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Old 09-30-2010, 04:25 AM

~Chapter One- Beginnings~
My alarm blared as I rolled over and slammed it to shut it up. Today I start my Pokémon journey. Kristan, Shayna, and I were going to travel the Johto region together, gathering all 8 badges and catching all Pokémon. Together we would be the top three trainers in the world. I had been planning this day since I was seven, my starter Pokémon would be Cyndaquil, the fire type Pokémon. Shayna would get Chikorita, the adorable grass type and Kristan would get Totodile, the water type.
Quickly, I got dressed in my usual outfit. Red and white bandanna, black and white gloves, red and black polo, blue shorts and my red and yellow tennis shoes. My mom waited for me downstairs, "Good morning honey, here's your pokégear. Professor Elm brought it over a while ago. Are you ready to meet up with Kristan and Shayna?" she asked, "Yes mom, we've been planning this for three years now." I said in exasperation, "Okay okay, I was just asking darling. I mean this is your big day! You go out alone into the world, and you get to choose your very first Pokémon!' she gushed as I ran out the door.
"Thank god I escaped." I said as I walked across the grassy field to meet the girls by the professor's house. I saw Shayna standing with her little brother, Marth. I ran up to them, "Hey shay, hey Marth! What's up?" I asked, "Waiting for Krissy." Shayna answered, "I wanna go sissy!! Take me with you!" Marth whined as he started to cry, "I love you sissy." he whimpered. His cuteness was getting to me, I pouted at the thought of him missing Shayna, "Marth, you can't come baby, you’re too little and it's just going to be Bry, Kris, and me. You still have mommy." Shayna said, "I'm going to miss you sissy." Marth whimpered.
Finally, Kristan walked up, "Sorry guys, mom held me up, she wanted me to fix my hair." she laughed, I grinned at her, "its okay Kris." I said while hugging her. She and Shay also wore their normal outfits. Shayna wore her hair in a side ponytail, her short tank top hung loosely over her ribs, stopping just inches below her breasts, and she wore her short jean shorts with her red suspenders. To top it all off, she wore her favorite red and white sneakers, "You know Shay, if I didn't know you, that outfit would still be perfect for you." I said as she grinned, "Thanks.", "No problem." I said as I smiled at her.
Krissy stood beside Shayna, she looked uneasy. Her long honey blonde hair hung loose down her back, stopping at her waist. Atop it lay her white and pink hat, paired perfectly with her short, dark pink skirt. She wore her sleeveless, blue and black tank with her blue legwarmers. Her pokégear sat in her yellow bag, and her white and pink shoes glistened in the sunlight, "Kris you look so cute! Did you go shopping for those clothes recently?" I asked, "Actually my dad got it for my in Goldenrod City." she said quickly, "What? Lucky! I can't wait to see the department store there!" I gushed, she laughed.
"Anyways guys, I finally got rid of Marth, so let’s go before we're late." Shayna said, we both nodded, "Yeah, c'mon Kris, let's go." I said. Butterflies attacked my tummy as we got closer to the automatic doors of Professor Elm's lab. The doors made a quiet bell sound as they slowly slid open; I took a deep breath and held Kris and Shay's hands. Together we walked in, "Ah, good morning girls. I've been waiting for you, come here so you can select your Pokémon." Professor Elm said warmly, quickly I gained confidence and felt better with each step towards the three red and white pokéballs.
After what seemed like forever, we stood before the table. The balls glistened brightly, as if anticipating being chosen each had a different symbol. Shayna chose the first ball; it had a leaf symbol, signaling that it was a grass type. Her eyes shone with happiness, "Pokéball... go!" she yelled as she released her Pokémon. The light dimmed and revealed Shayna's new Chikorita. Its bright red eyes locked on its new owner, "Chika...?" it said, walking towards Shayna. She bent down and pet its head, "Hiya Chikorita!" Shayna quipped as she fed it a treat, "Where did you get that?" I asked incredulously, "My mom, she made some for her Mr. Mime and gave me a few." she explained, "Oh, lucky." I said.
Kristan chose the middle ball, it had a water drop on it, signaling a water type, "Oh I love water types." she said happily, "Pokéball go!" She said. Bright red light shone and disappeared to reveal her new Totodile, "Oh my gosh it's so cute!" she said excitedly as she bent down to greet it, "Hi there! I'm Kristan!" she said to the small Pokémon, it looked at her nervously until it nudged her hand in greeting, "Professor Elm, how do you know if it's a girl or a boy?" she asked, "Well, that I don't know. But, what I do know is that both Totodile is a boy and both Chikorita and Cyndaquil are girls." he answered. Kristan nodded as she continued to play with her new Pokémon.
While Shay and Kris played with their new friends, I slowly grabbed the last pokéball. I turned it over in my hands, admiring the red and yellow flames that decorated the front, telling me that inside was a fire-type. I already knew it was Cyndaquil, the fire type, "Pokéball go!" I yelled, quickly the Cyndaquil appeared, it was the cutest thing I had ever seen, "Quil?" it seemed to ask as it ran towards me, "Quil." it chirped as I softly pet under its chin, and “You're so cute!" I gushed as it nuzzled my hand.
"Okay, now that you girls have chosen and played with your new Pokémon, I need to speak with you," Professor Elm announced, bringing us from our Pokémon, "First off, here are your pokédexes. They are tools designed by Professor Oak of the Kanto region. They automatically record information about Pokémon you catch." he explained while passing us each one. They were all different colors, mine was pink, Kristan's was blue, and Shayna's was green. We each put them away as he continued, "Right now you have the opportunity to nickname your Pokémon, please do so now."
I thought quickly about what I should name my Cyndaquil, "I'll name her Blueberry." I said as Cyndaquil chirped happily, "Ha-ha it seems as if Blueberry likes her name." Professor Elm laughed as he wrote something down in his notebook, "I'm gonna name her Samiez." Shayna said while feeding her Pokémon more treats, "Okay, and you Kristan? What will you name your Totodile?" he asked, "I'm not going to name him, his true name fits him." Kristan replied quickly, "Okay girls, one more thing, I have something for all of you," he said as he handed us each five pokéballs, "Use those wisely, make sure to weaken the Pokémon you wish to catch first, or give it a health condition, such as poison, then throw the pokéball for a higher catch rate." he explained as we put them away, "I wish you all the best of luck on your journey!" he said as we walked out of the lab.
"Boy that took longer than I expected." I said softly as we stood at the edge of New Bark Town, "I know, I’m nervous as hell though." Shayna replied. We nodded as we took our first step into the tall, dark green weeds. It rustled with each step, striking nervousness into our hearts, "It's kinda creepy isn't it?" Kristan asked as we stood on the middle of the field, "Just a bit Kris but hey, we've got Blueberry, Samiez, and your Totodile to protect us." I said reassuringly. Truthfully, I was scared but I wanted everyone to feel better as we made our way to Violet City.
Violet City was the home of Sprout Tower, where you battle through levels of elders; you train your Pokémon for the first gym leader, Falkner. I looked at the map on my pokégear, right now we were on Route 31, close to Violet City, "Bry! My feet hurt! Carry me!" Shay whined, I sighed, "Get on my back you lazy hoe." I said sarcastically, stopping so she could hop on. Quickly I felt her familiar weight on my back, "Feeling better?" I asked, "Yes thank you Bry, I love you." she sing-songed. I smiled and kept walking. All of us were used to walking everywhere, as there were no cars in our town, and they only sold bikes in Goldenrod City for allot of money.
We came upon the entrance to the city finally, "Okay we're here so get off." I told Shayna, she hopped off, and “Thanks Bry." she said with gratitude, "No problem. You okay Kris?" I asked, turning to look at said girl, "Yeah, I was just thinking." she said as we entered Violet City. We saw a guy in a red jumpsuit, rapping about shards, we laughed as we entered the Pokémon Center next to him. The doors made a loud ding-dong sound as we walked in, "Hello girls! I’m Nurse Joy! How can I help you today?" Nurse Joy asked cheerily, "We just need a room for tonight please." I answered tiredly.
It was already dark as pitch outside, we had been walking all day, "Sure thing, May I have your names please?" she asked, "I'm Bryauna, this is Shayna, and this is Kristan. We're all new trainers from New Bark Town." I answered. She nodded as she typed away on her PC. We sat down on a bench by the door, talking amongst ourselves, "Aright, there will probably be only one double and a couch on the room, since all we can afford is one room. Who wants the couch?" I asked, "I want the bed!" Kris said loudly, "Okay, Shay is you okay with the couch?" I asked Shayna, "Yeah, it's only fair since you carried Me." she answered sleepily. We nodded and waited for Nurse Joy to take us to our room.
"Okay girls, your room is ready for you, just follow me." Nurse Joy said cheerily, awakening us from our drowsiness. We followed her down the hall into a room, "Here's your key, this room is number four." She handed me the key and walked back to the main office.
The door clicked as I locked it, "Okay guys, get ready for and into bed, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow, full of training and battles." I said. I slipped out of my clothes and slipped a t-shirt and shorts on, "You guys ready?" I asked, turning around to check. Kristan stood in a nightgown and Shayna in a pj set, "Yeah." they said simultaneously.
Kristan and I crawled into bed as Shay curled up on the couch. We had given her extra blankets found in the closet, "Night guys, love y'all." I called out before rolling over and drifting off into sleep.
~Chapter Two- Sprout Tower and Violet City Gym~
Sunlight drifted in through the window and shone lightly across my face, waking me up. I sat up and stretched, the warm bed drawing me back in until I stood up and looked around the peaceful room. Shayna lay splayed across the couch on her stomach, one leg on the floor, another on the cushion, and her arms wrapped tightly around a pillow. I turned around to see Kristan in bed, curled into fetal position, snoring. I smiled to myself; at least they're sleeping well. I quickly changed into my normal clothes and decided to wake up the sleeping girls, "Guys," I said loudly, receiving no response, "Guys!" I yelled a little louder, again getting no response. I grumbled to myself before looking in my bag.
I grinned evilly as I pulled the red trigger, the fog horn made a long and loud blaring noise. Both Kris and Shay shot up and glared at me, "What the fuck Bry?!!" Shayna yelled, "Seriously! What the fuck is your problem?!" Kristan yelled. I busted up, "Y-y'all w-wouldn't wake u-up and I c-couldn't resist!" I managed to say between breaths. They glared at me, "Just get dressed so we can go, okay?" I said after I calmed down, "Okay fine, but no more fog horn, okay?" Shayna said as they moved to get dressed, "Okay okay, I'm sorry alright?" I muttered, exasperated, "Yeah yeah, whatever." Kristan grumbled.
Eventually, our bags were back on our backs and we were paying for the room, "That'll be 90 dollars girls, thank you for staying." Nurse Joy said kindly, we handed her our pay, "Thank you much for the room." we said as we left the Pokémon Center.
"Quil, quil!" Blueberry quipped as I asked if she wanted a Pink Apricorn, I bent down and fed her the small, pink fruit. Her flames danced before my eyes, glittering in the sunlight, "I take it you like it, don't you blue?" I asked playfully, the Pokémon responded by jumping onto my shoulder, and into my waiting arms, "We'll be at Sprout Tower in a few minutes." I stated as I turned to the girls. They nodded, preoccupied with whatever, "It seems to me like they're still mad about me and the whole foghorn thing." I though sadly to myself, "God I screwed up, well they better get over it quickly, we have to train Blue, Samiez and Totodile." my mind rationalized.
Soon, we were standing outside the infamous Sprout Tower, it swayed gently with the wind, "Ready guys?" I asked, "Yup yup yuppers." Shayna said in a monotone, "Yeah, she's still pissed." I muttered, "I'm ready." Kris grumbled, rubbing her eyes.
The door swung open easily without a sound, our footsteps sounded loud compared to the eerie silence. We walked in slowly, trying not to intrude, we found the first of five ladders, and we climbed quickly and quietly until we reached the first level. We were quickly approached by a monk, "Only one may enter at a time." he said in a bored tone.
I looked back at the girls; they seemed to have disappeared, leaving only me, the monk, and Blueberry. I sighed and walked forward, "I guess I'm first." I said nervously, the monk smiled, "Do not worry young one, with the love and courage you hold in your heart," he put a hand on my chest, "You will be a great trainer. But for now, we shall battle." he stated, "Go Bellsprout!" he called, releasing his first of many Bellsprouts.
I grinned, "Go Blueberry! Use Ember!" I yelled, watching as she ran forward and spit a tiny ball a fire at the grass type, "Quil!" she peeped as the fire escaped her, the Bellsprout dodged, "Not so fast young one, patience." said the monk, "Bellsprout, use vine whip!" he yelled, the plant shot its vines at blue, "Blue dodge it and use tackle!" I called, she dodged to the side and tackled the sprout in mid-air, knocking it dizzy, "Finish it with ember!" I called. Blue obediently blew flames, knocking the Bellsprout into unconsciousness.
"Well done young one, go on ahead and face the rest of us, good luck." he said, letting me pass. I climbed the ladder, but stopped to look behind me, I watched Shayna walk in and begin the battle.
I focused on moving forward and walked into the next room, there sat another monk, “I see you passed the first of us, now let me test your skills young trainer." he said, speaking lowly. He released another Bellsprout, the same as the monk before him, again I used Blueberry.
Many battles later, I sat on the last ladder, taking a small break, and feeding berries to Blueberry, "You did great!" I praised as I pet her head, "Quil." she peeped as she nuzzled my hand. I smiled, "Come on Blue, let's go." I said as we climbed up the last ladder.
We were at the last rung when we heard voices from above us, "Young man, you treat your Pokémon as tools, rather than a friend or companion, you are a poor trainer, filled with hate and anguish." I heard the elder say, "Whatever, you're just an old bag, you'll see, I'll be the best trainer in the world." a boy's voice replied snidely. I felt myself boil with anger; I climbed the ladder and ran into the room, "You shouldn't treat your Pokémon as tools! They are being too, with feelings and personalities! How would you feel if you worked you’re hardest to please someone and all you got was harsh treatment?" I yelled at the boy.
His hair was a dark, blood red, his eyes the color of rubies, and his skin, the palest alabaster. He was cute, but his face showed anger, deceit and hate, all in all, a cruel face, "One day, I'll the grand Pokémon master and you'll realize how stupid you sound." he seethed as he disappeared down the ladder.
I watched in his direction in awe, I didn't know what to feel, I felt sad that someone could think as he did, and I felt the beginnings of a dangerous infatuation. I liked this new kid, our new rival. I wondered what his name was but dismissed it as I walked up to the elder, "I know who you are Bryauna, a new trainer in need of training. Do not fret, you will learn much within your travels, I am only one of the many tests you will have along the way. Now let me test the bond between you and your young Cyndaquil." he said in a quiet yet intense tone.
"Get ready Blue." I said kindly to my Pokémon, she stood in between me and the elder, awaiting his first Pokémon, "Go, Bellsprout." he said calmly, calling out my first opponent.
"Bellsprout, use vine whip!" he ordered, "Cyndaquil dodge it and attack with tackle!" I called as the sprout shot its vines towards Blue; she dodged them and tackled the plant to the ground, "Blue! Use ember and finish this!" I yelled, she obeyed and doused the Bellsprout in flames, knocking it cold.
"I choose you, Weepingbell!" the elder called, releasing the evolution of Bellsprout, "Blue use ember!" I called, it doused the plant in flames, still the plant stood, "Weepingbell use razor leaf!" the elder ordered, "Blue, dodge it and use ember again!" I shouted, too slow. The leaf hit her on the side but she doused him again in flames, KO-ing him and leaving him out cold on the floor.
"Good job Bryauna. You will make a fine trainer. Your Pokémon loves you and responds well to your commands. Continue to treat your Cyndaquil with such respect and love and you will go far, " he praised, " And before you go take this as a gift." he said, smiling as he handed me a TM, "That contains the move Razor Leaf, use it well." he explained. I waved farewell and climbed down the ladder.
When I reached the first floor of the tower, I saw something glint in the sunlight by the door. I picked it up, "A trainer card?" I thought amazed. I looked at the picture; it was the kid from awhile ago! His name was Thomas Regan; on the back he signed it, Tommy. My heart swelled, finally I knew his name.
That happiness was short lived though, "Hey! That's mine! Give it back!" I heard Tommy yell, I blushed, "Sorry, I just found it on the floor." I said nervously, handing the card to him, "Yeah, whatever, see you around loser." he said snidely as he walked away. My heart sped up, "At least he wasn't a total jerk this time." I thought happily.
AN~ Please comment, I dont own pokemon, pokemon belong to Satoshi Tajiri
I play Pokémon Soul Silver ^^
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