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Safiah is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 10:12 PM

As a busy student I ride public transport a lot, and it never seems to have a boring day. So I decided to ask the lovely people of menewsha what are some odd experiences you have had on public transportation. Discuss and share your stories about the school bus, city bus, light rails, trains, heck even airplanes.

Now to share a few stories of mine.
I was riding the bus downtown it seemed like a normal bus ride until about the end where a cop in full uniform jumps on the bus, and grabs the guy sitting right in front of me off the bus. Didn't say anything didn't give a reason. It was surprising to say the least.
Another time this summer my mom and stepdad came to town to visit. We decided to take the bus downtown and go to the aquarium and shop and whatnot. So we get about half way there when the bus pulls up in wasnt the nicest part of town(a 12 yr old boy had been recently shot dead getting off a bus at the bus stop we were stopped at). The people on the bus are all standing up and craning their necks to look out the front of the bus, but I figured it was nothing. Well turns out right in front of the bus some guy ran out into the street and got hit by a car. The rescue vehicles closed down the road and blocked the bus in. The bus was literally stuck there while they investigated the crime scene. It ended up as a big mess with tons of people getting crowded on other bus' and so we decided to not go downtown after all and ended up going to a movie instead. But boy was that something I'll have to talk about for a long time.

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Vickicat is offline
Old 07-24-2010, 01:17 AM

I have a car so I rarely use public transportation. But my friend who takes the bus all the time always has stories to tell me. Like one time some lady on the bus started yelling at the bus driver in some foreign language and they made everyone on the bus get off and onto a different bus, and after that, the lady just got off at her stop like nothing happened. No one knew what it was about. And then the various homeless people who try to be friendly with her... XD Those are always funny stories. One of them told her that her boots looked like they could kick someone's ass or something like that. And apparently there's one guy in particular who always tries to talk to her. She keeps saying how she wants to take me with her on the bus one of these days so I can see it all for myself. Also she sees so many weird people on the bus that she's started keeping a collection of pictures of some of the weirdest "bus people" she encounters. There have been crossdressers, people who randomly fall asleep in the middle of talking, a guy brushing his teeth using a car mirror, and people just wearing things that are downright strange.

Safiah is offline
Old 07-24-2010, 04:20 AM

I own a car too, it just costs too much for parking downtown where my school is. but its true that there never fails to be interesting characters on the bus. That's funny that she takes pictures XD I'd love to do that but I'd be afraid to.

kwahoo is offline
Old 07-24-2010, 05:51 AM

I used to take the public transit all the time when I lived on a bus route. It was amazing. I could go almost anywhere I needed to without having to drag my car with me. Now that I live in the suburbs, I have to use my car. Granted most of the places I go have parking now.

I don't really have that many bus stories. People in my area are relatively quite. The only thing I can think of off hand is there was once a guy who laid across the back row of the bus seats and feel asleep. At one point the bus made a hard stop and "WHOMP" he fell off the seats onto the floor. It was really funny.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-24-2010, 09:15 AM

I met a 60+ year old grandma gamer, a kid with my name (not a common name), and a bunch of people from my classes XD

Though not always "fun", I've had to experience screaming kids too... as well as having nobody to talk to on the long trip.

Mystic is offline
Old 07-24-2010, 05:39 PM

I used to ride the bus all the time when my sister used to go to school. There weren't really too many weird people but it was mostly college students.

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Vickicat is offline
Old 07-31-2010, 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by Safiah View Post
I own a car too, it just costs too much for parking downtown where my school is. but its true that there never fails to be interesting characters on the bus. That's funny that she takes pictures XD I'd love to do that but I'd be afraid to.
Ugh, downtown parking. It costs a lot here too. I'm lucky I know of places I can park without paying, though I usually have to walk farther to where I'm going. Still, it's better than paying. I don't even have the option of riding the bus since the closest bus stop to my house is about two miles away over at my college campus, which is far to walk on a hot day. As for my friend taking pictures, she just uses her cell phone to do it. XD She makes it look like she's texting so people don't realize she's taking pictures.

Crazykits is offline
Old 08-03-2010, 04:13 AM

Lets see...
I witness three blind people miss their stop.
I was hit on by a guy who kept calling me sunflower...
I had a guy next to me one time who was selling packets of meat. He started to break into song about crack cocaine.

kitkat is offline
Old 08-03-2010, 04:43 AM

hmm! one time while on the bus some stupid guys on the back were horsing around and one of them got kicked in the face and his tooth was knocked out! the bus driver called it in and they sent a firetruck, it was just strange, and they were trying to guilt trip the kid who kicked him

Toruk Makto
Pearl is offline
Old 08-03-2010, 08:49 PM

England, particularly the south east, has railways everywhere, and even very small towns have stations. I use trains all the time and my only complaint is the price.

Up until university I almost never got on a bus, but at uni the campus is a long walk from the city centre so everyone buys a £180 yearly pass.

I thought of this topic because I was panicking, thinking my bus pass was lost. They're useful, expensive things...

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Jennifer is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 09:09 AM

I have never been on a train, I'd really like to one day though. I've only ever used my own vehicle to get around, or get a ride from someone else. Even though my hometown has a taxi service, it is rarely used. The town is rather big, but small enough to get around on foot if you wanted to walk it. Otherwise, there are no other public transportation services here. It's taxi, your own vehicle, get a ride from someone else, or just walk it.

edit; while replying to several GD topics, I noticed that your thread seems to be a duplicate.

Last edited by Jennifer; 08-04-2010 at 09:38 AM..

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Old 08-04-2010, 05:02 PM

They're one of the most expensive and frequently essential commodities one can buy i think. Network West Midlands buses are totally extortionate. It costs me £1.50 just to go a mile into town, one way.
My friend who still goes to uni in these parts, pays something in the region of £220 for his combined rail/bus pass, which lasts him just one term.

Gangsta Biatch
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Old 08-04-2010, 07:54 PM

I'll go ahead and merge this thread with the other one on the same topic:

Safiah is offline
Old 08-06-2010, 03:00 AM

wow that's odd that it got duplicated somehow O-o

Anyways I had a recent experience yesterday. This particular fellow was...not all there to say the least. I overheard him tell these Asian women sitting across from him that he was looking for a Chinese girlfriend because they make really good tea, and that they should tell their friends about him. He then got into some odd conversation with an older tourist (he was picking a fight with this poor man too about Obama and politics and claiming he was in the c.i.a.). There's just too much that he said to recount but the most amusing that I remember is "If my cousin Jimmy Hendrix was alive, he'd be down at (some art center place)"

Proud Mother, Happy Writer
wrylilt is offline
Old 08-06-2010, 03:50 AM

I don't have a particular story.

However I'd just like to say - some WEIRD people catch public transport. Really weird people. And it's kind of creepy when they stare at you nonstop.... I'm glad I have my own car now!


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