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Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 02-03-2011, 06:14 PM

Recently I've been having a series of terrible crap happen to me. For about the last threeish years, there's been sort of a stream of pain hitting me.
I couldn't find a Job,
then my mother lost hers,
then we had a ton of plumbing problems in our house,
then the basement flooded around the same time I got dumped by my then girlfriend,
then I finally got into school, but had a series of crappy or heartbreaking relationships,
then I finally found someone who seems to really understand me, but recently her grandfather has been diagnosed with cancer, and he probably has only weeks to live. Because of which I have had to be the strong one (something I'm not very good at) in our relationship, and she's still been doing this sort of roller coaster thing with me, where she treats me like crap and pushes me away, and then apologizes for it, while crying her eyes out. Of course only doing the latter over the phone, when I can't really do anything to make her feel better.

I understand how she's feeling, and I'm just gonna take it, but it's really hard for me, and I could use some support, and prayer (for those of you who pray)

...Oh and did I mention, I met her grandfather? He's an awesome old guy, and I wish I'd met him years ago. He basically told me to take care of her for him. T.T

All of this reminds me of when my grandpa died of the same disease. He was like a father to me. Much more so than my biological father.

Last edited by sarofset; 02-03-2011 at 06:24 PM..

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 02-03-2011, 08:42 PM

My advice? Suck it up, make the best of what you can. Be as strong as you can be. Work as hard as you can. Think positively. Laugh even when it hurts to laugh.

Yeah, life sucks sometimes. But I've found looking at it like it's never going to get better, or that it couldn't possibly get worse, tends to make me feel awful. While if I look at it in a "glass-half-full" type of way, I feel better, and things start to look up...whether or not they've immediately changed for the better. You know? But I feel like it will, and that hope is a very strong driving force.

Death is something I don't deal with well myself though, so I don't have any advice on how to handle it or comfort her. When I lost my parents I lost my shit for years...and only in the past two have things started to get better, and my "issues" with them have started to become resolved.

Breybrey130 is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 05:21 AM

stay strong ill pray for u. try to look for that light at the end of the tunnel. theres always one at the end of even the darkest tunnels.

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 06:43 AM

The real problem is how useless I feel. I don't blame her for pulling away, since there's nothing I can do to help her.

My whole life when I had a problem I could just do something to solve it. I didn't have many friends, so I learned to be funny, now I can make friends with anyone. I got threatened by jocks, so I learned martial arts and worked out. Now I can take most of them. I wanted better grades, so I learned, and studied, and now I'm really smart. And all of that is totally freaking useless in this situation.

I can't make it better by being smart, or funny, or strong, or anything, and it sucks. I'm mostly just trying to comfort her now, since it looks like tonight will be when he goes.

Breybrey130 is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 07:25 AM

drama is everywhere you go. the main source of the drama in my life is this one bitch in my highschool. this one girl destroyed 2 years of my life i isolated myself from her drama. i'm very sorry you have to go through this. if it helps my grandfather died two years ago from a rare liver cancer and i felt like it was my fault. my grandfather wouldn't hurt a fly he was very kind to everyone. sarofset, if you can do all those things you have a talent for learning quickly and adapting to any situation. sometimes life just sucks and you gotta proove the people who said you can't do anything right, you have to proove them wrong. You have already now all you have to do is keep you head held high. my family hasn't had the best of luck were poor and we dont have all the advantages other families have. you have to find a msupport system wether it's family or a group of friends. you can get though this i have faith in you.

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 02-05-2011, 08:26 AM

Thank you for your vote of confidence. I'm doing a lot better tonight than I was earlier. My girlfriend is sort of at peace with the whole situation. She knows he is going to be with God. It's the rest of her family who's having trouble with it. Her grandmother of course is weeping constantly. She'll be loosing her best friend, and the love of her life. It's not fair to her.


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