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Little I3ird
Little I3ird is offline
Old 04-05-2014, 03:08 AM

Ⓐ ⓑ ⓞ ⓤ ⓣ

✾ A young female, 18+
✾ In college and employed.
✾ Experienced role player.
✾ Has nearly eleven years of role playing under her belt.
✾ Open-minded and friendly.
✾ Too lazy currently to type out a huge paragraph. c:
✾ Here are my samples.
✾ Curious? Ask and you shall receive an answer.

Ⓡ ⓤ ⓛ ⓔ ⓢ

✾ oo1. Literacy - - I expect that you can spell properly and exercise proper grammar. I am no Grammar Nazi but too many obvious typos and laziness to correct them irk me and can result in a denial. I have no paragraph limits or word limits simply because each post for myself varies depending on the role play, my role play partner, and the situation in the role play. However, you must keep the role play moving and interesting. I will return the favor.

✾ oo2. Medium - - I will role play over Private Messages, Private Threads, E-mail, or Skype. All the information concerning the outside mediums will be given via PMs and must be requested politely. If you become persistent or pester me through these mediums I reserve the right to block/ignore you. My e-mail and Skype are personal and shall be treated as such.

✾ oo3. Interactions - - I role play both genders and I expect that you be willing to do the same. I don't require that you double, but sometimes I may choose to double and it may be in your best interest to be willing to do so as well to keep the role play flowing. I enjoy ooc chat and love to brain-storm with my partners. Communication is vital. I expect to be informed of when you lose interest, are dissatisfied and would like to tweak, have an idea that you would like to share, or when you cannot post for long periods of time. I will return the favor.

✾ oo4. Limitations - - My limitations are yours. I am willing to smut, however, in accordance to Menewsha rules if things become 18+ we will be transitioning OFF SITE. This means our role play must be moved, and I am willing to transition to either e-mail or Skype.

✾ oo5. Posts - - I like to decorate my posts (even if it is minimally). It's not required that you decorate yours. I'm well aware that we are unable to use images, so any decoration I'll be doing is solely text-based. I ask that if you decide to decorate that you don't use obnoxiously bright colors. They hurt my eyes.

✾ oo6. Contact - - You may post in this thread or PM me. Private Messaging will probably get a quicker response.

Ⓡ ⓞ ⓛ ⓔ ⓟ ⓛ ⓐ ⓨ


✾ Kingdom Hearts ✾

Sora x Kairi
Sora x Riku ♥ favorite m// pairing. c:
Riku x Kairi ♥ favorite het. pairing c:
Roxas x Axel
Roxas x Naminé
Naminé x OC
Sora x OC
Roxas x OC
Kairi x OC
Riku x OC
Axel x OC

✾ Tron: Legacy ✾

Quorra x Sam

✾ Avatar: The Last Airbender ✾

Zuko x Kataara ♥ favorite het. pairing c:
Zuko x OC
Aang x Kataara
Aang x OC
Sokka x Suki
Sokka x Toph
Sokka x OC

✾ Spirited Away ✾

Chihiro x Haku
Haku x OC
Chihiro x OC

✾ Princess Mononoke ✾

San x Ashitaka
San x OC
Ashitaka x OC

✾ Howl's Moving Castle ✾

Howl x Sophie
Howl x OC
Sophie x OC

✾ Final Fantasy X ✾

Yuna x Tidus
Rikku x Tidus
Lulu x Tidus
Yuna x Wakka
Rikku x Wakka
Lulu x Wakka
Auron x OC
Auron x Lulu
Yuna x OC
Rikku x OC
Wakka x OC
Lulu x OC

✾ Harvest Moon ✾

{ Very open ended. Will be discussed further. }

✾ Charmed ✾

Leo x Piper
Chris x OC
Piper x OC
Pheobe x Cole ♥ favorite het. pairing c:
Pheobe x OC
Paige x OC

✾ InuYasha ✾

Inu no Taisho x Izayoi
InuYasha x Kikyou ♥ favorite het. pairing c:
InuYasha x Kagome
InuYasha x OC
Sango x InuYasha
Sango x Miroku
Sango x OC
Sesshomaru x Kikyou
Sesshomaru x Kagome
Kouga x Kagome

✾ Gravitation ✾

Shuuichi x Yuki ♥ favorite m// pairing c:
Yuki x OC
Shuuichi x OC

✾ Sailor Moon ✾

Usagi x Seiya ♥ favorite het or f// pairing c:
Usagi x Mamoru
Chibi Usa x Helios
Chibi Usa x Peraru
Chibi Usa x OC
Michiru x Haruka ♥ favorite f// pairing c:
Hotaru x Chibi Usa
Hotaru x OC
Rei x OC
Minako x OC

I may have missed a few. Anime or otherwise. Feel free to ask!


Vampire x Lycan
Vampire x Human
Vampire x Vampire Hunter
Human x Lycan

Witch x Wizard
Witch x Witch
Wizard x Wizard
Witch x Shape-shifter
Wizard x Shape-shifter
Angel x Demon
Angel x Human
Demon x Human

Hybrid x Human
Elf x Human
Elf x Elf
Swordsman x Apprentice

Arranged Marriage of any sort
Princess/Prince x Friend
Princess/Prince x Peasant
Princess/Prince x Maid/Servant
Widowed Queen x Noble/Knight

Teacher x Student
Photographer x Model
Teacher x Teacher
Principal x Teacher
Student x Student

Pregnant girl/woman x Friend/Friend's lover
F// - any female x female
M// - any male x male


- - - - - -

Extremely odd fetishes

Last edited by Little I3ird; 04-05-2014 at 03:12 AM..

Little I3ird
Little I3ird is offline
Old 04-07-2014, 04:57 AM

Role Play Samples

Weapon Z RP ~ Sci-Fi/Romance ~ Benjamin KingX

Slender fingers worked rapidly to turn the pages of his father's extensive notes. There were numerous manila folders, filled to their limit with notes and data, labeled mysteriously scattered about the office. The only connection upon the folders was a single letter, usually distinctive and written in thick black ink; the letter "Z". Benjamin's stormy blue-grey eyes scanned page after page all the while his expression crumpled with frustration. It was when he could take no more of his father's disheveled gibberish that he tossed the folder onto the desk. It triggered an avalanche of folders and paper to come cascading to the flooring beneath.

A long sigh winded from his lungs and through his nose, those same fingers rising to pluck his glasses from his face. Using his index and thumb fingers to rub the bridge of his nose, Benjamin's weight pressed back into the office chair. It leaned back, his slender frame slouching into the cushions before the solitary silence was broken at the sound of a knock. Quick to slide his glasses back on, his exhausted stare focused on the door to his office. "Come in." The shy face of his assistant, Elizabeth, peered in through the opening she had made.

"Sorry for interrupting, sir, but... Dr. Hyde wishes to speak with you. He says it's about Z."

Benjamin's expression instantly soured. "Understood. Inform him I will meet with him shortly." Relieved to see Elizabeth nod wordlessly and excuse herself, he slowly stood for him chair. Rolling his shoulders to try and relieve the tension locked in his muscles, he gave one last perturbed glance at his father's work before shaking his head. "Crazy old coot." Locking his office door behind him, the male soon ventured towards the observation room. The room that Z was housed in was under constant surveillance. There was an observation booth hidden by a thick, nearly impenetrable glass-like material. It could be looked through into Z's room, but Z himself couldn't see into the observation area. It was, essentially, an indestructible two-sided mirror.

Upon entering the room, the scientist didn't spare a glance into Z's room. Instead, he focused his attention on his father's long-time colleague, Dr. Hyde. Dr. Hyde and his father (commonly referred to as Dr. King) had gone through college together. Under Dr. King's request, Dr. Hyde was hired on as his assistant. He was a year young than his father, and Benjamin had only brushed paths with him once or twice before being hired on to the project. Giving Dr. Hyde a stiff nod in greeting, Benjamin tucked his hands into his lab coat pocket. "How may I help you, Dr. Hyde?" Benjamin refrained for allowing his distaste for the suspicious character to trickle through into his tone of voice.

Dr. Hyde gave a return nod, clearing his throat as he continued to stare into Z's room where the weapon was being held. "I don't suppose 'help' is the correct term for it, Dr. King... however, I felt the need to... express some concerns about Z." Benjamin was quiet, a brow quirking upward in response. "Ever since your father's... passing... Z has taken an interest in reading and further pursuing knowledge in which I don't feel is really necessary. He was designed as a weapon... a... tool to be utilized to serve the military and our country," he paused as he tried to carefully choose his words. "Your father, brilliant man he may have been, did not see eye to eye with me on the issue. I fear his... investment into the project may have clouded his judgement." Benjamin's expression instantly mimicked stone; emotionless and aloof to the senior's words.

"Get to the point, Dr. Hyde. If you haven't noticed, I'm extremely busy trying to get up to speed on this project, and I don't have time to decode your implications."

Dr. Hyde scowled, hardly appreciating the icy bite to Benjamin's tone. "Certainly, Dr. King. In short, now that you're in charge of Z... I highly advise against allowing that thing to soak up any further unnecessary information. Our goal wasn't to merge him into human society. He is meant to do what he's told, when he's told, and exactly how he was told. Don't make the same mistakes your father did, Benjamin. I can assure you will regret it if you allow that creature to convince you of its supposed humanity." Benjamin remained tense and silent towards the threat, watching as seasoned male gathered his paperwork before excusing himself silent. As the door shut behind him, Benjamin's gaze finally inched towards the solitary figure confined to his room. This was the first time Dr. King's heir laid eyes on the project.

'Why human? Why not an actual weapon, or chemical of sorts? There has to be something I'm missing...'

A slow sigh escaped him, once more his frustration evident in his body language. He would never understand unless he jumped right in... right? He shook his head, and before he could be persuaded by his doubts... he open the hidden door that led into Z's territory. "You must be Z," he began, uncertain on how to address the mysterious experiment. "I will be overseeing your care and progress from now on. I'm sure you're familiar with my father, Dr. King. You may address me as Benjamin." He never did like being called 'Dr. King'. It reminded him far too much of his father, and it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Learning to Love ~ InuYasha/fandom ~ Kagome HigurashiX

❝What the heck is that supposed to mean, you jerk?!❞ Kagome’s brows drew inward, expression contorting with anger and hurt. ❝Like I’d ever let you see me, anyway!❞ Gathering her bathing materials in the small wooden bucket she had borrowed from Kaede, the miko stormed off back in the direction of the village. She blazed through the InuYasha forest blindly, too angry to care about the darkness shrouding her view. As she navigated the pathway, she was caught by surprise when her foot hooked a root that was sticking up out of the ground.

She gasped, barreling forward as her supplies clattered to the forest floor. Her hands cushioned her fall, catching herself before she flinched. ❝A-Ah!❞ Her ankle was throbbing as she sank to sit on her back side to nurse it. ❝… That’s what I get for storming off like that,❞ she mumbled dejectedly, trying to rub the injured ankle with a slight hiss of pain. Her shoulders slumped. ❝Stupid InuYasha… always saying things like that…❞ Truthfully? Her feelings were hurt more than anything.

The Prince and the Reject ~ InuYasha/fandom ~ OC: HigekiX

It was a scent that Higeki wished to ignore but couldn’t. It was a scent that made his nose sting with distaste and his expression curtle with disdain— it was the smell of a dog. Although Higeki rarely brushed paths with the likes of them his kind had experienced a few brief (but unpleasant) altercations with them. Having been casted from his own kind, the bat daiyoukai had taken to quenching his curiosities by following the source of the potent stench. The lord of the west was not a title that could have been easily ignored in the lands the rejected prince was currently taken refuge in, and as usual Higeki wanted to ascertain an opinion of his own.

Perhaps it was his craving for retribution upon his own kind by proving himself worthy that led him to fathoming challenging the great Sesshomaru-sama, or even more likely that it was his ego. A mere dog out-show him? Puh, it was a wound to his reputation that he wouldn’t allow to go unpunished. Looming in the darkness, shrouded by the tree tops, Higeki was perched upon a branch as he awaited the arrival of the other daiyoukai. This being, supposedly cold and concise, would certainly be aware of his presence. Higeki expected no less than to be allowed a test of prowess and power against the inu-daiyoukai. If the rumors were true, as well as evidence from past conflict, than the western prince showed little patience and mercy to his challengers.

The sound of footsteps broke his concentration, and in an instant his keen indigo-lavender eyes darted to the source. “Damn dog— noisy bast—” His sentence was cut short when his line of sight was greeted not by the daiyoukai, but a mere human child drenched in the western lord’s scent. The bridge of his nose scrunched and his eyebrows drew inwards towards one another. “What the hell?” He dropped from his perch, clawed hand reaching outward before the singing little bell child could even react. “You girl, where is that damned dog?” Rin’s eyes were wide, mouth slightly agape as she quivered in fear. She was too shocked to speak, and in sensing this Higeki gave a sigh of frustration. He dropped her to the ground, scowling in annoyance.

He was never one to kill humans for joy, but that hardly distracted Rin from his frightening appearance. “R-Rin!” Jaken squawked, rushing towards the youngster with his staff flailing. “How dare you, you beast!” The imp squabbled, quick to stand in front of the girl. “If you hurt a single hair on Rin’s head I’ll—” Green flames rolled from his staff’s mouth which only initiated a roll of Higeki’s eyes.

”Can it, toad.” He snapped, bringing a foot to Jaken’s squabbling face. “I’m not interested in the girl. Where is Sesshomaru?”

At the reject’s demands, Jaken sneered and managed to shove his foot from his face. “That is none of your concern. All you need to know is that if you harm either of us you will incur the wrath of my valiant Lord Sesshomaru!”

Higeki’s smirk grew slightly sinister. “Oh, really?” He snatched the imp, causing Jaken to howl in terror as the ear shattering wails ricocheted off the trees and through out the eerie forest.

”Jaken-sama!” Rin’s cries of fear soon followed.

Last edited by Little I3ird; 04-07-2014 at 05:18 AM..


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