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opiate is offline
Old 09-11-2007, 09:36 AM

That didn’t make him feel any better!


He looked up at the tall god he was suddenly meeting for the first time. The robes and stuff of decoration flowed around the being and his enormous hammer, as did the large beard and flowing locks. As the escort greeted for each in turn, the mortal was sweating buckets, but managing some semblance of baseline emotion.

“Mortal Squire of the System, His Master of the War Council, Lord Thor of the Almighty Hand.”

As the two exchanged their first glance, the Higher Council Seat God smirked at this new trainee. As the goddess finished, the god started. “: So this be what my commanders sent me? Yet another phasic attempt I see. :” ..he put in a strangely boyous chuckle. The escort goddess just giggled nervously, as she recognized a bad joke, even if not even the readers could. The mortal sure didn’t, he just was fixated on the god before him, at least for one that answered a question he had about ever seeing a Seated God of the Council in person.

He just rubbed his head as the ‘laugh’ weaned off, as he put in his own kind. “So.. uh, you’re Thor?”

“: Aye indeed, thy mortal. :”

“Does it hurt?”

A silent moment with a gust of wind flowing between them all, passes. The next moment, a loud clang is heard as the mortal feels the long reach of Thor’s heavy hammer on his melon.

“: That joke is as old as I am. And not just on your old world either, so you know. :”

“Sorry.. -cough- …couldn’t resist. -wince- So I know.”


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Old 09-11-2007, 09:42 AM

An hour after getting his spine realigned, the mortal meets with Thor again, and this time with more apparent assistants. As he quickly discovered, it had been another edict by the Almighty to select the commander of all of Heaven’s hosts to train him as per dictates of his knightly ambitions. Three First Class goddesses that served directly as the War Section generals would help begin the real phase of the mortal’s training.

As it turned out over the next untold numbers of years to come, they each would have a great hand in shaping what would become the answer to the mortal’s initial thoughts.

Why all the sudden interest for my Wish?


-Day One - Armory-

The mortal’s eyes boggled like crazy as he entered the intended chamber from upon a floating platform, down from an above ‘ceiling’, that had been the floor for the sparring chamber. Thor and the goddess generals Rand, Hirund and Mist gave casual looks around, as they drop into the weapons chamber.

“Uh.. this kinda is overkill, tis this not?”

The god just shrugs. “: It’s a small collection. :”

This as the chamber is literally a monolithic weapons cache, rows and stacks upon the millions stretch up from a deep unseen floor, and off in every direction for untold reaches and leagues. Pretty much all of the weapons are all kinds of staff and blade weapons, a ton of blunt types as well, and others totally unrecognizable to the eye. All of them seemed to be mainly melee however, maybe a bow here and there, but nothing obviously projectile type other than what is meant for a medieval battlefield. However the mortal can’t see much detail, so who knows what is truly here.

Thor explains simply.. “: Welcome to one of our arms caches. All of the weapons you see, and many more caches not seen, are in the possibility that Heaven is invaded by the Demons, simple as that. There are other caches used in our external operations to keep the Demons in check from time to time.

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Old 09-11-2007, 09:44 AM

It’s the way it all is between both sides. Something has to be existent to protect the System and all it supports. It’s a reality that is usually not shown to the main System populace at large, but the Valkyries more than realize from their daily training. I presume much as such has come across to you as well young Squire. :”

The mortal nods. “Fear that I have, yes.”

“:As such, this cache has been reassigned as your personal weapons training apparatus. From now on, until you reach sufficient level to become a Knight, you will train with each weapon you see here, one per day, others that become favorites and so, until proficiency is reached in the ability to fight with any weapon at any circumstance, at any time.

Even if it’s a toothpick out of a Bug’s mouth, which we have here somewhere in fact. :”

The mortal just made wheezing sounds as he heard this, in his initial reaction, before putting into stuttered words. “B… but.. but that could take years!” ..before stopping and thinking. Wait, that was obvious. ..dryly.

Thor just replied bluntly. “: Like you have anywhere else to go? Worry not, to accelerate concerns of others, as well as your own, special training time retarding chambers have been prepared to ‘speed’ things along. Also you will…


-Einherjar Fields-

…learn the tactics of large scale, both by participation, and through doctrine by the minds of my generals here. Also..

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Old 09-11-2007, 09:45 AM


-Titan’s Academy-

…you will learn how to combat magical creatures and enhanced armies that exist in other realms outside of heaven, you will learn histories to deal with them, and also cultures to infiltrate better with if required. It also will tell you all facets of how an enemy may think besides in the vein of mere numbers and formations…


-Goddess University-

…you will still also conduct normal studies equivalent to a First Class Goddess, understanding the entire System, so as to help participate in activities, in so much to justify being amongst them, as well as to understand your role in Heaven.


-Goddess Mall-

…you also will have time to learn social interactivity with your subject entities, where chance can tell you how to treat others of this realm, and understand all the biases better, verses the mundane watered down you have experienced so far. With this, you will learn the reality of your choice and why you fight for them.


-Celestial Infirmary-

And finally, you will also learn anatomy of all creatures, both of Heaven, as well as Demonic and magical otherwise. This so you can triage and treat on the battlefield with little notice, and aid the health of our forces in battle, as well as other militaries that exist beyond the System.

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Old 09-11-2007, 09:46 AM


-Thor’s Chamber-

…all of this, plus whatever else comes to mind to you and us each at appropriate times, will become your training, from this point forth, until the day you die in whatever fashion you choose. Since you are still mortal in the end, a day of a hundred years at present, you will find your remaining life in focus of this service you have called for. :”

The mortal was just mind numb, as Taus chuckled most of the three at his visual condition, whence Thor finished. “: And on top of such, your time as my direct Squire will be spent as such for each day of week of eternity, to this training standard. Add to this, we will spar, and you will participate in the daily battles of Einherjar, both of to which you will survive each day, but not progress past my ire, until you defeat myself in combat, and demonstrate your true self in the chaos of battle.

I assure you, both of which I attest to give no quarter. Such a challenge for an honorable knight, but only when such is reasonable satisfied unto my whim. :”

Thor finally stopped, as the mortal felt his brain totally deep fried.

Thor saw this and commented.. “: Understand your expectations have you:”

The mortal blinked, and slowly started to shake his head.

“Um… actually…

: No. / No.”

Thor sighs. “Mortal muddle minds. So be it.”


opiate is offline
Old 09-11-2007, 09:47 AM

-Day One - Armory-

The mortal’s eyes boggled like crazy (again) as he entered the intended chamber from upon a floating platform, down from an above ‘ceiling’, that had been the floor for the sparring chamber. Thor and the goddess generals Rand, Hirund and Mist (again) gave casual looks around, as they drop into the weapons chamber.

“Uh.. this kinda is REALLY overkill, tis this not?”

The god just shrugs. “: It’s still a small collection. :”

This as the chamber is literally a monolithic weapons cache, rows and stacks upon the millions stretch up from a deep unseen floor, and off in every direction for untold reaches and leagues. Pretty much all of the weapons are all kinds of staff and blade weapons, a ton of blunt types as well, and others totally unrecognizable to the eye. All of them seemed to be mainly melee however, maybe a bow here and there, but nothing obviously projectile type other than what is meant for a medieval battlefield. However the mortal can’t see much detail, so who knows what is truly here.

Thor explains simply.. “: Welcome again to one of our arms caches. All of the weapons you see, and many more caches not seen, are in the possibility that Heaven is invaded by the Demons, simple as that. There are other caches used in our external operations to keep the Demons in check from time to time.

It’s the way it all is between both sides. Something has to be existent to protect the System and all it supports. It’s a reality that is usually not shown to the main System populace at large, but the Valkyries more than realize from their daily training. I presume much as such still has come across to you as well young Squire. :”

The mortal nods. “Fear that I still, yes.”

“:As such, this cache has been reassigned as your personal weapons training apparatus. From now on, until you reach sufficient level to become a Knight, you will train with each weapon you see here, one per day, others that become favorites and so, until proficiency is reached in the ability to fight with any weapon at any circumstance, at any time.

opiate is offline
Old 09-11-2007, 09:48 AM

Even if it’s a toothpick out of a Bug’s mouth, which we have here somewhere in fact. :” ..the mortal made an ick sound this time too.

The mortal just made wheezing sounds as he heard this, in his initial reaction, before putting into stuttered words. “B… but.. but that could take years!” ..before stopping and thinking. Wait, that was obvious. ..dryly.

Thor just replied bluntly. “: Like you have anywhere else to go? Worry not, to accelerate concerns of others, as well as your own, special training time retarding chambers have been prepared to ‘speed’ things along. Also you will…

(Rand asks Mist.. “Trade ya a scythe this time for a lance.”

Mist: “I traded that for a Cat-o-nine-tails for tonight.”)


-Einherjar Fields-

…learn the tactics of large scale, both by participation, and through doctrine by the minds of my generals here. Also..

(Hirund: “The stains are clearing off again.”)


-Titan’s Academy-

…you will learn how to combat magical creatures and enhanced armies that exist in other realms outside of heaven, you will learn histories to deal with them, and also cultures to infiltrate better with if required. It also will tell you all facets of how an enemy may think besides in the vein of mere numbers and formations…

..oh, and forgot to mention your learning of actual magic here.

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Old 09-11-2007, 09:48 AM



-Goddess University-

…you will still also conduct normal studies equivalent to a First Class Goddess, understanding the entire System, so as to help participate in activities, in so much to justify being amongst them, as well as to understand your role in Heaven. Oh, and you’ll get updates from the mortal realms you will serve as well, in case such is also needed.

(Rand: “Ohh! There’s my future hubby Adonis!

Mist: “In your dreams sister.”)


-Goddess Mall (‘yes’ you’re reading right by now..)-

…you also will have time to learn social interactivity with your subject entities, where chance can tell you how to treat others of this realm, and understand all the biases better, verses the mundane watered down you have experienced so far. With this, you will learn the reality of your choice and why you fight for them.

(Hirund: “I’ll take six orders of Odin’s Chocolate please!”)


-Celestial Infirmary-

And finally, you will also learn anatomy of all creatures, both of Heaven, as well as Demonic and magical otherwise. This so you can triage and treat on the battlefield with little notice, and aid the health of our forces in battle, as well as other militaries that exist beyond the System. Those that we ally with anyway…

(Mist: “Jeeze Hir, can’t you moderate your sweets? -upchuck sounds nearby- )


-Thor’s Chamber (finally)-

..all of this, plus whatever else comes to mind to you and us each at appropriate times, will become your training, from this point forth, until the day you die in whatever fashion you choose. Since you are still mortal in the end, a day of a hundred years at present, you will find your remaining life in focus of this service you have called for. :”

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Old 09-11-2007, 09:50 AM

The mortal was just mind numb, as Taus chuckled most of the three at his visual condition, whence Thor finished. “: And on top of such, your time as my direct Squire will be spent as such for each day of week of eternity, to this training standard. Add to this, we will spar, and you will participate in the daily battles of Elysium, both of to which you will survive each day, but not progress past my ire, until you defeat myself in combat, and demonstrate your true self in the chaos of battle.

I assure you, both of which I attest to give no quarter. Such a challenge for an honorable knight, but only when such is reasonable satisfied unto my whim. :”

Thor finally stopped, as the mortal felt his brain totally deep fried (again.)

Thor saw this and commented.. “: Understand your expectations have you? NOW:”

The mortal blinked, and slowly started to shake his head.

“Um… actually…

: No. / Maybe.”

Thor sighs ragged, though snickering this time. “Mortal muddle minds, truly. So be it.”

By now the three goddess generals were in a laughing fit, the mortal just held his head and groaned. “Uh boy.”

Just then, Thor hefts his hammer over his shoulder and decides on a different tactic. “: I suppose then the best course before I head off to check on my duties, is to beat the information into you. Come to the sparring chamber. :”

The mortal sees this as Thor starts off, and stammers.. “Wha… you mean now?!”

Thor gets the point across. “: AYE I MEANT NOW! TO YOUR HONOR AT THAT:”

The mortal just scampers like an anime Gan-chan rat past Thor and towards where he thinks is the sparring chamber. Then he zips the other way down the indicated hallway, bumping something metallic along the way in a loud crash.

Thor just snickers yet. “: Shows promise this one. :” ..while the three generals just have dry ‘reserved’ facades pasted on in kind.


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Old 09-11-2007, 09:50 AM

-Almighty’s Chambers-

The Goddess First Class gulped a bit, as she heard the news, in tow with a certain Second Class goddess trainee of the prime administration sections, this as Peorth looks on, while the current Head Administrator Gaea receives the report of yet another unexpected death of a Goddess on a Wish mission.

“But… but how are they doing it? How come another one My Lord?”

“We are closing in on that fact. A trail has developed due to intelligence from the Valkyries that I sent to trail leads after the incident. One certainty so far, is that it is likely the work of the same mortal that killed the other two Goddesses. I have managed to allay Hild’s grievances for now, but I grow suspicious of her motives as well, at current.

Nonetheless, this may force us to arrest the Wish System until further notice, unless the culprit is tracked down, or the cause discovered to counteract.”

Peorth next to Gaea however gasped. “But.. no Wishes granted? Messire! Won’t that cause a system backlash of some kind?”

Gaea leveled this with her own words. “The System mainly keeps the dimensional realms stable, the Wish adjunct governance does not immediately impact operations. Not short term anyway. It’d take hundreds of years of evolution before something cropped up beyond Bug level.”

The Almighty however inserts with a heavy tone. “Still, to shut down the Wish apparatus would cause other effects we cannot anticipate. Before we are to find how unfortunate such may become, we must end this threat before it all continues.”

Gaea simply asks in looking back. “How?”

Peorth was there at the time, and what she heard was impossible to believe. Only her new classification of access allowed her to even be here. And what was heard, would end up determining the fate of so much more than just mere Wishes.

For elsewhere, a foreign player was in on this coming act, as this chess game would begin many paths to bear.

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Old 09-11-2007, 09:52 AM

-Day 24,781 - Einherjar Fields-

The sounds of two giggling child goddesses, no more than the age of a seven year old pair, came running by as they played some kind of runabout tag and catch, or something similar, as they lost track of where they were. Since all of Heaven was open, most places accessible without much restriction, it was rare for much worry for anyone to find a place where they would have trouble for being in.

Even Almighty liked an occasional interruption by a squabble of goddesses that played their youthful joy out. If any place was to be off limits, it would be where steerage was put in, in some way. Still, there are times when even the lost of track can lead to a chance encounter ‘not’ meant for

The two ran after each other around and around with limitless energy of both the young and the infinite, as they unknowingly pass through this same covered walkway of note. As they reach the ledge of this area, their shorter perspectives causes one of them to suddenly realize the stark contrast of scenery all around to their fore.

This of course causes one of them to nearly trip into the other, as the first stops. “Hey! Watch where you’re going Bell.” ..a slightly older sister yelps, before seeing it all as well. “Wow.”

“I don’t think we should be here Urd, this feels scary.” ..the young goddess says very jittery. Urd however just takes one good look around and says. “Oh wow COOL! This is Thor’s place! Where’s all the fighting at?”

Bell just teardrops and looks over nervously. “I don’t think that is what the other goddesses like to hear.”

Urd just dryly puts back. “What? Can’t a child goddess have any fun? Eh? Who’s that?”

Bell looks around for a second. “Where?” ..before having her head turned by Urd to the far right, just past some colonnade stacks. “There, isn’t that a Valkyrie?” Bell sees and wonders a second worry all of a sudden.

Somewhere behind them some voice is starting to be barely heard, but all of this combined is struck hard to a singular point by the voice of a ‘very’ angry sounding god.

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Old 09-11-2007, 09:53 AM

“: YOU CALL THAT YOUR BEST SKILL?!? YOU STILL HOLD A WEAK HILT YOU SORRY SOD FOOL!! TO THE FIELD WITH YOU:” …this echoing all around for apparently forever as Bell and Urd hold their ears. (and one other looking on winces under the vocal pressure alone.) Urd just yelps with confused anime eyes. “Dang that was loud.”

“Can we go now Sis?” Bell pleads, just before suddenly something is very reverberantly SLAMMED out from the Chamber’s of Valor, hence within was Thor’s lair, all the way out in a ball of armor and flapping cape and robes of blue and white agleam. Bell and Urd see this with their all too youthful eyes as the crumpled up form suddenly manages to reangle itself in midair and come down on a sliding three stance with a hand fourth holding a decent sized sword, one with a hilt that could make it a halberd instead.

The figure manages to set stance defensive just in split timing before a larger effadice of a god charges out in a high leap and heavy thud to cause shaken ground undertrodden. Urd and Bell gasp as they see Thor in person for the first time, up close and personal all, for their parts. The hammer and all his great glory present for Urd to drool over.

A slight moment of silence later, Urd finally yelps back to Bell, though just as openly.. “I ain’t going ANYWHERE now Sis!”

Movement off the far, far left sees Rand, Hirund and Mist appear amid their flowing white robes each, just before voice from the tossed about one remarks loudly. “Remind me to word me phrases of answer better next time.”

“: IF THAR BE ONE NAÏVE:” ..the War God and Master roars as he leaps forth at the far smaller looking being. Urd sees this as Bell hides her sight within her arms, with personal glee, before seeing to her youthful shock, the other armed being do likewise without hesitation!

One other off the far right sees this and blinks.

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Old 09-11-2007, 09:54 AM

The clash of steel that comes after billows a heavy air burst, one that pushes both young goddesses to their hinnies, and the others seeing this barely hold their own stance. Unseen in this is where the defender becomes aggressor, and swipes his weapon to Thor’s left, the god zipping out of the way, with the robed on in swift pursuit. Urd looks up in time and has to look around for the two, finding sight by loud clashing sound to the far fore, and then looking around again as this happens several more times, as metal slams into metal.

Hirund manages to keep up through her raised arms, the debris of celestial foliage flying about again. She yells out between heavy clashes.. “I think we need to make another cheat sheet for the poor bloke the next time.”

Rend just snickers loudly with her own arms blocking flying rubbish and sparks. (yes sparks..) “No good this time. I think Master was pissed after that last session in Council today and wanted to spar no matter what.”

The three generals look up as the parries begin to raise higher and higher into the infinite blue sky, pushing holes into the clouds above as strokes exchange. Mist seeing more clearly as the spar rises higher yet more, comments.. “I sense ‘he’ knew of better as well. Huh? He caught up again.”

All their far better vision keeps managing to track as Thor starts to see his current prize student of this frequency domain chase after him instead of cowering in defense, not only that but managing to turn the momentum tables several times by this tactic of forcing the War God high on up. Enough that even the System Administrators register this on their screens again.

However the ancient god has enough of this when he blocks a hard upswing parry and SHOVES the momentum back down so hard, his opponent’s bones actually crink, before a twirl swing of the Great Hammer with a heavy bolt of lightning charged up from the high atmosphere present, on call, all of it slammed a second time into the blade and body of the Squire, zapping the mortal rather dearly (again.)

This shows from below as a powerful bolt explosion that sends the armored mortal screaming down to the ground.

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Old 09-11-2007, 09:54 AM

Urd is gape in awe and sheer battle joy, as Bell sees with bravery and holds her hands to her young mouth. This all as the armored Squire seems to slam hard into the ground, with great clouds of dust in such wake. Bell hides her face again as Urd stumbles from leaning forward in awe too much and nearly tumbles over in her tunnel visional state.

Hirund of her area of sight comments.. “Score another for.. HUH!?” ..stopped dead short as suddenly a blur zips back up from the dust cloud. “He survived that one!?” ..Hirund actually finished. As her two compatriots have their head dead up in angle, gape mouths rather visible. (Urd is looking the same as well in fact.)

Thor in his descending state, rushing through swirling cloud wisps, see this counteract and bah chuckles in a single laugh. “: HAH, I AM… :” ..this as the mortal reaches him, just as Thor then WIDE angle sweeps his hammer into a vicious down arc, one that the mortal barely has time to catch in parry in time, but momentum alone from such a devastating retort sends the Squire right back down to an angled left, this with.. “: …IMPRESSED:”

This shot sends the mortal dead at the two young child goddesses, this as Bell reflexively cowers in a ball as Urd looks this time in wide pip eyed shock. The Squire however catches a ‘bare’ end of the overhead ledge, causing the overhead cover of the walkway above the two goddesses to crack greatly, with the mortal using it as leverage to hop down to the ground for a split moment.

“Bell! Urd!” ..the two young goddesses turn around as a brown haired goddess nanny appears frantically, as Bell hops back up ‘rather’ calmly. “Nanny!” “Aww man!” Urd decries, just before a grunt catches attention, with a blast of backtracked wind, the now trio looking as the armored Squire saw Thor landing and pushes hard to reach him within two body twirls to bring great momentum to his next attack on the War God.

As the Nanny reaches the two child deities, a HUGE expected clang sounds as the Squire parries unto the Mighty Hammer again, then forcing close quarters melee for the next six deliberate swings.

Rend judges this and to her bemusement comments.. “Is it me or is that Squire pushing it more than usual today?”

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Old 09-11-2007, 09:57 AM

“Or up another notch finally. That last chamber session I’d wager.”

Thor for his part is in absolute war lust with glee as he sees his prodigy improve much better this time than he expected, a slight boost in the War God judgeometer than he anticipated. He took several side and overhead to backswing and twirl swing parries before shoving the Squire off, and backtracking to push footing in deep. What more he saw the mortal losing all fear of him, as well as all of his tricks, this as the mortal pushed off angled sidestep to Thor’s right, and clashed again just as the ancient god got his footing.

Mist commented for her part of summation. “I think he’s ready for the trials.” Hirund however interjects. “Not if he can’t pass the social tests. Man he’s having trouble there.”

Rend just however smirks and shakes her black mane.. “It might not come to it.” ..and blinks, noting something ‘clearly’ else in sight, something on the top of a pillar of marble that has been watching this whole time. “She came again apparently.”

Hirund and Mist manage to find where Rend is looking. They see Lind once more, all too clearly. (At least for them anyway.) The three snicker to themselves a bit, just as Mist sees something else off to her far right. “Huh? Who are they?” The other two look with a start, just before a sudden loud screeching sound clamps their ears. They look to see the mortal suddenly pushing a rather awkward angle with his blade unto the Mighty Hammer, making even Thor wince a tic.

“: Pardon pup! That’ll ruin my surface finish:” the ancient Master shoves back more conventionally. The mortal however hoped for that and flips his blade flat unto the hammer length, and slid the edge at Thor’s right hand.

The god took the cut, but the mortal continued and slipped the blade again into a flip, using the blood flow to slide it with, clearing the hand and gashing the blade into the hammer bulk at the head base. Thor lost grip for a split moment and the mortal moved as fast as his body allowed to lose his blade grip and suddenly flat palm both hands.

The sudden and vicious thrust up surprises Thor and knocks his thick chin back very hard, causing both weapons to fly off to their mutual left.

“He got him!” Rend yelps in shock, just before the mortal tries to deliver a successive knee thrust to the chest.

It never connects, as Thor proves his replete (uh..) nature, by suddenly shoving his face down and literally belching a bad wind (as hard as a real wind at that,) into the mortal’s face, causing him to be thrown back and tumble into a hard slide towards the nominal goddesses of present.

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Old 09-11-2007, 10:00 AM

As the slide begins, Urd holds her nose along with Bell and the Nanny goddess. Urd complains. “Man that stinks.”

“Eww.” Bell just remarks. The Nanny looks all green for her part.

The three generals for their part look kinda sick for a moment. “That was… conventional.” ..Mist put in a puke sensing tone. Lind from the other side of the field just looks on blankly.

Thor then breathes in deeply as he sets to laugh, as the mortal slows to a stop near the trio at the entrance. He just looks all frazzled and sick as he wobbles out in tone.. “WeLl tHAt iS a NeW oNe.” …and then Thor laughs heartily. “: How was my special attack for ya pup:” ..and more hearty laughs.

The mortal just tilts his head up to his chin touching chest bone. “I think you need a better after mint old bean boy.”

Thor stops laughing and tilts his head. Afar, Rend just sighs. “Better get the stretcher ready again.”

“: Very well then. :” ..Thor imparts to his easily bruised ego, and starts with a thick stride towards his quarry. The mortal sees this and rolls to get up, and upon reaching all fours, sees the three goddesses, meeting their rather mixed eyes of fear, awe and putrid glances. Quickly the mortal realizes what could happen, and pushes hard to turn to his feet in facing Thor’s approach! “Wait! Wait ONE!”

“: Begging won’t help you child:”

“This tis no BEG!” ..he says seeing Thor pull his hammer back into his healed hands, (nice god like cheat.) The mortal is forced to focus his own powers to pull at the metal sword he threw aside in the same taught manner, and manages to catch and swivel the blade up in time to catch..

..this as Bell ‘and’ Urd glom fearfully onto their equally fear laden Nanny, just as Thor Swings his hammer overhead HARD into the mortal’s barely erected blade defense stance. The mortal buckles so hard, his knees snap solid in place for a seriously painful moment.

Mist sees what is going on and screams out. “MASTER WAIT!! WAIT!!!”

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Old 09-11-2007, 10:01 AM

As Thor is momentarily blinded by the ‘prod’ to his ego, and resultant attempt to teach a lesson again, the mortal holds his position to keep the stroke effects from reaching the terror stricken goddesses behind him. Lind from afar sees all this as well and is just about to leap into the fray herself to help stop Thor’s blind rage, before seeing someone else appear.

This up close, something behind the mortal reaches out with a hand and flicks a finger into Thor’s melon.

“: OWOWOWOWOWOWWIEOWIEOWIE:” ..the War God whines as he stumbles back a bit, before roaring back at the author of that ‘strike’. “: Who dares my ire in such an impudent.. eh? Oh. :”

The mortal feels a lot of pain in his body at that moment, but manages to realize it is over for the moment, and turns his seriously stiff neck to see, as Thor sees fully.. “I would appreciate it if you did not harm my charges Councilor.” Goddess Gaea stiffly chides the War God. Thor blinks and then considers to see behind the mortal, at the recovering trio that meets Thor’s gaze.

“: Oh. :” all he says as the three generals float rush close in. “Lady Gaea.” ..Hirund yells as Gaea looks over at the two young goddesses. “Are any of you hurt?”

“No milady / Nu uuh.” Bell and Urd reply quickly. Gaea notes neither of them are far too frazzled, Urd a bit too less for Gaea’s comfort.

Mist meanwhile huffs. “Really Master, you still have that problem.”

“: What of it:” Thor simply huffs, not one to admit wrongdoing. (Ever..) As Gaea then turns to the sound of cricking, rattling bones. “Oh dear.”

“Pain… great… pain.” ..the mortal whines before thumping to the ground, his entire body one stiff board of pain and anguish. Gaea and the Nanny teardrop as Thor sighs and walks over to yank the mortal back to his feet. “: Now now, no weakness in front of others. :” ..which snaps the mortal’s bones back in reasonable place.

Gaea does however comment. “I’d hardly call what he did a weakness. The Admins saw it all you know. You two make the system haywire anymore in this frequency spectrum. At least ‘he’ noticed what was going on and tried to stop it.”

Thor just pucks his lips and blandly retorts. “: Well he started it. :” ..this just makes the mortal groan.

Just then Urd just shouts out. “Who cares! That was all so cool to watch!” ..with Bell chiding nervously. “Urd.”

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Old 09-11-2007, 10:03 AM

“: Oh alright, my ego got the better of me again. That wretched session didn’t help matters., that I tell you. :”

Gaea looked over and gave a ‘nod’ to the Nanny as she comments over to Thor. “Things not going well on the battle front?”

Thor dryly retorts. “: If it were that well, I wouldn’t be in so foul a mood. :”

The mortal just cocks an eye. “When aren’t you? -CLANG- ..SoRRy..”

Thor lifts his hammer back off the mortal’s head and quips. “: If only the Council would allow me to deal with this problem ‘my’ way. Those damn Demons would never recover, such is their insolence. :”

Gaea, knowing what is being talked about, the others not as clued in, retorts. “Your methods would only lead to a war not wanted. I suggest you keep your venting on this mortal here, at least he can handle you better than most of us can, at the moment.”

Thor just looks and considers, and then laughs out loud, giving a good ‘THWAP’ to the mortal’s already pain soaked back. “: Isn’t he a peach though for such:”

The mortal just angles a look at the generals. “Will you ‘stop’ telling him such things?” ..the three just giggle. He also hears a couple from the young goddesses and gives a smile, (however he can.)

Thor just refocuses on the mortal and gives a nudge. “: Okay, take five. :” he is shoved towards the open field to regain feeling in his body again. Meanwhile Gaea chides Urd and Bell on their safety, before sending them off with their Nanny, while the generals are sent to follow the mortal so that Thor and Gaea can chat in private for a further moment.

Meanwhile the mortal cracks several bones back into less sore place, and stretches out, sniffing his singed skin again. “Ugh, I’ll be feeling it again later.”

As he goes through a nominal stretching exercise, he gives a glance in a few directions, wondering, and then seeing along the rows of colonnades one certain figure. “Eh? Lind again?” ..this just before she hops once and zips off suddenly, though not with haste. The mortal sees this and sighs in hinted dejection again. This causes Rend to lean over and drape her black hair all around the suddenly pensive mortal.

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Old 09-11-2007, 10:04 AM

“Did your goddessfriend come to see you again today lover mortal?”

Said Squire just groans and shifts in discomfort. “Uh, she’s n.. no she’s no… not my..”

Mist just giggles as Rend continues.. “Now now, remember what we have tried to teach you about your social responsibilities. It’s not a bad thing anyway, at least you are ‘looking’ at someone. (Wish I got that look from someone.)”

The Squire however gulps more than a few times as his nervousness continues. “But.. b.. but it’s not like I mean to..”

Hirund just shakes her head. “I think your blaring body language is speaking more than you are kid. Might want to listen to it.”

Mortal guy finally pulls away from Rend and stutters.. “I’m supposed to be more noble than that. I mean, shouldn’t one of you come to me first if it’s really for formal courting?” ..this Mist snickers and flutters her silver mane around. “I think you need your eyes adjusted, not to mention that dumb standard. I think that should be obvious after the last few months of the system, if you can catch my data stream upload.”

The mortal sighed and looked down, sensing, but not really ‘ready’ to go further with it. The goddesses however had about enough of this, and mentally began to interlope a plan once again. However this all is interrupted again as from afar, Thor suddenly hefts his hammer again. “: Break time is over pup. :” ..this as Gaea groans. “Oh good Almighty.”

The mortal blinks and complains. “Huh? It hasn’t even been five minutes yet. Not even two actually.”

Thor somehow manages to ‘cock’ the shaft of his hammer to give a shotgun like sound, in response. “: Indeed. :” ..and then hefts it…

…the mortal sees the three generals shift away fast, as he yelps. “Wait a dang moment, I don’t even..” ..looking around for his weapon. “…will you.. HEY, I SAID I.. YAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” -CLANG-


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Old 09-11-2007, 10:05 AM

It had been over sixty years since he began this phase of training. Learning much hadn’t even come close to what life experiences and changes the mortal went through, under the rather direct and unyielding tutelage of the God of War. The armory was used daily, at least a third of the hundreds of thousands of immediately accessible weapons available used and learned, many of them done in the stasis chambers, the temporal devices allowing the one hour per day used to pass a year’s worth for pure melee and martial doctrine between the god and the mortal.

To be sure, the Master of the War Section attended to other trainees and had time yet for Council sessions, given his multiplanar abilities, akin to being a direct creation of the Almighty, unlike most of the goddesses and gods. Given the mortal existed as a singular entity in a singular subspace frequency state amidst the spatial dimensionalization of the vast Intracellic planes, this allowed Thor and the mortal singular contact, one that was impressed upon with growing urgency from the Almighty One, though not given for reason or even word to the mortal at all.

A secret was brewing at hand, and Thor ensured that whatever may what come, the mortal would be a Knight by the time the true test came.

The Consortium Academy and College regimens were fitted in after the first ‘morning hour’ in the chamber, with classes that even First Class goddesses took, even though the mortal wasn’t as efficient in absorbing the data at hand. Still, the mortal was allowed a good learning curve, and gave back by demonstrating mortal conception of thought for the same material, giving a different viewpoint the other goddesses and gods could gain strange insight.

The social interactions however were proving the most difficult for the young mortal, as trying to interact socially with the deities proved troublesome, mostly from the fact the goddesses found him too ‘fragile’, when it came to doing more than talk. Thor was impressing that ‘all’ kinds of social interaction was needed, so as to not be intimidated by the System Admins on ‘any’ level, under any kind of situation. As it was, results were mixed, and the mortal was still treated ‘inferior’ by the deities around him.

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Old 09-11-2007, 10:07 AM

However it wasn’t enough that to antagonize him, but it didn’t all make for close friendships. Those that did seemed to be chastised for ‘liking’ the bloke too much, something treated as taboo, enough to cause this troublesome aspect. It was a weird and difficult to describe quandary that didn’t seem to be resolving itself any time soon.

The operational forays however were a major high data stream mark, as Thor would send the mortal on missions and tasks with both the Valkyries and the goddesses in general. In this the mortal proved equal, especially as skill training progressed. In so doing, diplomacy and other non-military skills improved, as did the mortal’s knowledge of the other planes, including more and more of his old world on the third-dimensional plane. The mortal learned of the tragedies of the world after his death, and the strains it went through, all the way up to the end of the Cold War period. The mortal was shocked how destructive his own civilization had become in so short a time. This became further insight that helped the System Admins to adjust the System to the current world. (He also gained insight to a certain book that would play a role in Prologue III later.)

In a way, the mortal was a portal to understanding the mortal realms better, while the mortal learned all there was about other worlds, as experience progressed. This also proved to help understand another matter that kept cropping up from time to time. The young Squire began to learn hints of this, deliberately leaked, at Thor’s occasional ‘slips’, of this growing threat.

As hoped, the presumption of the Wish and personal feelings, drove training even harder. So much so that on the 24,780th day, Thor set up for the following day, to instead of conducting chamber training, he’d ask a simple question.

“: What is your best skill up to this day:”

The mortal considered in the lair of the mighty Master, and answered. “Well, my sword skill I’d say, I mean it’s…”

…the yell after and the duel with it that Bell and Urd witnessed, was the result. Thor didn’t get the answer he seeked.

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Old 09-11-2007, 10:09 AM

When the mortal however protected the innocent trio from Thor’s attack, and saw the results afterwards, one of the comments he gave to Gaea in that moment before he threw his hammer, was.. “: The boy is not a Squire anymore. I have made him his knight as he wished. :”

Gaea blinked and then watched the brutal spar afterwards, noting the accouterments the mortal had attained. The Celestial Armor from a dragon cave, cape and robes that soaked in celestial energy from a problematic mage, cleansed by the same Squire afterwards within Heaven, then unseen, a staff of angelic energy and crafting a gift from an admirer within Heaven, of great note. (Most likely Almighty Itself, but could be from Ere for the Admin knew. (Hints came from all kinds of places in Heaven.) Necklace and bracers from a fallen avatar he helped ‘save’. The mortal saving the soul before the body destroyed it, as such was. Of anything, what was missing was a true weapon for a knight.

Gaea had kept track, as soon as the plan was coalesced from the Almighty’s infinite, of this mortal, as it seemed he would play a major role in it, depending on how things go, when the next Wish ‘incident’ ever came. She wasn’t very comfortable with using a Valkyrie as a ‘bait’ for an offering from the Goddess Help Office, if things went wrong, a ‘lot’ of goddesses would lose sleep.

The one considered was very dear to many of the goddesses, Valkyrie and norms alike.

As the spar ended, she realized she needed a drink.


After the spar ended, another set of problems began to come to light.


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Old 09-11-2007, 10:12 AM

“Today or never mortal.”

Said Squire blinked as he applied healing cream to his well bruised shoulders. “Why never?”

Rend about popped him one, but then changed tact and commented. “I think it is time you begin courting one of us, and for serious this time, even if it makes for frowns by other deities. It’s important for you to fully appreciate what you are a part of, and you can’t do that as some sulking squire without a damsel to share all life with.”

He just cocked an eye and sighed.. “What if the blade is all I am supposed to know?”

Rend just frazzled and growled.. “A Knight of the Force you are not! Or whatever you call them. Our way for ‘you’ put this as solemn law in all intent. If you can’t understand why fully we are impressing this, then your ability to truly exist and assist the System in your eventual solace from us will be for naught.”

“How romantic.” ..he grumbles as Rend fights down an urge to zap him. He however comments.. “Besides, you know what happened last time I tried to do just that.”

Rend blinks, and then slits her eyes. “Gee, and someone seemed to start coming to sessions not very long after that incident. Can not your mind do addition of more than just numerations? I think Lind already ‘has’.”

The mortal loses emotional control for a split second, and turns away. Rend makes a hand stab at his turned back and.. “AH! See you have of note? Maybe I should jog your mind of that memory indeed.”

The mortal spins around and yells. “I remember that day, blast all things of it all!” ..he sharply informs, before dropping tone greatly as he reflexively remembers.. “Remind me not, I see too ‘clearly’ still. Dear Kami so I do.”


-Three months ago - Goddess Mall-

Needless said, another beautiful day in this vast expanse of celestial commerce, in place mainly for the comfort and stress relief of the goddesses and gods that support the main System hubs, rather than a place for true monetary exchange. Only true miser deities worry about such things anyway, all others just enjoy in the air and bask of others, away from said stressful duties. (Still the Angelbeads kept flowing here like milk and honey nevertheless.)

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Old 09-11-2007, 10:17 AM

As it is not too far away from the Academies and Training Centers as well, it’s a total melting cauldron of celestial gossip and golden grapevine.

Here another ‘training’ foray for the Squire and by order from the generals again, such a strange order it was. One that he actually intended to follow of this time, to through truth and result.

He didn’t know why, but he had to know. How did Lind feel about him. Or even, if she ‘knew’ he existed, at the very least. It had been gnawing at him ever since that one day another two months prior, as the Valkyries made a field trip to witness a sparring session between the Squire and Thor, this in the middle of a free for all battle melee between tons of petitioner souls Thor oversaw. It had been a wild day.

The mortal had in the middle of the battle, seen Lind watching ‘him’, so it seemed he wished/suspected, before a blindsided mace clocked him as he wasn’t looking, a sin in Thor’s demanding eyes. The dressing down Thor gave him ‘with’ the Valkyries watching didn’t help matters much.

And now he was there, in that Mall, to get an answer. Or so he hoped.

He arrived some time ago, with a stuffed pouch of Angelbeads and a decently empty stomach. After about a half-hour or so of just walking around, enduring more glances from just about ever dang immortal he passed by, (not a fallacy in fact,) he sighed and didn’t see his goal in sight, though he had been promised by Rend (yes her again,) that Lind would show up or such. As if he wasn’t uncomfortable with all this, without something being staged ‘for’ him. He just went to a food court and acquired an Angelfruit pastry and fruit juice (1000 concentrate..) to quiet his nervous tummy, and found what he thought was a relatively empty area.

At least it was, when until he sat down and the left set of tables that were empty a moment ago, were suddenly somehow filled with four goddesses, the right and rear just as fast. The mortal just ‘urked’ and looked around wildly for a moment. “But.. wha… but… huh…?”

“Oh hi there, nice day isn’t it?” ..a teal headed deity smiled to him with. He just felt nervous and replied. “Aye, though it never is a bad day here.” ..the goddesses all around him just giggled and chatted in low Yagdrassil codespeech in their version of gossip, as he just moaned and sighed, looking for a rock to hide under somewhere..


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Old 09-11-2007, 10:18 AM

He took one bite of the pastry and then wiped his chin with a glowing cloth napkin when.. “Huh? Isn’t that Lind?” of the goddesses to his right (and rear too in fact..) quipped as he jerked his head up and gulped a bit hard, causing a reflexive cough as he saw, then lost sight to gulp down properly, before looking blankly at, indeed, the lady he seeked.

Lind had a simple syrup drink in her right hand and the other behind her back, looking rather ‘level’ at him, as he blinked about three thousand times or so. Tis was a strange and awkward moment, one broken as Lind simply asked in her usual direct manner. “May I sit here mortal?”

For her part, she had heard from her cadre of ‘interest’ afoot from this quarter, and was nudged by the others to ‘check him out’, as it were. She only agreed on her own private whims, and here she was, to the amazement of the mortal’s blank eyes.

..ones that kept acting too glossy and all, to his disbelief furthered, for a bit too long. Lind grew a tic more impatient than she should have otherwise, and softly pushed.. “Well?”

The mortal realized and started stuttering like an incoherent Demon. “..well, I.. ya.. um.. you.. I.. uh.. um..”

Lind closed her eyes and made no sound, before.. “I see. Excuse me.”

At that, Lind tapped floated off ahead, just as the mortal realizes to his horror and yelps. “W.. wait! Wait Lind! I..” ..a bit too late, as she zips off without any further apparent note. This leaves the numb mortal to endure glances and chatter from the goddesses that realize the moment they just saw.

The ones on the left comment over.. “Smooth one egg child.”

The mortal just groans and thunks his head unto the table below him, making everything on it hop once. “-muffled- Why me?” This causes the goddesses to giggle again all around him. They then wince, as suddenly they see to their wide eyed surprise, the mortal take a fork from on the tray he had used, and stab himself in the hand unseen with it.


As he sniffled in a whimper of both lost chance, and pain (aye pain,) a goddess leans in on over and quips. “You might want to sterilize that before you take that fork back.”

This just makes the mortal moan in dejection (and pain) just that much more.


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