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VampirePrincess is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 05:38 AM

Kristina Mason slipped out her front door queitly, making sure not to wake her sleeping father on the couch. She stood on the front porch for a few minutes, trying to calm down her speeding heart. She hated the thought how miserable her father would be if she went and got herself killed by one of the creatures she hunted, but someone had to rid the world of evil. Kris felt like it was her responsiblity.

She hasn't been a vampire hunter for long. It was only the last couple months that she had started and so far she hasn't had very much luck. Every time she caught track of a vampire, it somehow managed to outsmart her and escape. But she won't lose hope. She'll find one soon enough and actually get the chance to fight it.

She took a deep breath and pulled her brown hair back into a ponytail and the tips reached down to about mid-back. Her chocolate brown eyes showed fear and she took another breath to get rid of it. 'Time to go...' she thought, heading down the street. She wore a red tank top and a pair of black jeans. Black boots were on her feet and a small silver dagger resided in a small pocket on the inside of the boot. It was within reaching distance when the need called for it. A warm breeze went past and she relaxed at its calming effect. She hoped she found a vampire tonight.

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Old 02-21-2010, 11:40 PM

A man wandered down an alley between a pharmacy and a library after slipping from the library in a failed attempt to find entertainment for the night. The man was no ordinary man though he looked average enough. No, this particular man, incredibly pale and tall, with sienna eyes and ebony hair, was called Sebastian Osard and had been walking the earth since he'd been turned a thousand years ago.

Sebastian, or more commonly called Seb, was a vampire who'd grown tired of his existence may years ago but had discovered the new ways of the humans during a chance meeting of an intoxicated young human female on one of his very few huntings. It was several hundred years ago but it's brought him back to the current human ways.

After his search of the local library and bookshops failed, he decided he'd check the bars and see what kind of entertainment he could find there, what kind of tidbits would flock to him. He was hungry tonight, having gone a several weeks without blood of any sort. Perhaps he would find a human woman to take home or perhaps he'd find several humans. Who knew?

Seb, however, had no plans on killing his prey tonight, old enough to go long lenths of time without eating. Only the newborns needed so much to kill and he was far from being a newborn.

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Old 02-22-2010, 07:50 PM

Kris walked through the empty streets, wondering idly why there was no one out and about. But it was getting late and the only people who enjoyed being out at this hour where either drunk or a hooker looking for a good time. She shook her head slowly, feeling pity for these people who had nothing better to do with their time. She sighed lightly as she looked around her surroundings.

She turned down a back alley were there was rumored to be vampire activity. She hoped the lead was good. If it wasn't, she'd have to start over at square one. Once she got about halfway through the alley, she could faintly hear loud music and vibrations in the ground. That must mean one thing. There was a club around here. That just may be where the vampires are.

She smirked slightly as she followed the sound. She came up to an old looking stone building, but despite the dark tinted windows, she could see the flashing lights inside. The music was louder and she reached for the door. Finding it unlocked, she slipped inside and moved silently through the crowd. Some of the drunk men tried to coax her into dancing with them, but the look she gave them sent shivers down their spines. She choose a corner in the back where it was poorly lite and stood there, her eyes scanning the crowd carefully. She was ready to make a move at a moments notice.

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Old 02-23-2010, 06:50 AM

Seb moved to a bar he hadn't been to in a while and moved in, smiling with no fangs showing in the least and sitting at the bar, several women automatically flocking to him and finding him entertaining. He graciously turned down their offers to buy him a drink, motioning to the drink of the man next to him as if it were his own. The man drinking it would dispose of the alcohol without it having to upset his stomach.

He could see out of the corner of his eye a woman who stood too stiffly and too attentively and knew immediately what she was looking for. Seb made none of the normal vampire moves after that, only taking one superbly drunken woman out with him, something a vampire normally wouldn't do as the acohol tended to taint the blood, curdling the flavor. If he wasn't so hungry he wouldn't even have planned to take the woman all the way back to his house but would plan to dump her on some poor taxi driver to take her home.

No, now Seb had to lead the drunken woman out as if he were too drunk and intended to take her back to his place and have a great time with her which, now that he had to take her home, he did plan on doing so, taking some blood while he was at it and she wouldn't remember.

Last edited by .:TheRebornAngel:.; 02-23-2010 at 06:57 AM..

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VampirePrincess is offline
Old 02-26-2010, 07:59 PM

Kris's eyes scanned the bar repeatedly before finally resting on one man at the bar. The way he was acting seemed off and there didn't seem to be something quite right about him. She watched him stand and grab some drunk girl and leave the bar as if he himself where drunk. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. How could that be when he didn't even take a drink of alcohol?

She stepped away from the wall and pushed herself through the crowd of dancing people, fully intent on following this man and saving the poor woman if necessary. Many people bumped into her and she had to forcefully push away several drunk men who were coming on to her. She actually broke one guys' wrist.

'Dumb men. They never think with their heads...' she thought as she left the building. She scanned the alleyway and turned, going in the direction she sensed a light evil presence.

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Old 02-27-2010, 05:33 AM

Seb called a cab and headed to his house with the woman, finding her name was Sophie on the way there. He liked to know their names as it tended to put the humans more at ease when called by name.

Arriving at home he decided the woman was too drunk for him and he'd only take some of her blood then send her home, skipping the good time entirely. It was getting entirely too close to dawn for his comfort so he needed to be quick about this so he could make it to his resting place in time.

Seb smiled charmingly at her and used his mind, gently prodding at hers to calm her mind into a gentle lull as he bent for her neck, kissing it a few times so she wouldn't be able to tell much difference as his currently hidden fangs slid into her skin allowing the blood to flow freely. He drank, drank deeply despite the horrible taste. He knew he needed it and that was the only thing keeping him where he was.

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Old 02-27-2010, 03:54 PM

Kris sighed after she had been walking around for 10 minutes. 'Why is this so hard?' she thought, sitting down on the curb. She looked both ways down the street and saw no cars coming. 'I should probably head back home now. Dad could wake up any second....' She sat there for a few seconds longer before standing up and heading down the dark street.

She walked quickly, listening for any sound besides her echoing footsteps. On occasion, a car would pass by, but other than that, it was quiet. She actually expected as much so. It was almost dawn after all. She stood in front or her house as the first rays of the sun peaked over the horizon. She hurried and slipped inside and up the stairs before her father even had a chance to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

'That was close...' she thought, changing her clothes into some pajamas and laying down on her bed. 'Now to get some sleep.' She closed her eyes and drifted slowly into a dreamless sleep.

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Old 02-27-2010, 05:12 PM

Seb had quickly finished his meal and had sent the woman home a bit dizzy but alive after which he'd gone to his resting place for the day.

HE was literally dead for the day but once night rolled back around he stretched as he woke then made a face, him mouth tasting horribly of alcohol. He needed to find something, or someone, to cleanse the flavor from his mouth and moved, leaving his resting place for another club, stopping at his house for a change of fresh clothes. He left his house wearing a pair of jeans and a nice shirt, hair combed to be just messy enough but not too much.

At the club he was careful to only attract on woman to him, smiling charmingly at the woman, fangs hidden.

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VampirePrincess is offline
Old 02-27-2010, 05:40 PM

Kris had awoken around noon and kept the house clean til her father came home at 5. They had a quiet dinner and he went off to his room for work early in the morning. Once she was sure his door was shut firmly and he was asleep, she turned and headed out the door, locking it behind her. Tonight she wore a black, button-up shirt with a skirt that went down to her knees.

'I need to find that vampire tonight... But where would he have gone?' she thought. She walked about three blocks from her house before coming to a stop. She glanced down the street and saw some kids who were gangster wannabes' and she shook her head lightly before heading the other way. She turned down a more populated street that was lined up to get into a club. She went along to the back of the building and went into the back door, not wanting to be seen when she came inside.

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Old 02-27-2010, 09:53 PM

Seb sat, speaking with the woman for a while, glad she wasn't one for much alcohol. He looked bored though and kept glancing around the room and eventually the woman moved away, deciding he was boring. It wasn't long after that that the vampire had attracted a new woman, feisty and fun, she also didn't drink much.

He was being picky about who he picked now, not wanting that horrible flavor to pollute his mouth and offend his tongue again. He glanced around the club once and frowned as he saw the same woman from the night before. This time he would let her confront him though, he wouldn't even bother with hiding the usual moves he'd make.

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Old 03-01-2010, 01:22 AM

Kris scanned the crowd of dancing people, being more relaxed this time. Her eyes settled on the vampire from the other night. 'There he is...' she thought. 'Now to wait until he leaves. This time he won't get away!' She was determined to trap this demon tonight before he found another victim. She will protect anyone whom he chooses, even at the cost of her own life.

To pass the time, she accepted some random guys' offer to dance with her. She made sure her target remained in sight at all times. But when the drunk man started touching her, she pushed him away, disgusted. He walked off sadly and Kris shrugged, moving on to the next one.

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Old 03-01-2010, 11:11 PM

Woman after woman tried Seb's attention and patience but everytime they'd wander away with an offended look or in boredom, looking for someone else. He had no idea why he was so picky tonight but he wasn't exactly in the best of moods.

Eventually Seb settled on one woman and after a small while he smiled and stood, "Shall we?" he asked her smoothly moving an arm about her waist and leading her out after her approval. He wasn't going to feed just yet but walked here and there, wandering without any true direction.

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Old 03-12-2010, 10:38 PM

Kris's vision was blocked on more than one occasion by people walking in her line of sight. Each time, she let out a small growl. But her growling seemed to have a negative affect on the men around her and they moved away from her quite often. It didn't really bother her though.

When she saw Seb stand with a drunk woman, she waited til he was heading to the door. Once his back was to her, she hurried after him, this time determined to catch him. She would save this girl no matter what it took to do so. She kept half a block away from him at all times, waiting for him to drop his guard.

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Old 03-13-2010, 03:52 AM

Seb knew he was being followed so stayed far from his resting place as he finally led her to her house. He'd feed in her own home rather than lead his follower to his hiding place. He stopped several times along the way smiling and laughing and such as he relaxed the woman and eventually he got to her house.

He glanced around as if he didn't know the strange woman was following him and then calmly moved into his prey's house, taking her to the living room and using his mind to ease her he fed once again, feeding and listening for his follower.

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Old 03-28-2010, 03:47 AM

Kris hurried after them as they approached the woman's house. Once the vampire was inside the house though, she hesitated. She didn't really want to be caught breaking and entering into whoever's house this is by one of the neighbors. But she didn't want this woman to die without anyone even noticing. Her hesitation only lasted a few seconds though.

She opened the front door and quietly went to stand around the corner from where the vampire was. She watched as he drank her blood and Kris's eyes narrowed. "Leave her alone!" she exclaimed, kicking him in the back.

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Old 03-29-2010, 09:37 AM

Seb, who was bent over the woman, holding her in a dip, much as if they were dancing and stopped for a moment, seemed unaffected as he was kicked in the back but he looked right at the intruder and gave her a wicked grin as he dumped the woman to the ground, "Well, I wasn't planning on killing her but if you'd like her to die then please, be my guest and take her. I guarantee she won't stop bleeding because of the blood thinners. If you'd like her to live then I kindly request you let me finish." He said coolly, watching her tensely, ready for any move she might make, gracefully motioning to the floor to indicate that time was running out for the woman as she indeed continued to bleed, quite heavily at that.

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Old 04-06-2010, 06:51 PM

Kris was silent for a few seconds as she looked at the woman on the ground. Why should she think the vampire wasn't going to kill her? But she was bleeding a lot.... If she didn't decide something right this second, the poor woman would die. She tightened her fists angrily. "Fine... Go ahead and finish... But if you kill her, I'm going to put you through hell." she said, leaning against the door frame. She gripped her stake, ready to strike at a second's notice. She still didn't trust the vampire, but the second he was done with whatever he was going to do, he will die. Kris was going to make sure it was as painful as possible.

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Old 04-07-2010, 04:54 AM

Seb smiled and picked the woman up, licking the blood from her neck and stopping the bleeding as the two holes started to heal from his saliva. He'd stopped her bleeding but didn't release the woman right away, leaving his hand on her neck for a moment as he thought about the distance between the closest door and this intruder. When he'd decided that there was enough distance for him to get away safely he turned his gaze from her for a moment to make sure dropping the woman to the hard floor hadn't broken anything and confirming this, he gently set her down and seemed to vanish through the back door before the woman's hand could even fall to her lap from his hands. He, like most vampires, could be incredibly fast when he wanted to be and this time he wanted to save his life.

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Old 04-13-2010, 02:06 PM

Kris stood there for a few seconds, not really sure what just happened. One second the vampire was there, the next he wasn't. When it finally clicked in her mind that he was gone, she let out a quiet growl of frustration. She stood there angry for a minute of so before going over to move the woman off the floor and onto the nearby couch.

'Stupid vampire...' she thought when she was leaving the apartment. 'I will find you eventually. And when I do, I'll make sure your death is painful.' She kicked at a few stray rocks on the sidewalk before sighing and turning towards the direction of her house. Her father would be awake soon and she needed to be back before then. She didn't want him worried that she was death in a ditch somewhere.

All on the way home though, she kept her senses alert for anything that didn't seem like it didn't belong in the quiet of her neighborhood. Yeah, she wanted a vampire to attack her, but she figured it would be better if she just waited and tried again tomorrow night.

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Old 04-14-2010, 08:03 AM

Seb sighed as he followed her scent home and waited for her, sitting outside her house and never once even tempted to go inside. Once she came into sight though, he was on full alert, "Hey!" he called when she got closer, "I'm tired of you stalking me! We need to come to some sort of an agreement." he said pausing as he stood, "I don't know what you're trying to prove or to who but it's annoying." he said. He'd been thinking as he waited and came up with an offer that he thought might get her to agree to leave him be on his nightly hunts. "I have an offer I think you might like." he paused again for show before going on, "I'll give you the name, location, and even aide you in the killing of one of the most murderous vampires of this region if you'll leave me alone." he offered, still presenting his offer, "I'm not quite the kind you're looking for. I don't kill my prey. I haven't for over half my lifetime and the last time was an accident. She bit me so I got distracted and squeezed a little too hard on her neck." he said, telling her in a round about way that the last person he'd killed he hadn't even killed by draining them dry. "What do you say?" he asked, still on guard against attack.

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Old 04-15-2010, 01:58 PM

Kris stopped a few feet from him. While he spoke, she looked nervously at her house, afraid her father was going to wake at any moment and find her outside. Finding him here was surprising and she bit her lip for a second before taking a step forward. She wasn't in the mood for a fight so she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Fine. Whatever you say. If I managed to kill this murderous vampire, then I guess I can leave you alone." she said, sliding her hands into her pockets to show she wasn't planning on attacking him. Beside that, she wasn't really stalking him. He was just the only vampire where she knew where he was. "Can we discuss this more tomorrow?" she asked, her eyes flickering to the living room window where the light from the t.v. just went off, signaling her father was awake. Sneaking in was going to be harder now and she hoped desperately he wasn't planning on checking on on her before he left for work.

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Old 04-17-2010, 05:07 AM

Seb nodded, "Mmm, okay. We'll talk more tomorrow." He agreed easily but catching her glances at her house and hearing movement inside he looked at her, "I normally wouldn't do this but would you like me to distract him for you so you can get inside? I'd like to actually be able to talk tomorrow instead of you being shut in due to a flooring or whatever you call it." He said, glancing at the front door and to her, "I'll just ring the doorbell and ask for some random girl, pretend like I have the wrong address."

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Old 04-19-2010, 06:34 PM

Kris was silent for a few seconds as she thought that over. After biting her lip, she nodded slowly. Yeah. That'd be fine. And it's called being grounded. Not flooring." she informed. She went to stand at the corner of the house, waiting for her father to open the door. Once he was busy, she'd go around to the back and climb in through an upstairs window. And after hurriedly getting into bed, her father wouldn't even know. She hoped he wouldn't find out what she's been doing.

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Old 04-21-2010, 04:56 AM

Seb frowned as she corrected him and sighed, "Do I really care? I don't do parenting." he said and moved to the front door, knocking and waiting for an answer. "Sarah!" he called, knocking again as he used one of the most common girl names there were. He already had it all planned, if the girl he'd been talking to was named Sarah he'd act like the man wasn't his Sarah's father and ask where his Sarah moved to, going alongfrom there.

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Old 04-21-2010, 02:05 PM

Her father opened the door, extremely agitated. "Do you know what time it is?" he snapped at Seb. He narrowed his eyes at him. "There's noone by the name of Sarah here anyway. Leave us alone." And with that, he slammed the door.
Kris managed to get into the house and quickly went into her room. After slipping out of her shoes and covering up with her blanket, her father looked in her room. Seeming satisfied that she was asleep, he left to finish getting ready for work. Kris sighed in relief and stood to change into her pajamas.


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