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annneh is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 09:57 AM

Man...I seriously don't know what I wanna be, I am good at art and art is almost my life, but like it's not what I wanna do when I am older. I don't wanna be an artist. I wanna do something fun, and something I would love to do everyday. c:

A few questions for myself [ Because I am curious. xD;; ]
I always wondered, do singers have to write their own songs? :'o I know those are composers, but once you're a singer does that mean you become a composer too?
And does it have to be a dream you had when you were a child to be a singer?

Now a question to you guys...
What do you wanna be when you're older?
When did you decided this and how old were you, AND~ What inspired you to do this?

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RainHitosha is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 10:06 AM

i wanna work at an aquarium and take care of the animals. when i was a sophmore in high school i took a field biology class and i was always so interested when i learned about marine animals and i love visiting aquariums so i decided maybe a year or two ago that that's what i want to do in the future


plus the octopus is my favorite animal so i mainly wanna work at an aquarium so i can play with one xD hehe

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Sun is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 10:28 AM

I've had a small but not too differing range of things i used to want to be. Firstly it was archeologist, then palaeontologist, zoologist, animal behaviourist, now i'm sort of considering complimentary therapist for animals, or being an 'education officer', hopefully at the zoo i work for now.
That would include giving talks to people at a zoo, and interacting with the public as well as the animals.
I'm really not sure what branch i want to go into, although i think i'd more than likely prefer to do more than one thing in such a field. Whichever way i end up, my degree is going to be in Animal Management, Behaviour & Welfare.

I decided on animal behaviour as a course, after i realised my grades were more than likely not going to get me onto a straight zoology course at uni. This was towards the end of my first year in college, which would have made me 17. I don't think i've really ever given up hope of being a zoologist...I may just have to take a longer way around :3

My inspiration, i'd say, was the fact that animals always interested me, and i held a respect for them a long time before i would come close to seeing my fellow humans in the same light. Working at the zoo taught me that i really do enjoy teaching people about animals, conservation and the like, and i'd love to do it professionally.

Last edited by Sun; 07-18-2010 at 10:32 AM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 12:07 PM

I want to be a translator. To translate books.
I have always been quite fascinated with written word and when I was child, I often was very upset that in my country (I live in Europa) we often didn't get good children books translated and published, so I thought I would love to translate them, so children can read them.
Then there was a very long, very blank period in my life when I didn't want to do anything, didn't think about anything. When I got out of it, a wonderful thing came into my hands - translation of Silvana de Mari's book "The Last Elf".
The book it self is amazing, but the translation... It is absolutely wonderful. It makes this book so very special that it is unique, unrepeatable and the best thing I have ever read.
Later, I read some horrible translations of things and realized how much translator can do. That translator is nearly like co-writer of a book, that he can make good things much worse and also polish a gem for it truly to shine. And then I decided I want to do it as well.
Maybe I will also write something my self, but I am not thinking about it so much. I don't feel a huge urge to be author, rather, it's just a hobby.

Kurai Amaya
Kurai Amaya is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 12:20 PM

I want to be a Forensic Pathologist, or an Oncologist...
Basically, the forensic pathologist part spurred from Bio 11, when I was in 10th grade. We dissected worms and frogs, and I thought it was one of the coolest and most fun things I've done in my life. It made me realize how interested I am in science, and the way creatures and humans work on the inside. So basically I want to dissect dead people/find out why they died as a living. >_>; Fun, I know.
Oncology spurred from me realizing that I want to practice medicine and use it in some way, whether it be forensic pathology or something else. I think that studying cancer would be interesting, and I have known so many people in my life to have some form of cancer, my mom included, that I want to know everything I can about it, and help as many people as I can with it.

I'm going into my first year of University this fall. I am taking a Bachelor of Science. Hopefully, after that, I will go on to med school. Unless, however, I study something incredibly amazing in University that changes my point of view. I hear that happens a lot, so...

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 01:19 PM

Hell if I know.

Sure I have my list of things I want to do when I grow up. Jobs and careers that I could do for a living. Spent 12 grand to go to school to learn how to be a graphic designer. Now I have no desire to get paid to do it. I'm 18, why is it so important that I have my entire life planned out already.

You know what I still want to be a ballerina, or a pirate, or a princess. Other than that I don't know.

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 08:30 PM

I don't want to get older. >: I'm 18 right now, so it's basically "Start doing stuff" instead of "dream of what you want to do" like young teens and children think. At the moment, I can't really do anything. I can't get a job right now, because my girlfriend is coming here for two weeks in the beginning of August. I can't get a job and be like, "Oh hey, thanks for hiring me. I need time off right away." Just doesn't work that way.

When I am able to work, I'll pretty much be doing anything I can to get my hands on some money, for my savings. That way I can save for a house/apartment and wait for my girlfriend to move in with me. I think once I'm financially stable I'll start thinking about what I would actually like to do, instead of just working for the money. I'd love to be able to write and be published, but that's pretty much a shot in the dark. My girl makes high end jewelry and she says she'd teach me, so I'd like to learn how to do that. A work at home job like that would be nice.

It's more or less, go with the flow at the moment.

angelwings13 is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 08:31 PM

Psychiatrist/Photography/Acting very undecided

Mystic is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 08:42 PM

I'm at the "start doing stuff" phase too. I still have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life. At one point I wanted to be a vet, go into animation, free lance photography, radio, and own my own business. I still want to own my own reptile store really bad but the way the economy is right now and the rate small businesses and even corporations are failing it's risky to do something. Plus I have no money at all so that does not help. I have everything laid out even down to vendors when I do want to start the business up all I'd have to do is just get a building, fixtures, and a license.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 09:24 PM

I'm always so bogged down with the "I wanna do ____". I've wanted to be a dolphin trainer, ballerina, pirate, ninja. Marine Biologist, Nurse, Archaeologist, Translator, Teacher, Circus Performer, on and so forth. Every time I discover something new, I get really into it and think "Oh my goodness, I want to do this for forever!" But the one thing that I've never wavered from really enjoying since I was little was art.

And then I decided to go into animation. I'm still waiting to start actually studying it, and it's nervewracking and exciting at the same time. I'm terrified that I won't be good enough, but I really want to do it. Because in a way, it's the perfect all-in-one for me. I like to dream, really. I'm someone that would never be content doing just one thing..but this kind of lets me do it all. ^_^''

"Poor is the man whose pleasures...
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CaptainCrossbones is offline
Old 07-18-2010, 11:21 PM

I want to own a cafe and I want to be a motorcycle mechanic and open up my own shop.

The Moped King
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caseyd1354 is offline
Old 07-19-2010, 12:53 AM

so, your writings too small for me to look really close and try and read it all. so i want to be an artist ;)

mini waterbender
mini waterbender is offline
Old 07-19-2010, 04:09 PM

i wanna be a biotechologist... or marine biologist

BakaDino is offline
Old 08-05-2010, 12:44 AM

Well, when I was younger my parents told me to be a doctor. Since I was young, I just went along with it and for a while I thought I really wanted to be one. Although as I grew older I realized it was that my parents wanted me to be one so I convinced myself to become on someday. Frankly question "I want to be a ____" have come up many times in my life. The choices are endless, which makes it even harder xP. I haven't really decided, but I am leaning towards lawyer but not really. I'm not exactly sure what I want to be but I am still young! ^^

Blue Balloons Blew By Bay .
kissthebluesky is offline
Old 08-05-2010, 06:52 AM

[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Simply just a doctor. I decided I wanted to become a doctor ever since I was 12. Lol. I want to become a doctor not just because of the chunk of money they give out.. but because I find it rewarding to find out that you've just made patients' lives better, thanks to me. I would love any job that would help shape the world, and save lives. I've always thought the human body was really interesting & I always wanted to learn more facts about it. Now.. the harder thing I need to figure out.. is what kind of doctor I want to become. There's so many. X-ray, Surgeon, Nurse, Eye doctor, Pharmacist..

Kid Disaster
\ (•◡•) /
Kid Disaster is offline
Old 08-05-2010, 07:16 AM

I wanna be a curator -- you know, the person in charge of a museum?
But I also want to write. Lately, here, I've been seriously considering becoming a folklorist.

My progression of career-wants started in about third grade, when Jurassic Park came out, and branched out based on new things I was seeing and learing:
Archaeologist --> Paleontologist --> Egyptologist --> Anthropologist --> Curator --> Folklorist

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Ziratsu is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 07:15 AM

I've always wanted to be a photographer of some sort, whether it be a photojournalist, or just like a wedding photographer. I think I was maybe 10 years old when I decided this. :3 I guess the thing that inspired me was this one time when I was younger, I was at the highest point of where I live and there was fog everywhere, but it looked like I was above the clouds. I really wanted to show people what it looked like, but I couldn't. So, from that point onwards I wanted to take photos of everything so I could share those photos with everyone. Nowadays, I take my camera with me whenever I go out. x3

Sky Pirate
Bartuc is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 07:50 AM

I want to be a damn kid again. =/ So many less worries then.

Wynna is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 07:55 AM

I want to be a nurse practitioner. I've always wanted to be doctor, but noticing how much time I would have to put in to becoming one....and how competitive it is, I think I would rather be a nurse. Also I like the whole person to person feel you get being a nurse, not just.."what's wrong with the person, and how can I fix it.'' kind of deal.

melonmilk is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 08:53 AM

What do you wanna be when you're older?
When did you decided this and how old were you, AND~ What inspired you to do this?
I'm not really sure.. :'D I love art but I don't really want to be an artist either, because I know that I wouldn't get a lot of money from my hard work (as I am lazy and not very good at art). I'd like to be a composer and pianist because I love playing piano..but can't really see a substantial job coming from that.
And I'd like to be a biological researcher and a photographer as well. Or a henna artist. :|
But again, that just seems like lots of work/study/practice and expenditure and probably not a lot of money, apart from the researching one.
So... yeah.

AdamantSilence is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 05:37 PM

I'd like to be a doctor of some sort when I grow up. Or maybe just a pediatrician. I've wanted to be a doctor ever since I was five, six, or seven. I was told that my grandpa, who passed away when I was eight, wanted to become a doctor, but he couldn't because he was too busy working on a farm. One thing that motivates me to want to be a doctor is thinking of all the people in the world that are in pain. People need help. Another thing is, since it was my grandpa's dream and everyone says he would've made a great doctor, I want to fulfill that dream for him.

AlwaysDreamer is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 06:06 PM

I studied Music Production for a while, so to answer your question about writing songs...You can write your own if you want to, or you can hire someone to do it for you. You can save money by doing it yourself but you'll lose money if you're terrible at it.

And by the way, a composer writes sheet music. A song writer or lyricist writes the lyrics. And no, if you want to be a singer you can decide at any doesn't have to be a childhood dream

As for me, I thought that I wanted to be an artist in high school. In college I thought that I wanted to be a music producer, which turned into a desire to compose, which ultimately failed (sucky job market) and turned into a desire to be a video game designer. And now I'm graduated with a degree in game design and I'm working on going to art school. Lol. Full circle.

The Casual Observer
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JoJoSkitz is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 09:34 PM

Behavioral analyst

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 08-13-2010, 04:04 AM

I want to be a volcanologist! I'm in college currently doing a Bachelor's in Geology, before heading off to Graduate school where I can specialize in Volcanology.

I have wanted to do this since I was nine years old. I came across some old photographs of me as a baby wandering around on dried lava flows at Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii. I didn't remember it, but my parents said they took me. After that, I researched volcanoes and the people that studied them, thanks to my fascination with Kilauea. And I've kept to that dream ever since! :3

As of now I've been to three more active volcanoes in Italy-- Mt. Etna, Stromboli, and Vulcano!

AlwaysDreamer is offline
Old 08-14-2010, 06:50 AM

Now that's something that I've never heard of. It's really cool that you're so passionate about volcanoes :)


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