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Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
Little Miss is offline
Old 04-19-2011, 01:24 AM

"I guess some old people building the foundation of the school?" Tok suggested to Vara's musing aloud. "That would seem logical, yes?" She sighed, cursing herself for not being able to see this in it's glory. Tok bet it looked really cool to those with good eyes.

Tok watched the two other boys hop down into the cavern with them before Shizu took off down a corridor. "Wai- Shizu!" She called, running after the girl. Shizu had a smaller stature and running stance, so Tok caught up to her quickly. Two... people? She thought, as Tok continued to run alongside Shizu in an attempt to understand where the girl was going. Obviously Tok couldn't see what Shizu did, even when the flame lit up the place giving site to two figured. Her eyes couldn't see anything than blurs, so she passed them off as nothing. Grabbing ahold of her shoulder Tok pulled the young girl back with a jolt, "Stop that, where do you think you're going?" You could easily get lost

"P-people..." Moody muttered to herself, wondering aimlessly through the darkness of the cave. "I... I hear people. People..." Her voice was drowned out by Jai-kar's talk. Moody looked disappointed when she saw him, "Oh. The people were just you, ne?" She asked, tilting her head to the other side with a blank expression. The ghost wasn't an accomplish of the vampire-werewolf, she was merely a nervous wreak who had met his acquaintance every so often.
"The sound of your laugh makes me sick, cut out your throat and die. I... I though I heard people." She moaned, holding her ears with a sloppy way. Moody seemed extremely tired as she staggered from side to side. Her eyes drifting across the room, dropping on and off like a patient recovering from being drugged during a surgery.

Angelo is offline
Old 04-19-2011, 02:09 AM

Shizu was so caught up in her chase, that she failed to notice Tok's actions, at least until Tok grabbed her by the shoulder, inadvertently pulling her feet out from under her. Blankly, she stared up at Tok, no recognition in her gaze. Without a conscious thought, Shizu turned her shoulder to fire, easily slipping through Tok's fingers and continuing down the hallway. Though Shizu hadn't heard a word Tok had said, the older girl had been right. If it weren't for Shizu's ability to sense heat, and the fact that they wanted her to follow, she would have never been able to find them again.

She went around various turns and dips in the cave, very few of them natural, as she chased the men down. Eventually, she ended up in a large cavern filled with people. Stopping, she stared after the two, who had disappeared among the crowd. Only one man stood out, even through Shizu's hazy thoughts. He was a large man, having black hair with what appeared to be red highlights. He was also wearing nightmarish armor, obviously having prepared for combat. His skin was deathly pale and his eyes were a haunting gold. Upon making eye contact, Shizu felt her feet move her tiny body toward the dais, and the man's sickening smile.

"Eh, buzz off, Moody," Jai'kar said dismissively. "Can't you see we're celebrating here?" He went to take another swig of his ale, but stopped when he smelt burning air, or ozone to be more specific. Another smile lit up his face when he realized who such a scent could belong to. As his eyes connected with the girl's, he cast his spell, entrancing her as securely as before, though he would break it later. Torturing his captives had always amused him. Anxiously, he watched her walk toward him, listening carefully for her friends.

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 04-19-2011, 02:32 PM

Vara was quicker then tok and shizu with her long loping strides, and could sence the heat herself, kind of as a glow so it wasnt long before she caught up with shizu.

"shizu wha-?" was as far as she had gotten before the broiling mass of malevolent energy zeroed in on her, drappong the tempature of the room by 30 degrees almost instantly, and 50 degrees near her, and it was fast getting worse near her.

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
Little Miss is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 10:29 PM

Tok wasn't effected by Shizu's sudden increase of heat, but she was taken back by it and watched as Vara continued running after the girl. Refusing to move, Tok stood up slowly and waited for Lucifer to give her the finale verdict.
Don't go... "Don't go?" She repeated to Lucifer, who curled his way back along her neck as he sensed danger ahead. Shizu was sure acting strange, though She thought, but decided to heed her friend's warning. "You two," She motioned towards Blaze and Leon, "Lucifer's going to try to guide us in a different way over, apparently we're not alone here."

Tok's first animal instinct was to either freeze up or run away they way they came, but she wasn't going to just leave them all down here. Of course the snake girl was going to protect herself at the number one priority, so finding another route to where Vara and Shizu ran was the only option. The caves had to leave into each other eventually.

"Right-O, ma'am." Leon said, using 'ma'am' to address Tok instead of his regular 'Miss'. Tok had this essence around her that seemed to make his speech more formal. He still got a glare from her anyway. The littler one, who was called Shizu, had run off in one direction, Tok went another where the boys followed her.

((I don't want to get everyone caught up in the situation at the same time, where exactly are Jai'kar and co. located? Near the underground pool or elsewhere (I sort of guessed, if I was wrong I'll change the post)))
"C-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-i-n-g" Moody repeated, the word seemingly unknown to her. Her head picked up lazily when Shizu arrived in side. "I see people now, not just you." She said, watching the little girl take steps. "What is she, an idiot?" Moody asked, knowing that no one would come willingly over here if they had a say. This was underneath the school for goodness sake, Moody couldn't remember why she was down here.

Last edited by Little Miss; 04-21-2011 at 02:41 AM..

Angelo is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 01:37 AM

((Yes, that is where they are! :) Honestly, I had forgotten entirely about the map. :sweat:))

Shizu walked up to the dais and the throne, unaware of the eyes staring with bloodlust as she ascended the marble steps and stood in front of the twisted man. Lazily, he stood, circling around her tiny body as he examined her. He had the air of a predator, one who was much stronger than his prey. After circling around her twice, he stood in front of her, setting down his drink with a indifferent air. Then he reached for her. With a sick smile, he clasped his hand around her neck tightly, and let go of his spell. The tiny girl's eyes cleared as the haze was lifted off of her mind before widening in fear as she figured out what was going on. She was being kidnapped, and possibly killed. The fear was so gripping that it left no room for thought, whether conscious or otherwise. All the petite girl could do was scream shrilly in terror and wiggle vainly in the man's grasp as he laughed sadistically.

Life is full of darks and lights...
zovilove is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 02:48 AM

Blaze was zoning out, but still somehow walking at the same time. "Oh Im sorry my name is Blaze nice to meet you all." He said slightly waving to all of them. Blaze stuck his hands in his pockets and slowly walked behind him. "So we are exploring eh? Well thats fun, have any of you guys been here before? Any not Freshman?" Blaze knew he wasnt very good at talking to people, but he at least wanted to try. He felt bad not hearing anyones questions.

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
Little Miss is offline
Old 04-30-2011, 04:12 PM

All Tok would do was keep running through another tunnel as Shizu's echoing scream bounced from cave to cave. Idiot, why did you go over there in the first place? Tok thought. By now it was official in her brain that Shizu wasn't consciously trying to put her life in danger. That still was no excuse, since a threatening aura was already clogging up the place at the moment. The snake girl was going to rely on Vara to help before she was going to make it over there.
She was almost debating to go back around and take the entrance Shizu and Vara took when the other direction seemed to pay off. This area was darker, but light from the place where Shizu was continuously screaming gave off some light to show the shapes of the room. Yes, a room. It wasn't a cavern like the rest of the cave, but a nicely-built hardwood floor and plastered walls. Boxes were scattered here and there, and one burt-out light hung overhead.
Peering over, Tok could see people in the other cavern like room, along with a large underground pool. Shizu's screams had died down by now, her mouth was probably covered or something. Putting her fingers to her lips, she turned over to the two following her.

"Nice to meet you," Leon said to Blaze as they kept following the littler girl, Tok. "But i think you should be a bit quieter from this point on." He whispered, seeing that there was now apparent danger. Just what they needed too, a strange but peaceful looking school actually had danger. Blaze probably couldn't sense it, but when Shizu's screams filled the air it was known by everyone.
Nice room... He thought as the three entered what looked like it could have been part of a house at one point. Minus the lack of furniture and lighting. Plus, this place was underground to begin with, no houses here. Heading her warning, Leon took a step closer to Tok, creaking a board of wood below him. Almost like dominos, that creak broke the board, moved one of the empty crates, and tipped over yet another fragile empty container. The glass shattered on the floor. "Dammit." He murmured, as the turned heads of people in another room looked straight into the darkness.

"You're an idiot." Tok said bluntly.

Angelo is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 01:15 AM

Jai'kar squeezed the tiny girl's neck until her screams finally died as she lost consciousness. Disdainfully, he threw her to a nearby vampire, who just barely managed to catch her. "Strip her, and tie her up to the wall over there with fire-proof chains. If necessary, keep some water nearby to keep her from growing strong," he ordered as he sat down, thinking ahead wistfully to when she would wake. "And you, send a letter to the people above specifying that we have Princess Itzli of the Phoenix and Glaecix, and that we demand three tons of gold for her safe return. Then send the letter and keep an eye out for a response." He sighed as his thoughts turned to the amount of money they'd receive, his placid expression turning to horrible rage as he was snapped out of it by the sound of breaking glass. Miraculously, he managed to contain a shout of rage, instead signalling his men to get closer before surprising them, and attempting to capture them.

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 03:17 AM

((sorry about the short reply last time))

Vara was far from finished as lightening started to form in the air, the miniature bolts deadly in the close quarters of the cavern. Knowing full well what is about to happen she tries to warn every one though the words fall flat in the rush of wind thats filling the cavern, the air rushing towards her rapidly even as the moisture is wicked out of the air.

trying to speak again she manages to squeeze one guttural word out of her tightly clenched throat."R-un!" before the effort becomes too much for her and she sags to her knees. by now the temperature was dangerously low for most people (( about 0 degrees F)) and the same crystalline formations that had momentarily graced the roof of the school were now beginning to form around her, and dangerously quickly.

it was then that the migraine started. "great, just what i needed" obviously her losing control of her powers didn't make her immune to migraines.

((ugh writers block, needless to say, if the people down there cant stand the sudden drop, and its dropped about 70 degree's in seconds, then they should get the heck out of dodge))

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
Little Miss is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 12:07 AM

((Hey guys, I'm really sorry I just keep posting once and then leaving for awhile. I feel really bad if I'm just keeping you guys waiting, and this'll probably continue for a bit. Just letting you know
Tok and company are in another room, so they'll feel effects as well?))

Tok shuttered suddenly, feeling the life pull out of her slightly as the temperature dropped drastically. Lucifer took quick refuge in her scarf, but it wasn't enough. Both girl and snake fell to the floor, broken glass and the enemies attention meant nothing by now.
Knowing of her friends power, Tok could only guess it was Vara who was in the other room. What are you doing? Tok thought, steadying herself on the ground. Vara was in the other room, and the sudden drop she created wasn't as large of an area that it could directly effect the group. But, in a gust of wind all the warm air went away to fill in the space. The cold was slowing her breathing, she could feel the asthma problems creeping up on her.

"Dammit," She gasped, Lucifer was huddling for dear life in her scarf, "Vara you idiot!" between the two palms of her hand sparks flew, followed by a roar of fire that did it's best to engulf the three kids. Tok struggled back onto her feet as heat returned to this small area. Surprised even this small amount could survive the harsh winds now produced in the cave, Tok gained some self-confidence in herself.

Now was not the time to celebrate of course, Lucifer was suffering and Tok's animal instincts told her something was coming, even with the sudden drop of temperature. "If anyone's out there," She shouted, "Why not come out? The air's just fine."

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 03:58 AM

((yeah sorry, itll at least force the air within to pull inwards to her, but its only chilled that room so drastically, the res of the rooms will be somewhat warmer because of the continuous influx.))

the sudden popping of her eardrums warned Vara that she needed to try and get her power under some control or else she would be crushed by the air pressure that was building around her. looking around the small room her eyes alighted onto Shizu.

It was at that moment that a plan to direct the energy running loose formed into her mind, instead of just trying to suppress it as she had been doing up till know with minimal results. flashing back to the meeting in the common room an hour before "was it really only an hour?" she realized more what had happened in the moment that she had touched shizu. "she had burned me... that doesn't normally happen... wonder if she would be fine if i directed my energy towards her...."

turning her attention onto Shizu once again she frowned and prayed that she would be able to handle the massive temperature difference that she was about to throw her way.

Angelo is offline
Old 05-06-2011, 11:04 PM

To Jai'kar, Tok's shout was an insult, and one that he could not forgive. Rage consumed him as he shouted to his troops. "Capture them or kill them! One or the other, but leave at least one of them alive!" he howled, his troops rushing out into the open to attack their prey. Their vampiric and lycanthropic speed were especially horrifying, but they were unable to get close to Tok due to the presence of the heat. Much too likely was it that their clothing and skin would combust upon entering it. Unlike Itzli, the fire witch's heat was filling a much larger area. The troops surrounded the trio, their muscles and tendons taut with tension.

Once Shizu had fallen unconscious, she had lost control over her body heat. While she usually kept it at around one-hundred seventy degrees, it was naturally somewhere above seven hundred. Vara's redirection of the cold to Shizu's body dropped her internal temperature to about five hundred degrees as it equalized the immense temperature difference between the area around Vara and the area around the immobile Shizu.

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
Little Miss is offline
Old 05-07-2011, 06:43 PM

Tok stared is disbelief as this apparent army was too scared to enter the flames. Well, that was a good enough start. She touched Lucifer still curled up in her scarf, he still wasn't healthy enough to move.
"Like I'm going to be killed that easily!" She yelled, not really knowing to whom. Tok had only heard a very angry voice, and assumed that any angry voice who wanted to kill them was bad.
Tok ran out of her own fire, safe to her own touch, and knocked out the first troop member with ease. He probably wasn't expecting a little witch to pop out of the flames, the poor guy. Before the rest could react she turned to hit another in the face with a fist of flames.

Tok had forgotten all about her self-consciousness as she fought, she didn't notice the snake scales spread down to the corners of her face.

"You're crazy." Leon said as he followed Tok out of the flames to fight. He was pretty good and hand-to-hand, and he hoped this would be over before and shifting happened. he'd loose his mind then, and wasn't willing to go through that again.
Certainly not again.
Usuing Tok's disappearing fire for cover, he leaped out onto the first to people he saw, tackling them to the ground before moving on. He even made a roar kind of sound, just like a lion.

Life is full of darks and lights...
zovilove is offline
Old 05-08-2011, 11:23 PM

((I amm confused... haha.))
Blaze was utterly confused he heard screams, and Tok yelling but had no idea what was happening. He followed them and seemed to be in the middle of a fight. He wasnt very good at throwing punches but he was very good with, fire. Blaze smiled, then the room started to become on fire because a girl was letting off heat. Blaze had not taught himself how to extinguish flames but tried his hardest to stop some of them.
After a while he started to feel lightheaded, he saw people come towards him and he started to feel dizzy. But he stayed up barely trying to fight off the people. His feet were coming out from under him and he feel to the ground all the energy draining out of him. He had never used fire for that long before... he had no idea what would happen to him as his eyes closed and he passed out completely.

Angelo is offline
Old 05-14-2011, 05:48 AM

Jai'kar watched in silent fury as the fire witch socked one of his vampire minions in the jaw with a flame-encrusted fist. His knuckles whitened from their grip on his sword as he got closer and closer, his emotion impassive despite the fact that his comrade had just burned to ashes due to the flames. While that worked on the vampires, werewolves had no such weakness. Silver was the thing that killed them, and he could sense that the children had no silver with them. Unable to restrain himself any longer, he threw himself at the fire witch in a lunge, body rippling as it morphed into a lupine form.


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