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Old 06-14-2011, 12:35 AM

This is a Rp between me and Kia_, only we can post here.

Name: Gabrial (Gabe) Anver

Age: 17

Power: Animal mimicry

Bio: HIs parents loved to travel and that ws how he was born in africa. For hte first few years of his life they stayed there but some of hte tribes there called him a animal. For he could do things similar to them, his parents never saw so they just thought hte tribes men were being weird. So they took him on there trips. Yet with each trip more and more peopel told his parents that he was weird. It wasn't untill he was 9 that they saw him use his powers. They were at hte park and he was studying a squirrel. When his parents called him over he told them to watch and he climbed up a tree like a squirrel. This freaked out his parents and they told him never to tell anyone about his powers. Once he was 15 they heard about the exaviars school and sent him there right away.


__________________________________________________ __________

Name: Avalon Santer

Age: 16

Power: Transformation ability (but cant transform back into the previous form)

Bio: She use to have everything she ever wanted. Her parents where happy with her and she always got good grades. But then she moved to a new school and everythign started to go down hill form there. The one day at her new school the football team started to pick on her and shove her around. After a few weeks of this she couldnt' take it anymore. So the next time they tried to attack her she transformed for the first time. She took on the shape of a monster and hurt many of the people. When she realized what she had done she ran out of the school and into the park. When she tried to go back to how she was before she couldn't, it was like she was stuck like that. She didn't dare try to change again, infear that she might hurt someone else. So she ran and ran. That was only a few days ago, now she just hides and stayed in the shadows in the beast form she is now.

(how she use to)-


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Old 06-14-2011, 01:41 AM

Name- Dean Sanders
Age- 19
Power- Imaginational Art
Bio- Dean lived with his parents for awhile until he chose to go to college after highschool. During the night he has a tendency to daydream or imagine whatever he can to escape the grips of life. He always had A's and B's leaving him with good choices. He had lots of good friends until the day they found out he was a mutant. He had been sitting in gym class waiting to run the mile that was to be their test score. He was one of the last ones to be called and so before being called he was daydreaming. He daydreamed fighting a creature like monster. When it came to appear he fought it and turned to his friends apologizing and laughing thinking they would still care about him like a friend but they turned their backs on him. Now he looks for a place to be accepted.

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Name- Ami Allison
Age- 15
Power- Cold
Bio- Ami Allison, she had found out her abilities when she was only 4 years old after throwing a tantrum. Once her powers were known she lost her hazel eyes as they turned sky blue though she kept her sight. Ever since then her powers have been off the wall. She froze her mother in a block of ice when she was 5 years old because she couldn't go to the park that day. Ever since then her father began acting crazy and was sent to the pysch ward. She had stayed with her grandmother being raised and taught by her until her grandmother found Xavier's school and sent her there knowing she wouldn't last very much longer to watch over Ami. Appearance- (Eyes=Sky Blue)

Name- Ana Bagetsu (Ah-na) (Buh-geht-su)
Age- 20 (Is older)
Power- Energy
Bio- Ana has been with the X-men since before the name was created, since before Magneto took control of his name, and before all of this had come to be. She doesn't say too much about her past, there wasn't very much she could say. Though, nonetheless, she was found in this world and came together to help mutants of all kinds. She was there when the professor lost his legs, there when the first mutants were chosen to study at the school, and there before the school even started. Her powers involve energy. Energy can mean anything, it may sound awesome at first, but, its totally the opposite. Her powers had made it so that she can't age anymore, she is stuck being 20 until she finds out a way to reverse it. She can use energy to protect herself, like she had pulled the energy from crystal like diamonds years ago and can not die as easily as she would wish. Now she wonders why she stayed with Charles Xavier and his mutants for almost 6 years, the rest of the time spent was by herself until recently she had chosen to go back to Magneto and devote her existence to helping him. She is as strong as he or Charles is, her power level is like the Pheonix but in more control and she doesn't know ALL of her power just yet. (so sorry it was so long but I had to explain this)

Last edited by Kia_; 06-21-2011 at 12:58 AM..

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Palmoun is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 01:59 AM

Gabe sighed as he headed out of the training room and worked out his shoulder. He was getting better control over his power and he could now take many different things from animals. It was all thanks to professor X, he was the one who took them all in and trained them. But there were still more Mutants out htere in the world and he hoped that htey would find there way to this school. He knew it was hard on them out there, it had been on him when he was little. Now that he was here it was easier and he just hoped that more kids came.

As he made his way through the halls towards his room he couldnt' help but smile. He had basicly memorized the way to his room from all directions of the house. It was one of the benafits of calling this mansion Home. it would always be the home for mutants like them and he loved it here. Once he got to his room he grabbed fresh clothing and headed to the bathroom. he hoped that none of the others were in there now.

Avalon slowly made her way threw the trees and away from town. She had only just figured out what happened to her and she knew she wasn't safe anywhere. The army might come after her if they found her, she didn't want that. She had already tried to change back to her human form but nothing worked. It was as if she could never be herself again. She was this rock lizard thing. She could only walk on all fours and she felt odd. She felt like she was a monster, not a human. It hurt her to know this but that was what she was. A monster. A few tears ran down her cheeks as she walked away from teh town. No one saw her since she seemed like a bunch of rocks and blended into the forest. But hardly anyone walked this way so she wasn't to afraid of being seen.

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Old 06-14-2011, 02:32 AM

(so sorry forgot to subscribe to this)

Ami had taken walks just about everyday for the past two weeks she was there. Anything to get out of the large mansion looking house was relaxing. She was still cold and mean to others but went about her way like nothing was wrong. She was better just doing things off by herself than getting to know everyone and hurting them in the end.

Dean was walking around outside seeing the sights of the city views when he noticed some kids running by and throwing rocks at some children at the Xavier's academy. The children throwing rocks didn't back off, Dean was about to interfere until he saw a girl blonde hair in a pink shirt walk over to the kids. He waited to see what she could do before he would attempt to use his abilities.

Ami moved in front of the mutant children before the rocks could hit them and froze the stones. As the stones dropped she lifted them up since now covered in ice and threw them back at the children hurting them.

"Hey hey, stop it" Dean yelled running over to the other children "I know they intended on hurting the kids but you shouldn't do what they were about to" Dean understood what she was but she didn't have to go that far.

"Ami!" Professor Xavier's voice called out as the other non-mutant children ran off. "How many times have I told you not to use your powers against them" Ami just ignored professor X as she walked inside the mansion and back off to her normal hobbies. Professor X sighed and looked over to Damien "Oh I'm sorry about all that, she's just like everyone else"

"Except she has the power to freeze things" Dean replied as Professor X answered "Yes, she does. Are you a mutant too?" "I think I've heard about you, can't you just read my mind?" Dean asked "I can but that wouldn't give you a chance to talk, am I right?" "Yea I guess so. I'm Dean" "And what is your gift Dean?" "Imagination technically its really kind of weak" "Do you wish to join the academy?"

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Old 06-14-2011, 02:53 AM

Gave soon came out of the bathroom and felt fresh. As he headed out of there he saw one of thr new girls walk past him. He wasn't sure what was going on but she didn't look to happy. But then again the last time he saw her she hadn't been to happy. Maybe that was just how she always was or maybe he just had to head the other direction to find out what happened. So he headed the other way Ami had gone.

After walking for a bit he came to professor X and a new guy. He smiled as he walked over and looked at the professor, "is he knew to the school or did he just get here?" he asked and then looked at the guy. He always like to know who was new here and help out were he could, it was the least he could do for professor X after letting him stay here. "oh and I think Ami, got pissed again, what happened? Or os that how she always acts?" he asked as he looked at the professor.

Avalon skulked her way threw the forest and past roads without being seen. She wanted no one to see her, if they did they would probably hurt her like they did with other mutants. That was the proper term for herself. She was a mutant a d she hated her power more then anything else. She was a monster now and always would be. She couldn't be a human now and she couldn't be herself, she was a monster, a mutant.

As she got further into the forest she remembered hearing about a school near her town. They said it was for mutants and she thought it was kind of cool, bow it was her only chance. Slowly she made her way towards were she thought it was and wondered if thy would even let her close to the school. She was a huge armored lizard thing. What ever she was she probably looked dangerous and no one would want to be near her probably. But she still made her way towards the school with a little hope in her heart.

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Old 06-14-2011, 03:23 PM

(You mean Gabe not Gave ^_^)

"Ami fended off some human children throwing rocks. I'll have to talk to her later about that, she froze the rocks and threw them back at the kids until Dean stepped in here" "Honestly, I think I am just gonna head out for my normal exercise, nice meeting you" Damien replied as Professor X spoke up "Well you are always welcome here whenever you feel ready" "Thanks will do" Dean replied and turned leaving.

Professor X turned to go back into the mansion but stopped a ways. "Hm...I believe a new guest is arriving soon Gabe. Try not to be so surprised" Professor X had sensed Avalon coming near them but didn't or tried not to let her know that he had acknowledged her.

Ami had went walking up to her room, her clothes were still a bit of dirty from the night before when she snuck out. She changed into a nice lavender t-shirt with a long white sleeve shirt underneath. Blue jeans and sneakers were just comfortable matters. Walking out of the room she pulled her hair up into a high short ponytail.

Jean along with the other x-men were rushing out the door for their first day of school. Kitty phased through the walls with her toothbrush in her mouth and backpack in one hand. Kurt popped from place to place trying to get outside and hit the button on his watch to make him look a bit more human so he could attend.

(Is Jean going to be in this was or were we gonna leave her and Scott out? I forgot about the movie that Professor X and a few others died)

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Palmoun is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 11:56 PM

((I don't know))

Gabe nodded when he heard the professor and smiled, "okay, if you say so. But whoever it is is welcome here for now I need to get to school." he said and then ran inside the house. He couldn't believe that there was another mutant coming and it seemed that everything was going well. After coming here his life changed and he was happy here, he probably would always be happy here. He then changed his feet to that of a cheetas and sprinted to his room. He quickly picked up his backpack and rished out of there along side his other mutants. He ran righ out the doors and let then jumped into his car. He then waited as the other mutants piled into the cars.

Avalon slowly made her way and towards the mansion. She could now make out the place and she then saw people. She suspected other mutants but she stuck to the shadows and the trees next to the road. She didn't dare come out. They would probably attack her since she was a monster or at least looked like one. She was a huge lizard with stones like armor and had fangs. Anyone who saw her would attack her. She then sar down next to a rock and just watched from afar, just watching them.

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Old 06-15-2011, 12:29 AM

(We'll say Jean and Scott are back but they live by themselves and Jean controls the phoenix while they live normal lives or try to at least. Anyone else we'll just say something else I guess. Then we can use them if we need to.)

Ami was stuck going to school because of her age, so she decided just to walk there. She would use her abilities but she wasn't that good at controlling them like others. She had often got mad easily but luckily she had made friends with Rogue and Logan out of all the people, well most of them. She didn't know everyone.

'I can sense you are out there child' Xavier's telepathy reached out to the girl, he wasn't reading her mind unless he really had to and he wouldn't bring up any unessecary things for any reasons. Dean had stood by a tree and watched others leave, wondering what this place would hold, maybe he'd find one of the 'Teachers' and ask them whats its like or maybe a student. He could blend in at school quite well, maybe he would give it a try.

Walking over next to Ami and saying "Hey I'm Dean, mind if I walk with you?" "Suit yourself, you'll be bored though" "Why's that" "You're not a student" "How do you know" "You don't look like one and I know mostly everyone there" "What about new students?" "Well you can prove that later now can't ya pretty boy" "Ah you think I'm good looking" "No just stupid"

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Old 06-15-2011, 01:19 AM

((that sounds like a good idea to me ^_^))

Gabe smield as night crawler finally got into the car and smiled at him, "sorry it took so long, I had problems with my watch." he said as he pointed to it. Gabe nodded and smiled, "it is okay, happens. Now we need to get going." he said as he pulled out and headed down the road. He then slowed down as he got down the road and saw Ami and a guy he never saw before. He stopped when he got to them and looked over. "hey, are you two headed to school. If you are I can give you a ride. It is no problem for me to take you." he said as he smiled at them. He woudlnt' mind taking her at all and knew that it would help them out a lot. It was annoying to walk to school and back, but sometimes it was fun. He remembered when he did he usually used his powers to make it interesting.

Avalon was surprised when she heard the voice in her head and looked around. She wondered if it was all in her mind and knew it was. As she thought about it she remembered that hte one guy here could speek into your mind. So maybe that was him. So if he knew that she was here then maybe it was okay for her to come out and say Hi. It was the first time sicne hse had used her powers that she would speek to someone but she needed to. So slowly she got up and headed towards the mansion again. She made sure that no one form teh mansion could see her, no one would see her. If they did they would hurt her and she didn' twant that. But she soon managed to make her way to a door of the manion and wondered if she should knock. But as she thought of that she realised she could n't, her claws would probably break the door. So instead she said softly, "if you know I am here then help." with surprise and delight she found she could still talk like a regular person. At least her powers didn't affect that part of her.

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Old 06-15-2011, 02:51 AM

"Do you want to?" Dean asked Ami "Or would you rather by flight?" "Car would be nice" she spoke hopping in, he shrugged and sat next to her. Xavier hit a button to open the doors of the mansion "Welcome Avalon" he spoke sitting in a wheel chair.

(sorry hard to type atm, read siggy)

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Old 06-15-2011, 10:54 AM

Gabe smiled when they got in and started to driverowards school again. "so who are you? I havent seen you before." he said as he looked at the guy for a second. Hethen looked at Ami and smiled, "and if you want I can drive you to school from now on, it's no problem." he said as he smiled at her.

Avalon was surprised that the guy knew her name but couldn't help but feel happy about that. He sounded friendly and slowly she took a few steps into the mansion. "are you that professor? The one that can read minds or something?" she asked as she looked at him. The weight of her made the floor creek but it didn't break which was a releif to her. "and can you help me?" she asked softly.

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Old 06-15-2011, 03:45 PM

(I hate writing so little but my baby bro was already in bed and was trying to sleep, so I will try harder to write more)

Dean smiled "I'm Dean, I'm just looking aroun before I decide to accept anyone's offers" talking about how professor X had asked him if he wanted to join the academy which was still very much tempting but wondered how they would be trained there. "Do you guys get to use your powers alot there at the mansion?" Dean asked curiously to what it was or would be like.

"I am Professor Xavier, you can call me Professor X if you wish. And yes, I am the one that can read minds but there is so much more connection to the mind than most believe. What do you wish for me to help you with?" he wanted her to say it so that she wouldn't have to rely on others just to pick up on what she was going to say no matter the situation.

Ami stayed silent in the car ride and wondered if there was a way to free her mother. Then she could apologize and tell her mother what happened to her father. Shaking her head, she never wanted to be a mutant but who really did. She wondered if she would visit the morlocks sometime down in the sewers later on. The brotherhood was just a bunch of slobs to her. They had attacked or tried to at least once within the last two weeks but how they attack can be easily read.

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Old 06-16-2011, 12:01 AM

((it is okay, it happens))

Gabe smiled at him, "it is nice to met you, I am Gabe." he said as he drove and nodded as he listened to him. He remembered hwne his parents were looking at the school and trying to figure out if this was the place for him. It was and he loved being here more then anything else. "yeah, for hte most part we do. It is a way for us to practice using our powers and being outselves. Like for example Curt here can be his blue furry self at the mansion." he said as he smiled at Curt.

Curt laughed and nodded, "yeah, he is right. I can be myself there and that is probably the only place I can be." he said as he smiled at Dean. "the mansion is the only place we can be our selves. We can play with our powers and have fun. Sure the other humans dont like it b ut it it is who we are." he said as he looked at them.

Avalon couldn't help but feel calm when she saw around the professor. He seemed nice and she hoped that he would be able to help her. Slowly her eyes grew sad and she sat down, "I need to stay here, I need help. I..I cant control my powers or even understand them. My parents dont know but I cant let them see me like this." she said softly and then looked at the professor, "can you help me? please.. I dont know were else to go." she said as she looked at him.

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Old 06-16-2011, 02:57 AM

(okay sorry, I would've replied earlier but I have issues with spiders and unless I know or see that they get killed I can't do anything until they are dead XP) (were your two people gonna be with anyone later on?)

"Hm...Maybe I'll decide to join then...for now I'll hang around the school and then go sight seeing" Dean replied to their answers. "I'm Dean, Kurt. Nice to meet you" Dean then stopped as Ami said "Told ya you weren't no student at the school" "Maybe I will be" though he was a bit too old for Highschool he might try to find a college near.

Xavier nodded "If you can trust me, we might be able to get you what you need" in other words he might be able to get her back to the way she was before she morphed. "Do tell me, what is your ability do you know?" maybe they could figure it out if they talk about what she was doing at the moment before she turned. He had only read her name in her mind earlier, not anything else, that would make things easier but it would be considered rude unless permission granted.

The brotherhood sat around eating breakfast, getting dressed for school, and even just doing anything to be late. They knew they would get a lecture but they didn't care. They would never listen, they had wanda in the house but she was almost like one of the guys. The brotherhood really needed to get things in shape if they were going to do or be anything in the future.

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Old 06-16-2011, 03:07 AM

((it is okay and I don't know, I was just seeing how things played out))

gabe smiled and nodded when he heard him, "that is what I did before I joined. My parents let me stay at the house for a day to let me have a feel for the place. I hung out around school and after that is came to this." he said with a smile. Kurt nodded, "yeah I remember when you first came here. He wasn't sure what to do since he hid his powe for so long. But once he saw me he lightened up." he said as gabe pulled up into his parking spit at school. "now then met meback here once school is out." gabe said as he got out of he car and Kurt followed him.

Avalon sighed and shook her head, "I don't know what my ability is. The one day at school I was being bullied and decided to go after them for a change. The next thing I knew I am a gigantic rock lizard with huge teeth." she said and then shook her head again, " I have tried going back to how I looked before but I can't. It is like there is a wall between my oldself and what I am now. It is like I can't be that person again." she said softly and wondered what she would do.

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Old 06-16-2011, 04:18 PM

(okay wasn't sure ^_^ :P)

Ami nodded leaving and Dean decided he'd walk around the school a bit. While most of the classes were going on he was looking at the whole structure...except the bathrooms or the teacher lounge that is. Dean shrugged it off and saw something speed by him, the next one was a heavy set kid, and he was eating chips. 'Chips for breakfast?' shaking his head he saw two others, one looked boney and odd as the other one pretty much looked somewhat more normal.

The professor thought for a bit, he had wondered what had started this after so long of being silent. Maybe her true self just wanted to come out after awhile. "If you don't mind, I would like permission to slip inside your mind. Maybe that way we can work on trying to find a way to reverse this effect?" he wasn't so sure it would work though, he was going on instinct.

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Old 06-16-2011, 08:54 PM

Gabe headed inside once and got into class before the bell rang. He then pulled out his schedule to see what kindo f classes he would have and sighed. He knew all the teachers here and had all the worst ones. They all hated him more then anything else. But at least for gym he had a good teacher. He was a nice guy and he enjoyed gym alot. Once the bell ran he started the soon to be daily task og going to his classes.

Avalon thought about it for a second and wasn't to sure about him going into her head. It might hurt or he might try to control her. Yet as she looked at him she didn't get the feel that he would do that so slowly she nodded her head and looked down at him, "I wouldn't mind that as long as that is all your doing." she said softly. She wasn't sure what he would find though. She had thought she was just a human for her whole life till a few days ago and she decided to actually stop acting like a coward and fight back against the bullies.

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Old 06-16-2011, 10:03 PM

Ami went to her normal clases, chemistry, math, history, art (Lunch), metal tech, Enligsh11 (junior class), and choir which she normally just stayed quiet. Until Mr. Duello had said other wise and had her sing in front of the class today but she refused. In the end she still had to sing in front of the class or have detention for insubordination.

Dean skipped out and decided he could do something better with his time and headed for the mall to see what he could do. If he could find a job now and work on online courses later then that would be really good for him. Then he wouldn't care where he stayed, he cared more about his future and career than anything else.

"This shouldn't hurt at all. Now just relax Avalon" and when she would seem a little more relax than she was at the moment, he would use his telepathy to go into her mind. They both would appear there floating in a space like atmosphere. 'I'm in your mind, now let us find out what is going on or to try and control it that is' Xavier spoke still using telepathy.

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Old 06-16-2011, 10:40 PM

Gave sighed as he headed threw class. Algebra II was borning as ever, History was painfull and so was every other class. He found that he liked Ecology, but then again he was part animal himself so he would of always liked it. When it came to gym it was at the end of the day and he enjoyed every minute of it. Soon the bell rang and everyone started to run out of there, that included him. He ran to the car and then hoped that everyone got there soon.

Avalon nodded and slowly breathed in and out. She had to relax for him to do this and after a little bit she was completely realxed. ONce she heard him and then saw them floating in space she nodded. "okay, how do we do that? " she asked as she looked at the professor and wondered how they were doing any of this.

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Old 06-16-2011, 11:50 PM

Ami had already said by to her small bunch of friends but a moment after they left the other jocks and cheerleaders came over and circled around Ami. "Well well well if it isn't miss mutant" Tracey one of the cheerleaders had spoken in a sneery way "The guys here want to get to know you better" She added. Ami held onto her books and kept them close to her, she was trying 'not' to use her powers on school property. Kitty Pryde had ran through the group literally and stood next to Ami "Want some help?" She whispered to Ami. "I would rather freeze em to death"

'Well first we need to figure out what triggered it' he spoke and looked through the most recent dated like today's memories staying clear enough away from the other ones.

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Old 06-17-2011, 12:05 AM

Gabe saw the trouble and was about to go over there and help when Kurt popped into the car. "so, what is happening?" he asked and then saw Ami and Kitty. "oh no, there starting that up again it isn't going to be fun." he said and Gabe nodded, "yeah, why dont you go over and pop them over here so we can get out of here." he said and Kurt nodded. "that sounds good to me." he said and then popped over to the others, "hey, need a quick get away?" he asked

Avalon nodded when she heard him then pointed to the day that she had changed. "that is when I changed and this happened." she said as she remembered being bullied at school. She wanted it to stop and become stronger so that she could stand up to them. It was hte only time she ever wanted to do something like that and when she did it happened. it was like she evolved to be able to protect herself and stand up to them easier.

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Old 06-17-2011, 01:51 AM

"Just do it quickly Kurt, she's about to ice 'em" Kitty almost frantically spoke trying to be calm and knew how mad Ami could get. But Ami didn't like Kurt using his teleportation for any reason involving her it always made her dizzy to sleep afterwards, almost like a sick feeling.

'Maybe you need to focus on the calm you, the you before all of this happened, try it and we'll see what happens' Xavier spoke.

(sorry gotta trade back pc's then I will be on mine more)

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Old 06-17-2011, 01:58 AM

((okay and also Avalon cant change back into her old self. It is how her powers work))

Kurt took both of there hands and made them dissappear. They soon appeared in the car and Kurt looked at Gabe, "I think it is about time that we go." he said as he saw the football players looked over at them. Gabe nodded and the car soon shot out of the parking lot and down the road. He hoped that no one followed them.

Avalon nodded and took some deep breaths. She had to calm down and maybe just maybe she culd be normal again. But as she calmed down she felt a wall come up. It was like it was locking herself out from her old self.

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Old 06-17-2011, 03:29 PM

(thats fine but can she still change into another form?)

The jocks didn't like that though so they all hopped into their fancy cars and chased after the mutants. Ami laid against Kitty while Kitty held onto her knowing teleportation made her sick. "Uh guys we have some guests" Kitty called out looking back a little bit.

Dean watched the cars race by wondering what was going on, he got a couple books and possibly a job but this was more interesting than those things today. Imagining a chinease dragon (a small one) he rode on its back surprising the jocks almost scaring the hell out of them. "Hey guys, so uh whats going on with you and them?" motioning back to the jocks.

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Old 06-17-2011, 04:18 PM

((yes, she can evolve into anything as long as it wasn't in a previous form. It is like she can evolve to survive but she can never turn back since it would make her weak))

Gave smirked when he saw Dean and then pointed to Ami and Kitty, "they were trying to harass them so Kurt got them out of there and now they are coming after us." he said as he drove faster and then looked at Kurt, "Take the wheel, I will go settle this before before it gets worse. He said and shifted his bones to that of a bird and jumped up and out of the drivers seat and seemed to slowlyfloat down to the graound. Kurt then popped into the drivers seat and started to drive away. Gabe landed int he middle of the road and looked at the jocks coming, "stop." he called out.


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