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Velvet is offline
Old 07-24-2011, 08:32 PM

There is a forbidden realm located in between the living and the dead. It is considered to be a dimension for cursed and evil souls. It is inhabited by creatures that a mere human would scream upon seeing. This realm is filled with ghouls, dragons, vampires, werewolves, goblins, shape shifters, witches, ghosts, orcs, elves, wizards, and other mythological beasts.

There are many forests to be explored, many caves unseen. There are beautiful lakes, waterfalls, mountains, and valleys to set your sights on. There are even taverns, old castles, and small market towns to rest in.

Though there are many creatures that are peaceful and live together, the forests do hold those that have no heart. They feed on pain and suffering, so beware. Traveling into the depths of the forests at night without weapons and experience will lead to your doom.


1. Follow the ToS
2. Please be literate. Don't use letters like "u" and "r" for "you" and "are".
3. Don't kill others without their permission. I understand there may be fighting, but ask them first before you "kill" them.
4. You can have your character go into the forests and kill a monster that you created.
5. If I think of more later, I will add them.x3


:: Profile Information ::

Please post your profile in the thread, but also PM be your profile just so I don't miss it.
You do not need to wait for me to confirm. You can start posting right away. n_n Have fun.

Skeleton: Lets keep it simple.n__~

Character Name:
Bio:{Tell me about your chara}
Spirit Form:{If you are a creature of somesort}


Character Name:Skyran
Age:Appears in her 20's. (Though she has lived much longer
Race: Wolf
Bio: Skyran was born in a proud pack. When she was young, the massacre began. Hellish demons began to hunt and kill off packs of wolves, because apart from them, a group of wolves was strong and could easily take down anything together. So as a threat for dominance, these demons began destroying the wolf packs.
Skyran and her parents managed to escape while her pack was massacred. Over the years, her parents grew weaker and weaker. Having been used to a packs support, they had a hard time hunting on their own. Skyran, being so young was able to adapt to such a change. When her parents died off, she was able to hunt alone and live alone without problem. And that's how she has stayed.

Now Skyran is a lone wolf. She travels, hunts, eats, sleeps, and lives by herself. She may not be the strongest, but has techniques to get herself away from danger and those that seek to kill her. She's very watchful and aware of her surroundings. She stays mostly in her wolf form, knowing that her human appearance is weaker and more vulnerable.
Spirit Form:

Username: Zernita

Character Name: Kinnaris


Race: Evil Gold-Hoofed Centaur

Bio: Seeing as how Centaurs can live for over 500 years, Kinnaris is still considered a young one.
Part of the gold-hoofed race of centaurs, she had to learn to live on her own since very early age, as both her parents were killed for their hooves. She's never been accepted into other centaur families because of that, having a golden-hoofed centaur is much too dangerous for the rest of the tribe, as they are often hunted.

Being a lone female of beautiful appearance, it was very hard for Kinnaris to be respected by the evil creatures of the woods, so she had to become one of them.
Centaurs are not generally cannibalistic creatures, but this one is, so be careful!
She may charm you with her gorgeous appearance and innocent looks, but if she's hungry or looking for some gory entertainment, she will not hesitate to tear you to pieces.



Woot. Open! Feel free to post now!


Skyran trotted through one of the forests. The night air was warm, but the breeze was cool against her fur. Her eyes were an icy blue and her fur soft and white as snow. There was a coal black streak down her left eye, throwing off her pure white look. She walked over to a lake and took and drink of the cool water, always aware of everything around her. She could see a bird sitting on a branch about 100 feet away. In the woods behind her, she could here a deer rustling around. Everything was at peace that night and she began to feel at ease.

Last edited by Knerd; 07-26-2011 at 03:31 PM..

As Shadows Creep..
Fall is offline
Old 07-24-2011, 09:57 PM

(I'll post something soon! This looks interesting. Give me a sec!)

Feast's Servant
Zernita is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 06:24 PM

Username: Zernita

Character Name: Kinnaris


Race: Evil Gold-Hoofed Centaur

Bio: Seeing as how Centaurs can live for over 500 years, Kinnaris is still considered a young one.
Part of the gold-hoofed race of centaurs, she had to learn to live on her own since very early age, as both her parents were killed for their hooves. She's never been accepted into other centaur families because of that, having a golden-hoofed centaur is much too dangerous for the rest of the tribe, as they are often hunted.

Being a lone female of beautiful appearance, it was very hard for Kinnaris to be respected by the evil creatures of the woods, so she had to become one of them.
Centaurs are not generally cannibalistic creatures, but this one is, so be careful!
She may charm you with her gorgeous appearance and innocent looks, but if she's hungry or looking for some gory entertainment, she will not hesitate to tear you to pieces.


Last edited by Zernita; 07-25-2011 at 07:16 PM..

Feast's Servant
Zernita is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 08:09 PM

Rustling around through the forest, Kinnaris was trying to get back to the waterfall under which she usually took cover. Even if she enjoyed the cool nights more than the warm sunny days, she preferred to stay closer to her hiding spot, just in case danger was close by. Not to say that she was afraid, on the contrary, she had kind of a bad reputation amongst the night-dwellers, but she still had no desire to get herself into an uneasy situation with one of the more 'demonic' beings.

Walking her usual path up to the lake to which her waterfall flowed into, she tried to make as few noises as possible. She knew that all sorts of creatures came to that water source to quench their thirst during the night. Even if she had already made a delicious meal out of a few rabbits earlier that day, she knew she could always go for dessert, so she didn't want to scare off any of them that might be hiding around the lake.

As she approached the area, she noticed a white wolf sitting on the shore furthest away from the waterfall.

*This might interfere with my midnight snacks* she thought to herself, moving very slowly around to the opposite side of the lake, not wanting the wolf to notice her or to scare the other creatures (potential meals) away, as it was sitting out in the open.

Last edited by Zernita; 07-26-2011 at 05:30 PM..


Velvet is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 10:24 PM

Her ears twitched as she realized a new creature was near. Skyran continued drinking from the cool water, even more watchful than before. She knew there was a presence near, though she didn't lift her gaze from the water. She could smell something strange in the air. A soft breeze rustled the leaves on the forest floor and the deer that was grazing somewhere behind her in the forest was startled and suddenly jolted from the safety of the trees into the open by the lake. Upon seeing the white wolf, the deer froze in terror.
Skyran growled at the weak animal, "You better be more careful, prey. There is something more sinister around." Sky ran growled angrily. Now leave before you cause even more of a scene." Her voice was low and unpleasant as it held a threatening growl. The deer darted off, almost silently and disappeared into the black forests. Though Skyran normally hunted at this time, she was more focused on the other presence that was somewhere close by.

Feast's Servant
Zernita is offline
Old 07-26-2011, 08:52 PM

As the wind picked up, Kinnaris heard what seemed to be a fairly large animal, rustling around in panic close to where the wolf was drinking from the lake. After a few seconds, a young, startled deer jumped out of the trees and froze up only a few feet away from the wolf.

*Ohh.. you're going to get it now..* she thought to herself, as the wolf perked up and growled at the doe. Kinnaris took this as an opportunity to sprint towards the waterfall, seeing as how the wolf was distracted by the innocent creature. Still trying to pay attention to the scene going on by the lake as she was running, the centauride quickly noticed that the furry beast decided to let the stupid animal go.
If it were any smaller than a deer, perhaps a fox, or some sort of rodent, Kinnaris probably would've been furious at the wild animal scaring it away, but she never hunted deer, has only ever feasted on remains of an already dead one that some other monsters have left behind. All that was on her mind now was getting to the cave under the waterfall without being noticed, as she made a lot of noise running for the waterfall, so she hid behind a large tree, waiting to see if the wolf had seen her and would be looking around for her.

Last edited by Zernita; 07-26-2011 at 08:59 PM..


Velvet is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 02:50 AM

Skyran's ears perked up and she listened now. The deer had jolted away and now all of her attention was focused on whatever was across the lake. She began to sense that she was in no immediate danger at the moment.

The clouds that were in the sky had rolled away and now a bright and brilliant night sky lit the lake. The moon's reflection shimmered pleasantly in the water, it was a half moon tonight and Skyran could feel her wolf instincts yearning for the moon. But she knew that she couldn't be careless and let her attention be drawn from whatever creature was hiding nearby. She sensed it was large, larger than the small deer she had encountered. Skyran knew that she could have easily taken down that doe, for it was a stupid creature, but she could sense that whatever was hiding on the other side of that lake would not be taken down easily.. that is if she could take it down at all. That very thought made the fur on the back of her neck rise.

Skyran peered out into the shadows, her eyes were made for the night. Her tail, which was stiff and out in alert began to descend as she allowed herself to calm. She pretended she thought nothing was there, but she was still on alert.


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