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Old 02-10-2008, 12:54 AM

  • Welcome welcome!
    I have been browsing through the RP's and noticed that their arn't very many vampire ones, so, alas, i have decide to make my own.

    Post 1 - Information
    Post 2 - Rules / Application


Diktionary is offline
Old 02-10-2008, 01:03 AM

  • This is a coven for vampire to seek shelter and meet other vampires and perhaps find a little romance and / or their eternal love. Please keep in mind that this is my house, i am taking you in. This is a very large house, there is a pool, hot tub, 4 bathrooms, 8 bedrooms, an attic, a basement, a kitchen, a bar, and a library.


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Old 02-10-2008, 01:09 AM

  • Rules!

    1. Respect my house.

    2. Since we're not allowed to do R rated things, you can do PG-13. Bummer though.

    3. Be sure and keep in touch here. I dont want you to fill out the form and then never come back.

    4. Invite your friends!!!

    5. Have fun! Party, party, party!!!!!


    Name -
    Human wanting to be vampire (yes/no) -
    Vampire -
    Age -
    Story about yourself -
    Pic / Description -

    Name - Victoria
    Human wanting to be a vampire - no
    Vampire - yes
    Age - 180
    Story about yourself - I was abandoned at the age of 16 in the mountains. I walked and walked and then, I made friends with, what i thought were other abandoned kids like me but were actually vampires, which they made sure I knew before they made me one of them. I am forever going to be an 18 year old vampire
    Pic / Description -


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Old 02-13-2008, 04:28 AM

  • MEMBERS!!!

  • *Besides Myself*
    Originally Posted by Edana Little Flame
    Name - Jin Fu
    Human wanting to be vampire (yes/no) - yes
    Vampire - not yet.
    Age - 19
    Story about yourself - All her life she has not fit in anywhere she has lived. in school she was ridiculed for looking the way she dose and it did not help that she always told them she wanted to be a vampire.
    Pic / Description -

    Originally Posted by Edana Little Flame
    Name - Jesaray Noel
    Human wanting to be vampire (yes/no) - No
    Vampire - Yes
    Age - 21
    Story about yourself - I was born into a rich family of vampires. all I know is of the vampire way. I seek to find others like myself. Even though I envy the humans I love what I am. My envy sits on a fine line of hate for they have things I never have experienced. This causes me to act weird around humans.
    Pic / Description -


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Old 02-14-2008, 12:39 AM

  • *Walks into the kitchen and pulls myself up onto the counter and think to myself, "Gee, it's kinda lonley in here..."*


Edana Little Flame
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Old 02-14-2008, 02:37 AM

Jesaray arrived at the front of the house and stepped out of the taxi she got her bags out of the trunk and payed the driver.

It was midnight and she had had a long drive, she was quit irritable, "This is the house everyone was talking about? I guess it is big! I just can't believe that they shipped me off to here, and all because I had to mention that I was lonely and wanted to seek championship. Bahh! I thought my father was going to die. Oh well better make the best of it."

Jesaray walked up to the front door dragging her bags in tow and rang the doorbell.

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Old 02-14-2008, 05:13 AM

  • I hear a car drive away and wonder who is coming up the driveway.


Edana Little Flame
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Old 02-17-2008, 04:06 AM

"Hello! Anyone home!" She called out and rang the doorbell again. "Hello!"

The Lost Girl
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Old 02-26-2008, 02:53 AM

Kayla walked down the street with her backpack resting peacefully on her shouder. She steped on a rock and lost her balance, she fell straight to the ground so fast she didn't relized what happened till it was done. A couple of guys who were riding in a car together saw what happened and laughed. After they drove off she got up and looked at her hands. They were cut and bloody but soon just became bloody, for she had the ability to heal herself. She wiped off the blood on her hands and kept walking down the road. She had completely forgot about the two human boy that had laughed at her, she learned to tune out any thing a human does around her.
After walking a while longer K came to the house that she had been seeking. She walked up the steps and quitely opened the door. It had been along time since she had ever knocked on a door.

Edana Little Flame
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Old 02-26-2008, 03:34 AM

Jesaray made a face at the girl who had approached the door, and with no attempt at knocking or ringing the door bell, just barged right in, "Hi nice to meet you too! No, by all means just push right through! She at least better damn well live here!" She said to the door which was once again closed to her, though this time it was right in her face. "Note to self, Give her a piece of my mind!"

The Lost Girl
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Old 02-26-2008, 09:21 PM

K put her backpack down and opened the front door.
"Er..hello." She said to the girl that was standing on the porch. I looked down at her bags and relized that she had come to stay at the house. "Well come on in why don't you I don't know where the owner is but I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you came in and waited for her instead of standing out side in the cold."

Edana Little Flame
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Old 02-26-2008, 09:37 PM

Jesaray looked at her weird, "I haven't been bothered by the cold since I was born! I really don't feel right just walking into someones house with out there approval first! I think I will just wait out here for them to come a get us. Thank you though." she tried to look past her and see if she could by chance see the owner.

The Lost Girl
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Old 02-27-2008, 02:06 AM

"oh right...sorry" It had been a long time since she had meet a younger vampire who hadn't learned how to feel the cold. Kayla walked down the steps of the porch and sat on the last step. She fiddled woth her hands for awhile, she could tell right away that the girl didn't like her. "Name's Kayla. I moved here last week." She said as she stared up at the girl.

Edana Little Flame
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Old 02-28-2008, 02:53 AM

She gave a half hearted smile and said, "Jesaray, I'm being forced to live here by my parents who believe it is time for me to meet others like myself!" She shifted uncomfortably and tried knocking again. "Hello! Anyone in there?" she called out.

The Lost Girl
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Old 02-29-2008, 02:57 AM

"Maybe she isn't home." K said as she rested aginst the rail of the steps. She looked at her watch and noticed that they had been waiting out side for a really long time. She yawned and looked at her watch again in was 12:45. "Well I'm bored." She said standing up and started to walk around back.

Edana Little Flame
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Old 02-29-2008, 06:03 AM

"I was wondering the same thing!" She try to look inside through one of the windows, "But then why would they send us here at this time if no one would be home to great us and let us in?" The question wasn't truly directed toward Kayla but it was one that Jesaray had been wanting to ask this whole time.

The Lost Girl
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Old 03-04-2008, 12:42 AM

K sat down slightly angered and sighed, "See this is why I don't knock."

Edana Little Flame
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Old 03-04-2008, 07:22 AM

Jesaray looked at her a bit irritated with her way of going about things, "Thats most likely why you ended up here." She mumbled under her breath. "Yeah well hate me for being taught manners then!" She looked back through the window but still saw nothing, "Also I am not stopping you from going through that door, I only meant I will not follow!"

The Lost Girl
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Old 03-05-2008, 11:32 PM

Feeling a little insulted K stood up and walked up the stairs so she could be face to face with the very young vampire. "Once you have lived for 4 hundred years you learn to do stuff the easy way!" She open the door all the way to where they could see the whole house. "Now, obviously she isn't here. So you can stand out here till she gets here or you can come in and wait and when she gets here you can apologize and thank her for letting you stay here." She walked inside and thought about what the young vampire said about the reason she was here. "I'm here because if I stayed at my home land I wouldhave been killed. Don't think you know everything young vampire."

Edana Little Flame
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Old 03-08-2008, 03:57 AM

Jesaray laughed in the girls face, "You have no idea how old I am to begin with, unless you of course where judging it on the fact that I look less aged then you do! All I can hope is that when I am finally old like you I am not as rude and ignorant as you have become! I do not think I know everything, I just go off of what I observe!" Jesaray smiled at her and added, "Oh and I think if you treated everyone this way it's no wonder they wanted to kill you!" She walked back down the stairs and sat on the end, "I will stay out here and have nothing that I will need to apologize for!"

The Lost Girl
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Old 03-08-2008, 07:59 PM

"If they knew you they would kill you as well." She muttered under her breath. This girl had no idea what she was talking about because for one thing she has looked the same age for the past 400 years. The another thing was that the people wanting her dead want all vampires dead because their vampire hunters. "If I were to live here you it would be worse than being tortured for the rest of eternity." K grab her bag forcefully and walked down the street never looking back on that horrid young vampire or that unoccupied house.

(( I have left this forum FYI ))


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