turned out very well. She didn't color them, but she did ink and shade them and had them laminated. Light show through the room and she put a lamp shade over her light to dim it out a bit. She didn't always like alot of light. It bugged her and too little light unless sleeping was annoying. She then looked at the bed, this was gonna need a little bit of her touch to make her feel comfortable.

Jake on the other hand arrived in his dorm. He was on the second floor and at the end of the hall. "Floor 2,room 19" Jake spoke and looked in. His dorm room was okay and there seemed to be a bed on one side of the room and a second on the opposite side. He went over to the one closest to the closet and the window was between the beds. The room was nice and big so there wouldn't be any problems with space. He threw out some pictures and frames. And his camera which he had learned to used thanks to Aniella. But there would deffiantly need a tad touching up to do.

Last edited by Kia_; 07-01-2010 at 02:52 AM..

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 07-01-2010, 04:13 AM

Kita got assigned to her room and begun to look for it. She went up to the third floor and to the fourteenth room. Kita had knocked on the door to see if there was anyone here before her. Then she opened the door with her key and when she did that she noticed that there was someone else in the room. "Um... hello."

Rosco had got his room key and started to head towards it. "Good, it's a lower level. Room 19 on the second floor." Rosco entered the elevator and saw the red planet and saw how cool it was. Rosco go to his room and opened the door, he also saw that there was someone else in the room. "Hey, I'm Rosco."

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Kia_ is offline
Old 07-02-2010, 04:32 AM

Aniella was still setting up as she kept the window opened for fresh air "Oh, hi. I'm Aniella, you must be my room mate" Aniella replied cheerfully. Aniella had lonh white hair and redish pink eyes that stood out a tad bit. She wore a long white & black dress above her knees with black leggings along with pinkish light red flats. She was about 5"6for height wise.

"Oh hey. What's up?" Jake replied after putting his clothes away and turning to see what must have been his roommate. Jake had short white hair that barely covered his light violet eyes. He stood about 5"8 but wasn't athletic looking just more of your average teen looking boy. "I'm Jake by the way" he added.

Last edited by Kia_; 07-02-2010 at 04:02 PM..

iSparkle2Much is offline
Old 07-02-2010, 05:30 PM

Ryu had found her room and was sad to see that her roommate wasn't already there. Maybe they'll come later, she thought. She laid her luggage on her bed and fell back on it. I'm finally here! she started kicking the air in excitement. I'm here I'm here I'm here!!!!!

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 07-02-2010, 09:37 PM

Kita came in the room and closed the door. "Yes, my name is Kita." She told Aniella as she placed her things on her bed and picked up her a piece of paper. She looked on it to see that the first thing that she needed to do was find the auditorium.

Rosco walked in the room. "Nice to meet ya." Rosco dropped his things by his bed and looked around a little bit. Then he noticed his schedule. It was a paper telling them to go to the auditorium to get their schedule. "I think we need to go to the auditorium to get our schedules."

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Old 07-04-2010, 02:10 PM

Aniella already had noticed her paper but she liked her room and liked to change things around. She didn't do much to the room on her side so that it wouldn't bother her roomate. "Hey" she said holding some up on the wall and pinning it down. "What's the paper say?" she asked and looked over.

"Oh, okay" Jake replied putting his things down and wondering where it was "where is it by the way?" he wasn't too famaliar with earthling things as well as you'd think he should have been.

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 12:04 AM

Kita looked at Aniella. "Um.. we have to go to the auditorium." She places the paper down and grabs her hand bag then she waits for Aniella to come.

Rosco hears Jake reply. "It's the next building over. So ya comin?" Rosco grabs his personal bag and waits outside the door to go to the auditorium.

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Kia_ is offline
Old 07-11-2010, 11:59 PM

(So sorry, most of my rp's wound up in a different folder and I forgot about them)

Aniella followed quickly behind Kita after locking the door. The only thing she needed was in her pocket. She had a cell phone and a PDA.

Jake jumps up off the bed after sitting to hear the reply and head out with his cellphone in his hand. "Ready" he replied and followed him down the hall to the auditorium.

(Where are the others)

my life is surrounded by music
Mischa is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 11:20 PM

Kita made it down the hallway with Aniella. They were on their way to the auditorium to get their schedules. She was quite ready for what her classes would be.

Rosco was glad to be back on his turf. He had only one friend when he was born on Mars, his mother. Nobody really liked im because he was a half breed.

(I don't know)

Blah, Blah, Blah
rosi is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 08:59 PM

Javina held hands with her best friend Queiton before she had to go into her Dorm. She always held his hand but as a sister to a brother."Queiton I have to go now. I have to meet my room mate." Javina said in a sadden voice. They never were apart that much, so it was weird just separating for a even a little while. "I'm on the third floor, room 15. So meet me back here in a few ok?" She let go of his hand and smiled.

Quieton smiled back and said with a accent,"Ok, see ya later then." He gave her a hug and began to walk away, when he remembered that he didn't tell her where he was going to stay but she was already gone.

Javina made her way to the third floor but she kinda got lost. So she kept walking until she found it.
"Found it." Javina said looking up from her paper. She went inside and put her stuff down, for now she had to go to the auditorium. After Javina put her stuff down, she went back to where she was earlier with Queiton. She waited for about a ten minutes before he cam back." Hey, let's go." She didn't put her hands out for him to hold though."I don't think we should hold hands until people know that we are best friends." Javina said as she walked toward the auditorium.

Quieton turned back around and went up to his dorm."Ahh, second floor room twenty-one." Quieton said under his breath and put his stuff down." Hmm, nice room." He looked around and was pretty pleased." Oh, yeah gotta go to the auditorium and meet Javina down stairs!"Quieton said to hiself as he went back down stairs to Javina. Quieton nodded to everything she said. He understood why they shouldn't hold hands. Quieton followed beside her as the walked,"Did you meet anyone yet?"Quieton asked in a curious voice.


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