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larry the snail
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larry the snail is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 10:38 PM

So, I'm mostly a lurker. I like making threads in general chat and reading people's replies.

But when it comes to actually chatting... I'm suddenly an uncivilized feral child who doesn't know how to have a conversation. xD I don't think I'm shy, just anti social.

So, that being said, I made a hangout thread for people like me! ;D
Nothing fancy. I'll make a few freebies for people if I get the inspiration. I got a tablet recently. x:

Hello people like me! Happy Easter!

Conversation starter (every 10 pages I'll post a new one so we don't run out of things to talk about xP) :

1. What's the earliest memory you have?

My earliest memory is sitting under a desk at my grandparent's house (we still have the desk, it's upstairs) with a blanket over it so it was a fort (aaaand we still have the blanket! XD It's blue, my great aunt made it for my mom when she was little. My family never throws anything, we're too poor to afford it) and my cousin was PINCHING ME. T___T She always pinched me, she was mean.
I also remember us having a bowl full of water with us... little kids are weird. They like drinking with spoons at restaurants and having bowls of water to tick their moms off. xP I must've been like 3 or so then.

Then I remember sitting in the back of a moving truck. My grandparents moved out of their house when I was like 3. I remember sitting there and my grandpa hanging me a doll with black hair. I still have it, in fact. I think. Somewhere. x.X
I also remember there was an orange cat in the very, very green grass. It was over cast.

Nivvy is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 10:49 PM

Ello Larrysnail! <3
(I love that episode ^^)

Soooo uhm earliest memory...
Well, i remember being a lil baby
and my father bathing me in the handbasin
because i was soooo tiny, and babybaths were too big

I also remember not being able to walk, and i was so frustrated
being stuck on my hands and knees

Also i remember daycare, and this really ugly doorstop we had
it scared the heck outta me, and it was a dog/dragon thing
its head would always fall off... Ewww scary!

Edit - Forts were so much fun! and kids are weird! I lol'ed hard
at the bowl of water ^^;; Makes me think of my lil cousin...
he loves wearing high heels, walking around with a bowl of water
filling it with stones from the driveway xD

clubcouture` is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 10:53 PM

Hey Larry.

I don't really have an 'earliest' memory.
Most of the things I remember from my early childhood are just jumbled together.

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Old 04-11-2009, 10:54 PM

Hah, I'm the same way. I'm pretty antisocial. I don't like going outside my comfort zone. o_x;

My earliest memory? Well. I remember when I was about 3 or 4, there was an easter egg hunt and it was just a bunch of Cadbury Creme Eggs in a field. XD I got like 20 or so of them. But my parents told me they were made with real eggs so I refused to eat any of them. So of course, my parents ate them ALL. I only believed them because they actually did look like real eggs in the middle.. >.>;

Happy Easter to everyone n_n

Nivvy is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 10:57 PM

Awww Shabiba
Thats so cute! <3 ^^

Hiya clubcouture!
Wow jumbled together? interesting ^^

rubicubi is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 10:59 PM

My earliest memory…

I was crawling around my parents bedroom chasing out cat, Kitty. I was probably two or three. I caught up to her and yanked her tail really hard. She turned around and just stared at me. I think my cat was giving me a reprimanding look. xD;;

Nivvy is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:02 PM

Heheh Rubi! Hooow cute ^^
The cat looking back at you all like O___o!!!
Awww xD;; If only cats could talk haha

larry the snail
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Old 04-11-2009, 11:02 PM

@Nivvy- @_@ Wow, that is a really early memory!! That's amazing.
I have a picture of me as a baby and I'm in one of that barf buckets from the hospital. XP Those were my bathtubs.

xP PS, it's my favorite episode. I'm actually watching spongebob right now! xDD I watch it when there's nothing else on tv, which is a lot. It's entertaining.

@clubcourture- That's how the last two years are for me. xD And grade school, for some reason. I think I just blocked it out. I hated the kids at my schools. D: I was even anti social back then!!

@Shabiba- I just... don't like people? xD At least my peers, I suppose. I avoid them. At church I'm better friends with my mom's friends than I am with my peers.

XDD I loved eggs! Still do!!
And lucky charms. <3 I ate a lot of that when I was little.

@Rubi- xDD Awww, poor Kitty! xP I'm surprised it didn't scratch you!
We don't one of my cats by babies. e__e Last baby that was over here she was VERY concerned. Very. She came around the corner like, "o___O What is that?! It's screaming! It's going to get mom! WHat?! It's eating? D: What about meeee?"
She tried charging it. xD We had to put the cat away. She was scary. xD
I had a dog when I was little, and I got in her face and she bit me! I still have a tiny scar on my nose. x)

Last edited by larry the snail; 04-11-2009 at 11:05 PM..

Starlet on the rise
KatMagenta is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:05 PM


I'm not as bad a lurker as I used to be but I'm far happier posting at the beginning of an event when most of the threads only have a few posts or at least only a few pages. If I missed tonight and logged on tomorrow when most of the threads were pretty well established I'd feel like I was interrupting people. :/

I don't know what my earliest memory is. I remember watching a cartoon at my grandma's house when I was very young, I think it was Transylvanian Pet Shop. XD

Nivvy is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:05 PM

@ Larry

Yeah its freaky how i remember so much o.o;;
and from so early - i remember being too big for the basin
but trying to fit in there, just because i remember fitting in it xD

I miss Spongebob >: It totally is entertaining ^^

Will Rage
Will Rage is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:05 PM

I'm pretty nervous when it comes to chatting also, especially since I'm new and really don't know too many here.

I actually a couple of REALLY early memories my mega earliest I remember getting a bath in the sink as a little tiny baby, and I remember being really scared.

my other early memory I remember listening to Bon Jovi's Living on a Prayer, sorta bebopping in my carseat on my way to my uncles house, I was probably 1 or 2.

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Old 04-11-2009, 11:07 PM

I dunno, I was a weird kid. I didn't like anything with a slimy texture. I love eggs now :p Real ones, and cadbury ones. XD

I don't really like my peers either. D: Most people I know my age are really into drugs and alcohol anyways, and I know I don't want to get into that. >_< I'd rather stay home alone than go out to a party or something. It's just how I've always been.

rubicubi is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:10 PM

@Nivvy- I know, if she could have talked I bet she’d have said something like, “How very rude of you! That is not the way a proper little girl acts.”
Because for some reason I think this cat must have been a proper British lady.

@Larry- I’m surprised she didn’t either. I was kind of a punk little kid. I gave a lot of people bloody noses and such. xD I’ve mellowed out though.

Awwww, that’s kind of funny and cute. I’ve never been bitten by a cat or a dog. Once when I was five, my dad took me to the zoo and we went to go feed the parrots right? One of them landed on my arm and, like, clawed me. D: I haven’t liked birds since.

@Kat- I feel that way too. >.>;;

Starlet on the rise
KatMagenta is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:11 PM

Oh, I should really remember our old cat Muffin. Either her or her and her sister Smudge are in nearly all of my baby pictures. My mum says she was very protective of me. :')

Shabiba: I like your music choices. Flight of the Conchords. <3

Rubi: I think there's events I haven't posted in at all, but when I was there for the opening of the Halloween and Winter 08 events I was really active. I suprised myself. O_o

Mnemosyne is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:13 PM

Larry! Hi there. :]

Hmm...Earliest memory. Well, when I think back far enough I remember curling up around my puppy when I was like..I dunno 3? I just remember how I was rolling around with her and then eventually we both just fell asleep jumbled up into each other. I suppose that would have to be my earliest. Lol.

Nivvy is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:13 PM

@ Will

Awww, you'll get into the community really well
people here are wonderful ^^ and very easy to talk to

Another handbasin baby!!!! Yayyy haha

larry the snail
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Old 04-11-2009, 11:15 PM

@KatMagenta- That's how I feel! Interrupting people. e_e Or if post and no one responds... I don't want to post ever again! xD

@Nivvy- x_X It is freaky. Are you one of those people who remembers everything? Like, /everything/?

@Will Rage- Menewsha is fun, don't worry. (: Everyone is very nice and its a pretty small community, so if you post enough people will recognize you.
x_x How do you remember things from like 1 or 2? That's amazing. You and Nivvy, amazing. xP

@Shabiba- Most kids are like that. I wasn't too much of a picky eater.
Unless it was about ketchup and mustard. I hated it. And pickles. I still hate it. e_e When I ate meat, like hamburgers and sandwiches, I'd always eat it totally plain, just the bun and patty.
Same here. Parties are loud and loud sounds hurt my head after awhile. e.e

@rubicubi- xP That's how my mom is with birds and doberman pinchers.
And my brother! Cause when he was little at a petting zoo a turkey gabbled at him meanly and scared him. xP

@katMagenta- Aww. x3 My dog was in a lot of my baby pictures too. She was a pikeneze.

@Mnemosyne- :DDD Hey! <333 Aw, that's adorable. xP I love puppies.

Last edited by larry the snail; 04-11-2009 at 11:19 PM..

Starlet on the rise
KatMagenta is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:23 PM

Mnemosyne: Your avatar is so pretty. Those sleeves look amazing when they're used well.

Larry: When I used to post and people would either ignore me or carry on as if I wasn't there I would get annoyed but now I just keep posting regardless. I annoy people until they take notice of me!

I'm terrified of dogs now but in my grandparents house there's a massive picture of me as a toddler with their old Border Collie and she comes up to my shoulders. I'd probably run from your little dog now. XD

About drinking and drugs, I like going out with my friends dancing or partying and if drink is part of the evening then I'll go along with it. I hate the idea of going out just to get drunk though. :/

rubicubi is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:24 PM

@Kat- I’ve done that on other sites. Though during the V-Day event I was pretty active in my own thread. I like Mene’s events, so I tend to be more active. I guess it depends.

@Larry- I’m convinced birds are evil, like, for real. Them and spiders. Oh God. Spiders. You know how when you where a little kid and you where afraid to squish bugs? Well, I would ask my dad to squish them and them he’d chase me around with the napkin full of spider guts.

I hate the little eight-legged fiends to this day. D:<

Michy Lea
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Old 04-11-2009, 11:25 PM

My earliest memory is kind of vague. My mom, dad, twin sister, and I were in my dad's truck, and we'd gotten in a wreck. My dad had hit the back of his head on the gun rack and was bleeding. That's about all I remember. Other than that, I'm not sure what my earliest memory is. Probably when my sister and I were playing and she bit me and my mom was trying to make me bite her back so she'd learn not to I guess? But I was crying more because I didn't want to bite her back instead of the actual pain of the bite. I don't think I bit her in retaliation.

larry the snail
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Old 04-11-2009, 11:28 PM

@Katmagenta- xD I'm too passive to do that.
Awww, cute. x3

I like dancing. Mostly alone. x)

@rubicubi- XD That's mean.

Guyz, bbl, I gotta go drive for awhile. Practice for my driving test. ;D I finally got around to try and get it. xP Everyone in my family gets it late... anyways, see you in half an hour or so!

Last edited by larry the snail; 04-11-2009 at 11:31 PM..

rubicubi is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:32 PM

@Never Know- That’s kind of a scary early memory! D:

@Larry- Yeah, it was. So why are you laughing? >:[
Just kidding. x3 I think my trauma is funny too.

He still messes with me all the time. I’ll be doing my homework and just sort of hanging out in my room and he’ll burst in screaming. Scares the hell out of me.


See you later!

Starlet on the rise
KatMagenta is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:33 PM

Rubi: Heh, I like Mene events best too.

Hallo First. Good on you for refusing to bite your sister!

Good luck Larry! It's late here but I never get enough sleep. -_-

Elmira Swift
Curator of Alluvium

Elmira Swift is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:36 PM

One of my earliest memories is of me playing outside with our black and tan dachshund, Fritz. He followed me everywhere because I either had food on me or in my pockets.

rubicubi is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:42 PM

@Kat- I also think the items here are the best. I mean, they’re so cute a creative!

@Elmira- He wanted some of your tots.

I used to carry around all my stuff with me wrapped up in my baby blanket. Maybe I aspired to be a hobo? Now I just carry my iPod everywhere.


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