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Things have come to freely pass
Sunshiney is offline
Old 10-03-2010, 03:02 AM

It is titled "My heart has wings that are ready to soar"

First chapter~

Fall winds brushing up against blonde strands of hair, leaves stroking against clothing, and sweet smells of love filled the air. Taking deep breaths made this beautiful moment like no other. Step by step, a small boy- only around 9 years old- walked through a meadow filled with sunflowers that were dancing across the hills gracefully in a swaying motion. Though it was raining, the young boy felt nowhere near gloomy.

He strided along the path in between the dancing flowers. His pace slowly increased with every step. He looked back once in a while to make sure no one was trailing behind him. Eventually, the flowery hills came to an end and there stood a sea of water. The boy slid his sailor top off, his hat included.

The child waltzed over to the water's edge, with only his shorts covering him. He carefully stepped into the water, making sure not to disturb the fish that were surrounding him. That's when he heard a faint voice. It was coming from the beach a little ways from where he waded. The figure the voice belonged to came running up to him. His face showed signs that he was just recently fighting something, as it was bleeding and he himself was covered in bruises and cuts. He panted as he got within talking distance of the blonde-haired child. A small touch of worry shined onto the blonde's face, and he stepped over to the other boy.

"Are you Ok? You seem hurt, Sir." The blonde's hand reached out slowly to the brash boy.

"No shit Dick Tracey. Why do you think I just started screaming at you? Pant. Because I'm weird? No. I need your help and WOULD YOU GET YOUR HAND OFF MY FACE ITS CREEPING ME OUT!" Before the small child could pull his hand away, brashie-boy gaped his mouth and snapped it shut; on blondie's fingers.

"Iitai! Iitai! W-why did you do that?" Tears sprung onto the kid's face as his perfectly clean and soft hand was now smothered in blood and saliva.

"Cause' you didn't move your hand fast enough. Too slow. Now tell me your name, idiot."

"M-my name is F-Fai…Uh um…What is yours, Sir?" Fai gripped his own hand and tried to clean it up in the sea.

"Name's Kurogane. And quit with that 'Sir' shit. I don't need to be treated like loyal-…What kind of name is Fai? Isn't that a girl's name?" Kurogane was a tad shocked when Fai lifted his head up, soaking wet with tears. Shit. I think I hurt that guys feelings. But it still doesn't change the fact that his name is girly.

"Y-you…Are awful! Why would say such a thing to my brother?" Another boy, who by all means resembled Fai, stalked up to Kurogane and punched him in the back.


"My name is Yuui. I'm Fai's younger brother. And his twin. He was born first. Sorry about punching you, but my anger got the best of me. And no need to tell me yours. I heard yours. Gasp. Brother your hand is bleeding!" Yuui shuffled over to Fai and examined his hand.

"His hand is bleeding cause' I bit it." Yuui turned his head, a glare plastered to his pale face.

"What are you, a dog? Who bites people?" Yuui snarled at Kurogane, while Fai just stood there, a luminescent blush on his face. Yuui took out some bandages and rubbing alcohol and started to clean up Fai's hand.

"So um….Kurogane-san, what did you need help with? I noticed you are in pain, as well. Yuui could help you with those, if you want." Kurogane shrugged a bit and ran his hand through his hair. This guy was asking too many questions…Actually only one, but it seemed like a dozen to Kurogane's ears.

"Nah, its fine. I actually just came over here to ask you something." Fai's face shone almost as bright as the sun; oh how he loved answering questions.

"What is it? You can ask me anything you want." "Done!...(Like anyone cares)." Yuui announced, knowing no one would listen…Or so his senses thought. Fai mentally thanked him and gave him a hug while Kurogane asked his question.

"Oh. So you want to know if salt water is healing? Yes. It can heal quite a bit of things, however…It can also infect your body with poisons and…other things. Did that help any?" Kurogane nodded and started walking away. Yuui and Fai said in unison "Where are you going? The Sugisawa Prefecture is in the other direction!"

"I'm not going to Sugisawa. I'm going to the Naori Prefecture. That's where I live, duh. Now, goodbye." He waved them off and headed back down the beach to the train that goes to the Naori Prefecture.

Yuui looked at the ground for a bit, staring at pretty much nothing. Fai eventually sat down, thus annoyed from standing up. He, at first, didn't think much about what Yuui was doing, until he saw small droplets of TEARS landing next to him. He looked up only to see Yuui crying. (A/N: What, did you think he was doing that? Freak. There. I changed it from droplets of water to droplets of tears.) Shock spread across Fai's face. He abruptly stood up and cupped Yuui's face in his hands.

"Brother! What's wrong? Why do you cry? What pain has caused you these tears? Please don't hide your pain from me! Please tell me!"

Yuui trembled and fell to the soft sand beneath him, falling out of Fai's grip on his face. He then continued to sob evermore. Fai's eyes filled with tears as well, as he did not like seeing his brother –his baby brother- crying so hard. He knelt down to Yuui's level and wrapped his arms around his sibling, tears threatening to fall from his very own eyes.

They laid there hugging each other to the point that it was practically twilight when Yuui finally fell asleep in the comfort of his brother's arms from crying so roughly. Fai wiped the remaining tears from his brother's eyes and carefully picked him up. He carried him all the way to the train station that would take them home. Sod that. INTO the train, off the train, down the 5 miles of sidewalk, to their room at the Sugisawa Private School, up god knows how many flights of stairs, and finally into their beds, which is when Fai decided to wake Yuui up.

"Brother…" Fai said in a soft tone to Yuui. "You need to wake up now. That way you won't fall asleep wearing your dirty pants." Yuui unwillingly woke out of his slumber and changed into his pajamas. He then threw his pillow at Fai for waking him up and saying that he was having a nice dream until Fai showed up and awoke him. Fai just smiled at Yuui and said sweetly

"I'm sorry. But it was for your sake and I didn't want to have my baby brother going to school smelling like seaweed." Yuui scowled at Fai.

"I don't smell like seaweed!" "But, you did. Until I saved you from…THE EVIL SMELLY ONI OF WATER AND FISH! RAWR!" Fai tackled Yuui and pushed him onto his bed, where he began tickling Yuui's bare chest (he didn't have his shirt on yet. Only his pants) and making Yuui smile that smile of his when he was happy. The tickling continued until Yuui started crying from laughing too hard.

Even if Fai's twin is crying tears of joy, he can not stand seeing him cry. So, he does his best to make them stop. Even tears of joy can bring misfortune and unhappiness to Yuui.

Yuui quickly stopped laughing –and crying- just in time to notice Fai pass out from exhaustion right next to him. Yuui just smiled a little and kissed his twin gently on the cheek.

"Brother, you are too nice. And because you are so nice, I'll let you sleep on my bed instead of pushing you back over to yours." Yuui fondled with Fai's hair a little before scuffling over to his brother's bed.


yeah that is it.


"Good morning, class 2….-A?." "Good morning, Professor Springfield." repeated the three students in this oddly small classroom. The teacher looked around, dumbstruck at the fact he was missing 90% of his students. Professor Springfield ran on over to the opposite side of the room to the calendar. This had to be some mistake. There was no way that he could have accidentally mistaken today for Saturday. Never! Not in a billion years! However, apparently a billion has gone by, because there on the Calendar said "Saturday, May 1st. No school for today. The teachers have special meetings."

The Professor's glasses slowly slid off his face and bounced onto the ground with a slight thud. The students looked behind themselves and realized their teacher was making the most peculiar face they had ever seen.

"Cl-class 2-A has been canceled momentarily…Please go back to your dormitories or just go away…It seems us four have made a silly mishap. You children do not have studies today. Goodbye…"


"Wooooow. We are so dumb, huh?" Yuui stretched his arms out and continued to walk down the side of the road. "Yeah. I can't believe you and I and Miss Kinomoto were the only ones who showed up for class. By any chance, has somebody dropped books on our heads lately? We'd never made such a retarded mistake as this." Fai looked at his brother, a smirk spreading across his facial features ever so quickly.

"Oh, stop now. You are starting to make this conversation sound like something off of Lucky Star." The twins giggled in unison and still kept walking that dreaded path to their dorms. Bright beams of sun stretched across their faces, and the wind was blowing perfectly and in the perfect direction. Fai took in the sweet scent of cherry blossoms and sunflowers, though Yuui simply read a book called "Mamotte! Lollipop!" while sucking on a strawberry lollipop in the shape of Nina. Her head was already gone.

"Hey….Fai?" Fai tilted his head toward his baby brother. A small blush started to tint Yuui's cheeks. "I…I'm sorry I broke down in front of you. It's just that…The place where we were at…" Fai listened to Yuui, slightly distressed. "What about it?" Agony filled up the small body of Yuui's, and he clenched the remains of his lollipop tightly.

"That…That was the exact place where mommy died. She died right there. Remember?"



"The sun looks so pretty, doesn't it, my children?" Sparkling seas of blue and shades of orange ,red ,and yellow filled the Earth with brilliance and nostalgia. Chi gripped her two son's hands tightly and took it all in. This was heaven. Even the twins, so young at the time, were enjoying the scenery. Petals of cherry blossoms, sunflowers, and daises floated on the drifting winds and gently made landing on the ocean water.

Behind them, fields of said sunflowers swayed back and forth; just like the ocean tides. The same ones that stole Yuui and Fai's mother from them. Chi slid one foot into the waters and moved it slightly, digging her sandals into the sand. The young ones played with shore-bound starfish and the waves, chasing and running alongside the waves. However, they failed to notice their mother start walking deeper into the water until it was up to her neck.

Only when did the water reach her mouth did Yuui turn to see his mother disappearing into the black and blue mix of hell. He screamed. Very loudly, at that. He screamed once more. Then Fai turned around. He ran towards the water until it was up to his knees. They tried to swim after her, but she was too far to reach.

Right before a huge wave crashed down onto her, she turned around to her children and said "Live happily without me. I wish you both to find someone who you can be with. Never be pained!"

Crash. She was gone. No other sign of her. They wept. They cried. They sat there dumbstruck. She was gone. The one who made them and cared for them was gone. In an instant of mere seconds. All it took was water.



"Sadly, yes. I do remember." Fai held his hands up to his heart and said a silent prayer and poem.

My dear mother

I want you to know

I am very happy

That you let us grow.

When you went away

We felt very sad.

Soon after that

We slowly lost dad.

But losing you

Made us yearn

The overwhelming feeling

To live and to learn.

And now that you are gone

We finally know

That losing you

Allowed us to grow.

Your death taught us things

We never knew.

Some examples

Might include YOU.

We wish you could have stayed some more.

Because we could then

Thank you!

For not being a whore.

"Brother, do you miss mom?" Fai nodded. He missed her very much. But he knew she belonged up in Heaven. Her wings had already taken off. She had risen up to the lovely taboo place in the sky, where only resting souls could linger to.

"Yes I miss her."

"I do too, Fai. I real-"




Smoke filled the skies, and honks of horns filled the air. Fai's face had small patches of blood on it. His brother's blood.

When the smoke cleared, it revealed a blood-spattered road and a car on fire. Fai screamed. He screamed the scream his brother made when their mother was dying. He ran to his brother, tears flowing freely from his eyes.

"YUUI! YUUI! YUUUUUUIIIII! AAAH! AAAH!" A figure rushed past him. It was him. That guy from yesterday.

"Move you idiot! You gotta cellphone?" Fai shook his head and planted his face into his palms.

"Damn. Alright. Go ask someone for their's and call an ambulance. NOW!" Kurogane held Yuui's head in his hand and ripped off his own shirt to mop up the blood surrounding their bodies. He pressed his shirt against Yuui's chest and cursed under his breath. This guy was dying. Dying too fast. And no one but Kurogane could save him.

With a deep breath, Kurogane removed the shirt and pressed his chapped lips against Yuui's bloody ones. He blew air into Yuui's throat and then released his lips. He then proceeded to push against Yuui's chest. He repeated this many times more. Sadly, he didn't know how well this boy could hold onto dear life.

"Kurogane, Sir! P-p-p-p-please tell me he'll be alright! PLEASE!" Tears raced down Fai's hot pink and blood soaked cheeks.

Kurogane said nothing. It'd be mean to tell him his brother would be fine, but It'd cause even more pain to tell him the truth; he's mere seconds away from metting his mom once again in Heaven.

Hello, mother.

Slight Cliffhanger! Please read and review! Thanks! And tell me what you think. Critics are love, too.
I'm kinda cuddly...I like cats.


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