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Old 01-02-2011, 12:38 AM

"The Prince's Savior"

Name- Kaleb Silverz
Age- 19
Title- Prince

A prince of very high standards sneaks out of the royal palace in decent commoners clothes he had bought and kept for events such as this. With this being his first time he is asked by some fellow men at a bar to play a game of black jack with them. When the prince wins, he not only wins gold but also the women around all go to him and are flirting with him non-stop. The guys don't like this and decide to do something about it. Now it's time for a brawl, what will happen, will the prince fight back, reveal whom he really is and ruin his reputation as the prince, or will he do nothing about it? Find out in the following chapters.

Last edited by Kia_; 01-02-2011 at 05:54 AM..

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Old 01-02-2011, 07:49 PM

Name- Jasmine
Age- 18
Title- Peasant

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Old 01-02-2011, 07:57 PM

Prince Kalebz dresses up as a commoner and quickly sneaks out of his room at night and the palace avoiding each placement of the guards. He then would make sure he had his gold enough to buy a small thing here or there and made it into the city. He walked up to the bar under the moon that shined above him in the sky gracefully with the stars. Going inside and sitting at the bar on the side, he heard some men ask him if he wanted to play blackjack, though he might've been prince he didn't tell them he had no idea how to play so they told him the rules as they played a game or two. By the ending of the second game he had most of the girls around and then were starting to hate that. Everyone in the room just watched as Kaleb ignored them and left the gold while standing up. The women wanted to go somewhere with him but the guys decided it was time to stop all this nonsense as one of them hit Kaleb right across the face sending him into the ground as the women scattered.

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Old 01-02-2011, 08:59 PM

Jasmine sighed, sitting at the bar, drinking some water. She shook her head some, hearing at what was going on. She stood up. "Hey guys!" She turned to face them. She placed her hands on her hips. "Its not nice to pik on those smaller than you. How about I give you a lesson on how to be a good loser." The guys just seemed to laugh at her. Jasmine ran over towards them before kicking one in the face, making him fall over. Jasmine smiled some. She raised an eyebrow before taking care of the rest of them the best she could. Once they finally backed off, Jasmine moved over to the other guy and offered her hand to him. "You okay?"

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Old 01-03-2011, 12:53 AM

Kaleb reached out his hand and nodded "Yea thanks" he spoke rubbing his face a bit, he wasn't even flirting with the girls and yet the guy still got mad for some reason. Standing up and brushing himself off he watched the guys leave from the room and out of the bar because the bar tender was yelling at them.

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Old 01-03-2011, 01:29 AM

Jasmine nodded and said. "Hey, don't let those guys get to you. They are just jealous cause you were getting popular with the ladies. "She giggled some before placing her hands on her hips. So where did you learn how to play like that? I mean, those are some of the best blackjack players. " She soon turned her back to him. "Either way You might want to wait here for a few hours before going back out. Cause my guess is that they are out there waiting for you."

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Old 01-03-2011, 01:39 AM

Kaleb nods understanding "I just did as they told me to, it was easy to see when they were bluffing. Whenever they bluffed they put on a fake smile" Kaleb answered. The people in the bar got used to the event already and were on their way to just talking about their own business.

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Old 01-03-2011, 03:07 AM

Jasmine nodded some. "Seems like you are good at figuring people out. So. I've never seen you here before, where are you from?" She turned back to him, crossing her arms over her chest. This boy intruged her. SHe lifted an eye brow at him before brushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

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Old 01-03-2011, 03:24 AM

"Um, I just moved here" he spoke unsure of what to really tell her. He ordered something to drink and waited as it came by and he paid the bar owner.

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Old 01-03-2011, 04:19 AM

"Hm, I see. Well. Well what's your name? Oh, and show me where you live. Also, don;t worry about the guys out there. When they see me, they'll know not to mess with you. So...what do you say?" She smiled, tilting her head.

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Old 01-03-2011, 05:32 PM

"Ah no, it's quite alright. You don't have to, they won't catch me off guard this time and I think I can get away from them before they catch me." Kaleb spoke and started to walk out not seeing the guys anywhere and left hoping not to run into them.

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Old 01-03-2011, 10:14 PM

Jasmine side and followed him out. "Hey. You owe me a trip to your place. I practically save your life." She said with a grin. She lifted an eyebrow.

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Old 01-03-2011, 10:41 PM

(love your avi)

Kaleb sighed asked "What about your house? Don't you have to get home soon?" He wasn't used to telling away demanding people and that was one of his bad qualities.

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Old 01-07-2011, 05:07 PM

(Thanks ^^)

'My house. I don't have one." She shrugged. "So no, I don't have to go home." She lifted an eyebrow at him before moving closer. "So, let me see your house."

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Old 01-08-2011, 05:17 PM

"You can't see my house" he spoke and wondered if there was a way maybe he would be able to show her but if the guards caught her, they would take her away to who knows where. But without having a house, he didn't want to be rude and just throw her off to the side. "What if we go to the inn for tonight" and of course he would sneak off later to go home while she slept.

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Old 01-11-2011, 05:33 PM

"Inn? Oh I get it. You don't have a home either." She then walked pass him and placed her hands behind her back. "Fine. Take me to the inn. But you are paying. After all, you did just win blackjack." She chuckled some before turning to him once more. She moved over to him and said. "However, I want a two bed room, cause I'm not that kinda girl." She winked at him and laughed some before turning her back to him again.

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Old 01-11-2011, 06:08 PM

Kaleb smiled weakly a little and relaxed, good she didn't think he had a home that was good. He wouldn' t know what to do if she said she still wanted to see his home. Kaleb took them to the inn not too far from the bar and paid for two seperate room next to eachother. Though he told the innkeeper he was only paying for hers and would leave when she would fall asleep and the inn keeper nodded keeping it a closed up secret. He made sure that she couldn't hear them since she was speaking to one of the maids about something. Leading her up to one of the best rooms they had, he said "Here, I hope it suits your liking, I really should get some sleep though I have alot of things to do tomorrow." Kaleb spoke after opening her door for her and closing it behind her. Then he left the inn instead of waiting and went home since it was 3 o'clock in the morning, if this happened again and he would see her, he would come up with something.

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Old 01-11-2011, 06:27 PM

Jasmine looked around the room. "Wow...I get to sleep in a bed tonight. Thats great." She giggled some, she turned to say thank you to him, but he had already closed the door. "Well thats unfortunate...I wanted to get to know him better,,,: She sighed. She took of her goggles and the cloth on her head before slipping off her boots. She laid down into bed, and fell asleep rather quickly. When morning came, Jasmine was dressed again, and she visited the room next to her to wake up Kaleb. She frowned once she opened the door and tilted her head. "Nice...I thought I actually had a friend." She shook her head before leaving the inn.

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Old 01-11-2011, 07:25 PM

"Miss, the young sir wanted me to tell you he paid your room off for a week along with breakfast in the morning" the inn keeper spoke cleaning up his counter. No one was barely up at the moment so there were very few people there. Kaleb on the other hand woke up in his big double sized bed as this morning he would be dressed like a prince and wander around the city with only one guard with him. He refused to have anymore than just one. But he wouldn't be dressed fancy, once a month he would leave the palace for a walk and he would then hand out gold to beggers but the beggers knew it only happened once a month.

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Old 01-11-2011, 08:58 PM

Before she could leave the inn, the inn keeper told her about the breakfast and said. 'I'll pass. I got too many things to do today." She nodded and waved him goodbye before leaving for good. She walked out, noticing today was going to be a nice one, jugding by the sun and clear sky. Jasmine walked down the road, hearing rumors that the Prince was going to be in the town today. She had never seen the prince. To be honest, for her own reasons, she hated the prince, and even though she didn't want to admitt it. She envied him some what.

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Old 01-11-2011, 11:09 PM

Prince Kaleb was walking down to each begger on the street while his guard kept an eye on him and he passed out gold talking to each individual begger. He looked over to the side where alot of people stood and saw that the girl from last night was standing there. Hoping he wouldn't be recognized he continued what he was doing.

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Old 01-14-2011, 08:51 PM

Jasmine soon saw some beggers and the back of the Prince. She smirked. "Hm. So that's the prince. The one who pays beggers." She shook her head. She was just about to just pass him and not even noice his exsistance, however, she cought a glimse of his face. She froze some and shook her head. "No way is the same guy." She rushed over to him. She grabbed his arm, and turned him around quickly,. "You are blackjack guy!" She looked suprised, then angry. She shoved him. "What the hell is your problem?!"

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Old 01-14-2011, 10:43 PM

The guard quickly got between them protecting the prince "Miss you cannot treat the prince that way" he was tall, muscular, and not wearing his armor like usual. "It's alright Tazek" Prince Kaleb spoke "She probably is confused" and then he looked at the girl from the side of his guard "what is it do you mean that I'm the blackjack guy?" The prince spoke gently and his eyes were determined to keep things under wrap.

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Old 01-16-2011, 07:40 PM

"Don't you lie. You look just like him, and sound just like him. Don't you treat me like an idiot! You might about tricked all of these fools but not me! I actually thought I found someone like me. Someone who understands..." She shook his head, and soon turned her back, running away from him. She couldn;t stand being tricked and lied to.

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Old 01-17-2011, 04:02 AM

(Low on inspiration, sorry)

"Prince!" the guard called out but the Prince didn't respond as he chased Jasmine down the street and finally caught a hold of her. He had caught her on the shoulder and pinched as she fell unconcious and then picked her up as if she were a princess and carried her back. His guard didn't ask questions and knew the prince would sneak out so he would follow most of the time. The prince ordered everyone to stay away from his room and laid the girl down on the bed. He couldn't be so rude to her like this, and as much as he wanted her to assume he was a fake, he couldn't for some reason. He went and changed into something more suitable and waited for her to wake up. He sat next to her on the bed watching her and thinking back and forth.


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