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GangsterGlam is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 06:20 AM

Click for Cat FormX

Name: Minako Komali Aceline
Age: 2 (Looks to be around 14)
Gender: Male
Race: Neko
Physical traits: Cat form - See picture above. Human form - Medium length, straight black hair. One white, and one yellow streak hiding among the under layers in his hair. Yellow, cat-like eyes. A star shaped birthmark exists inbetween his bellybutton and hip on the left side. Sharp canines and claws. His skin is pale, making his hair and eyes stand out further. His ears and tail match exactly to the ones in his cat form.
Likes: Mischief. Sweets, particularly cupcakes with tons of frosting. Tuna. Loose, dangly strings. Mice. Sleep (although he does very rarely).
Dislikes: Getting wet. Dogs. Staying still for long periods of time. Silence. Anything spicy. Spiders. Cold weather.
Personality: Outgoing, loud, obnoxious. Sweet, innocent, but loves to get into trouble. Always curious, and overly friendly and trusting with those around him. Easily bored, but just as easily amused.
Background: Minako lived soley with his mother on the streets from the day he was born. She cared for him, raised and loved him in the way only a mother could. She was always there for him, until one day when she just wasn't anymore. The boy continued to fend for himself, only just barely surviving on his own, not sure if something happened to his mom, or if she simply left him there to die.
Random Fact: The boy is covered in bandaids the majority of the time. He loves to get himself into trouble and usually ends up getting himself hurt in the process.

((Will edit the coloring of the ritsuka photo to better match Minakos coloring later.))

Last edited by GangsterGlam; 05-26-2011 at 08:15 AM..

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 05-29-2011, 06:05 AM

Name: Celsius Remiel Essylt
Age: Twenty
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Physical Traits: Long violet-colored hair, usually tied in a ponytail. Violet-colored eyes, sharp and steely, usually obscured by thin black-rimmed glasses. Very pale, marble-esque skin. About six feet tall, maybe a little taller than that, and slender, at a healthy weight. Has a number of burn scars on his back that he hates revealing to people--they're from a terribly accident from his youth.
Likes: Books, oodles of personal space, peace and quiet, classical music, learning, sushi, sleeping, libraries, earning money, marine biology
Dislikes: Loud noise, clinging, children, rap and screamo music, peppers, wasting time, running, animals, crying
Personality: Quiet, stern, stubborn. A strong sense of justice. Kind-hearted deep down, but has a wall up. Always has something to do and is rarely bored. Loves reading above all else.
Background: Not much is known about his background other than that he moved to a new city from a different country and used a whole load of money to open up his own bookstore. He keeps quiet about his past. He has some ugly burn scars on his back that tell of a possible devastating house fire in his youth.
Random Fact: Though he'll never admit it, he has a fascination with marine biology and the underwater world. He has a big aquarium in his room that he tends to with loving care.

Dead Account Holder
GangsterGlam is offline
Old 06-07-2011, 06:20 AM

((Hey, I'm sorry about the REALLY late start. The last week and a half has been a combination of insanely busy and super sick.))

Minako was always a very troublesome child. Curious to the extreme, and particularly drawn to danger. It was all too normal for the young cat to get himself hurt, though it was rarely ever something he tended to. It simply didn't seem necessary, or would be a waste of time. If it wasn't that, then he simply didn't have the resources necessary. Until recently it hadn't even been an issue, something his mother took care of. But now she was gone, and Minako had no idea where she was.

He was young, and so very alone now. At first, he'd held out in the hopes she would return. He behaved like a good little boy, staying where he was so she could find him. But the days grew shorter, and the nights longer, and in turn the air colder. The kitten was cold and hungry, and had no one to take care of him. Days turned into weeks, and he knew he could stay there no longer. His mother never did return, and all Minako could do was pray for her to be okay. As sad as the thought was, the child hoped she was safe, and that she had simply left him to his own devices.

It had been four months since Minako had ventured off alone. Taking care of himself really wasn't so hard, as the boy managed to get by on meager scraps. The food was the easiest part - people took pitty on the poor little thing, and when that wasn't a feasable option, dumpsters usually made for decent pickings. His last resort was sneaking into a strangers home. Of course the food was better if he stole it, but the feelings made him uneasy, and he knew from experience getting caught would hurt. No matter how cute he was, strangers never took kindly to a mangy stray stealing their lunch.

On this particular day option three seemed the only one likely to yield food. Minako had already been in this city for three days and had been able to find nothing else. People simply weren't as friendly here as in the other towns he'd passed through. He was getting a little older too, and people found him less irresistable. The boy was tired, cold and starving. The thought of a warm spot inside and some real food was enough to convince the kitten breaking and entering like so would be okay.

Some minor searching found him at a nice house, rich smells wafting out through a partially open window. A small peek around judged that no one was home at this time, and it seemed convenient at least. The food had his mouth watering, and all he wanted was to eat. The cat snuck in easily through the open window, finding the source of the delicious smells in no time. A well thought out meal from the looks of it, slowly cooking in the slow cooker near the stove.

Hands were more than a little necessary for the manuevering of the lid, and now with the food so close, Minako didn't hesitate to take his human form, pulling himself right up onto the counter. The lid was easy to lift now, and once off, smelled even better. His stomach growled obnoxiously, and he blushed for only himself to see. It looked cooked enough, not that such a thing would have ever mattered before, and he didn't think twice before digging right in, manners forgotten.

As expected from the scent, it tasted amazing. Minako ate every last bite, and even went as far as licking the dish clean. Seeing it gone as such was actually a little depressing. The kitten dropped to the floor, and set to licking his fingers clean, ensuring no little trance was left behind.

The boy was still very tired, leaning his head against the cabinet, too lazy to drag himself back out the window. Now that he could appreciate it, the house was very warm. It made him sleepy, and he had to fight to keep his eyes open. A long yawn and stretch were all he managed before falling asleep right where he was on the kitchen floor. Amazing how a strangers floor could be such a comfortable place.


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