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ViperValen is offline
Old 02-29-2008, 07:24 AM

Well, Viper wrote a story, a very short story, and it seems rather open-ended to me... I'd like you, yes you, to read it, and tell me what you think, yep, I need some constructive critisim! I do know that the end is confusing because of how I worded it, but, I like it that way, makes it seem like an episode of 'The Twilight Zone'. Story time!

Title Pending

‘That swing-set had always been there. Well, not always, about a year after we moved in my stepfather and stepbrother set it up, since then many things have happened to it. That tree though, it only fell a few weeks before I left, for some reason, I think it was my brother’s fault.

This is the first time I’ve been back here in a long time; I don’t even live in this state anymore. I don’t remember much about Kelso; just that it always rained like most everywhere else in Washington. I do remember one rather peculiar incident that occurred when I was almost fourteen, though.

It wasn’t raining when I went outside, but by the time I got home I was soaked.’

“Momma, I’m headed outside, I’ll be back in a little while, ok?” I asked.

“Just be back before dinner, it’s Sunday, you know!”

“Yeah, Momma, I know!” I called back through the hall; I was already halfway out the door. I was surprised it wasn’t raining, but the sky did look rather gloomy, it would rain sometime soon.

I headed into the backyard, the limbs on one lone tree thrashed violently in the non-existent wind. I looked at the other trees around the backyard, not one but the one next to the swing-set moved, the rest were all perfectly still. I knew things like that weren’t supposed to happen, but I thought nothing of it.

I continued back into the woods behind our house, I had explored them many times, and knew most every inch of them. About ten yards back, though, I found an odd clearing, one bonsai tree, just big enough for someone to sit under stood in the center. Not much of a clearing after all. The oddest thing about it all was that the bonsai tree too, was thrashing back and forth.

I cautiously proceeded around it, but about five yards farther in, the same tree and clearing appeared, although this time, there was no movement. There was a boy, about my age, sitting cross-legged under the tree. He opened his eyes and looked up at me; he smiled and stood up. He didn’t say anything, he just turned-tail and ran.

I did the first thing that came to mind, I ran after him. I knew these woods better than anybody else, but his speed was astounding. He must have been running because he wasn’t supposed to be there, it was private property after all, but I knew this boy, or I had at least seen him before.

I chased him, farther and farther, he never stopped, never slowed down, never even looked back. I chased him until we came to the road.

I don’t think he even heard the car coming, maybe he didn’t even feel it when it crashed into him, when he went through the oncoming car’s windshield, maybe.

I couldn’t scream, the sound was stuck in my throat, but then, I felt a drop of rain on my forehead, and everything was gone. I was standing on the edge of the road next to my long driveway, no boy, no car.

‘It was a long walk home in the rain that day, and I never saw the boy or the car again, until I turned around. I must have looked like I’d seen a ghost, because as I looked at my old back porch I saw a man. I knew the second I saw him that the man and the boy were the same’

“I knew you’d come back.”

Having given you my story, reffered to above, I would like you to give me some feedback, and a possible title! Please?


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