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Veelana is offline
Old 04-09-2008, 11:19 AM

Hello there,
I want to open a breedable pet shop. I'm not yet very sure about the pricing for breedables, so I'm askin' for help.

How much would you think the following is worth:
+ 4 stages, last stage can breed
+ semi-custom lineart for all stages: The clothing and hairstyle will depend on the first stage
+ first stage is a flower, last stage is a fairy
+ male and female pets available - gay/lesbian relationships can breed, too
+ example lineart will be up soon (have to watermark it first :-))
+ clean CG lineart with fully shaded coloring

I am aware that nobody is going to be able to price this well without the lineart up, but if you could tell me what the usual price for a 4 stage pet would be and wether there is already a store like that, that would be awesome...

here is some sample art - not with the final shading and just two stages, but you should be able to see a bit of how thi will look

all "pets" will have unique lineart. It will be possible to order customs by sending me the picture of a real/fantasy flower.

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 04-09-2008, 11:53 AM

I'd really have to see the lineart to determine pricing honestly. Quality of the artwork is very important.

From what you've said so far though, I'd say between 300-600g each.

Veelana is offline
Old 04-09-2008, 12:08 PM

Thanks for helping - I'll have the art up tonight. I'm just at the wrong computer - I need to be home and at my notebook to watermark it - and I want to get up a sample of my coloring, too :-)


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