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Monte Gray
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Old 09-04-2011, 11:32 PM

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Soturo Ayami
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Old 09-05-2011, 07:18 PM

Soturo Ayami ((5'9", 136 lbs., 17 years old, black hair, red eyes, leader of the Star Village and ambassador to other nations. Has been leader for a year and a advocate for adding the Star nation to the great ninja nations.))

Soturo shook her head as she glanced up at the building the meeting was supposed to be held. This week all the nations were getting together to talk about one thing and one thing only, war. Why were they having this conversation? Because Orochimaru was till out there, the Akatsuki have shown themselves and the larger nations in their absence forgot to mention these little facts. They always did fins themselves so high and mighty. Not that they couldn't boast incredible power because in each of the great wars they always came out on top. This past year had been some semblance of hell for her. She taken power from the previous leader almost immediately and with no standing in their community other then that she was their strongest ninja she didn't have many allies. She had worked herself to the bone to gain stand with the people of her wayward village, to undo the things that had caused their undoing. She had made a peace treaty with the leaf village so they could start trade and leave delegates in place of spies for good faith. She had done everything she needed and hadn't given herself one break. This would be no different.

Glancing down she had noted hat her greatest finery, wasn't even her nicest clothing. A simple red silk blouse with small ruby buttons and a pair of coal black dress slacks and her best nigh heeled shoes. Her village had worked hard to be progressive in this country and she had succeeded in bringing in just what they needed to catch up and surpass some of the other nations. Many argued it destroyed their status as ninja but progression didn't mean they stopped everything else. She had integrated the technology she had sampled form the northern villages, the kind hardworking folk there were a great help, originally having been from there in the first place. She curled her hands around the straps of her bag and did a mental list of everything she should be prepared for and things she had already prepared for. There were ninja running along the parameter, her ninja, she had a few more ninja with her just in case this ended badly. They were waiting for her to continue inside the building as she was just standing there staring at the entrance. She'd be the first to say she didn't look much like a ninja, much less a leader but she didn't care. They respected her whether they thought her attire appropriate or not. Taking a deep breath she let it out as she walked over the threshold.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-05-2011, 07:57 PM

Gaara was still on the roof of the hotel when Baki came and told him to get dressed. He sighed and climbed down. They were in the leaf village and it was winter. His robes would never be warm enough for the sand nin. He was used to hot weather and this cold bit him. He pulled on a black tshirt and a pair of black jeans. He also wore a black coat. He grabbed a tan satchel and put all of his important documents in it. He had already had a shower and brushed his teeth. His hair was spiky, but neat. He grabbed a piece of toast and ate it in the way. Temari ran to tell him good bye. She handed him a cup of apple cider. "Here, you don't wanna get sick." Gaara only nodded. "Come on Baki, we'll be late if you don't come on." Gaara said in a quiet, but stern way. Baki came down and stared at Gaara oddly. "Um...lord Kakaze? Is that really the best you could dress in? This is an important meeting." Gaara glared. "Did I ask for your opinon Baki?" he snapped. Baki shook his head quickly and shut up. Gaara sipped the cider as he walked. His gourd was carried by Baki for the moment. It was heavy and Gaara didn't feel like carrying it. He trampled through the snow. He had never seen this with stuff in Suna. It was cold like ice and children seemed to love it. A young child threw a snowball at a friend of his. His aim was off and the snow hit a very suprizes Gaara in the face. He looked at the kid and Baki was afraid he might kill the youngster. Gaara however only ripped the snow off his clothes and told the children to be careful where the threw things. He actually seemed amused by the child's talent. Most were lucky to hit Gaara with anything. That boy had used his chakra to make the snowball practically impossible to dodge. "If only you would work on your aim..." Gaara said. He seemed very distracted by this child and Baki now saw why. The kid was about five and had flaming red hair and seafoam eyes. The kid looked a great deal like a younger Gaara. The only differences were the fact that the child had no love kanji and had no dark rings around his eyes. Gaara ask the child name. "Ryo.." the boy said shyly. "Ryo? That's a pretty name." he handed the child a necklace made if sand that had been hardened to glass. It was in the shape of a love Kanji. "Here...take this." the boy looked at it and put it around his neck. "Lord Kakaze! We will be late if you don't hurry!" Baki yelled. Gaara growled. "Shut up Baki!" the child stared in amazement at Gaara's title. "Good bye Kakaze-sama!" the child yelled after him. Gaara gave a swift wave and caught up wot Baki. "You really shouldn't get detracted." Baki scolded Gaara. Gaara gave a curt. "Shut the hell up" and walked unto the large building. It had large chairs for each leader. Gaara was quite small compared to other leader he was a mere 5"4. Baki almost laughed as Gaara's looked Luke a child in that oversized chair. He looked at all of the other leaders. Most of them were old and looked at him with curiousity. He was only 17


(( I meant to say he was only 16 my bad.))

Soturo Ayami
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Old 09-05-2011, 10:00 PM

Soturo shrugged out of her leather jacket and hung on the back of her chair and took her seat. Well, she wasn't late that was reassuring, she was never able to get to places on time, no matter what or what she was going. It Irked her and amused her followers. Even her parents had a good laugh when she was lat for her coronation. The memory made her cover her face in embarrassment.

No one here knew her little blunder, well her ninja knew, but none of the other rulers knew of it, all the same she could feel her face heat up as she thought about it. Her eyes flitted around the room as she acknowledged the Kages. All the leaders of every village in the nation they called their home. She could tell that the cold was bothering some of them but she was from this region originally so she was used to it. Most of them were dressed in warm or furred clothing but she was just sitting in her blouse looking every bit the 17 she was. Everyone in the room was at least three times her age or older, and they gave many of the younger rulers curious stares, they were even throwing her a few. It was making her uncomfortable and she fought the urge to squirm in her seat under their scrutiny. But she had to appear stronger, just as able as any body else in the room. She would not be intimidated by these people, damn it!

Curiously she glanced around to do a little scrutinizing herself. She did see someone who was around her age, but he was a little further away down the table, near the head nations then she was. Soturo squinted trying to get a better look but she had always had bad eyesight, it was what made her so good, she hadn't ad to rely on her sight as it tended to confuse people, and most genjutsu she was blind to. She continued to stare at him even as one of the Kages stood to address the gathering.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-05-2011, 11:41 PM

The Kage from Kohana, the leaf village, stood. She began a greeting to them all. It was long and she tried to sound overly educated. Gaara wished she'd just shut up and get to the main point. He gazed out the window for just a moment. He saw children playing in the snow. A few were ice skating. He smirked. Children had so much innocence. He never remembered a time when he had been like those kids. Carefree and happy. He turned back to the meeting. The blonde Kage was still talking. She said something about it being an honor to meet with them all and how she was glad they had all made it here. Gaara was annoyed with her chit chat. Then the debating began. The Kage from the village of bloody mist stood. "I think we should kill that bastard! Orchimaru has caused enough problems as it is. Gaara stood. "We must find him to kill him. His location is currently unknown." The man glared at Gaara. "Then we need to find him." Gaara nodded in agreement. "Find him, yes kill him? No. We need to follow him and find the akatasuki. They have uchia, Itachi. We need to kill him before Oruchimaru. He is a threat to us all. We also need to find Sasuke. Both of these sharigan siblings are horrible and could take down us all." The hokage stood up now. "And you think we can take down Orichimaru and the akatasuki at the same time!? We would all be killed." Gaara sighed. "Yes many would die, but if we joined together we could end this war once and for all." Gaara got quite a few glares. The bloody mist man stood again. "You suggest that we risk hundreds of shinobi!?" Gaara yelled back. "Yes! For the lives of the civilians we are in charge of! Shinobi are soldiers! Some will doe in the line of battle." Gaara had always been known as heartless and his current ideas weren't helping him. The hokage screamed at him. "I WILL NOT RISK MY JOUIN FOR YOUR CHILDISH SUGGESTION!" She was two inches from Gaara's face and they looked like they were about to kiss. He hurled insults right back at her. "HOW DARE YOU CALL MY IDEAS CHILDISH?! YOU ARE THE FOOL WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOSE OF UCHIA, SASUKE!" she screamed right back. "WELL YOUR THE DEMON WHO NEARLY KILLED MY WHOLE VILLAGE!!!" Gaara made a face and she knew she'd taken it to far. The whole table stared at the two. Gaara didn't know if he should cry or just kill her. His voice wasn't as loud the next time he spoke. "If you ever bring that up will not go well with you." he had a look that suggested he hated her. The bloody mist Kage shivered. Gaara sat and glanced at them all with a cold, angry look.

Last edited by Monte Gray; 09-10-2011 at 03:27 PM..

Soturo Ayami
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Old 09-12-2011, 02:59 PM

Soturo sat up straight clearing her throat to gather everyone's attention. With a heavy sigh she stood, pulling her shirt down straight and dusting non-existent dust from her pants. Her black hair was pulled back from her face in an elegant bun so it didn't drape over her shoulders like it usually did. Clearing her throat one more time she opened her mouth to speak. "I would like to say that it was an honor to be invited to such proceedings, I know we haven't had the best history with anyone, but as it is near our country's border I am glad to offer my assistance." She glanced around cooly at the others. The older ones were giving her a once over, trying to assess who she was and were from. Her star village symbol was actually tattooed squarely in stark contrast to her dark skin in a pale baby blue across the open front of her shirt. The top point started at the dip in her throat over her collarbone and dipped down into the front of her red silk shirt, so that the rest of it was hidden. She had left the top of it open for that purpose only. "However, as it would seem there only appears to be bickering, and you have not once asked the smaller nation's opinions, I will offer mine." Inside her stomach was twisting in knots. She had no idea how these things went. All thoughts to bring up her countries problem and to gain her the title of "kage" just flew out the window when they had started talking. Even thought outwardly she was keeping her hands clasped in front of her, she was trying not to gesture wildly, as was normal for her when she spoke. Soturo would project calm serenity and maturity, unlike her younger brethren.

"The Akatsuki, have not posed a threat to our nation specifically, Orochimaru would be our immediate threat. From what I understand of the Akatsuki is that they are ronin, wanders. We house no demons, not to my knowledge so they also are no threat to us." She glanced around, trying to gage some reactions, "Even so, we have sent out scouts in areas where both have been spotted, what little we know about them has stayed as such, I would like to ask information of the great nations, since you seem to understand this threat more. I know you have spent time and energy trying to locate them, I ask that we focus on the immediate threat, as there is no possible way for the Akatsuki to move forward with out acquiring your "hidden" demons." Her eyes flicked over towards the Kazekage only to look away quickly and focus her gaze on Tsunade, "I understand that some of you have treated your jinchūriki very well." She sighed placing her hands in her pockets, 'I know something you don't know...' She thought in the childsh singsong voice. They would not know she had been approached by the Akatsuki and she had all but turned them down. It got her thinking, maybe, maybe. Some of their ideas made sense, but being here she would try this route first and see where it got her.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-12-2011, 09:06 PM

Gaara glared at Soturo. "These "hidden demons" as you call them are not at all hidden. Everyone knows who they are and exactly were they are located. It is not safe for any Jinchuriki. Even worse is the threat of Sasuke. Naruto keeps going after him. If the Akatsuki get him were all screwed. His demon is the one of nine tails. It can take out many in short times. Other demons pose lower threats." The hokage looked at him oddly. "And which do you call lower threats?" Gaara thought for a moment. "Well, the ones with lesser tails are the least powerful, and there for it doesn't really matter what happens to them. They're easily defeated." The hokage suddenly threw a Kunui at Gaara. A normal person would have never seen it, but the sand whirled it back at her, she ducked and tried to kill him with various tactics. She even tried to throw him out a window. He arrived via elevator a few minutes later. "What the hell!?" he screamed at her. "I prove my point. Lesser tails means nothing." some of the kages stared at Gaara. They had no idea that he was a demon host. He growled. "Loud mouth!" Gaara yelled at her. "One tailed loser!" she screamed right back. "Slug bitch!" "Ginger bastard!" "Blonde bimbo!" "Sand freak!" "Leaf whore!" the insults flew like knives and the other kages stared at the petty argument.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 09-16-2011, 06:07 PM

Soturo sighed pressing a delicate hand into her hair. She had not meant to offend anyone that was not her intention but she supposed since she wasn't that important it didn't matter. It also seemed that though this was a meeting for leaders they still found the time to act like children. It irked her that she wasn't going to be taken seriously here.

One of the men beside he tapped her on the shoulder. He stood at 6'6", head and shoulders, blonde hair falling to just past his ears, a pale fair face and he was wearing nontraditional clothing as well. His clothing hid the thick expanse of muscled chest and shoulders. She curled her hand around his wrist for support. This was worse then she thought. If the leaders were already arguing amongst themselves there would be another war. Their country was not in a state for that right now, it was just beginning to expand.

"Ren..." She muttered giving his wrist a worried squeeze under the table. Her first friend in office he had been by her side the years she had taken and became leader. Her appointed confidant and he took it to heart, her most trusted ninja. His eyes were covers by a thin strip of white cloth. He was blind so he didn't need them they would only polarize in the sun. She released another shaky sigh as the two continue to argue.

A man down the table stood abruptly. "May I remind you that this is a peace meeting, not a street brawl. If this is how we are to behave then this meeting is finished!" Shibumi shook his head at the two of them. He had a run in with the leaf nin before, they had helped take back their village for invaders and owed them a great debt, but it didn't mean they were foolish. If all they had to offer was violence then they would pay their debt and be done with it. Resolutely he stood his ground even being no older then the Kazekage himself, their villages special ability had aged him quite a bit in the last few years. He looked to be around 30, even though he was only 19. But every bit of those 19 years was reflected in the depth of his eyes and beyond. In the time that he had taken his birthright much had happened he wasn't even sure most recognized him. , "We owe you, Hokage, a great deal of debt but should this foolishness continue we will not be held responsible for what the outcome is. Most of us will not survive another world war!"

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 01:22 AM

Gaara smirked at the still angry hokage. He simply silenced himself and she looked suprized. He sat in his chair and crossed his legs. "Shall we go on with this meeting?" the hokage's jaw dropped. He was being the bigger man and was much younger than her. An older kage spoke. "Thank We have cone here to make peace with one another. We must stop attacking each other and resolve our problems peacefully. This kind of nonsense where we fight like cats and dogs must stop! We are fellow kages, caretakers of our homes." Gaara looked at the man. He was quite a speech giver. The hokage was giving him icy glares, but Gaara ignored her. He wondered how a thirty year old woman could pick on him, a mere boy of sixteen. He looked about his age, no younger no older. It was obvious he hadn't even really gone through puberty yet. His voice was still a bit high and he had a baby face. Gaara had often tried to say he had a mustache. He had a single red hair on his chin. It was hardly visible, but he acted like it was a full grown beard. All these things showed that Gaara was still just a teenage boy, and needed some fun added to his life. Later that day, around 7pm, the meeting was called for the day. A old Kage with white hair called Gaara and Soturo to come talk to him. He looked into the faces of both young kages and smiled. "I know all of this must be stressful for you two, you're both still young. I've talked to Temari and Kankuro. They're taking you two to dinner and a movie. It should be fun..some new scary movie is playing. I want you both to enjoy and forget about work for a little while. Gaara, I need you to come after the movie, were going to use an IV to put you at rest. You're going to need it. Soturo, I need you to come as well, we have vitamins and sleeping pills for you. You should rest good with them. It will also be a sleep with good dreams so I hear. Have fun you two." he left and Temari walked in. "Ready guys?" she dragged the two kages out and into a car. Let's go see a movie! Kankuro winked at Gaara and Soturo. "Let's roll!" they arrived at a pizza place. Gaara smelled the yummy smells. He wondered if he could have a whole pizza to himself. Temari practically read his thought. "'re sharing with Soturo." she said calmly. "Jerk.." he mumbled. "So what kind do you like anyway?" he turned to Soturo and hoped it was something he'd like also.


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