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Old 06-12-2011, 09:00 PM

This is Naruto Rp with Sasuke and Naruto.. If you are not me or 0ri0n83 don't post here.

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Old 06-13-2011, 03:42 AM

((Since, we didn't talk a lot about plot. I am just going to do a generic post about him getting out of bed and going to a college class somewhere, and we can go from there)).

Sasuke opened his eyes as he let out a soft groan. He was never a morning person, ever. Glaring towards the window he silently willed the sun to go back down below the horizon, but he knew that that wasn't possible. Getting out of his bed he stretched a little bit as he went over to his closet and walked out of the room after he dressed to make himself some breakfast. Glancing at the clock in the kitchen, he did a double take when he saw the time. "Crud," thought Sasuke as he went running into his room as he threw his school stuff into his black, grey, and red messenger bag, and then went running out of the door. The last thing that he needed right now was to be late for his first day of college. Breakfast could wait.

Last edited by 0ri0n83; 06-14-2011 at 12:04 AM..

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Old 06-13-2011, 05:11 PM

Naruto rolls over as the clock did go off but Naruto just smacks the snooze alert again for the third time. He rolls over and pulls the cover over his head as he really didn't want to get up. He groans pushing back the covers and looks at the clock "Oh crap I'm going to be late.." He gets up, then dressed nearly triping over his shoes, grabbing his bag and runs out of the door. Naruto runs down the stairs then grabs his bike and rides it to the college.

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Old 06-14-2011, 12:06 AM

Sasuke managed to make it to his first class on time. Sliding into a seat in the back he rummaged around in his bag until he brought out his textbook, a pen, and a notebook to take his notes. He hoped that today and hopefully tomorrow his classes would be easy because all he wanted to do right now was crawl back into his bed and go to sleep. Luckily for him though the class that he was in was English, and he liked this class a lot. He had to like this class, and all other English classes, because he was an English major.

Glancing around the classroom he already knew that it was going to be rather difficult for him because he was already getting lude looks from people that were already mental undressing him. It wasn't his fault for being born so feminine looking. Letting out another sigh he tried to focus before his class started as he tried to blend in with the room.

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Old 06-14-2011, 03:05 AM

Naruto finally gotten to the college and heads toward his class. he passes by the english class and peeks in as he just checks it out as he was confused where the science chemisty class was. But he sure this wasn't it as he looks around the class taking note all the people there. He would ask the professor that was already in there ready to start the class where the class was at. He thanks the professor and leaves class before heading toward his class it was good his professer wasn't even there so he wouldn't get into trouble. He goes in and gets settled in class.

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Old 06-14-2011, 05:37 AM

Sasuke sat towards the back of the room trying to look invisible. Sasuke continued to be oblivious as he noticed that the professor was late for class. Letting out a sigh he went rummaging around in his messenger bag he brought out his iPod and placed the headphones in his ears as he began listening to music as he tried to not focus on anyone in the classroom.

((I am a little confused about which class Naruto was going to so I am going to let you fill in the blanks for me, so sorry about the post length)).

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Old 06-14-2011, 12:20 PM

(Chemisty Science or whatever its call I'm not good with classes for college lol. you mind to time skip abit classes can be so boring we can do it to noon or after school that way our two can met)

Naruto opens his book. He would take notes while they began to work on something. As he never did like having parners cause they usual mess things up so he always like working alone. At lease he kinda could focus better but he still messed up everytime.

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Old 06-14-2011, 07:28 PM

((I think we can do it at noon, when there is lunch))

Sasuke let out a sigh. His classes were finally done for the morning. Glancing at his schedule he saw that he had a lunch period now. Grabbing his books and other materials he placed them in his messenger bag and then left the room before anyone could talk to him. He was feeling very uncomfortable with some of the people that were there. Making his way to the cafeteria area he ordered his food, got his food, and went to a table as he began eating by himself. No sooner had he sat down he was immediately surrounded by a group of guys that were looking at him hungrily. "Can I help you?" asked Sasuke as he looked at them a bit annoyed. There was silence and then one of them spoke up as he said,"Ain't you a looker. Wanna go out sometime, baby?" Sasuke narrowed his eyes and made to get up when two of them walked behind him and placed a hand on each shoulder keeping him firmly rooted to the chair. He knew that this was going to be a long day. Damn, him for looking so feminine.

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Old 06-14-2011, 09:06 PM

Naruto soon go out of class as he was hungry since he had to skip breakfast himself. he heads to the cafeteria and gets his lunch before he notice some guys harrasing the other boy who look more like an female than an male. He sighs deeply he hated to see people trying to hit on them even if they don't like it as he moves over place his tray on the table. he moves over and taps the guy on the shoulder that was holding Sasuke down. "I don't think he likes that..why don't you take your buddy and find someone else to hit up on." says in an threating tone.

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Old 06-14-2011, 09:20 PM

The other male looked at Sasuke as he licked his lips at him, to which Sasuke turned his head away completely disgusted with the person in front of him. He then saw a shock of blonde hair and voice. Turning his head back he saw another male, probably a freshman by his size, telling the other men around them to leave. The one that was standing in front of Sasuke, the one that got tapped, turned around to look at the blonde who was there."Make us," he said with a laugh as he returned the glare that he was receiving from the blonde. Sasuke looked at the other male to see how he would react. The last thing that he wanted was for the two of them to get into a fight on their first day of school. Sasuke was an honor roll student who never got in trouble. His parent's would have a cow if he got in trouble.

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Old 06-15-2011, 02:07 AM

Naruto was really trying to contral his temper as he did had an short fuse in things like this. "Look if you leave know or I will report you two for haressing this guy. I really don't want to get into an fight knowing I got kicked out of the last college I was in. So instead I will report you guys leave." as he looks around to see if there was an professer or someone was near but all he could see was students.

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Old 06-15-2011, 05:59 AM

Sasuke could see the confrontation like it was tangible. He shuddered a little bit when he heard that the other male, the blonde one, had been kicked out of his old college, and now he was here. This was not a person that they should be angering. The other two males thought about it for a moment and decided that it was best that they left. As they left they brushed passed the blonde calling them all kinds of rude and lude names.

Once they were gone, Sasuke looked at the blonde male and said,"Thank you for getting them to leave. I never asked for this kind of attention. It kind of just follows me wherever I go. My name is Sasuke Uchiha. Might I ask what yours is?"

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Old 06-15-2011, 05:59 PM

Naruto watches the guys leave and rolls his eyes when he heard them calling them names. He didn't think of it much as it was not new to time he was used to it. He looks back over to Sasuke when the guys had gone. "Don't worry about it...those guys are jerks. Nice to meet you Sasuke..I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I had to fight everything with in me to not punch one of them." laughs abit.

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Old 06-15-2011, 09:20 PM

Sasuke looked up at the other man. "Naruto Uzamaki," thought Sasuke. "Nice name." Glancing at the blonde again he looked at him and said,"Look sorry that involving you in my problem. I can't really help it though. I wish I could have looked more masculine like my brother, but I guess I got more of my mother's looks." Glancing at his watch again he saw that his lunch break was almost over. His next period was a free period so he decided that he would go to the art building and at least practice a little bit before his art class really started."By the way what is your next class?"

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Old 06-15-2011, 10:40 PM

Naruto stretches some and looks at him as he chuckles some. "No its ok. You do look good. I guess some others just have different minds...Perverts." smiles gently. He thinks and pulls out an piece of paper "Well looks like I have an free I was just thinking going over to the gym and work out with my martial arts. After school I have to go to my training class so at lease it would give me some time to pratice some new moves. What about you?" says taking an seat as he was tired of standing then.

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Old 06-15-2011, 11:00 PM

Sasuke looked at the blonde and blushed a little bit as he was given such an endearing comment about his looks. "I guess," said Sasuke as he turned his head to hide his blush. Sometimes it sucked being so pale. "Martial arts, huh? I used to do a lot of Tai Kwon Do. It was a lot of fun. I am heading over to the art building to get some practice in before my class begins. Maybe, tomorrow or something we could spar." He knew that he would be rusty, but hopefully he would be able to compete with Naruto.

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Old 06-15-2011, 11:44 PM

Naruto smiles and chuckles had notice Sasuke blushing before he turn away. He nods "Yea that sounds good.." looks at the time and relieze lunch time was over. "Man those jerks made me not be able to eat..but at lease it was an good thing I did come over who knows what they would do." He looks back to Sasuke "Of course I have an feeling it won't be the last time...I will see them." but he really hopes he wouldn't.

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Old 06-16-2011, 03:27 AM

Sasuke smiled at the blonde and then gathered his things. "Well I should be off," he said as he went to the garbage can and threw his stuff away. Draping his messenger bag over his shoulder he went off towards the art building where he took out his art stuff and began making sure that he had everything that he needed for his class later in the afternoon. Checking that he did he began sketching a few things that were scattered around the room. Soon other people began trickling into the room. He closed his book and moved to one of the desks as his class began. He was lucky that it was your typical introduction class, so he was let out early. He looked at his watch. He was done for the afternoon, but he didn't want to go home. He decided that he would go to the gym and work out a little bit. It would also let him look around the area.

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Old 06-16-2011, 03:43 AM

Naruto nods "Cya.." watches him leave as he gets up and grabs his hamburger and tosses the rest away. He would eat it on his way to the gym to pratice as he only had one other class but he didn't need to go that one since they won't have it until the next day. From what he read on the paper. It was mostly an writing class. Which now gave him more time to work even more in the gym. He walks into the locker room and got changed before heading out. He only wore the pants on his gi and no shirt on. First warmed up alittle before he really started praticing. So he would still be there by the time Sasuke had show up.

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Old 06-16-2011, 04:17 AM

Sasuke made his way over to the training room as he rented some clothes that he could use. He didn't like doing that, but he wasn't going to do any training if he was wearing a pair of jeans with it. He would always bring clothes with him from now on though. Heading to the locker room he changed quickly and then went to the training room. As he passed one of the rooms he saw Naruto in one of them dressed in a gi and nothing else. Opening the door, since it was a public room, he knocked on the door before entering. "Hey there, Naruto," said Sasuke as he leaned against the wall. "How long have you been here?"

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Old 06-16-2011, 06:27 PM

Naruto stops and heard Sasuke before he turns around looking at him. He catches his breath "Oh hey Sasuke...I been here since lunch..I had another class but they won't start it until tomarrow. So that gave me more time to train alittle." chuckles moving over grabbing an bottle of water and takes an sip of it. "Its an writing class.."

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Old 06-17-2011, 04:12 AM

Sasuke smiled at the blonde when he saw that the other male saw him. "Writing class, huh, said Sasuke as he leaned against the wall that Naruto was near. "Sounds interesting. I guess. Do you like writing, or did you have to take it because you needed the credit hours?" Sasuke turned to the blonde and smiled at him again as he said,"When you are done catching your breath do you want to spar or anything?"

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Old 06-17-2011, 04:36 AM

Naruto takes another sip of his water and sits down to rest alittle. he looks at Sasuke and chuckles gently as he nods "Yea to others it seems kinda lame but it isn't. Yea I like to write like short stories and poems." chuckles gently "it does seem weird since my major is science." shrugged. He looks around and looks back over at him "You want to spar with me now?"

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Old 06-18-2011, 12:40 AM

Sasuke laughed a little as he heard the blonde explain the writing class to him. "It's not foolish," said Sasuke. "I am an English major, but I like to draw, and I am in two art classes. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a hobby." Sasuke looked at the other male and smiled. "I am glad that you asked. I am ready whenever you are," said Sasuke as he pushed himself off of the wall and went to one of the mats that was set out as he began to stretch a little bit. The last thing that he wanted to do right now was pull something or hyper extend something.

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Old 06-18-2011, 01:00 AM

Naruto smiles and nods "Yea sounds like something we both love to do." He stands up once Sasuke head onto the mat and nods. "Ok that sounds good to me." smiles and chuckles gently. He wonder how good Sasuke was even thought he said he was abit rusty. He place the bottle of water down after taking another sip and walks over onto the mat.


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