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AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 01:41 AM

Welcome to The Yokai café, where everyone has the option of being served by his or her favorite characters from Japanese folklore. This café features a gourmet menu, containing a selection of delicious, freshly prepared foods and drinks. The café is filled with items placed specifically to catch your interest and keep you comfortable as you dine and converse with these spirits of legend.
However, we have to warn you, the café is not exactly what it seems. There is a constant danger when one chooses to dine in this peculiar place. The café is actually a refuge for spirits on the run from a dark lord that was released by a foolish idealist. He intends to find all of the spirits and devour them in order to become more powerful and conquer the world as he did several thousand years ago before he was sealed away by a group of nomadic humans.
But creatures like shape-shifters, vampires, and werewolves did not appear on the earth until several hundred years after the dark lord was sealed away, and their power is just as, if not more, potent than that of the ancient spirits, causing them to have to hide from the dark lord as well…
What side will you choose?
Will you chose to fight against the dark lord, or join him in conquering the earth?


1.) No god-modding, this is really annoying, and nobody likes it so just DON'T!

2.) Keep in mind that everyone is unique and this means that everyone has flaws; I don't want to see those perky, uber-perfect characters. They make the story boring. like, gouge-your-eyes-out-with-a-spoon boring (and nobody wants that because nobody wants to clean it up...)

3.)There will be a limit to how many vampires will be allowed. I know this sucks, but I've found that where there is one, there are hundreds because everyone wants to be a basically I'm on a first-come-first-serve basis for this

4.) it is very important that you follow the general posting rules for Mene.. unlike mine, these rules do not change.

5.) What I say goes! When it comes to my RP, I am the all powerful god of your universe and will not hesitate to suspend your profile indefinitely if you tick me off...

6.)No one sentence posts... these are extremely hard to go off of and make it difficult for the other people. Also, make sure you have a way to distinguish your character posts from your ooc's.. (so nobody gets confused)

7.) no excessive cussing or profanity (this ticks me off) Romance is allowed, as long as you don't take it too far or are Excessively descriptive about it.

8.) Make sure to ask permission before controlling another person's characters! I'm sure this ticks them off as well as me.

9.) no chat-speak ( that stuff makes me want to hurl) nobody can understand you, so nobody will listen to you...

10.) Don't give me any reasons to have to add rules, I'm sure this will make people very angry at you...

please Pm the completed one to me
Race: ( human or otherwise, all races are accepted)
Description: (basic physical description, pictures will be allowed for this section any style is fine])
personality: (this is self-explanatory)
What side are you on?: (light or dark?)
bio: (basic background information on your character, history, etc. detailed is preferred)
other: (anything else about your character that you think i should know)
I am controlled by:


The side of light
1.) Coralee Bodreaux - xxdeidarasgurlxx
2.) Brooke Fire - xserenityxninax
3)Samantha Jones - lightning_serah
4.) Jake Dravis - dragonjake
5.) Alric RavenNight - Kry

The side of Darkness

1.) The Dark Lord - xxdeidarasgurlxx
2.) Erebus Donn - demon king dante
3.) Sylvar NightinGale (lark) - Kry
4.) Dawn - kishiya - lethal firefly
5.) Dusk - kishiya - lethal firefly

Originally Posted by kishiya - lethal firefly
Gender: female
Age: 16
Race: (Kitsune)

personality: Very flirtatious with out even realizing it, and offends easily
What side are you on?: (dark?)
bio: Dawn is the younger sister the the great fox theif Dusk, their parents were willed when she was young so Dusk raised her.
other: Dawn loves fish.... all kinds of fish, she hates smoke.
I am controlled by: Kishiya - lethal firefly

Gender: male
Age: 25
Race: (Kitsune)

personality: cold at first but warms up to new people depending on there Aura
What side are you on?: (dark?)
bio: Dusk is also called the great fox thief though know one actually knows what the great fox theif looks like, he raised his younger sister since was 10.
other: Dusk loathes fish, he how ever likes tea and sweet foods he doesnt like surprises and likes to smoke.
I am controlled by: Kishiya - lethal firefly

Originally Posted by demon king dante
Name: Erebus Donn
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: snake demon
Description: he has slitted pupils and a long tongue.
personality: pretty laid back but quick to anger
What side are you on?: dark
bio: his current body was created by the fires of hell and he can faintly remember what it was like to be living. with every soul he devours, he is brought more memories. he craves them. they give him identity among the masses of brainless followers to the dark lord. known as one of the most feared in the underworld for his extreme talents in murder
other: his true form is one of a giant 200 foot black snake but when he is disguised the only thing that gives him away is his long fangs which can still produce venom even in his human state. he can also re-arange his bone structure to get out of grips and has a tattoo of a snake wrapping around his arm, and is able to communicate with them. He has a pet snake that he calls Ophis.
I am controlled by:demon king dante
Originally Posted by Kry
Name: Sylvar NightinGale, please call me Lark.
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Race: Human; Necromancer, apprentice of Alric RavenNight
personality: Her personality isn't set in stone, it changes with her mood. Sometimes her moods change at the drop of a hat.
What side are you on?: Dark.
bio: Her family and home town was completely eradicated by followers of the Dark be more exact, they were destroyed by Necromancers of the First Order. Punishment for aiding Alric in his fight against the Dark Lord. Alric fought to defend her family, her home but all was lost. He did manage to save her and he took her under an apprentice. She was a quick learner, taking in everything he taught her. Though he was always kind to her, she harbored anger towards him. If he hadn't been there, her family wouldn't have been slaughtered so mercilessly. One night as Alric slept, she quietly slipped away. Looking for followers of the Dark Lord who could take her to him. She wanted to serve him, to use her power for him. She had never been so happy as she was on the day the Dark Lord accepted her into his ranks.
other: She isn't evil really, just a little misguided and can hold a grudge for a very long time. She also thinks she is in love with the Dark Lord.
I am controlled by: Kry
Originally Posted by Kry
Name: Alric RavenNight
Gender: Male
Age: Looks 34 but he is really much older
Race: Human; Necromancer of the First Order
Description: Alric is a tall man, he wears all black. Black long sleeved shirts, black tight pants, black boots with low heels, black gloves on his hands that reach up past his elbows on the rare occasion for when he rolls his shirt sleeves up. Also he wears a rather medieval looking black hooded cloak. His eyes are a cloudy gray, like a blind man's but he is not blind. His hair comes to rest just past his shoulders and is a silver color. With him always is a long staff, at it's crown sits a pulsating purple psion crystal. His skin, if he ever were to show it, is pale, almost dead white, with black lines, as if his veins had been traced over with ink. His body is covered with these vein traces, even his face and neck.
personality: Alric is a quiet man. He prefers to stay to himself, as he has never really been accepted anywhere by people outside of the Order.
What side are you on?: Light
bio: Alric is old, he has lived longer than any human showed ever be allowed, but he is not invincible and he can be killed. Alric was born into a family of Necromancers and he should an incredible aptitude for the arts at an early age. His father sent him to study with some of the strongest and most adept. Alric's power grew and when he was at the cusp of adulthood he was invited to meet with memebers of the First Order. The strongest of their kind. He was tested, he apprenticed under each member for years to follow before he was finally allowed a seat at their table as a member. His power could only grow. These arts are dark, but not particularly nefarious, however many of the members of the First Order and of the lesser orders and brotherhoods used them to commit atrocities. Things that went against their own code and laws. Many joined the Dark Lord. Alric refused, when he saw how his brothers were being corrupted he attempted to stand against them. His family was destroyed before his very eyes, and with a pained heart, Alric fought his brothers. When it seemed he could not win, he fled.
other: Alric has or had an apprentice, a young woman whom he fears may have fallen in league with the Dark Lord. Alric is very stong. Stonger than your run-of-the-mill average Necromancer but he is far from being the strongest in existance. He has his weakness, like some magical, mythical creatures. The purity that silver holds burns his flesh and weakens his powers.
I am controlled by: Kry
Originally Posted by dragonjake
Name: Jake Dravis
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: half human, half dragon
personality: most of the time he is shy but happy. when people try to anger Jake, the always fail because he is always calm and quiet
What side are you on?: Light
bio: Jake was a human when he was young, but at the age of 7 he was caught up in a scientific disaster that changed him into what he is now, he has found it hard to make friends since everyone is scared of him or hate the look of him
other: Jake cannot drink or eat cold things
I am controlled by: dragonjake

Originally Posted by xserenityxninax
Name: Brooke fire (people call her Fire)
Gender: female
age: 23
race: Witch/gunner
Personality: Fire is a shy girl she as been like this for a long time as well she is a witch but she is one of the good people but think she is bad but she helps people with one of her friend in her head what is right and she is a shy girl.
Bio: Fire as been a witch since she was a little girl like 10 she as been a witch for 13 years and she learn how to used a gun when she was 17 after her parents died from something bad. Fire goes all over the world a lot and feels something some bad will happen again.
other: Fire doesn't like when men touch her and hit on her she will used force to protect herself from them a lot.

Name: Coralee Boudreaux
Gender: female
Age: 18
Race: human/witch
personality: Bubbly and curious most of the time. She’s always up for trying new things, and has an interesting sense of style. When it comes to the people that she loves, or the things she believes in, she will defend and fight past her limits
What side are you on?: light
bio: She is the owner of the Café. She inherited the building from her Cajun grandmother, and it was previously used as a palm reading shop. She transformed it into a refuge/ workplace for the various creatures when she found out from a vampire friend that the dark lord had been released and was attacking and devouring them.
other: She can see and speak to various kinds of spirits, and carries around a Tarot deck with her at all times.

Name: They call me the dark lord
Gender: I am obviously male… but I can take on whatever form is necessary to get what it is that I desire
Age: I am as old as time itself
Race: there is no race that can describe that which I am
personality: I rely on tactics and sheer power to overcome my enemies. I am quick to anger, and my wrath is deadly. I can be forgiving, but only at a cost.
What side are you on?: I lead the side of darkness
bio: I used to be the ruler of this insignificant world. My reign was long, and would have lasted for all eternity were it not for those pesky nomads and their magic. I have no memory, nor does anyone else, of my origins, but I know I am destined to devour all of the spirits, gain their power, and rule this earth again!
other: I wear the mark of fire on my left shoulder blade, this along with the red color of my eyes, does not disappear no matter what form I take
I am controlled by: xxdeidarasgurlxx

Yokai and Non-Yokai NPC'S

Name: Dodomeki (Doe)
Gender: Female
Age: she doesn’t really know exactly. She would guess several thousand, but she wouldn’t admit this openly to anyone
Race: Yokai/ humanoid spirit
personality: She’s very kind and helpful. She can’t stand it when people are rude or unkind to others for any reason. She has a Robin Hood complex that is leftover from her days in the feudal era when she would steal from thieves. What they don’t tell you in the legends is, after she stole the thieves’ gold, she would donate it to those that were truly in need.
bio: She used to live in Tokyo under an alias, when she found out that the dark lord had been released, she hopped the first flight to the states to stay with her friend Coralee. She helped her turn the old building into the bustling business that it is today.
other: She is obsessed with stuffed animals, and has quite a large collection of them in her bedroom. She is afraid of snakes and spiders

Name: Ainsley
Gender: Male
Age: Several hundred years
Race: Vampire
personality: He enjoys laughing and occasionally will drink a bit with the customers. He’s laid back and hard to anger. He often resolves conflicts between other employees.
bio: He came from the poor side of the city, but began climbing his way up the ladder by working hard at an early age. He was born a vampire, but didn’t show any of the characteristics of one until his early twenties. He’s been in the states since colonial times, and is one of the co-founders of the Yokai cafe
other: He secretly loves to watch soap operas, and cries a lot while doing so.

Name: Yuki- onna (Yuki)
Gender: Female
Age: Several thousand years
Race: Yokai/ humanoid spirit
personality: She knows she’s beautiful and she flaunts it. She can often be found flirting with some of the more attractive customers. She sometimes reverts to her more malicious side as a seductress and accidentally freezes some poor young man, causing Coralee to have to use heavy magic to release them from their icy prison. She does not respect Coralee at all.
bio: She used to reside in Kyoto, forced to live a life of solitude in the snowy mountains by the village people,but was brought to the states by Dodomeki to escape the dark lord. She did absolutely nothing while the business was being created, but naturally takes all the credit for it while flirting with the men she finds attractive
other: She can't stand when other women are more attractive than she is, or get more attention. She will try to out do them in everything to steal the spotlight.

Name: Hone-Onna (Hon, or honey)
Age: Several thousand years
Race: Yokai/ humanoid spirit
personality: She's often quiet and can be found hiding in various corners of the cafe with a book in her lap.
She's never very loud when she speaks, and people sometimes have to strain to hear her. This infuriates customers sometimes.
She is always saying sorry, even if she didn't do anything wrong. She doesn't enjoy to see people angry, for any reason.
bio: She had already moved to and was living in the city when she heard about the cafe, and about the dark lord. She was hesitant to become
a resident at first, but warmed up to the idea when she became closer friends with the creatures already living there.
other: She seems like the typical timid, faint of heart kind of girl, but she's actually fascinated with blood and decay, and hopes to
one day begin her profession as an undertaker. She cannot help but to turn into a skeleton at night, this is where she gets her name from.

Name: Edan (casper) Harper
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Race: shifter
personality:He doesn't speak much, but when he does it's usually important.
bio: He came from a clan of shifters that one day, when he was twelve, just seemed to vanish off the face of the planet. He's been looking for
them everywhere ever since. He came upon the cafe after hearing rumors that were spread about the dark lord being released.
He didn't believe them at first, remembering the dark lord as nothing more than a fairytale his parents used to tell him when he was very young,
until the day he crossed the path of one of his minions, and recieved a deep scar across his chest. he was lucky to have escaped with his life,
but never doubted the dark lords existence after that.
other: The crew calls him casper because of the way he seems to haunt the cafe like a ghost. He pops up out of nowhere and often scares
some of the more skittish employees.

Last edited by xxdeidarasgurlxx; 08-17-2010 at 12:06 AM..

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-08-2010, 06:44 PM

We'll be ready to start once we get a few more people on the dark side.... ( :XD star wars) if anyone wants to make another character and add them, i suggest they be on the side of the dark lord so we can start sooner :)

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 12:08 AM

][>.> <.<; BUMP! ][

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 12:58 AM

okay, we are now... open for posting! yay =3


Coralee had woken up bright and early, she loved to see her home city while the sun was low and the air was cool. There weren't many noises, and she enjoyed the calming silence while it lasted. But alas, she could hear the rattle of pans downstairs as the employees awoke one by one and slithered groggily down the stairs and began to prepare the kitchen, sweep and mop the floors, polish the counter tops, wipe the tables, refill the napkin despensers, ketchup bottles, and salt and pepper shakers. "Ah, the sounds of a busy house..." she sighed. "Well," she began, her mood improving considerably, " It's best if I get ready now in time for the opening."

Twenty minutes later, she was dressed and fluttering down the hallway. She straddled the banister and slid down into the cafe part of the building. She smiled and waved to everyone she passed on her way to the large, wooden, french doors at the front of the building. Gripping the handles, she smiled brightly and swung the doors open to the waiting customers. "WELCOME, to the Yokai Cafe!"

Last edited by xxdeidarasgurlxx; 08-11-2010 at 01:13 AM..

Lady Angel Konan
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Old 08-11-2010, 01:35 AM

The morning sun was bright as it shown threw the window of a near by inn across the face of Dusk waking him instantly. He rose from his bed well rested waking Dawn as he finished dressing, "Dawn today we will be visiting the cafe down the street... then we will be moving on to the next town..." his voice seemed dark as he spoke.

Dawn woke quickly she didnt feel rested at all she got up groggily "I like this town Dusk...." she said putting her cloths on and brushing her long silver.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 01:42 AM

Alric was waiting...but he was not a waiting customer. Instead Alric was at the back of the Yokai Cafe. Trying to remain unseen by eyes that did not need to see him. All this secrecy, was it really necessary? Perhaps, perhaps not. However, Alric felt it was always better to be safer than sorrier. The Necromancer cleared his throat, his features were hidden very well by the cloak he wore over his clothing, the hood up and hiding his face in it's shadow. It was still early morning, but already he could feel the heat of the sun on his shoulders. He would have preferred to be inside this place by nightfall last night..but something had way laid him.

Alric was tired and hungry. With that staff, he tapped lightly at the back door. Perhaps it was the door they used to throw out the garbage. Alric did not know, he did know it was away from the busy and crowded front entrance and that, right now was all that mattered. The staff barely touched the door but it made a knocking sound. Loud enough to be told which direction it came from. The noise also seemed a bit urgent.

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 01:48 AM

Fire was in her bed sleeping and than she woke up for something and felt like someone is watching the people of this place she doesn't like it.

Fire got dressed and got her guns and left her room and went down to get a drink but she was out of drinks she thinks of going to that place.

Fire left her house and went to Yokai cafe but fire had a weird feeling like always. Fire opened the front door and looked around and sat somewhere that people would see her she sits at a table and waits.

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 02:15 AM

Within the hour, the cafe was busy and full of the loud humming of conversations blending together. Coralee was standing behind the fron desk, signing people in, giving them little devices that told them when a table for them was available, and then handing the parties over to the waitresses. Several of the yokai floated about, they seemed unsure where it was they were supposed to go, considering there were only a few people that wanted to be served by an oni, or kappa. While spirits like Yuki-onna, and Dodomeki were in constant demand from the customers. She often felt bad for them, the customers seemed to only choose their spirit servers based on their looks, and not the interesting things they could do.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 02:21 AM

There was no answer, but Alric knew people were in there. Afterall, they had just opened up. A grand opening as it were. When no one came to the back door, Alric pushed it open, and let himself in. No doubt he was in an area where only staff members were allowed. The tall Necromancer did not care. He moved through the place as if he knew exactly where everything was, as if he already knew his way around.

He was careful to keep his skin hidden beneath his clothes. Lest the odd markings frighten away any 'normal' people that might be out and about in this place. Alric came up behind Coralee, silent as a shadow and as cold as death itself. Coldness seemed emanate from him, but only those standing close to him could feel it. He stood behind her, but a little bit to her right. He remained silent. Just watching the people that Coralee signed in.

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 02:39 AM

Coralee felt the chill, but resisted the urge to shiver. Turning after she signed in another group, she noticed the cloaked person. "I'm assuming you aren't here for our special on Chicken tatsuta-age. How may I help you?" she gazed into the shadow created by the hood of the cloak. It reminded her of a story her grandmother had told her about seeing the vision of death in one of her dreams. Of course, she imagined death looking as he did on the tarot card.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 02:47 AM

"Indeed..Though I am hungry as well as travel weary." His voice was soft. Not exactly the kind of voice one might imagine from him. "I seek a place to rest, a refuge, if I may call it such, from the minions of darkness." Those gloved fingers that were curled around his long staff curled tighter about the wood. The leather of those gloves creaking just a little. Alric stood a bit straighter when he spoke to the female. Trying not to let on just how tired he was. "I will do my best not to frighten your customers away." That last bit added almost as an after thought.

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 03:08 AM

She giggled at the man's last comment. "Have you seen my employees? I'm sure the smoke monster Enenra is more likely to scare away customers than you are. And you are welcome here if it's refuge you seek." she turned and saw one of the waitresses, "Hone, can you please take over for me here? I am going to show our guest here around the cafe." the woman happily agreed, and Coralee led the cloaked man around the cafe.

"I assume you heard about this place from one of my residents, or perhaps a close friend. this cafe in the downstairs portion of the building is just a means to make money to support the various spirits that actually need supporting, and those that seek refuge like you. The workplace setting is a way to keep my residents from contracting a sort of 'cabin fever' if you will." She stopped at a large siver counter, taking the key she wore around her neck, she unlocked the door on the front and reached inside. She pulled out a brass key with a tag on it. "Here's the key to your room upstairs. It's on the third floor. You can go up now and rest, or stay down here and enjoy a hot meal in the company of others in similar situations such as yours. All of the refugees dine in a seperate, much larger area to avoid any more crowding here in the cafe. Any one of the waitresses can show you where this is when you are ready. Just ask for the 'employee lounge.'"

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 03:20 AM

Alric followed her silently as she led him around the cafe. It was a rather nice place, it seemed to have a good atmosphere. When she handed him that key, he took it in his right hand, as his left held that staff. The purple crystal at it's top glowing and pulsating lightly. "I was led here by a raven.." He smiled politely to the woman, though his face was hidden by the shadow of his hood, she most likely couldn't see that smile. He held to the key tightly and bowed his head politely.

"Thank you." Alric, by nature was a quiet man. He would not use more words or explanations than he thought necessary. As far as he was concerned there was nothing else to say. Unless the lady had more words of advice for him. He turned towards the stairs. He would go to his room and clean himself up a bit then return for a proper meal. His footfalls were silent, silent as a shadow, as he moved away from her.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 03:59 AM

Erebus leaned against the building the body of his last victem, a weredeer, lay in the ally limp he grabbed his head as his eyes rolled back and the memories washed through him it wasn't very big just what seemed like a childhood memory he was in a play ground on the swings laughing as someone pushed him then the memory was over he slicked his hair back and looked back at the corpse "sorry love orders are orders" he smirked taking a ciggerette out of his jacket and lighting it walking out into the street his next job was to infiltrate a cafe that is rumored to house refuges he was only to see how many were there and what they were but if he had the chance he would eat as many as he could there was one specific memory he needed to finish and he would do anything to get it even if he had to defy the dark lord

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 04:03 AM

Fire feels something bad very bad she leaves the cafe and looks at the sky it was dark cold and feels something bad is going to happen.

Fire went back in the cafe and went to the bar of this place and said "Can I have a drink please?"

Fire looked around the place for a while until she feels something through the door but until than she waited for a while.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 04:17 AM

"Erebus!!! You forgot to wait for meeee!!" Sylvar NightinGale, better known as Lark, rushed towards him almost as soon as he stepped out of the alley way. She had been certain she'd lost track of him, and how surprised she had been when she saw him walk out only a little ways in front of her. "Your so mean to me..I'll tell the Dark Lord you left me behind.." She fluttered her eyelashes when she spoke of the Dark Lord, perhaps it was just a childish infatuation, but she wouldn't say that. She would say, the infatuation she had for Erebus was childish. Mostly she just found him interesting. "..Besides..a song bird told me that someone I know has entered that cafe...and if you leave me behind I won't be able to rip his heart out and force feed it to him." As she spoke that sentence her tone seemed to get lower, more dangerous and almost creepy sounding. Even when she had run up to Erebus the only noise she had made was when she spoke. When she moved she was always as silent as the shadows. She clutched her staff tightly. Only panting slightly when she caught up to Erebus. She glared lightly at him and then giggled.

Alric had washed up in his room, he had taken his cloak off and folded it neatly, it lay at the foot of his bed. He ran a gloved hand through his hair before exiting his room. His face bare, the black vein looking marks that traced all over his skin was clearly visible now on his face and neck. Now that he longer hid under the hood of his cloak. The rest of his body was completely covered. Boots, pants, those elbow length leather gloves, and that long sleeve black shirt. As usual, gripped tightly in his right hand was his staff. That psion crystal at it's crest pulsed ominously for a moment. Silent as a shadow he made his way back to the cafe part of the establishment. Stopping a waitress just long enough for her to take him to the 'employee lounge.' Once he was seated he placed an order for a meaty stew. something simple but filling.

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 04:19 AM

Coralee returned to her spot behind the front desk, telling Hone that she was free to continue serving customers, which kept pouring in the doors like they were running from something, and in several cases they were. The cafe itself seemed to be alive, breathing, not just from the people and spirits that filled it, but as if it were a live creature. A great beast that protects the ones that seek refuge in its belly. 'Grandmother always said that this place was special, that people were led here by some sort of internal compass...' If it were true, it would explain how business was so good everyday that she had to keep it open twenty-four hours on fridays and saturdays. It gave the nocturnal creatures that stayed here something to do, but it was still rediculous how many people were still here at three and four in the morning.

Last edited by xxdeidarasgurlxx; 08-11-2010 at 04:24 AM..

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 04:31 AM

Erebus blew smoke out of his nose at the girl and rolled his eyes at her tone "easy sylvar i only went to have a snack and you know we aren't supposed to kill anyone there only gather information" he said walking down the street. Three days, that's what he said, he had to spend three days with this girl he wasn't sure if it would be a pain in the neck, like it was starting to seem, or go by smoothly either way he wanted it over

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 04:41 AM

Sylvar stamped her foot and coughed slightly, waving a hand infront of her face at the smoke that had rolled towards her. However, when she stamped her foot down it had only made the tiniest of noises. Which only seemed to make her a little more agitated. "I've told you a million times. Call me Lark." She turned her nose up at him. Her tone softening a bit. "Only the Dark Lord can call me by my real name." Granted it probably was her fault she had lost Erebus in the first place..getting distracted by something she had seen in a store window..anyway. She had rolled her eyes at him. "Right....No if you weren't planning on eating some people.." She stared at him a moment, then grinned at him. "Ne, Erebus, if I behave will you buy me a cup of tea?" Her tone had gone sugary sweet and she bit her bottom lip cutely and batted her eyes at him.

Alric was amazed at the speed of which his stew was prepared and delivered to him, despite the bustle and crowd in the cafe already. He took a few bites of his stew and stopped. Looking up and then around, a shiver had run down his spine, and that staff, laying across his lap had hummed softly. Though it was more of a vibration to be felt than heard. Something was coming, or perhaps someone. Then again..he was probably being paranoid. He shook the feeling off, but would stay alert as he ate more of his stew.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 04:54 AM

he dropped the ciggerette on the ground and stepped on it "it all depends on your behavior which i'm willing to bet you won't behave" he smirked "but yes if you behave i will buy you tea" he couldn't help it even snakes have soft spots. he flicked his tounge out tasting the air he could tell they were getting closer the air was thick with non-human energies it tasted so good his stomach started to growl

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 05:03 AM

She grinned, reaching over and poking him lightly in the ribs. "I've no doubt in my mind that I can behave...but you...Are you sure you won't let your stomach run away with you?" She had shivered when he'd stuck his tongue out. So reptilian it was kinda freaky but she loved it. Afterall, he was a snake..wasn't he? That train of thought seemed to crash into another one. Those eyes lighting up a bit. "Do you shed your skin, you know, like a normal snake?" You couldn't really blame the nineteen year old for asking such a question. Afterall, Erebus was the only snake demon she knew.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 05:07 AM

he rolled his eyes but nodded "yes, once every few months i have to revert to my original form to shed my skin to allow myself to grow it's a very complicated and itchy process" he shuddered. never before has he felt an itch as bad to when he had to shed his skin the first time it felt like he would go insane, but if he didn't then his human form would begin to decompose until he got rid of his old skin "but don't worry about my stomach tonight i'll find something big to eat then i won't have to eat for a while"

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 05:08 AM

Coralee sighed. She loved her job, but sometimes the monotony was more than enough to drive her, or anyone for that matter, completely up the wall. She had her hand in the pocket of her dress, and she was flicking the edges of her tarot deck with her fingers. She was itching for a chance to bring them out, but she couldn't unless she was in the lounge. Witchcraft such as hers was a major no-no in the upper cafe. spirits roamed freely on the ground floor, for some reason a simple tarot deck was enough to drive people away, and the strange and often frightening bodies of the Yokai were not.

She finally gave in and waved a waiter over to the desk, "I need a major tarot fix, can you take over here?" she said to the young man. When he nodded, she sighed again and thanked him. She made her way down to the employee lounge and sat at an open table, whipping out her tarot deck and shuffling the cards as soon as she pushed herself closer to the table. "Okay, tarot, show me what needs to be seen."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 05:14 AM

"Ooh..Next time you shed, can I watch? Maybe I could scratch your back for you.." It would be hard for him to tell if she was just teasing him or being serious..Maybe it was a little bit of both. His next comment caused her to raise a brow. "You find something big enough to make you not want to eat everything inside that cafe?" She was obviously skeptical of that. "Maybe you should find several big somethings to hold you over for the night.."

Alric looked up when Coralee entered the lounge. His soft voice carried to her easily across the room without seeming to be heard by anyone else in there. "Something is coming?" It was a question. Alric was uncertain himself, but his staff had hummed at him again and his stomach had become uneasy. He was unable to finish his stew.

][Sorry guys, but this is my last post for the night. I have to get up early in the morning and if I don't go to bed now I'll over sleep.][

Lady Angel Konan
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Lady Angel Konan is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 06:32 AM

Dawn and dusk gathered their belongings and headed towards the cafe, the two Kitsune`s walked quickly towards the cafe passing their comrades Erebus and Lark. Dusk ignored their presence, though Dawn waved to Lark "Good morning Lark she chimed happily waking at the two as she followed Dusk.


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