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Old 11-16-2007, 07:31 PM

LOL @ my lame title! But its better then nothing. >P

Anyways enough time has been lost already that for now this thread is going to look very plain and boring because I don't want to waste any more time to pretty it up and give lots and lots of details. Soo for now its just gonna be the simple basics as that is all thats needed for now. The rest will come when I have the time and in the mood.

Setting Place: A lush, wide open plain filled with many flowers, plants and a few spaced out trees. When the air and ground is both warm, the place is filled with a bounty of color but for now, the floor is white and freezing to the touch while the wind is of no help.

In one area, it looks odd, about 3 large, unnormal trees are bunched up together, but as ya near you see bones part of the mix to aid the shape of the trees growth which forms a structer to act as a building. In the middle is an door hinged by bone and rock which opens into an area that houses as a tavern, looks small on the outside but its larger within and goes below ground offering a plentiful of room but do what kind of inhabitants would want to be in such a place?

Its said the area is popular for the rare type of plants that grow here.. but the trees.. what does it offer? Or whatever is inside, is it friend or foe?

Further in the distant ya get to a small stream that flows as far as the eye can see but no sign of lakes or ponds, just the single 10-foot wide stream

Time of Day: Just past sunrise.

Weather: The sun is bright but there is a cold and strong breeze. Snow covers the floor and sometimes a thin sheet of snow falls.

Characters Welcome: ANY AND ALL KIND! Demon, human, anthro.. whatever.. if you know how to RP it.. its welcome here.

NPC: For now, there are no workers. Just the one character I will be RPing who, is not a host. if you want to take on a job role with your character for this setting just let me know and we can work something out.

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 07:35 PM

BORING but NEEDED few RULES Read 'em!

I'll try to keep them as few and simple as possible. I do hope everyone can mind them without much effort. =3

1.) Please no l33t speak or net-speak. Spell out the words.
2.) When not IC please use OOC tools such as ( ) or [ ] etc.
3.) No stealing anything; this refers to character art, ideas, backgrounds, thread stuff, etc.
4.) Please, use manners and respect when OOC and of course NO God-modding IC. It won't be tolerated.
5.) Literate RPers preferred as well as semi-para or para posts. But beginners are welcome as long as have patience, some common sense and not mind guidance / critique.

I do believe I covered everything. Now please, just have fun. ^__^

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 07:37 PM

SHARE your CHARACTER with US! Please?!

Here is the form that you can use to help give us some insight about your character before the RP interaction takes place. Mind you the information that you wish to share gives us no right to 'know' these things IC. That would be cheating but OOC, its fun to know what you're gonna be RPing with. A character knowing about another character before its actually done in RP has to be agreed upon before hand to save selves from god-modding and arguments.

This is not required, but personally Lilim and I would much like it if you'd not mind sharing with us since we enjoy reading the bios and seeing the images, if ya have any. ^_^

Lastly, if a line doesn't apply to your character you're welcome to leave it blank, delete that line completely or simply put N/A and same applies to if you wish to share more then what I've put you're welcome to add sublines and fill in the info as ya see fit. =3

Menewsha Name:
Character's Name:
General Appearance (if lack image):
Character Image (please post URL NOT in IMG tag):
Special Abilities/Skills:
Other Info:

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 07:38 PM


Menewsha Name:Trinitydoll
Character's Name:Chrystabella
Sex:female sort of but none really
Occupation:watching over little children
Age:no age but around 20 in appearence
General Appearance (if lack image):
about 165 centimeters tall, long blue hair, lovely big eyes, soft pink lips and angelical (of course) face <3
Character Image (please post URL NOT in IMG tag):

Weapons:a staff of Angels
Special Abilities/Skills:Flying and stopping attacks if tehy are not too strong
Other Info: She has a twin with red hair and exactly same characteristics but opposite personality she misses her deeply and is very happy when she shows up without warning.


Menewsha Name: Lilim
Character's Name: Love
Race: Human/Dragon
Sex: Female
Occupation: Being a thief
Age: 500 but that's teenage years for her race
General Appearance: Short, pink hair, light blue eyes, huge wings, horns, scaly
Character Image: [X]
Weapons: Love carries a fan with poisoned dangers hidden inside.
Special Abilities/Skills: Can twist till her bum touches her head and fit into small tight spaces
Other Info: Has a huge sweet tooth

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 07:41 PM


Lilim is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 07:45 PM


Keokotheshadowfang [x][x]
Mel [x][x]
Oh My Star 10/10/07 [x]
Trinitydoll [x]
Mahinva [x]
Owl [x]
Bloody_Merry [x][x]
Likom 10/24/07 [x]
Nagon 11/02/07 [x]
Abused Mule 11/07/07 [x]

Lilim is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 07:57 PM

*jumps over this point to the next one*

Lilim is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 07:58 PM

I don't know why I want three but three is a fun odd number...

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 08:09 PM

[[ LOL and with her craziness now finished the thread is done. At least for the time being. I have enough there to work with for ourselves and any others that might be interested to have an RP to jump into. Thats as good as its gonna get for now. I will now work on my intro post. Afterwards, I'll then make one of my other posts the character bio for you and others to see. ^^

But for any others who -may- visit and care to jump in for a bit they are welcome to do so.

Character bio posting isn't required to RP since we can learn through the RP itself, but I'll offer a form to fill out for those who like sharing it just in case. Plus Lilim and I much prefer it anyways sooo lol it'll be there. ]]

At the feel of new snow drops hitting her nose causing her to get another case of the shudders, the small girl slowly opens her eyes. Both at a time peek open taking in the sun's heat as it shines down upon her. Of course, it doesn't offer much heat the girl realises thanks to the wind being so cold. It eats away the sun's warmth. But even so, the girl's body tempature is about 90 degrees thanks to her feline friend who lays with her acting like a large blanket. Soft but not so bending to her annoyance but she manages all the same.

The panther, doesn't move as she wiggles her way up to sit up allowing her back and shoulders to press up against the tree that are beside. No shade here since the leaves have long since fallen from it.

With a few yawns and rub to her eyes she finds herself looking away and gazing across to the 3-coned trees in thought still trying to ponder if its worth further inspection or just left alone. The panther, still strong at her side, seems vast asleep and unmoving leaving her stranded so she pulls out her flute and begins to softly play.

Lilim is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 08:41 PM

((Starting the story off yay!!!))

Love sat in her room, the room wasn't very big but it had a bed and a nice rug in the center and a few other things she stole for the humans. She sat on her big fluffly purple pillow, brushing her some what long pink hair with a brush she made from bones she found laying around outside. She looked at herself in her mirror as she chews some bubble gum she stole from a child playing in the woods this morning.

She signed as she set the brush down blowing a bubble. "I should be outside" She says to herself. Love enjoyed the cold. She spent most of her time down at a lake close by where she lives. She luffed being able to lay on the frozen water and watch the fishies down below.

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 08:59 PM

[[ In 2 different areas I see. XD The one I set up is the starting ground but of course not always where the RP is at. Which is clear already in your case. =P *cracks knuckles* My turn... ]]

The small girl ends up playing for many passing winds before she finally tires of it and puts it away. Whining and becoming a bit forceful she tries her best to push the panther off but she is far from successful. The feline larger then the average is nothing light especially for a petite girl. Shifting, the panther lifts his head, arching it to the side as he turns to look at her. A faint smug grin to his lips as he starts to rise to his feet without a sound.

"About time you big log!" The girl exclaims harshly with eyes in a cold glare. She wastes no time rising to her feet and dusts herself off. The thin material dress she wears clings to her body with the small jacket of hers closed up, reaching her chin.

She jumps onto the panthers back as if he were a horse and then wipes off her feet. Barefooted, out in the cold. Is the girl insane??

The panther doesn't seem to mind as he starts to walk in direction of the flowing steam.

Lilim is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 09:21 PM

((Hehehe, I like how you started but I also thought it would be fun if we weren't to close to each other))

Love walked over to the door picking up her fur cloak like jacket. She quickly put it on as she opened the door. The door swings open from the wind blowing so hard. She giggles as she slowly walks outside. "Mmm it's so cold" She holds the cloak closed as she tippy toes through the snow.

Looking for someone else to steal some candy from. Love have a huge sweet tooth and was always looking for something yummy to eat.

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 09:45 PM

[[ And thats perfectly fine with me. ^^ But I'm afraid this is the last post I can get in for now. The internet isn't working right. It takes about 5 minutes or more to load a page. But once I can get on again I'll reply if ya post again. ^^ And I thank you as well. =33 ]]

The panther picks up his pace moving into a trot until he reaches the water where he slows and comes to a stop just at the edge. Rather then letting her slide off, he allows his forelegs to slip into the water, lowering himself to put the girl closer to it. She then takes the chance to lean over without much effort and careful of her balance to scoop up a few sips using her palm. Its cold but refreshing as the water is very clean here. Almost to sparkly clean for being out in the wild.

Giggling to herself as she wipes her mouth dry from the water, the panther retreats back to the dry floor, but offers no warmth from the water that clings to his fur. It doesn't bother him much but its a nuisance all the same to him. He's rather picky of his fur.

With the girl looking around wide eyed full of curiosity and wonder, the panther decides to find a place to rest which he does, atop a large rock. This gives his feet a break from the cold snow covered floor and a scratching post. Two for one.

The petite gal slides off him now, bored of riding and in no mood to sit or lay down, she did plenty of that already, she slips into a pocket along the inside lining of her coat and pulls out some slippers, they look a lot like dance slippers. Appear thin and useless against snow but she puts them on anyways.

Humming to herself she skips and prances around the panther and the water as fireflies and butterflies flutter around her.

Lilim is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 10:16 PM

((Aww I hate when the computer runs slow...))

She looks up and see a something huge sitting on a rock up a head. She starts to run trying to get closer to whatever she's looking at. "Wait... Why am I running?" She ask herself outload. "When I can fly" Love wiggles her wings out from under her cloak, she giggles as she gives her wings a good stretch before she starts to fly.

"Here it goes nothing" she says bitting her lip hopping the wind isn't to strong for her to fly in... Love takes off by stays within the trees so she can sneak around. Love was shy when it came to meeting anyone knew. She was much better at being a little thief. Jumpping out of no where scaring the daylights out of whoever and taking the stuff they drop as they run for their lives

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 11-17-2007, 01:42 AM

[[ Yeah its annoying alright but nothing I can do about it. Dx ]]

The girl continues to sprint and dance around always standing on tip-toes in her small ballerina like shoes as a faint light of sparkles float around her. Almost like tiny glittery bubbles of light. She is apparently complete oblivious to anyone else around for her focus is that great into what she is doing.

The panther however, though relaxed on the rock isn't so dumb. The feline keeps his demeanor calm to play clueless as he waits.

Lilim is offline
Old 11-17-2007, 03:48 PM

Love tries her best to fly in the winds. But it was to strong for her she grabs a whole of one of the branches and sits down warping her wings around herself to keep her cloak closed. Letting her legs hang down as she wiggles her toes in her boots....

She looks at the thing on the rock still miles away from her wondering what it is. "what could it be?" She says talking to herself out loud once again. It's always a good thing no one is around Love much cause they'd think she was crazy always talking to herself >_< She signs as she sits there on the tree branch resting.

Lilim is offline
Old 11-18-2007, 02:57 PM

Love looks down to see how far she's going to have to jump down. "EK!" She didn't know she was so far from the ground. She takes a deep breath holding her nose and closing her eyes as if she was going to jump into a pool and jumps down.

Hits the snow feet first like a cat but the snow was deep, so she kinda feel face first into more snow "Ow.... I meant to do that!" She says rubbing her chin that she smacked on a rock hiding in the snow

Love gets up and dust the snow off of her self and starts walking since the wind was to much for her to try and fly in...

The thing on the rock seems to be bigger now then she remembers sitting on the tree tops.

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Trinitydoll is offline
Old 11-18-2007, 09:47 PM

(ooc:Thought you would get ridd of me? )
Menewsha Name:Trinitydoll
Character's Name:Chrystabella
Sex:female sort of but none really
Occupation:watching over little children
Age:no age but around 20 in appearence
General Appearance (if lack image):
about 165 centimeters tall, long blue hair, lovely big eyes, soft pink lips and angelical (of course) face <3
Character Image (please post URL NOT in IMG tag):

Weapons:a staff of Angels
Special Abilities/Skills:Flying and stopping attacks if tehy are not too strong
Other Info: She has a twin with red hair and exactly same characteristics but opposite personality she misses her deeply and is very happy when she shows up without warning.

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Trinitydoll is offline
Old 11-18-2007, 10:36 PM

(ooc:please girls since im so busy pm me when you are online to play= thankies <3)

Lilim is offline
Old 11-19-2007, 03:04 PM

"Wow, That thing is huge!" She says with her jaw open... "Maybe I should go back?" She tippy through the snow quickly since she is still miles away from whatever this is sitting on the rock.

Love not watching where she's going trips over a bunny "EK!" She falls down face first into the snow as the little baby bunny runs off...

Her head starts to ache it seems there was a nice rock there to break Love's fall. She fights to keeps her eyes open as she watches the bunny hop away. But, sleep seems so much better then watching a fuzzy bunny run...

Love blinks once trying to push herself off the group she blinks ones more and feels more relaxed, the third blink. Doesn't even seem like a blink at all, Love was fast asleep laying in the snow, with a bad bump on her head.

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 11-19-2007, 05:50 PM

[[ Hah, sorry girls. I tend to forget threads not in my bookmarks when my mind is so full. Dx But here now soo I'll reply and HEY There Trilly. *giggles* Nah of course not. =P Welcome to our RP, join whenever ya wish. ^^ Right now we post as we are online, even when not together because its hard to be on same time other then days off. Today I work late so yeah I won't be around after. ]]

Soon the girl starts to grow bored of her dance so soon stops exhaling deep with a sigh and glances over to her partner. A grumble is heard as she huffs and picks up a rock and throws it at the sleeping cat...

Which is repelled by the swat of the large cat's tail.

"Heyy! No fair! You're supposed to be sleeping!" She blurts out, huffing more causing cheeks to get poufy and eyes red.

The panther simply stays put. Tail curls back up around him but he says nothing to her. Perhaps unable to speak human tongue?

The girl tip-toes over to the rock in her game of pounce. She is now a cat as she tries to sneak up on him. Just a few inches away and she gets ready to lunge but just as she is about to jump.. a large shadow is seen going over her.

When she looks up, the panther is no longer on the rock.

"Awww.. you're no fun!" She whines in soft sniffles getting up to see what he is doing, other then ruining her fun of course.

The panther stands on all four, alert looking in the opposite direction.

Something is out there...

"Oh really?! Yay, lets go see!" Shouts the girl aloud in full vocal. She doesn't like to reply with the mind, thats so boring and besides, she not mind looking silly talking to herself at random moments. With that said, she runs ups to him and hops onto his back as he then starts to walk in direction of a new scent that is hitting his nose.

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Trinitydoll is offline
Old 11-19-2007, 06:59 PM

((ok im here though i dont have an idea of what is going on I will try to read back))

Chrystabella landed in an unknown land full of green and lovely landscape.....
Where am I ? she scratched her head ...she didnt remember being there before..

Lilim is offline
Old 11-19-2007, 08:09 PM

(( ^_^ Well I'm laying in the snow passed out do to a bump on me head XD And DL is a big kittie with a cute little girl on his back, I'm glad you joined us TrinTrin your char sounds so cute.))

It starts to snow.... Slowly covering up the sleeping beauty. The bump on Love's head bleeds a bit but the cold winds and snow fall, slows down the bleeding.

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Trinitydoll is offline
Old 11-20-2007, 01:44 AM

((thankies <333))
Chystabella walked a few steps through the lovely land she had landed suddenly to see it was all starting to get was slowly snowing around was sucha beautiful show in front of her eyes,....she had never seen snow for real, but her mom had told her stories about it and showed her in books....a long long time ago..
She inspired some fresh air and started walking again half smelling half feeling the wonderful snow flakes so minimal so hugely beautiful...

Lilim is offline
Old 11-20-2007, 02:26 AM

((I always like how you tell a story when you rp trin))

The snow is now covering love like a light fully blanket from her head to her toes.... She dreams about being in a land of candy. Lollipops as tall as trees. A waterfall of coffee. But the best part about the dream was the singing, dancing gummie bears!


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