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KageShio is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 03:04 AM

Originally Posted by Staria
Story of the Team…

Twenty-eight years ago there was a team of scientists that all shared one thing, they valued science or money above morality. They scoffed at the laws that said they could not experiment on human fetuses and built a secret facility to do just that. They desired to create super humans, a new race of human beings to be sold to the highest bidder. For ten years they worked, finding they succeeded but only partially as every child was born with a physical disability. It was as if the brain simply could not process their powers and all five of their senses.

Before they could figure out how to fix this error the government discovered their terrible works and tracked them down. With their weapons and genetically altered animals it was a terrible fight but the scientists were defeated and the children rescued. The government found no proof the children were anything but normal disabled children and did what seemed the wise, humane thing. They found families to take the children and put trusts in the adoptive parents names to pay for the children’s care and school funds. It seemed a simple, happy ending for everyone…

As the children entered their teens their powers would manifest, however, and paranormal incidents seem to begin to happen all over the world. Magic that people had so successfully denied the existence of began to crop up like wild fire all around the world. Science no longer held all the answer and humanity was in danger. In desperation the government turned to these children, to investigate these incidents and protect the people. In exchange they would train them to control their powers and achieve their ultimate potential. It is time to test this extraordinary team and find out if the plan is a success or failure…

Story of the Town…

The seaside town of Jeremiah was a beautiful resort town on a massive island with a rich and long history. It was lovely and never lacking in income as even the rich and famous would head to the island to relax. The visitors loved it, the people who lived their loved it, it was the perfect island paradise. It was not immune, however, to the new incidences of the paranormal but would in fact be the focus of one of the largest event yet.

A fog would roll over the tip of the island where Jeremiah set as a jewel in its crown. At first it seemed harmless, if slightly annoying. Yet people began to disappear and strange sounds would come from the coast. Strange visions of ghost ships were occasionally seen, floating out of sight whenever they were scene. Frantic calls came over the radio begging the government to help until finally the government came to a decision. This would be the team’s first case, a testing ground so to speak… They will save the town and prove themselves, or fail.
Our journey begins with our team on the plane that is taking them to the island, tension building as they try to placate their curiosity and fear before they set foot on the eerie fog-covered island.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 03:04 AM


PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 03:45 AM

Casimir leaned against the window of the plane with an absent minded look. The man was already beginning to plan what they would have to do once the team arrived at the island. Mapping the whole place, finding out more about the creatures attacking the villagers ... But perhaps most importantly they would need to find a base.

Flipping a map from a pack sitting by his feet, Casimir began peering over it carefully. Ignoring the buzz of voices he began muttering to himself. Slipping out a pen, the man circled different locations with an orange color to remind himself that they were possible bases with good vantage points or perhaps better defensible positions.

The orange haired woman peered around at the others of the team with a grin. So many interesting people all in one place! And maybe a man or two to flirt with, though without the ability to feel anything it kind of put a damper on things. A well, she'd learned to deal with that situation a long time ago though it still bothered her from time to time.

No matter, there were more important things to deal with at the moment. Karlin found herself wondering once more what kind of things waited for them. This team was strange to her, but at least they all would understand her. Or at least, they would understand what set her apart from others because the same thing had happened to them.

((so short! Sorry guys, I wish I could have written more) )

Mimeoh is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 03:58 AM

Riley Richie nearly bounced out of her seat in anticipation as she glanced up from her book for the umpteenth time since take off. It was so hard to imagine that this time last year, she'd been in a training facility, uncertain what to expect. Now, of course, she was still uncertain of what to expect, but she felt so much more prepared! As prepared as one could be on such a large team mission! She yearned to see her teammates in action, to learn, and to prove what she could do to add to all of their strengths!

So full of apprehensive energy, Riley cracked the gum in her mouth, appreciating the feel of the hard POP on her lips.


Staria is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 04:01 AM

Mira had been reading for most of the journey, snuggled up against Kol. She didn't look like she could be connected to the military, she looked more like a child curled up against an older sibling or parent or a longing baby kitten. She had stayed like that for almost the whole journey, slightly bundled in a blanket which made it look even more so. She only moved as they began to grow closer to the island as her eyes caught sight of the ocean whose color they matched so exactly. She marked her place and put the book in her bag as she tried to stifle a yawn against Kol's shoulder. Absently she wondered how long they had been over the ocean, as she'd been focused on her book to the point of fixation. She had only revived at all from it because she'd finished a chapter.

"brother! Do you think we'll be able to swim after we're done with the mystery?" She asked innocently, not seeming to think that others might hear her or that she'd sound callous. She simply was the kind to believe people could be alive until she found proof otherwise... that and she had the tact of a rock. As she spoke she would tug on his shoulder and smile at him, even though he couldn't see it. He was likely use to the behavior... it wasn't that different then when she was a three year old and thrown herself into him annoucing that he was now her 'brother'. No one had been able to convince her otherwise or figure out why she'd decided that kol was her 'brother. If she knew she'd never told anyone either. Looking at her olive skin against his pale skin she couldn't look much less like one would imagine any sibling of his could be.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 04:17 AM

Paige screwed up her slightly chubby face in exasperation, trying to make her hand do the right thing for the millionth time in a row. She just couldn't seem to emulate the other woman's hand gestures. "Is this right?" she said aloud, nearly smacking herself afterword. Silly, Paige, she can't hear you! She gave Jo a hopeful smile, maybe this time she'd gotten it right.

She'd been doing this for two reasons: to keep her mind off the coming mission, and to learn sign language better. She barely knew the alphabet, and apparently didn't even do that right! And having to deal with that so suddenly was bugging her a bit. She needed to communicate with them!


Jo smiled, hand reaching up to brush away a stray lock of hair. Her sharp eyes were able to read Paige's lips, and the question made her smile twist up on one side. "No, you're finger's wrong," she said, a little haltingly and with a small head shake. She made the letter 'k' with her hand again, making sure it was clear. "Like this." It really was amazing how much trouble she was having.

Her eyes flicked around the cabin again, habitual gesture to make sure she wasn't missing anything important. She'd been run into a few too many times as a small child, usually by the family dog. She'd learned to keep an eye out all the time, though she'd kept it from looking too paranoid.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 04:57 AM

Kol couldn't help but give a smile as he felt Mira's jaw widen into a yawn against his arm, the sound reaching his ears a few seconds later. He paused the motion of his long fingers brushing over the raised marks of the book he was reading to focus more on the fuzzy outline of her form beside him as she spoke.

He gave a light chuckle at her childish question, but not to ridicule it. It did sound like a good idea, the warm tropical waters and soft beaches had to feel wonderful. "Perhaps if we do well, we'll get a vacation." he responded, opening his eyes and raising his head as he took a moment to take in his surroundings again. He never turned to face any of the other people in the cabin as he did, though. It was something that had bothered some of the men and woman who trained him, but having knowledge of what was around him already made the need to turn his head moot unless it was to hear better.

Once he knew where everyone was and a basic premise of what they were doing, he closed his sightless eyes again and returned to his book, fingers playing across the page as he read.

Lucen was oblivious to all of the excitement the others were feeling, having been curled up and fallen asleep a few hours ago. His long hair was unbound and covered him like a tangled blanket, obscuring his face from the light and keeping him just warm enough. He mumbled a few times and twitched, but otherwise remained in a peaceful slumber. That is, until the book he had been reading fell from his chair and thumped against the ground. His eyes flew open and he struggled to sit up, his hair making the task a difficult one, causing his face to flush with color.

Last edited by KageShio; 04-05-2012 at 05:45 AM..


Staria is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 05:17 AM

"hmm... I suppose any place would be fun to vacation with you" She responded after a moments thought. She then leaned her head against his shoulder and glanced at his fingers. She pouted as she saw he seemed to have returned to his book, but she didn't disturb him. She simply watched the movements of his fingers and inwardly sighed. She wished she could show him the ocean outside, it was so pretty! There were times she felt almost...guilty for having sight when he did not. Sure, she experienced temporary blindness now and then but it wasn't the same at all.

Any brooding she could do on the matter, however, faded as she heard something drop. She glanced towards Lucien, unable to keep from giggling slightly. All covered in his hair like that he looked funny to her, adorable, but funny. She didn't seem to realize this might embarrass or bother him. Then again, as immune as she was to what other people thought or how other people did things she probably simply couldn't understand such a feeling. Only her brother could ever make her do anything other then what she wanted to do.

"Brother, what do you think the island will be like?" She asked absently even as she looked at Lucen to see if he'd pick up the book. She always respected people who treated books well more then those who did not. Perhaps simply because she had always loved books so much. She wondered if he'd been asleep long, it seemed so.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 06:17 PM

The sound of something falling to the ground had Karlin whirling around. Seeing the long haired man with the sweet blush, she ginned. Oh he was so adorable! Moving quickly with the grace of a dancer she picked up the book and held it out with one hip jutting out and a flirtatious smile.

"A good book I take it?" She wasn't one for reading very much herself, but there were exceptions. For now she'd found her distraction for the rest of the plane ride. Once they landed, well she couldn't really say. Maybe that brown haired man pouring over the map ... Or the other one with dark hair, she wasn't picky. Not at all, she just liked flirting.

Lifting his head soon enough, Casimir sighed and shifted around uncomfortably. Finally deciding to get at least some input from one of the others he gripped his map and moved trough the plane to sit before Kol and his sister. Having trained with the other man, and knowing they would be working together, he'd made certain that all the maps could be read by him as well.

Laying it out, he glanced from Kol to the young woman who'd adopted him as her brother with a small smile tugging his lips up. "What do you two think about the placement of our base camp? Or possible places for it." The orange circles stood out, amongst all the other colors. Though of course Kol wouldn't see them, but Mira would certainly be able to.


Staria is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 09:08 PM

Mira looked at Casimir as he approached. She started to say her brother couldn't read it but she quickly saw it was the kind of map he could read. She didn't think of her own opinion first, or anything really. All that occurred to her when she looked at it was that the orange circles were something Kol couldn't see. As she had when she was younger, she would be his eyes. She took up one of his hands in her own small ones and placed them at each of the orange circles in turn. She would say Casimir thought they were a good idea and then say why she thought he did. Once she was done she would release Kol's hand and study them a moment.

She needed a place to set up her lab... as though she could replicate many pieces of equipment with her power over her own senses there were things like poisons that she needed to use equipment for. Of course she could probably slow down her perception and focus to figure out a poison....but that was a trick even she could only do once. Being this was the case, however, she used her equipment instead. She wasn't really sure about the camp sites, though there should be a building or two that would work so she pointed out which ones were likely.

"i'll need help setting up my equipment. Humidity may be a problem at outside locations as will contamination." She said as explanation for her choices. She could rough it with the next gal but she needed a clean, dry, location for her 'friends' as she half jokingly referred to them. They were trustworthy, clear, and always right if used properly and given uncontaminated samples. It was something she appreciated in things.

Last edited by Staria; 04-06-2012 at 12:54 AM..

Mimeoh is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 12:12 AM

Riley glanced towards Lucen, having seen the motion of the book in the corner of her eye. She had been about to stand when she saw the orange haired goddess approach him. Smiling inwardly and popping her gum again, she let her eyes wander to Casimir. She watched in interest as Mira took hold of Kol's hand and glanced between the "siblings" and Casimir, uncertain on who to observe. Clearly her book was no longer interesting, and Riley was itching to communicate with someone. Her only inner debate was on with whom...

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 02:04 AM

Paige frowned at Jo's hand, but jumped as something dropped. Turning to look, and realizing it was Lucen, she smiled again. Also seeing Karlin walk over, she turned back to trying to learn the freaking letter. She shifted her fingers again, hopefully getting it this time. "How about this?" she asked quietly, making sure she was looking at Jo, remembering that she could lip-read.


The movement of Lucen being startled awake caught Jo's eye, and her head snapped over to look. Seeing him tangled in his own hair made her smile, he should have thought to tie it back somehow. Then again, maybe the tie had come loose. She turned her attention back to Paige as she turned back, watching the movement of her hand as she tried once again. "That's right," she said, nodding to emphasize. She started going through the alphabet again, Paige matching her symbols and saying the letter out loud at the same time.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 03:03 AM

Kol gave a warm smile to his sister's comment, but did not stop the motion of his hand again, despite Lucen's sudden awakening, until she distracted him with another question. One finger holding his place a the end of the paragraph, he thought back to the information they had been told over and over. "It's supposed to be warm and humid, subtropical to tropical terrain through the entire island. I'd imagine our armor, if you can call it that, will be put to the test. They always say we'll be fine in heat and cold with them, but I doubt that claim." He said, a dry chuckle following his words.

His eyes opened as he noticed Cas standing and moving towards them. He tilted his head slightly and allowed Mira to take his hand and guide it over the map, showing him what areas were outlined by the other combat specialist. He took a few moments to fully register what his finger tips were telling him, then let his hands roam over the rest of the raised topographical map, reading the braille that denoted the towns and other landmarks as Mira spoke.

"Hm... and this is to assume the town itself is unsafe, right?" he asked Cas."I would suggest we first try to find a suitable place in a building outside of the perimeters of the town to shield us from the elements and allow us to work properly." he said, then moved his hand back over the map to an area of raised, rocky land a few miles down the coast from the town that held an indented area marked as a freshwater spring. "If not, there could be some sort of cave near the small springs here. If we're lucky, they'll be dry and large enough to serve as a base." he offered before letting his hand roam over the paper again.

Lucen had detangled himself from his hair and was trying his best to ignore the slight laughter at his clumsy antics when Karlin walked over and picked up his book for him. "T-thanks...." he mumbled sheepishly before quickly righting himself and clearing his throat slightly. He gave a smile and did his best to force the blush on his cheeks to leave. "Ah, um... Thank you, and it was quite good until I fell asleep on it." he said, giving a slight laugh as he took the book from the curvy redhead.

Mimeoh is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 03:22 AM

Finally reaching a decision, Riley leaned forward and slid from her chair, glancing both ways in the tiny aisle before walking towards Jo and Paige. She almost scoffed at herself for treating the tiny hallway like a street. She smiled at the two and waved, making sure she had Jo's eyes before she signed and mumbled nasally, "Are we practicing?" She took a moment and cracked her gum again before adding, "Two teachers are always good..."

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 03:32 AM

Jo fingers paused in their movement, eyes leaving Paige's face to look at the woman coming over. Her smile shifted to be more welcoming, and she signed and spoke back, "Yes we are. If Paige is willing, two teachers would be nice." Her eyes flicked back to Paige, waiting for an answer.


Paige had jumped a little when Riley spoke, turning to look at her as she spoke. She turned back to Jo when she said something, then her face broke into a grin. "Yeah, it would be great," she said, nodding to both of them. Maybe Riley could show her the signs in a way she would get it. Or maybe she would just continue to fail. "I really need help with the letters that look alike."

Mimeoh is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 03:49 AM

Riley leaned against the aisle seat and nodded with a smile, still signing and speaking brokenly, "Can be hard..." She popped her gum slightly softer, feeling less nervous. She signed directly to Jo, not speaking out loud this time, [Is there an empty seat?]

Last edited by Mimeoh; 04-06-2012 at 03:58 AM..

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 04:01 AM

"Yeah, they can be so similar!" Paige said. "I just finally got 'K' down..." She watched the signs Riley made, wondering when she would ever bee good enough to understand the signs other than letters and simple words. She sighed, the speed and fluidity of the motions was pleasant to watch. She must look like the equivalent of someone speaking very broken English.


[The row in front is empty, they left to talk to others,] Jo signed back, then waved at the seat. She turned to Paige again, smile still in place. "We were at 'L', right?" she signed and asked, partly for Riley's sake. "You did that one well." Her eyes flicked around again, pausing at Kol, Mira, and Cas. She wondered what they were talking about, but none of them were at a good enough angle to read their lips.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 09:44 PM

With a little laugh Karlin plopped down on a seat and leaned forward. She knew quite well the movement showed off her cleavage quite nicely. The young woman didn't really care if people stared, in fact she reveled in the attention. Her lips quirked up into an easy smile as leaned her head against her hands and leaned her elbows against her legs. "I guess it isn't as good a pillow as it is a book." Pausing in thought for a moment, Karling shrugged her shoulders lightly. "Have we met before? I'm pretty sure I'd remember someone with your easy blush." Probably because she'd have taken every opportunity to bring up the reaction.

Casimir had slipped into a thoughtful silence as he listened to both Mira and Kol. Taking in all the suggestions, he sighed slightly. They weren't even sure what they were up against. The twenty six year wanted to make sure the whole team was prepared for every eventuality, no matter how unlikely.

Finding alternate areas to make camp in was only one of the things they could do. It was why Casimir always carted around so much equipment, plus the fact that he was the only non-modified human on the team. "Precisely Kol." Letting his eyes rove over the map, he spotted a potentially good spot that met Mira's requirements and offered a good defensible position.

"What about here for our base?" Casimir pointed it out, then nudged one of Kol's hands lightly to the spot. It was a building upon a hill which would offer them a good vantage point. The brown haired man glanced from Mira to Kol and wondered what the others in the team would say about this spot. If these two agreed on it, he determined to go and ask the others about it as well.


Staria is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 10:41 PM

Mira sighed, that wasn't what she meant! She'd meant more the people and the animals and the town! She'd never been to a resort... and in all honesty she was hoping to get a little vacationing time after they solved the mystery. With these guys around, though, she wasn't so sure she could convince them to let her have an extra day. All thoughts fled, however, as Kol spoke of putting her babies in a cave!? She gave her brother a stern look as he spoke, a slightly stubborn gleam in her eye. They would not put her equipment in a cave!

Before she could even think of saying anything, however, Casi spoke instead. She glanced at the spot he indicated. She took a few moments to see what was around it and what type of building it was likely to be. It seemed her equipment would be safe and that was what she cared about most. It also seemed good from a military point of view but she couldn't really be that sure. Kol and Casi would know though, so she pushed away the concern.

"That will be perfect for the equipment yes" She finally said contently, they would handle everything else.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 11:07 PM

It was with a sigh of relief that Casimir heard Mira's answer. At least one person agreed with his revised choice. Now he simply needed to wait and see if any of the rest of the team accepted this decision. It was best if everyone was content with their choice of base camp. Things would be difficult enough as it was with a newly thrown together team.

Of course they'd all met each other at one point or other before, but these were different circumstances. "Good, what kind of equipment did you have?" The brown haired man found himself wondering that. Someone had neglected to give him this piece of essential information. At least it would be fixed soon enough, he hoped.

Mimeoh is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 03:27 AM

Riley settled comfortably into her new seat and found it hard to focus as she started to assist in teaching. Inwardly sighing, she popped her gum again, wanting to change the subject with Jo, knowing she wouldn't have to keep it slow in her signing. She cracked her gum harder in her mouth, determined not to become annoyed with Paige, as the girl had done nothing wrong. In fact, her attempt at learning was supposed to make things easier for the team! Still, a little side conversation couldn't hurt, right? As Paige struggled between letters, Riley turned to Jo and silently signed towards her [Is this your first big mission?]

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 03:43 AM

Paige made a face as she got stuck on the difference between 'p' and 'q'. Muttering to herself what the difference was, she tried going back and forth between them, to get them memorized. It was so difficult! Her hands weren't used to making movements like this, and wouldn't do quite the right thing.

There was another pop, and Paige stuck her tongue out. Popping gum had always annoyed her back in school, and it appeared that what little time she'd been gone had not helped her annoyance with it. She did, however, try to ignore it. Everyone had habits, and she knew she was annoying with some of the things she did. She was probably annoying these two with her ineptitude!


Jo watched Paige struggle, gently pushing a finger into the right place now and then. When Riley signed her though, she paused. [Yes. Yours?] she quickly signed back, honestly wanting to know. She knew what they were trained to expect, but would that match up to what was really there? One hand reached back to Paige, nudging her finger back into place.

[I wonder what's really out there,] she signed to Riley, eyes drifting around the cabin again. Nope, those three were still in the wrong places to read their lips, but she did catch sight of the map. [Can you see what they're saying? Or do we have to ask Paige to tell us?]

Last edited by Drakina; 04-11-2012 at 03:58 AM..

Mimeoh is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 04:02 AM

Quickly, Riley signed towards Jo, [It's my first real mission, I can't say I'm not entirely nervous!] She then glanced towards the others, letting her eyes skim over the map briefly before she trained her eyes on their lips, [They're already in the middle of their conversation it seems like. Casimir--the brunette? He just asked about everyone's equipment...I'll see what I can pick up and you ask Paige, deal?] She glanced towards Jo, making sure she got it all.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 04:32 AM

Lucen's pale eyes widened as Karlin made herself comfortable, leaning forward with clear flirtatious intention. His gaze quickly fell to the floor and he tilted his head forward just enough for his hair to cover his face from her veiw. He bit his lip as he ran one hand over the pendant around his neck. Such a forward woman, he didn't know how to react! His first instinct was to curl in on himself and hid from her, but this was one of his partners on this mission... he had to try and be friendly.

Clearing his throat lightly and looking back over to Karlin, he did his best to give he a smile and ignore her comment on his flushed cheeks. "I-I'm Lucen de Amsel, medical unit. We had met briefly at the meetings before the mission, but we didn't really speak." he said, his eyes quickly falling back to his boots. "You're Karlin Jackson, investigative unit, Right?" He asked, remembering her name and job clearly, as he did the rest of the team's. In fact he could recall their names, units, powers, disabilities and years of training from the debriefings. He had a rather good memory, which is part of why he got through his medical training so easily.

((Kol's giving me lip, so I'll work on his tomorrow ><' ))

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 04:50 AM

Jo nodded, turning back to Paige and thinking of how to phrase the question. "Paige, can you tell me what they're talking about over there?" she asked slowly, gesturing to the three in question. "I think a break from this might help, as well." She really did seem to be trying too hard to learn this. When they got back, she would suggest the entire team get sign language lessons. Best not to think of them not getting back, there were too many possibilities that direction. And it was partly her job to keep them all alive, right?


Paige looked up, startled at the question. "Um, they were talking about a place to set up base camp, last time I paid attention," she said, hands falling to her lap. She turned to glance at the three, then turned back to face Jo and Riley. "Cas is trying to find a place that suits Mira's stuff, I guess." Why did she want to know? Was it just that she could see them talking, but not well enough to know what they said? Paige thought so, there wasn't much else, besides boredom.


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