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Kilia is offline
Old 12-05-2010, 03:23 AM

“Well Mika, it won‘t hurt to have hot chocolate.” Kane said to her as he smiled and led her into the café his twin and his date not to far behind him, after all him and Bane were never really apart you could say they were always together no matter what.

“Look brother it is the girl and boy from earlier.”
Bane said to Kane as he paused next to Kane, looking at the three friends that had come in and started to talk with him, he got a sly smile that matched the one that was on his twins face, it seem as if they did everything in unison except when they talked to each other or were having individual conversations.

“Well it seems as if they followed us. We are Kane and Bane.”
Kane said as he introduced himself and his brother, not saying who was who, after all they traded names all the time and liked that no one really knew which twin was which, after all it was always their game that they played. Kane blinked for a minute as he saw that his arm was grabbed, causing him to smile down at the girl before he looked back at the other people that had joined them.

“Let‘s get something to drink and sit down and chat instead of standing around.” Bane said as he smiled at them, almost ushering everyone over to the counter so that they could get all the drinks taken care of and then sit down so that other people that were waiting behind them could get what they want, he and his twin exchanged a wink.

Last edited by Kilia; 12-05-2010 at 04:02 AM..

Smores is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 06:46 PM

"Well you can be good at college hun. Still, it doesn't beat the fact it is a waste of time." Hunter could not help but display an enormous grin. Haley was crazy. Sure. Though, she was adorably so. She was fun loving that's for sure, and was not afraid to just well, be crazy. It was an attractive feature. For a girl that is.

Hunter just listened intently as Haley listed of his favorite things to do in the world. Gossiping, watching movies and of course shopping. Why aren't any boys like this? And by 'this' , Hunter referred to the word perfect. He leaned in closer to Haley, squinting his eyes and examining her so closely.
"Nope. Your not a cyborg." Hunter laughed. "I swear, you were created to be my bestie." Hunter laughed. She was - just - so perfect. At least what he knew of her. Which to be honest was little since they had just met. "You even share my love of eyeliner. I am terribly impressed. And that doesn't happen often." Hunter smirked and glanced into the rear view mirror. Admiring his handy work.

Hunter could not help but glow, she thought he was amazing. Ugh. It was almost disgustingly cute. Terribly adorable! Hunter ran out of opposites to put together. he was too in love with the approaching cafe. As quickly as that thought danced through his head, did the cab stop.

Haley rushed out of the cab, knocking down two people. Though they didn't seem to angry. Hunter assumed they were close friends. Or, at least friends. Stepping out of the car he smiled, this place was kinda cute. Not too bad.
"Are these your friends Haley?" Hunter walked up behind her, throwing his arms around her and hugging her tightly. "Oh yes, we go way back! I mean, like - almost half an hour ago!" Hunter was very sarcastic in his phrasing and couldn't help but laugh a little. He released Haley from his grasp and stood beside her. "We are going to eat right? No one is on a crash diet?" Hunter smiled. He was still fairly hungry. He was known by his chefs for his voracious appetite.

((That is a terribly beautiful set of colors don't you think? And my apologies for not coming back sooner. It had slipped from my mind. Terribly sorry :/))

Last edited by Smores; 01-21-2011 at 06:50 PM..

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 01-24-2011, 02:41 AM

{ Gah!!! OMG Where is everyone? did this thread die??}

Illiana smiled at the sudden appearence of even more people and tried to ignore Bane's ushering towards a corner table, walking straight up to the newest boy who asked about diets, "Unfortunaltly I am so no carbs for me." She said with a big smile, she was joking of course. She never needed to diet thanks to her fast motabaolism. She held out a hand and looked between the girl and boy, "My apologies! I'm Illiana. I don't remember if I introduced myseelf before." She looked to Mika and noticed how uncomfortable she looked and forgot about the handshake and walked to her and gripped her hand tightly, whispering in her ear, "Breathe sweetie. It'll be okay."

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 01-26-2011, 09:08 AM

Mika smiled at Kane. "i do like hot chocolate." she said smiling nervously. To be honest she had never been so nervous in her life. Though then again she hadn't been near any guy since her ex got her knocked up. But being around people. And especially with Illiana, It was helping. Mika felt like a huge mess. But she looked perfectly fine not to mention she was very pretty. She brushed her hair behind her ear. She did that when she was starting to feel comfortable. Though when Illiana grabbed her by her wrist telling her to calm down she bit her lip. "im sorry im trying to stay calm but you shy around guys. and especially if someone finds out someone knocked me up." she said putting her hands in her pockets of her jacket. "im really happy your here though i do not want to go through this know?"

[sorry i have not posted i got caught up in life ^^;]

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 01-26-2011, 11:24 PM

Illiana smiled, she did love her friend, Mika was so cute sometimes it wasn't funny, "Yeah i get it don't worry. I'm not leaving you alone with them." She did understand Mika's reasoning though, she was once like that to. Not pregnant, but awkward and shy around those of the opposite sex, and sometimes the same sex, like when she met Mika the first time. Looking away from her she looked to the twins, "Are you buying like nice gentlemen?" She raised and eyebrow and winked at the pair.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 01-26-2011, 11:48 PM

Mika smiled at Illiana. "thank you..for everything." She said in a calm voice. She took a deep breath. She didn't want to seem like she had never done this before. This was one chance she had to take. She started to calm down a bit. Whenever Illiana talked to her she seemed to feel more like herself. Mika was usually not this shy. But when she did meet new people and especially guys she got that way. Illiana probably knew instantly when she was nervous.

Smores is offline
Old 01-27-2011, 03:00 PM

Hunter smiled, "Fabulous. Its on their tab?" He laughed as he ushered over a waitress. She ran over quickly and took not of the incredibly long list of Hunter's stomach. Meaning, he practically ordered everything that could be considered a desert. Chocolates, pastries. You name it.

Of course though - he came with Haley. So, he ordered two of everything. Hopefully she had an appetite that matched her crazy personality. And a love or, even a lust of sweets. "I got you covered Haley. Ill pay the both of our bills. I wouldn't want to impose on these two young men." Hunter smiled at them, hopefully understanding he was capable of caring for himself. "I'm Hunter by the way, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Hunter smiled at the boys, stretching out both of his hands to shake theirs. Two boys, two hands. Twins.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-25-2011, 06:15 AM

(sorry guess i just don't know what to post in here)


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