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An eye for an eye makes he whole...
:Ninja: is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 12:54 PM

So the game:
Everyone has a CTRL+V,. for those who don't know what that is it's paste.
It's always fun to see what you've got on there.
I'll go first:


tailer is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 12:58 PM


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Julianna is offline
Old 06-29-2009, 04:46 PM


The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 02:22 AM

A monstrous alien cremated her nemesis Darth Vader after drinking lemonade instead of hunting for a miniscule, beautiful three-legged light-saber.

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Julianna is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 02:51 AM

One time a monster met Johnny Moreseing IV and Michelle eating porridge while the birds were stalking worms with five inches of tattoos while Johnny Danced on Eggshells. The Monkey flung magic to Ireland for help. Leprechauns sang of happiness eternally. Johnny joined the Beatles but ate ninety-seven of John's Guitar picks. Ringo drummed sadly and cried. Then, popped a pop-tart outta his nostril sideways into a can of beans and sung old Christmas carols about dead reindeer and elves. Fifi used to sleep in her face mask but Johnny eated a face full o' pie o' apple pie within two seconds. Marie yelled for a decade after.
Long Peanuts author died of HERPES! Dianne picked her words very psychotically from twilight, Vapmires are yellow inside, but Edward was not counted. This isn't because Jacob played baseball while dying. Edward became un-stupid finally. So eventually they decided that they couldn't befriend because of apples. Suddenly, a mango massacred a poor Jedi

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 03:10 AM


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Julianna is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 03:10 AM

One time a monster met Johnny Moreseing IV and Michelle eating porridge while the birds were stalking worms with five inches of tattoos while Johnny Danced on Eggshells. The Monkey flung magic to Ireland for help. Leprechauns sang of happiness eternally. Johnny joined the Beatles but ate ninety-seven of John's Guitar picks. Ringo drummed sadly and cried. Then, popped a pop-tart outta his nostril sideways into a can of beans and sung old Christmas carols about dead reindeer and elves. Fifi used to sleep in her face mask but Johnny eated a face full o' pie o' apple pie within two seconds. Marie yelled for a decade after.
Long Peanuts author died of HERPES! Dianne picked her words very psychotically from twilight, Vapmires are yellow inside, but Edward was not counted. This isn't because Jacob played baseball while dying. Edward became un-stupid finally. So eventually they decided that they couldn't be friends because of apples. Suddenly, a mango massacred a poor Jedi because coincidentally

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 03:16 AM

One time a monster met Johnny Moreseing IV and Michelle eating porridge while the birds were stalking worms with five inches of tattoos while Johnny Danced on Eggshells. The Monkey flung magic to Ireland for help. Leprechauns sang of happiness eternally. Johnny joined the Beatles but ate ninety-seven of John's Guitar picks. Ringo drummed sadly and cried. Then, popped a pop-tart outta his nostril sideways into a can of beans and sung old Christmas carols about dead reindeer and elves. Fifi used to sleep in her face mask but Johnny eated a face full o' pie o' apple pie within two seconds. Marie yelled for a decade after.
Long Peanuts author died of HERPES! Dianne picked her words very psychotically from twilight, Vapmires are yellow inside, but Edward was not counted. This isn't because Jacob played baseball while dying. Edward became un-stupid finally. So eventually they decided that they couldn't be friends because of apples. Suddenly, a mango massacred a poor Jedi because coincidentally it

Little Miss Flip-Flops
So many questions... never enoug...
Little Miss Flip-Flops is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 03:17 AM

How many hours did you sleep last night?

Have you held hands with anyone in the past 24 hours?

Is there someone you wouldn't mind kissing right now?
I'm not answering this. this is to stupid u faty fat fat face

This time last year, were you single?

Is the last person you kissed more than a year older than you?

Do you ever get good morning texts from anyone?
i have b4

Where is your cell phone?
right next to me

Who was the last person you rode in a vehicle with?
uhh mom and rachael

Is there someone you could spend every minute with and be happy?

If you were in the hospital would your number one come see you?

(not my answers, btw)

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 03:19 AM

A monstrous alien annihilated her nemesis Darth Vader after drinking lemonade instead of hunting for a miniscule, beautiful multi-coloured light-saber.

Send a message via MSN to Julianna
Julianna is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 03:22 AM

A monstrous alien annihilated her lover Darth Vader after drinking lemonade instead of hunting for a miniscule, beautiful multi-coloured light-saber.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 03:22 AM

A monstrous Jenova annihilated her lover Darth Vader after drinking lemonade instead of hunting for a miniscule, beautiful multi-coloured planet.

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Julianna is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 03:32 AM

^ㅁ^ ㅋㅋ

The artist in training ;)
opalistic8 is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 03:33 AM

Skittles or MnM's?

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 06-30-2009, 03:36 AM


Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Evermore_112 is offline
Old 07-02-2009, 01:57 AM

now I can't believe he di

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 07-02-2009, 03:57 AM

Which all happened to be...

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Evermore_112 is offline
Old 07-02-2009, 03:58 AM

[align=left]» some lyrics/poem. only a little bit, half a verse/chorus. Carry it on in the links bit. « [/align]
[align=center][img]malformed url[/img][/align]
[align=right]» other images in links, lyrical/poem form [carried on from the upper lyric/poem bit] « [/align]


      • [align=left]i'm known as ((nicknames (maximum of 3)))
        old age kills ((age)) [16-18]
        incase you didn't notice i'm ((gender; make it interesting))
        I don't wnat them knowing I'm ((sexuality))
        take a guess ((height and weight))[/align]

        • ((trait goes here (ex: hyper)))
          ((describe a trait about your character. ex: funny, nice, kind etc. explain why. [10-15 sentences] ))
        • ((trait goes here (ex: happy)))
          describe a trait about your character. ex: funny, nice, kind etc. explain why. [10-15 sentences]
        • trait goes here (ex: boring)
          describe a trait about your character. ex: funny, nice, kind etc. explain why. [10-15 sentences]

      • can i be your stalker crush
        stuck forever scars / piercings
        my personal background music 3 or 4 songs you like and or describes your character
        other info anything else you want to mention

» little quote here[maybe a favorite saying or a moral your character might go by] « [/align]

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
Send a message via Yahoo to Evermore_112
Evermore_112 is offline
Old 07-02-2009, 04:09 AM

She waved good-bye and blew me kisses as I stood alone beside the matronly Mrs.
Peevish, which was as alone as one can get. I watched my mom walk away with Nerd
Boy on her hip as she

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 07-02-2009, 04:52 AM

The 'someone' was really an elf who wanted to...

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Evermore_112 is offline
Old 07-02-2009, 04:59 AM

become a star basketball player like Jordan, whose name was Elfen Lied.

I's not a morning person ;)
xXKingdomHeartsXx is offline

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
Send a message via Yahoo to Evermore_112
Evermore_112 is offline
Old 07-02-2009, 05:35 AM

Chapter One: Gaia
x How much gold do you have?
x How did you choose your username?
x Are you questing? If so, for what?
x How many posts have you made?
x If you could have any item, what would it be?
x Do you have a KiKi or CoCo Kitty?
x How long have you been on Gaia?
x Do you comment people often?
x How did you find Gaia?
x Do you look anything like your real avatar?
x What do you do the most on Gaia?
x Have you ever been in an avatar contest?
x Do you have a journal? If so, do you actually update it regularly?
x Poll whore or no?
x How many guilds have you joined?
x How many friends do you have?
x Have you ever donated to the site?
x Do you have a shop?
x Who is your favorite shopkeeper?
x Do you RP?
x Have you ever donated to someone's quest?
x Do you like your avatar?
x What forum do you post in mostly?
x What is the most expensive item you've ever bought?
x Have you ever been hacked?
x Do you know any hackers?
x How did you come up with your signature?
x Do you have a dream avatar that you're working towards?
x How many people are on your ignored list?
x Why do you like Gaia?

Chapter Two: You
x What is your first name?
x Do you have a middle name? If so, what is it?
x What is the first letter of your last name?
x Are you named after anyone in particular?
x What is your birthday?
x What color is your hair?
x How tall are you?
x What color are your eyes?
x Do you like the way you look?
x What is your favorite color?
x Are you an only child?
x What is your favorite food?
x What's your favorite animal?
x Are you allergic to anything?
x What country do you live in?
x Do you have a job?
x What is your fondest memory?
x Do you write in cursive or do you print?
x Have you ever travelled to a different country? A different continent?
x How old are you?
x Do you live in a major city, like New York or Paris?
x What's your astrological sign?
x What's your Chinese zodiac animal?
x What's your birthstone?
x Have you ever done drugs?
x Are you a virgin?
x What's your favorite season?
x Do you have any tattoos?
x Any piercings?
x If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Chapter Three: School Days
x Are you still in school?
x Did you / Do you like school?
x What's your favorite subject?
x Do you use pen, mechanical pencil, or a classic pencil when you write?
x Are you a good student?
x Have you ever bribed a teacher?
x Have you ever gotten suspended?
x Expelled?
x How many schools have you been to?
x What college do you / do you want to go to?
x Have you ever played any school sports?
x Were you ever in band or choir?
x Did you cry on the first day of school?
x What was your first teacher's name?
x Did you ever have any teachers that you absolutely loved?
x Did you ever have any teachers that you absolutely hated?
x Did you ever have a problem with a bully?
x Were / Are you a bully?
x What was your most embarrassing school moment?
x Were / Are you a class clown?
x Were / Are you a "popular" kid?
x Do you have a good reputation among your classmates?
x Where do you buy your school supplies?
x Were you ever in a portable classroom?
x Have you ever gotten detention?
x Have you ever failed a class?
x Have you ever been held back a grade?
x Are your lockers always decorated?
x Out of all of the years you've been in school, which grade was your favorite?
x Did you pack your lunches in grade school, or did you buy them?

Chapter Four: The Opposite Sex (Or same, if you prefer.)
x Are you in a relationship at the moment?
x What is the biggest quality you look for in a significant other?
x What's your sexual orientation?
x What color eyes do you go for?
x What color hair?
x How tall do you like your boyfriends or girlfriends to be?
x What body type do they usually have?
x Have you ever cheated on someone?
x Do you form crushes easily?
x Have you ever had your heart broken?
x Are you shy around people you have crushes on?
x What do you notice first in a boy or girl?
x Have you ever kissed a member of the opposite sex?
x Hugged?
x Held hands?
x Made out?
x Have you ever gone on a date?
x Where do you usually meet people that you like?
x Have you ever lost a friend because of a crush or relationship?
x Have you ever had a crush on one of your friends?
x Do you go out of your way to impress people you're attracted to?
x Are you or do you plan to get married?
x Do your friends' and family members' opinions influence your romantic relationships heavily?
x What would you say is your perfect date?
x Are you skilled in giving dating advice?
x Have you ever regretted having a crush on someone?
x Have you ever sacrificed something for the sake of someone you're attracted to?
x Do you have any bad habits when it comes to dating?
x Do you know of anyone that has a crush on you at the moment?
x If you could sum up your love life in one word, what would it be?

Chapter Five: This or That?
x Mario or Pacman?
x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Power Rangers?
x Pepsi or Coke?
x Green or purple?
x Pink or orange?
x Summer or winter?
x Day or night?
x Villains or heroes?
x Reality or fantasy?
x Books or television?
x Shaken or stirred?
x Peanut butter or jelly?
x Love or money?
x Being single or being taken?
x Chocolate or Vanilla?
x Mint Chocolate Chip or Strawberry?
x Blood or water?
x Awake or asleep?
x Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
x Pirates of the Caribbean or Holes?
x Europe or South America?
x Africa or Asia?
x Australia or North America?
x The Arctic circle or the Sahara Desert?
x Black or white?
x Love or lust?
x Town or country?
x Stars or the moon?
x Earth or Mars?
x The beginning or the end?

Chapter Six: Favourites.
x Color?
x Animal?
x Movie?
x Television show?
x Book?
x Season?
x Time of day?
x Planet?
x Flower?
x Precious gem?
x Food?
x Drink?
x Store?
x State?
x Country?
x Emoticon?
x Disney character?
x Cartoon?
x Kids show?
x Magazine?
x Sport?
x Song?
x Band?
x Composer?
x Vehicle?
x Toy?
x TV channel?
x Candy?
x Person?
x Thing to do?

The protector you love to hate
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Azazel_pup is offline
Old 07-02-2009, 02:19 PM

Demyx: why did you take my sitar?
Axel: because I love to see you cry
Roxas:-elbows Axel- give it back before he tells you-know-who.
Demyx: -looks up with tears in eyes- Puppy?
Saix: -growling at Axel-
Demyx: puppy!!! -hugs Saix-
Roxas and axel: O.O ... puppy?
zexion: yeah.... we adopted Saix off of Xemnas.... He said he didn't want him if he kept turning into a pile of mush every time Demyx skipped in the room... bad for business or something...


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