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Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-03-2010, 06:30 PM

This is an RP for Emo and Evergreen only! You are allowed to look at it, but no posting please!

Emo's character!
Name: Melena (can change/might change)
Gender: Female
Bio: Melena is a normal high school a girl. On the honor roll, cheerleader, debate team captain, does about everything.

My Character!
Name: Jacob Black
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Bio: Jacob hated school but finished it with good grades for some strange reason that even he doesn't know. He hides from the world since he has no one to talk to anymore, he had friends at school, but they left soon and now he's left alone. He hides a part of himself from the world but does a great job in controlling it.

There's a man in the woods.
EmoMarionette is offline
Old 08-03-2010, 08:41 PM

Melena's alarm went off. She slammed her hand on it. She got out of bed. 4 a.m. Just enough time for a jog. She smiled and put her hair up and slippedon her tennis shoes. She walked outside. It was damp and cool out. She stretched out her muscles and yawned. She began at a slow pace. Melena went through the same path as every morning until she saw road construction. She kept jogging in place while looking around for a way around. She decided to cut through the forest. It was bit dark, but she had been through it once before and she was pretty sure she could remember where she was going.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-03-2010, 09:07 PM

Jacob sighed as he woke up with the help of his loud alarm clock. " day..." he said and struggled to turn it off since his hands were trembling for some strange reason. it was 4 a.m. it was still too early but he decided to go out for a run in the forest anyway. "It's not like I have anything else to do..." he muttered to himself. He crawled out of bed slowly and stretched out before heading to the shower. He took a shower in hot water and got out later. He threw on his gray T-shirt and levi jeans. Then he slipped on his black running shoes and quickly brushed his hair. He looked at himself in the mirror before heading out to the forest which, luckily for him, was very close to where he lived. He soon reached the forest and smiled as he began to run through it.

There's a man in the woods.
EmoMarionette is offline
Old 08-03-2010, 10:56 PM

Melena sweated through her run. She stopped and began breathing heavily. She stopped for a little bit and saw someone running in the far distance. Who was that? Hm. She didn't think too much of it, but she sat down and began drinking her water.(sorry its a bit sohrt!)

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-03-2010, 11:22 PM

((That's okay))

Jacob continued running and slowed to a stop when he saw that someone else was running through the forest. He thought about approaching but decided not to and continued to run, he had no Idea where he was running to and didn't care, he just wanted to run. The wolf inside him longed to come out and run, but he didn't let it come out, he wanted to be human for one whole day today. Being a wolf was fun and all, but being a human was better. Jacob ran and ran and soon he stopped, he sat down on the floor and sighed. He wasn't even tired, but he just stopped and looked at the trees, he listened to every sound and smiled to himself.

There's a man in the woods.
EmoMarionette is offline
Old 08-03-2010, 11:28 PM

Melena sighed and began to run again. She wondered if she'd run into that person running again. Who knows? Maybe, she'll even have a new running partner. That'f be a nice change. Melena always ran by herself and she wished for someone to talk to every now and again. Sure she had friends, but none were quite as determined as she was.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-03-2010, 11:37 PM

Jacob listened carefully and heard footsteps. Someone else was running, was it that same person from before? who knew. He looked around as if to see where the footsteps were coming from and then found out that they were getting closer. Jacob then stood up, part of him wanted to stay and wait for the person, and the other part wanted to run again, so he did. He only ran a few more minutes before stopping again and sitting down under a tree bored now. "Running is only fun for so long...I need to start doing something else other than running. What though...I don't know anyone here and I don't think I want to just walk up to a random person and be like 'hey how are you wanna be friends?' that doesn't work...that only worked in school." he said to himself and heard a river close by. Jacob turned to listen to the river and went to find it, when he did, he sat down near it and looked at his reflection in the water.

There's a man in the woods.
EmoMarionette is offline
Old 08-03-2010, 11:44 PM

Melena ran for a while and stopped at a pond. That person was there too. Melena smiled. "Hello." she said and began splashing water onto her face. She wanted to sound smooth and cool/ Which came naturally to her. She smiled at him. "What brings you out here so early?" She chuckled.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-03-2010, 11:50 PM

Jacob heard her splashing water on her face and sighed mentally. "Hey..." he said quietly as he looked at her reflection in the river. He smiled back and shrugged at her question. "Nothing really...just felt like running again..." he said and touched the water with his hand lightly before removing it. the water was cool, very refreshing for runners like her. "Did you follow me here?" he asked her but didn't look at her. "I'm not mad or anything...just wondering." he added in case she got mad or something.

There's a man in the woods.
EmoMarionette is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 12:01 AM

Melena laughed. "No I didn't follow you. I needed to find a different route." She smiled. "What's your name? I don't I've ever seen you around here before." She splashed the cool water on her face. It felt nice. She didn't want her face sticky from sweat anymore.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-04-2010, 12:30 AM

"That's what a stalker would say..." he joked and shook his head. "It makes sense though...road construction is a bummer all the time. Oh, well of course you never saw me...I like to hide from people...My name is Jacob..." he said and smiled up at her with a little wave. "What about you...who are you?" he asked her gently. Jacob was happy that he made her laugh, but it was just a friendly thing...he liked making people laugh, but that didn't mean they were friends now, nope...if you wanted to be his friend you still needed to talk to him for a few days before you were even considered a friend.

There's a man in the woods.
EmoMarionette is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 04:52 AM

Melena smiled. She could see that it would take a while to gain his trust and that was okay with her. "My name's Melena. I'm still in high school. It's very nice to meet you, Jacob." She smiled widely and held out her hand for him to shake it. "How about you? What's your story? Hmm?"

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-04-2010, 05:08 AM

"Melena, it's nice to meet you too." he said and shook her hand gently. "My story? I finished highschool with good grades which surprises me since I always hated school...what else is there to know about me? I think that's it...for now anyway..." he said and stood up to face her, yes, it didn't surprise him that he was taller than her. It made him smiled in his head actually, why? he didn't just did.

There's a man in the woods.
EmoMarionette is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 05:38 AM

Melena smiled. "Well thats nice." She looked at her watch and her eyes widened. "AAAAAHHH! School! I'm gonna be late!" She bowed towards him. "I'm so sorry, but I must go!" She began running towards her home to change.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-04-2010, 05:54 AM

Jacob looked over at her and tilted his head as he watched her run off. He could always give her a ride on his motorcycle...should he? Jacob ran home and passed her on the way. "I'll give yo a ride on my motorcycle so you won't be late if you want..." he said to her as he ran beside her. Why was he doing this, he had just met he wants to give her a ride? It was just for today and only if she wanted it.

There's a man in the woods.
EmoMarionette is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 06:00 AM

Melena saw Jacob running beside her. "Uh sure. I hope you don't mind, but i have to go home and change into my unform first." She smiled at him,huffing.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-04-2010, 06:08 AM

Jacob shook his head. "I don't mind at all...I'll go get the motorcycle and go to your house to pick you up." he said and continued to run to his house. He soon reached his house and sighed...what a day huh? he chuckled and went to the garage and took out his sleek black motorcycle. He grabbed his helmet and got on the motorcycle, he sniffed the air and soon caught her scent so he followed it, soon he reached her house. Jacob looked at her house and slowly went to knock on the door and waited for her.

There's a man in the woods.
EmoMarionette is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 06:20 AM

Melena ran to her house and quickly pulled on her unform. She went outside and hopped on his motorcycle and she held his waist tightly. They drove off. Her hair blew cooly in the wind. When she got to the school. She hugged him. "Thank you soo much. I'll see ya around, Jacob." She waved at him and ran off to her friends. "Who was that, Melena?" one asked. "Yeah he was super cute!." Another spoke. "That's Jacob." She smiled. "OOOOH is he your boyfriend?" Melena blushed. "Of course not. I jusst met the guy. Come on or we'll be late." she said and walked to the school building

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-04-2010, 03:44 PM

Jacob didn't say anything, mostly because he didn't hear anything. He watched her leave and then rode off back to the house. What was he going to do now? he had nothing to do actually...he had no friends to hang out with. Jacob soon reached the house and parked the motorcycle in the garage. Then he went to his room and sat down on the bed with a bored look on his face. He ran, and rode his motorcycle...what else was there? He smiled though when he remembered where he a reservation. A wonderful place to him anyway...he was able to come and go as he pleased, but other people from outside the reservation weren't always allowed to come in.

There's a man in the woods.
EmoMarionette is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 04:01 PM

Melena entered her first period classroom. Pre-calculus. She did her work quickly and soon class was over. She went to her locker and smiled. She had PE next and that was her favorite class. IT was stress relieving. She went to class and ran lapa the entire period. She broke a sweat a couple times, but not too badthat she needed to shower.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-04-2010, 04:24 PM

It was pretty sad to know that you couldn't really bring anyone over because everyone thought that they would find out about...well you know...the whole werewolf thing. Jacob didn't blame them one bit..he was like that too. He didn't really want anyone to know what he really was, mostly because it was none of their business and because he though that it would scare people. What was that girl's name? Melena right? "Can't let her know...can't let anyone know..." he told himself and covered his face with a pillow and found himself sleeping again.

There's a man in the woods.
EmoMarionette is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 06:13 PM

The last bell for school rang and Melena hopped out of her seat and began to jog home. She passed the forest. I wonder if I'll see him again if I cut through here IT didn't hurt to try. She walked through the forest looking all around her.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-04-2010, 09:08 PM

Jacob soon woke up confused. "Okay...I went back to sleep? weird!" he said to himself and removed the pillow from his face. What is a pillow doing on my face? isn't it supposed to be under my head? he thought to himself and sighed as he slowly got up. He thought of things to do and decided to become a wolf and run through the know, just to relax. He smirked to himself as he ran to the forest and midway, turned into a wolf, there went his clothes, at least he had more at home. He ran through the forest and could hear every sound and smell every scent.

There's a man in the woods.
EmoMarionette is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 09:34 PM

It was starting to get warmer out. Melena smiled. In the distance she saw a... dog? She wan't quite sure. It was pretty big for a dog. Melena walked towards the creature. She got on her knees and held out her hand. "Here, boy." She whistled at him. "Come here, boy. Don't be afraid. I'm noy going to hurt you." A smile spread across her lips.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 08-04-2010, 09:58 PM

Jacob continued to run and stopped when he heard her voice again. What the?...Melena? I thought she was still in class...I guess they got out already...oh well he thought to himself and looked over at her. It was like she was stalking him...he couldn't be alone anymore...not that he wanted to or anything. He just wanted to be alone right now. He sighed mentally and then approached her carefully. He sniffed her and only backed away a few steps and watched her carefully.


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