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Psycho Alice
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Old 10-01-2011, 12:03 AM

Name Austin
Age 17
Personality Great sense of humor loves to laugh, a charmer, slightly arrogant, sweet at times, manipulative when he needs to be, stubborn, caring for people he loves, has a soft spot for his twin sister.
Likes Snowboarding, surfing, anime, manga, hanging out with his buds, sweets, horror movies, action movies, dogs
Dislikes Spicy food, pork, sissy romance movies, cats, chihuahuas

Wasn't sure about the bio considering they both have the same bio or nearly

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 02:06 AM

Name: Aubrey

Age: 17

Personality: Aubrey is cheerful and fun loving, not to mention very caring. She tends to be too gentle and lets other people take advantage of her and her kindness. Aubrey is always around her brother.

Likes: Ice skating, painting, volley ball, shopping and spending time with Austin

Dislikes: Horror movies, mexican food, big dogs(more like scared of them), messy or greasy food.

[thats fine]

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________

It was a typical Saturday morning, Aubrey was an early riser. Her parents were off to another vacation without both Austin and Aubrey. She didn't even understand why their parents never let them go on their vacations with them. Jumping out of bed, Aubrey raced to her brother's bed pouncing on the bed. "Wake up! Wake up! Its morning!" She shouted cheerfully still in her pajamas. Aubrey loved waking up early, Especially if it meant that she got to wake up her brother every morning.

"Come help me cook breakfast! You know our parents never let me near any of the cooking materials in the kitchen." She told Austin. Sometimes she felt her parents didn't trust her. She did injure herself a lot though which was why her parents never let her do or touch anything dangerous. They always acted as if she did pick up a knife she would break. She wasn't that fragile. she wasn't some sort of a porcelain doll. Though she was glad her brother didn't treat her like that. He treated her like his sister which made her more then happy.

Last edited by MoodyBats; 10-01-2011 at 03:00 AM..

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-01-2011, 03:15 AM

Austin grunted as an all too familiar and unwanted voice intruded on his dreams, a familiar weight landed on him and started to bounce up and down, how that girl had so much energy in the morning was beyond him. “Alright little doll, I’ll be up in a second go downstairs I’ll meet you there” she left but she seemed to know what he was doing because the instant he laid back down to go to sleep she pounced on him again shaking him awake. “Ugh fine fine I’m awake” sitting up he yawned running his fingers through his bed head only making it stick up even more. Of course she would need him to help her cook breakfast, the girl was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off, he left her alone for five minutes and she would trip over something, or cut herself on a spoon. How that was even possible he didn’t know but she could do it. “You’re a menace in the kitchen just sit back and let me work” he teased following her downstairs.

Unlike his sister Austin enjoyed cooking and had a pretty good sense of balance. Had to since two of his favorite sports required it, he didn’t get hurt often but when he did it was pretty bad. Like the time he was snowboarding trying out a trick and came down on a pipe that went right through his ankle that had been bad. He was still half asleep as he started getting out everything they needed for a decent breakfast thank god it was Saturday after eating he just wanted to crash on the couch. “Heat up the stove for the eggs and make some toast, just please don’t burn it” he chuckled knowing full well how indignant she would be over the jib.

Scarce Menewshan
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Old 10-01-2011, 03:34 AM

Aubrey knew her brother would go back to sleep after she left for a moment but she had tricked him and did go back in bouncing harder onto his bed. When he did walk downstairs with her she literally hoped down the stairs playfully. She was always energetic. It was as if Aubrey never got tired. Even on the lazy days she was still as hyper as she was today. Telling her to sit back and let him do the work, Aubrey nodded. She knew she tended to get hurt from the impossible. She sat down on one of the kitchen chairs waiting for him to tell her when she was needed. She hummed a soft tune moving her head side to side as she did. Aubrey was always a free spirited girl not to mention silly.

When she heard Austin tell her what to do she nodded turning the stove and putting bread in the toaster to make toast. Though knowing Aubrey it wouldn't be long till something went wrong. Somehow, she had burnt her finger as well as burnt the toast. "You know how you said not to burn the toast. Well um that isn't all I burned" she said with a giggle. Aubrey was the impossible. She was always a ticking bomb waiting to go off and she always did go off. No matter where she was she always seemed to get hurt.

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-01-2011, 03:49 AM

The smell of burning toast reached his noise and he sighed shaking his head “man Aubrey you are really a lost cause” the eggs would be fine on their own for the few minutes it took to check her burn. He turned the bacon so the other side could cook and went to get the first aid kit they kept under the kitchen sink. It wasn’t entirely normal to keep it here, most people kept it in the bathroom, well most people didn’t have Aubrey living with them. “Alright come here let’s get it looked at” the burn wasn’t all that bad at all but still it had to be painful, cleaning it he added burn cream and made sure the bandage covered it well. “Just go sit down and um… yes pour us some juice and set the table you should be able to do that without getting hurt” he ushered her out of his kitchen area handing her plastic plates. They had glass plates but he wasn’t about to hand that girl anything that had to do with glass. Plastic cups and forks followed he set them down on the counter so she could set the table for them both.

He checked on the eggs flipping them his mind wandering, their parents had gone on vacation to some tropical place, honestly they went on so many vacations it was impossible to keep track of them all. More often than not Aubrey and Austin, who was the older by a full two minutes, were left on their own to look after each other. Which was how he preferred it, when his parents were around it was uncomfortably tense in the house as the parents tried to order them around. He slide eggs, toast, and bacon onto the plates on the table his stomach growled hungrily. “Alright chow down”

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 03:57 AM

Aubrey pouted. "what can I say i get hurt a lot. I didn't do it on purpose." Aubrey said softly. She nodded taking the plastic plates and silverwear and set the table. Aubrey managed to pour the juice in two cups. Though when the table was set she was bored. She needed to use her energy some how. Walking into the living room, she turned the tv on and began to watch cartoons. Aubrey acted young for her age but she didn't mind and her brother didn't seem to mind it either. It was a good quality. It meant she was a very fun person. She sat in the living room staring at the television.

HeAring him tell her chow down that is exactly what she did she sat on the table literally hurrying the food down her throat. She was obviously starving. "Yummy!" She said cheerfully giggling a little. "We should go somewhere this weekend." She told him. "Maybe we can go to a skii lodge or something?" She asked with curious eyes. She was always one to find new hobbies.

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-01-2011, 04:13 AM

Austin chuckled shaking his head, the girl ate nearly as much as he did and was still skinny as a reed. She burned it off with that never ending well of energy she had, he ate more slowly but still it wasn’t long before between the both of them everything was eaten. The last piece of bacon was a contest to see who could get it first, Austin got it but in the end gave it to Aubrey claiming he was full. He had always had a soft spot for his sister and could never seem to deny her anything. “Sounds like a plan to me, I haven’t gone snowboarding in awhile I would love to get out on the sloops. We could stay there for the rest of the weekend, in fact if we get ready now we could be there by noon” her excitement was infectious and already he was eager to get going. “Alright I’ll do the dishes how about you go upstairs and pack for the both of us? You know what I like to wear, I am placing great trust in you my sister” he said in a mock serious voice “don’t let me down” he flashed her a grin coupled with a wink before he cleared the table.

To him it seemed like mere minutes before the dishes were washed and the bags were packed all that was left now was to shower, shave and get on the road. Austin would be driving of course, put that girl behind the wheel of a car? Was he crazy or did he have a death wish? “Alright Aub you take a shower first I’ll take when after” he plopped down on the couch and watched Tom and Jerry the cartoon she had, had on before they had eaten.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 10:17 PM

Aubrey gobbled down the last piece of bacon. Hearing Austin explain to stay there for the rest of the weekend and they could leave there by noon today she nearly choked on the piece of bacon she was still chewing. "R-Really!? That would be fantastic Austin!" She exclaimed with excitement. Aubrey smiled. "Okay. Have fun with cleaning the dishes!" she said teasingly drinking the last of her juice before running upstairs to her room first getting a suitcase packing all sorts of clothing that could come in handy on the trip. After her bag was packed she went to her brother's room packing his clothes and everything he needed. By the time she was done she went downstairs putting the suitcases by the door. After that she returned to her room going to the bathroom taking a shower first.

After Aubrey got out of the shower she got dressed quickly, blow dried her hair and put her hair up in a messy but cute bun. She grabbed her purse which had her phone, ipod, makeup and everything else she needed. "I'm ready to go!" She said excitedly. She wore a cute dress with a blue jacket and heels which could be dangerous since she was very clumsy and a ticking bomb of accidents.

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-01-2011, 10:48 PM

“You might be ready to go but I still have to go and jump in the shower so you’ll just have to go wait” the ending of the Tom and Jerry theme song blared out from the television speakers catching his attention, both twins were relatively young at heart and loved to watch cartoons he was almost tempted to just sit there and finish the episode but his want to get going overrode his Saturday morning watching cartoons ritual. Sighing he got off the couch and went upstairs, seems his sister had used quite a bit of hot water not that it bothered him cold showers were actually helpful sometimes. As it was this one was rather lukewarm.

Austin had never been one to dress up, he came down the stairs wearing a pair of jeans, and a black t shirt with some Chinese lettering on it. “Alright girlie let’s go” stooping he picked up the suitcases which were actually a little heavier than they thought it would be. “Dang Aub how much did you pack?” he asked as they were walking out the door, either way it wasn’t important putting the bags in the back seat he locked the door to their quant two story house. “Alright let’s go” his excitement showed as they both climbed into the car and set off for the ski lodge.

The ski lodge beckoned them sitting amidst a sea of white fluffy snow, they always had a room reserved because the family or Aubrey and Austin came here so often. It was Austin’s favorite place, the trip there had been uneventful, and grabbing the bags they checked in and settled into their room which held two queen sized beds. “Whew home at last home at last”

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 11:14 PM

Aubrey stared at the tv analyzing it watching Tom and Jerry for the minutes while her brother took a shower and got dressed. She was very excited about the trip. Her parents weren't the only ones on a vacation now. It was better then staying at home being bored all weekend long not doing anything. Aubrey was pretty glad her brother accepted her idea for the ski lodge though.

When Austin came downstairs and was ready she turned the TV off putting the remote on the coffee table in their living room. She stood up and next to Austin Hopping off of the porch. She still had quite a lot of energy going. Once in the car, Aubrey buckled herself in the passenger seat, taking out a book and started to read it with her earbuds to her ipod in her ears and music playing as she read her book.

Once at the ski lodge she got out putting everything back into her purse helping Austin with their suitcases. Though once they were in their room she pounced on the Queen sized bed. "I haven't been here in a while. It's good to be back." She said with a smile. "Well what should we do first?" she asked smiling at Austin not bothering to unpack her things. She just continued bouncing on the bed like a monkey.

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-02-2011, 01:08 AM

“That’s a good question, well you haven’t gone skating in awhile and I really miss snowboarding how about we each go do our own thing and then meet back here for dinner. Sound like a plan?” he bent and started unpacking the thick winter clothes she had packed in their bags along with various t shirts and pants. “Then maybe we can have like movie night or something, it should be fun. I have this perfect movie I’ve been wanting to see for like the longest time. You can watch it with me” Austin winked at her before slipping on the thick jacket it was a dark blue jacket trimmed with black his two favorite colors. “Sound good?” leaning over he kissed her cheek. “See you later Aubrey call me if you need anything I’ll have my cell on me”

It felt wonderful to be out on the slopes, it had been so long since he had had his board under him sliding down the side of the mountain. He had entered contests before and done really well, first, second, or third place pretty often. But the contests weren’t the reason he loved snowboarding so much, it was the freedom the rush of adrenaline he got when he did a trick, and the feeling of success he had when he landed it. A few of his snowboarding buds were already there coming down the slopes right along side him.

Scarce Menewshan
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Old 10-02-2011, 01:24 AM

Aubrey nodded. "Okay that sounds good." She said with a smile. "See you later. Have fun." She told him before he left. Aubrey got on her favorite light blue coat that was trimmed with white. It suited her very well. She then took out her ice skates but she didn't put them on yet. Knowing her she knew she would fall over and hurt herself before getting to the ice rink. She picked her ice skates by the laces of them and carried them on the way to where she was going to go ice skating, her phone in her pocket in case her brother contacted her or if she needed to contact him.

Once at the skating rink, Aubrey took her shoes off putting them in her purse. She then put her ice skates on tying the laces of her white and very clean skates. They almost looked brand new but they weren't. She just kept her skates in good shape. Not a lot of people could do that. But when they had parents like Aubrey's it was easy not to get them dirty. Once on the ice she got onto the ice smoothly with delicateness, and grace. Aubrey had been ice skating since she was three years old. It had been a few years since she was on the ice but she was still good. Some of the girls were either amazed by her talent or jealous.

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-02-2011, 01:45 AM

Austin and his closest snowboarding bud Justin trudged up the side of the mountain towards one of their favorite jumps. The ski lift went high but there were certain places you had to hike up to if you wanted to get there. It didn’t bother the boys any for the jump was so worth it. “It’s been awhile since you’ve been here” Justin finally said his breath coming out in small pants, Austin was silent a moment catching his breath. “Yeah I know it has been but what can you do? Unlike you I can’t come here every other weekend” Justin laughed “I don’t come here that often, you know” Austin chuckled even though in contests Justin was one of his biggest competitions he was also one of his best friends even if the pair didn’t get to hand out as often as they would like. They both lived to far away to get together often, and unless they were here it wasn’t likely that they would see one another. “Yeah yeah sure, you say that”

Their conversation trailed off as they finally reached the slope, both boys made it a contest to see who could reach the bottom fastest, it was a close race with each one vying for the win, in the end though Austin pulled ahead, only because Justin had to swerve to miss a rock in his path. Justin slid to a stop, Austin turned his head to look at him as he slowed down, he wasn’t truly paying attention to where he was going and ended up smashing into a tree.

Justin shook his head as he wrote a message on the cast that decorated Austin’s arm this is why you should always watch where you’re going he wrote Austin made a swipe at him and Justin stepped back with a laugh. “Come on let’s get back” Justin took Austin back to the lodge and they both hung out by the fire. After smacking into the pine Austin had gotten a nice scrape and bump on the head, and broken his wrist.

Scarce Menewshan
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Old 10-02-2011, 02:14 AM

After Aubrey finished ice skating she got off the ice switching her shoes and carrying her ice skates and her purse. When she got back she saw Austin and Justin. "What did you do to my brother!?" She shouted at Justin playfully punching Justin's arm. After she worked up a fit she went over to Austin clinging to him. "My poor big brother!" she said kissing her brother's cheek. "Do you need anything? Hot chocolate? something to eat?" Aubrey asked in concern.

Aubrey usually didn't get along well with Justin. She often acted childish around him. Aubrey stroked Austin's hair. "How did you get hurt? probably its Justin's fault." She said pouting.

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-02-2011, 02:32 AM

Austin laughed wrapping his good arm around her waist he loved his silly sister, Justin shook his head chuckling softly “I didn’t do anything to that idiot, it isn’t my fault he doesn’t watch where he’s going he ran right into a tree” Justin watched the pair, they were pretty close but then they were twins they had always been this way as long as he had known them. One thing Justin never did for fear of losing his best friend was hit on Aubrey, Austin was extremely protective of the girl and would no doubt kill him if he tried. Not that he would Aubrey was far too childish for his taste. “Aye I was gloating because I had won the race” he pointed out trying to ignore his sister’s fingers in his hair.

“Yep that’s why you should never be a sore winner because it will always come back and bite you in the ass” Justin got up and returned with hot chocolate for the three of them, he set them down on the coffee table. “So how long are you guys staying for anyway?”

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 10-02-2011, 04:10 AM

Aubrey sat in her brother's lap while Justin and Austin talked on and off. It was kinda funny to her. "Well i still think its Justin's fault." She said pouting her lips. "So Justin when are you planning to leave? Brother and I have a movie to watch." she told him. She usually acted this way around Justin. "Well we are here for the weekend but our parents are gone for a couple of weeks so maybe we will be here for a little longer. Which means I will be here a lot." Aubrey said in a teasing tone with a smirk.

Aubrey often teased Justin. Once she had her hot coco, she sipped it. Placing hers back on the coffee table she picked her brother's up helping him drink it. Aubrey was very good when it came to helping her brother. After a while she stood up though forgetting her bag was by her feet with her skates, she tripped over her things falling on her floor. She thought today was a bad day to wear a dress.

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-02-2011, 04:24 AM

“I’ll be here for as long as Austin wants me here and nothing you can say will make me leave” Justin knew he was teasing her but he couldn’t help it she was just so… teasable. Austin shook his head the pair acted like brother and sister sometimes, and considering Justin had no siblings and the pair were almost like brothers it wouldn’t surprise him if he saw Aubrey as a sister almost. “You two bicker like an old married couple” Austin pointed out making Justin nearly choke on his hot coco “no kill me now if I were to marry the little klutz” Austin would have laughed had Aubrey not been holding his cup to his lips at that point. As it was he came away coughing. “I was drinking” he snapped at Justin but he wasn’t angry in fact he was smiling.

“Klutz” Austin murmured as Aubrey tripped right over her own bag, even though he averted his eyes he had still gotten quite a good view of her pink underwear. Austin cleared his throat uncomfortably a light blush touching his cheeks. “Are you alright Aubrey?” he asked helping her up, Justin rolled his eyes and got up. “Alright I’m going to get going, My cousin must be looking for me by now” he bid both goodbye “enjoy you’re movie”

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 10-02-2011, 04:35 AM

After Austin helped her up, Aubrey's face was completely red. Once Justin left she sighed. "That was embarrassing. I'm such a klutz." she said pouting her lips as usual. "You just rest okay Austin? Do you want any popcorn?" she asked as she was putting the movie in and grabbing the remote and placing it on the coffee table next to Austin. Even though Austin hadn't answered yet to having popcorn she decided to make some anyways and added extra butter just how Austin and her both like it. Once it was done she had it in a large bowl and sat in the same bed with him practically cuddling with him.

After she was comfortable she pushed played and the movie began to play as she ate the popcorn watching the movie. Though one thought stuck on her mind. Did he see her underwear when she fell over? If he did, did he react to seeing her under garments? Many thoughts ran through her mind as she ate the popcorn by her nerves.

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-02-2011, 04:43 AM

Considering she was already making the popcorn there really was no point in answering, his uninjured arm slipped around her shoulder, the movie was one he had been wanting to see for the longest time a horror movie. He knew Aubrey never cared much for horror movies but he figured it was because he was hurt that she was giving in now. Which almost, almost made up for the fact that he had broken his wrist, but still it was hard to focus on the movie when his mind just kept wandering back to his sisters underwear, they had been rather nice… it was wrong to think about it and he knew that but he couldn’t help it.

A scream on the television distracted him as a woman was torn apart by the killer, it was a nice distraction but honestly wasn’t good enough because all his mind did was wonder if she wore a matching bra to go with it. He shook his head violently as if that would make the thoughts go away you sick perv he snapped at himself as yet another scream sounded from the tv, the killer was torturing another unfortunate victim.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 10-02-2011, 04:50 AM

Aubrey usually was terrified at horror films but today was different. She had a large distraction on her mind. Even though they were twins she assumed maybe her brother didn't mind he saw her under garments since they had bathed with one another since they were born up until both of them were at least 8. A sigh passed Aubrey's lips. What if he liked what undergarments she wore? Though the sound of that she didn't really mind. It actually made her kind of happy.

" i need to ask you something...something important." She said softly looking over to her brother. She wasn't even sure how to put it into words. "When i fell a few minutes ago...did you see anything? Its okay if you did though." Aubrey said with a smile to show she wasn't mad.

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-02-2011, 05:18 AM

A blush lit up his cheeks again though luckily the room was dark so maybe she couldn’t see it, he scooted away from her a bit needing the space so he couldn’t smell the soap she used or the sweet shampoo she used in her hair. He shouldn’t be having thoughts like these but he couldn’t help himself, she was his sister it was wrong he felt dirty. “No all I saw was my sister being a klutz…. Okay maybe I saw a little but it’s nothing I haven’t seen before” his voice sounded weird even to him and he sighed turning all his attention on the movie, he could really stick his foot in his mouth sometimes.

He focused all his attention on the movie not letting himself think about anything else so that after a few minutes he actually felt normal again “Aub you should really be more careful you know you could get seriously hurt otherwise” he moved closer to her again feeling more himself now, his arm rested on the back of the couch behind her as it normally would. “And then who would have to wait on you hand and foot? Me that’s who” he joked half heartedly.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 10-02-2011, 05:28 AM

Aubrey just nodded staying quiet. Though part of her wanted him to say something different. She didn't feel that it was wrong. She loved her brother. It wasn't wrong to love her brother. Aubrey was debating weather to tell Austin something very deep she had buried inside her but she was scared how Austin would react. Clearing her throat she decided to tell him.

"Austin...i need to tell you something...something you might even hate me for." Aubrey said her voice cracking a little. "Your my brother and I love you." she told him her cheeks slightly a dark pink color but the room was dark so he couldn't see. "To be honest i don't think its wrong to love your sibling. do you?"

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-02-2011, 05:35 AM

Austin cleared his throat, turning to her he studied her face. “I love you too, but the love I think you mean is that you don’t just see me as a brother, just like I don’t see you just as my sister is that it?” he reached out and touched her cheek lightly more of a caress than anything else but drew his hand back. “You know I haven’t seen you that way for a long time, but it’s wrong you’re my sister I’m not supposed to see you that way. Part of him felt relief that he wasn’t the only one who felt that way and another part felt wrong for even feeling this way. Reaching out he pulled her on his lap “love between siblings isn’t wrong, but this society says it is. Society says that loving your sibling is wrong”

He leaned his forehead against her shoulder and couldn’t help but kiss it a feather light kiss she probably didn’t even feel. He was throwing himself out there what if she hadn’t meant it the way he did? If so she was probably disgusted with him. “I love you Aubrey you know that” his voice was soft as he said this his body tensed as he waited for her outrage, her disgust with him.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 10-02-2011, 05:47 AM

"You love me as a sister and only a sister right?" she asked knowing the truth. "why is it wrong? It makes no sense to me. People can love whoever they want. Even if its a sister or maybe someone else they are related to." Aubrey said placing her chin on her knees that she had pulled to her chest her arms around her legs comfortably. "Its wrong for people to judge if they don't know what love is." she said talking to herself now probably. She decided she should go to bed knowing he probably only saw her as his sister.

"I'm just going to go to bed." She said changing out of her normal day clothes into her pajamas purposely in front of him to prove a point that he only saw her as a sister so changing wouldn't be a huge deal.After changing her clothes she crawled into her bed getting under the covers. Honestly she didn't want to hear his answer because she knew his answer already.

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-02-2011, 05:57 AM

“I don’t though Aubrey, I don’t see you only as my sister” he wasn’t sure she heard him, and try as he might and though it would be better if he looked away he couldn’t look away from her as she undressed. She was testing him or something, because she saw him as a brother and only as a brother, he felt a little too warm in the room and stood. “I need to take a shower okay I’ll be back in a bit” a cold shower was exactly what he needed, tying a bag around his cast he took a shower, a cold shower, it helped to cool him down and clear his head so by the time he went back he felt normal again.

There was only one bed in their room because they were twins their parents always made them share and most of the time it didn’t bother him one bit but tonight the space between their two bodies was way to close. He turned on his side away from her “Aubrey I need to be honest with you, I don’t see you as just my sister I see you as a guy sees a girl” he stopped talking he wasn’t sure if she was asleep already or not but at least he had finally told her the truth.


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