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melody thee fox
melody thee fox is offline
Old 03-28-2010, 04:40 PM

The blood, the lust... neither was ever meant to happen.

Table of Contents
species and traits
Character skeletons
Couples / Characters deceased

[imgleft][/imgleft] But it still happened didn't it...

We started this way

Fire versus ice, or female versus male. The year 2089 (in a world very similar to our own, but smaller, with much stranger landscaping and creatures) was when the world divided into these two teams, no longer needing the other, seeing the other gender as a fault in the worlds creation, or a liability. This world was called Noturan, and the inhabitants that resembled something of a human where called Noturians. Massive outbreaks of feuds spread throughout the two genders, eventually fighting each other until over half of the human race was destroyed, gone within the next ten years. And they slowly died out, the Noturians became an extinct species. Not only the war, but the began to go through the next change in evolution, the traits of the Noturians being changed and given the physical traits of two famous animals. The female's gained the fox's traits, and the males, the wolf's. They began to think of females and males as different species all together.

If you choose to be on the Fezuri, title it "Yip the victory bark" For Pon: "The air is ours" For Saacon "Slither and hiss" for Renarii: "Howl for our win"

Fox trait-ed females became known as the Fezuri, who occupied the east vicinity. The wolf males as the Renarii, whom occupied the west. Two other races remained, the female bird trait species known as the Pon, who took the north, and the reptilian males, the Saacon, who took over the south. Each group had their own technologically advanced city, each different it its own special way. As they rebuilt their colonies, one thought popped into the minds of them all: territory, and dominance. Each colony wanted the entire land for themselves. One order in each colony was formed, assassins sprouting up to go, and taking out whomever they were assigned to assassinate.
Highlight in between the paragraphs for the title of your profile that you will send to me. But first look at the character traits and teams in the posts below

The war is on


( IMPORTANT NOTE: Yes, your character can turn into his related species, ie wolf, fox, bird type, or reptile. But most of the time they can combine their human likeness with the animal traits. Also these traits are only here to help you understand each race better, and your own character might be somewhat different from the traits, and that is perfectly fine. These are simply the traits of the related animals :3 And you will have had to read the story to know which genders are allowed in what race. )

Renarii Traits: It would be wrong to think that aggression is never present in the Renarii or any species for that matter (including humans). It would also be wrong to think that gentleness is not present in the Renarii or any other species. Life as we know it cannot exist without some aggression just as it could not without cooperation and gentleness (especially among social animals). A balance between aggressive behaviors and cooperation is always being sought with differing degrees of each depending on environmental circumstances which have over time been naturally selected to favor certain behavioral traits. Also considered one of the most unusually intelligent, emotional, and sensitive dogs.

Fezuri: Traits: Its flashy good looks and its ability to live close to people and their varied activities have undoubtedly contributed to this notoriety. Probably a more important reason is the Fezuri's reputation for cunning and intelligence. Several English expressions testify to the Fezuri ( fox's ) wily mind: “sly as a fox,” “foxy,” “outfoxed,” and “crazy as a fox.” Actually, the Fezuri have a well developed sense of sight, smell, and hearing, which are responsible for much of its reputation. Also they display a sense of cautious curiosity.

Pon Traits: The Pon is a noble hunter. An aggressive species, the Pon knows what it wants and takes it. A person with the personality traits of an eagle is bold and dominant. An Pon is highly analytical and decisive. She can be stubborn and insensitive to others' needs. An Pon tends to be self-centered and narrow-minded, losing track of the 'bigger picture'. Where another species may rule with emotions, an Pon can sometimes come across as being devoid of emotion.

Saacon: Saacon are intuitive and sensitive.
They pay close attention to their subconscious and dreams.They also embrace their fears and the darker side of life. It's easy for them to be detached and objective when they need to be.
They are able to let go easily. And they don't get attached to much.
Considering how often Saacon change course, people shouldn't get too attached to them.



(( Note: There are many more beings, but the spaces on each team are the members in the secret assassin society of their team only ))











~No godmodding: This means no having your character know everything, and that accounts for "guessing", no guessing EVERY SINGLE THING correctly. More of this rule, although it may fall elsewhere, no just appearing anywhere you feel like it. Example, your character is off in a forest somewhere, and the other two are in the town, you cannot just appear there, or post "He walked there and then saw the other two people" No, WRONG! It usually takes a good paragraph or so to post that your character is actually walking to the others.This ALSO means, your character will not land every punch, or dondge every attack. Try using words like "Attempted", or "tries" But this means that if you are the other person, no taking advantage, let attacks hit you here and there. Now just to know you are reading the rules, put a dramalama in the profile for your character .

~No Cybering and keep swearing to a limit- Romance is definitely fine, if not encouraged. It even makes it more fun sometimes, but the instant those pants come off take it to PMs and/or timeskip. As for swearing I don't mind much, but try not to post a swear word in every post of every sentence.

~Profiles- You will know what to entitle your profile if you read the story. Do that, and send it to me. Do NOT post them up in the roleplay, nor the character profiles!!! If you do, you will not be accepted.

~Posting in general: Semi lit, okay, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! Put more than three sentences, unless you have writers block, in which case you can post less than that THREE TIMES ONLY. Also, no messing with frozen characters. A frozen character is a character that is inactive because the player is offline. No messing, fighting, or stealing anything from them. Also, please contact me or the mods if you are going to be offline for more than two days. Why? Two days is the limit of no posting, once it hits that, you are going to be in trouble. Also, before you leave for more than a day please get your characters away from others so they aren't frozen up while you are gone, I can't tell you how many of my roleplays have dies because one damn person refuses to post. Please put a cry face in the profile for your character

~Other: No killing another players character without asking them, and telling me.



The puppeteer would be: ((Username))
But my name is: (( Character name ))
Clearly, I am a: ((age, keep it 18-27)) year old ((gender))
I will always root for, because I am a: ((team, which is also species))
My sexuality would be ((just put Yaoi or Yuri so I know which you will be playing with :3 ))
Warning, I act like: (( Personality))
Oh my god, look its me: ((Picture, must have anime picture))

Beware my toughness: ((powers and/or weapons))
But these things wound me: ((Weaknesses, MUST be as equal as your powers))
Oh you should also know: ((anything extra))

Last edited by melody thee fox; 03-31-2010 at 04:56 PM..

melody thee fox
melody thee fox is offline
Old 03-30-2010, 03:10 PM





Last edited by melody thee fox; 03-30-2010 at 03:19 PM..


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