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Old 07-18-2009, 02:58 PM

Seta's Sketch Auctions
Rules & Information


[x] Please, be kind.
[x] You may bid on all three Auctions. Once you bid, you can not retract it.
[x] I Can be bribed. C= But your bribe must be an amount of gold, or item that is higher then the latest bid. I will hold the bribe for two hours; If someone else bids a larger amount than the bribe is worth, your bribe is nullified. You can also bribe me out of a bribe with something of more value then the original. C=
[x] Bids Will Last for Two Weeks (Fourteen days) tops. There will ALWAYS be at least one bid going.
[x]On Special Occasions, I may offer something different; Keep an eye out!
[x] No, I don't do Freebies.
Information/Do's and Dont's

[x] I Spend a minimum of an hour on a sketch; I can spend a maximum of four on one (which I did recently).
[x] The Sketchiness of your sketch depends on the clean-up time I have, how tired I am, and how much I can erase without erasing the picture. C=
[x] The art listed is my current style. C=
[x] All Ending Times are in USA Central Standard Time. C=


[x] Up to three people in a picture
[x] Any Humanoid Figure (ANY. Anthros, Humans, Aliens, et-cetera)
[x] Original Characters, Role-play Characters, Menewsha Avatars
[x] Men and Women
[x] Girly Men and Manly Women.
[x] Animals with A LOT of reference
[x] Small amounts of Mechanical Things
[x] Semi-Realism and Chibi


[x] More than three People
[x] Animals without reference
[x] Fanart/Fan Characters(Unless they are role-play characters)
[x] Backgrounds
[x] Too much Mechanical stuff
[x] Nudity
[x] Extreme Gore or Violence
[x] Realism

What Works as a Reference?

[x] A picture drawn by you, or someone who drew it for you.
[x] For Animals, Pictures of the breed
[x] A detailed Description.
[x] Stock Images you have permission to use.

What DOESN'T Work?

[x] Any artwork not done by you, or for you. Anything you don't have permission to use.

Auction One
Bust Auction

Starting Bid: 100 g
Increase: 100 g

Current Bribe: N/A

Ending Date/Time: Friday, July 24th at 5pm

Bid History: N/A

Auction Two

Half-Body Auction #1

Starting Bid: 200 g
Increase: 100 g
Current Bribe: N/A

Ending Date/Time: Monday July 27th at 5pm

Bid History: N/A

Auction Three

Half-Body Auction #2

Starting Bid: 200 g
Increase: 100 g

Current Bribe: N/A

Ending Date/Time: Wednesday July 29th at noon

Bid History: N/A

Last edited by Setachan; 07-18-2009 at 06:13 PM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-21-2009, 10:20 PM

100g On the Bust~
200g on both Half-bodies ;D
-has the money on mule account, Yuri-san - she's on my friends list if you need proof-


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