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Old 12-03-2010, 12:08 AM

A man sent on a princess by one selfish king. What will happen when this man finds that this girl puts one good fight and he falls for her?


Sin Noaki
Age: 23

He's is the type of guy to do anything for a Klondike bar. He has a kind attitude towards anything but once he's given an order he fulfills it with not questions asked. He doesn't have a conscious.


From a very young age he was known as the sweet love able boy but one unfortunate day when he was being picked on he accidentally killed one of the boys. He stood in the boys blood before he started laughing and chopping the boy into little pieces. The kind boy was known as a murderer from then on and news spread about this strange young child and he was taken as an apprentice by this highly killed assassin. He quickly learned everything before killing his master and taking his spot at the head of the place. After getting bored he killed all the people that bugged him in the village before going off and doing as he pleased. Now he takes what ever job that interests him and what ever he pleases. He tends to act like a nice guy but he tends to act detached. He never gets close to anything and is seen with a sketch book and charcoal for cover.

When the king sent for him he of course asked how much he was going to get paid and what he would have to do. He acted kind and a bit shy but then just smiled. He actually creeps the king out a bit. He soon left and has been watching the princess to find out what she likes and what will woo her so that he can get her alone and bring her head to the king, or that's at least what he wants to do. He'll just bring her back to the king and demand money, then kill her.


He loves kittens and chocolate, strange right.


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