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Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 09:36 PM

Scarlett grinned at what Eliana said and gave a small laugh. "Yep, but he's cute." She said, glancing back at the lobby. "So I don't care if he compliments me." She smiled. "And what about you? You were complimented pretty quickly as well." She said, glancing around. Scarlett slung her bag over her shoulder more, for it kept annoying falling down to her side. Then she gave out another soft sigh.

"I think i'll look around the hotel for a bit after I drop my stuff off at the room. It'll probably be another hour or two before the others arrive. So I might as well check out the place." She said, fluttering her eyelashes when she noticed another clown. She bit her lip. "God those things are scary.." She muttered, only so Eliana could hear.

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 10:19 PM

When neither of the scanners went off, Vincent nodded, putting them back in the bag and pulling out the rest of his equipment consisting of his 6 shot grenade launcher, a bandolier with 12 extra rounds, a second one with tons of pistol ammo, a cutting edge laptop, lockpicking set, special forces uniform, and, at the very bottom, his teddy bear. A tiny, brief smile lit up his face as he gave it a quick hug before quickly putting it back in, covering it with everything else except for the grenade launcher and the laptop. He placed the launcher on the far side of the bed, keeping it out of view but easy to get to, and plugged his laptop in, activating the encoding sequencer, and sending a message stating that he, along with Ellie and Scarlet, were at the target, awaiting the other two agents

The 'Boy Who Lived' has come to ...
Lightning_Serah is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 10:51 PM

Nathaniel slid into the room, but sighed seeing no one had been killed yet. He loved the sounds of screaming and terror. He walked behind the desk where the paper with the people's information was written down.

"Sorry I'm late.." He apologized with a slight bow.

He watched as Keshawna lead two females to their rooms. He smiled, before jumping infront of Keshawna.

"Ah, sister, I'm sorry for my lack of help before. In return I'll lead this lovely lady to her room." He said, reffering to Eliana.

(Eek, short, sorry. And sorry I haven't posted in a while either :( ))

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 11:03 PM

"Well then, better be careful," Eliana said to Scarlett, adding a wink as she teased her team mate. "Now I don't know if that's the same thing," she said with the roll of her eyes. Then again, it did make her wonder about the girl leading them to their rooms. But that probably wasn't the case, so the black and red haired girl pushed the thought out of her mind.

"That's fine, I'll probably do the same thing," she replied with a shrug, bouncing her bags to get a better grip. "Terrifying is more like it," she whispered, a slight shudder coursing through her body from thinking of and spotting a clown.

The sudden of the appearance of the new male made Eliana raise an eyebrow. He was a looker, that was true, and his compliment made her cheeks turn a shade of rosy red. She glanced at Scarlett and gave her a sly grin. Though she was still suspicious, she let herself be gently wooed by his compliment and gentlemanly manner

Scoffing, Ian rolled his eyes at his brother, sitting on top of the lobby desk . "Right on time," he said to Nathaniel and nodded at the females walking away. He curiously watched their interaction, wondering how Keshawna would take it. She was very... territorial at times, at least when it came to her dinner. Instantly Nathaniel made a move on the other girl, Eliana, as was expected.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 12:02 AM

When Eliana was taken by the boy she still followed the girl until she got to her room. Once there she thanked her, then took her room key. She went into the room and sat her bag down onto the bed before turning and leaving. She slid the key into her jeans pocket and then started to walk down the hallway before going back into the lobby. She went over to Ian since she was the only one she had interacted with. "Is there a pool here?" She asked, thinking that she would love to go for a quick swim before the boys arrived and the hard work began.

raesilver42 is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 12:12 AM

Anna was sitting on the lobby desk next to Ian, for lack of anything better to do, and her eyes were studying her nails as they flitted under the artificial and probably not real lights. She really needed to repaint them...especially because the prey she had picked out was going to be a tough one to crack. But oh did Anna love a challenge. Lived for them you could say. While others might go for the much simpler prey, she preferred something that she could really sink her teeth into and would captivate her attention for long enough. A small chuckle escaped her lips as Nathan appeared, on cue, to sweep the other girl off of her feet. Or try to, she noted with a chuckle. This was planning on being interesting. One leg crossed over the other, she turned her head as the second one came bouncing back. A pool? Well, if there wasn't before...Anna absently placed her hand on the desk, then caused a pool to appear at one end of the property. "Just go down the hall and take a left," she said. "Or maybe Ian here wants to show you where it is." She batted her eyelashes innocently, though it was ruined by her grin.

\ (•◡•) /
*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 03:36 AM

Keshawna Glared. "Hmm? So, the slacker's finally here is he. Why not go help in the kitchen?" she said, her amused eyes seemed to be taunting him. She always fought with Nathaniel, and it wouldn't end simply because two women were behind her. "It's really rude to simply barge in on woman when we're trying to have girl talk. Can't you show a little bit more respect in that area>?" She questioned with a roll of her eyes.

"So, would either of you mind having a boy lead you to your room? Trust me, this one can be a perve." she bluffed, though her flat voice made it sound as if she were telling the truth. She talked some major trash sometimes, but the fierce fights between her and Nathaniel later were amusing to say the least.

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 03:44 AM

Vincent turned on his laptop and sent another message to Eliana, telling her to meet in the room for a quick meeting. Sending the message he went to one of the side pouches of the bag, pulling out five tiny, skin colored ear buds customized for each of them so that, when in the ear, they would be invisible. He placed his in his ear, waiting for Eliana to get here so that he could test them between the two and verify they would work. He wished they weren't doing such a long job without reprise since he wasn't able to bring anything to charge the earbuds, meaning they were for emergency use only.

The 'Boy Who Lived' has come to ...
Lightning_Serah is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 04:00 PM

Nathaniel rolled his eyes annoyed as he listened to his sister, "I'm busy now. Can I ignore you some other time?" He simply said. It was true, him and his sister did fight often, and he normally would have been yelling at her, but he was hungry, and was really eager to get the show on the road.

He growled slightly as she made the comment about him being a perv. He didn't want her scaring off his food. "Don't listen to her, she rarely knows what she's talking about." He said, before leading Eliana to her room.

\ (•◡•) /
*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 04:13 PM

Keshawna grinned. "Sure you don't! Use pepper spray if he tried to grab anything he shouldn't!" she called, giggling than easily leading the girl to her room, handing her the key."Well, here you are. If you need anything I'm usually at the front desk, in the kitchen, or pestering Nathaniel." she said, mentioning her least favorite sibling before tossing her the key, racing off just to run down the stairs, a pissed off look on her usually cheerful features. "Looks like Nathan's on the menu tonight." she said, crossing her arms over her chest and standing by Ian, pouting.

"It's not fair that he does that! How come you didn't say anything? Everyone except maybe Dull listens to you." she growled, which would her would be a w of whining.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 05:03 PM

A coy grin light up Eliana's face. "I think I could handle him," she said, the words holding a double meaning only she and the other hunters on her team knew of. She smiled at the girl, watching her lead Scarlett to her room and then bounce off to the lobby. Following Nathaniel, Eliana stared at the paintings on the walls, some looking like they could have belonged to Da Vinci himself. "Beautiful art work," she stated in a near whisper, blinking her large blue eyes as she took in the house. She would need to commit every twist and turn, every room and closet to memory.

Hearing her phone blink, the female pulled out the her iPhone that was used almost strictly, key word almost, for work. She had a few games on there that they weren't supposed to have due to the fact that it was government issued. A message light up the screen in a blue gray text box. "Vincent: Meet in my room", the message read. Nodding to herself, she typed out a quickly reply. "Be there in five."

Slipping the phone into her back left pocket, she looked the man guiding her up and down. Smiling a little to herself. Hopefully he wasn't a Kendi, it seemed like she could have some fun with him.

Ian laughed as Keshawna bounded up to him, a pout on her face. "You knew he would want the girl," he said and flicked her nose teasingly. "Are you really that interested in her," he asked curiously, gazing at the black haired female disappearing down the long corridor. He cleared his throat as the other girl, Scarlett, returned. He rolled his eyes at Anna who immediately offered him up to take her. "I'd be glad to show you, miss," he purred expertly, smiling and winking. He gave Anna a light, toying punch and held out his hand for Scarlett to take it, his gentleman manners playing through.

\ (•◡•) /
*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 05:44 PM

Keshawna shook her head. She wasn't calling on her for food or anything. She just felt like the lazy one since the rest of her siblings seem to be claiming everyone and she'd yet to choose a meal. "I was just bored... even helping in the kitchen is no fun..." she whined, sighing as he led another girl up to her room and simply went over to the lounge and plopped down. If there was no one there to really catch her interest, she could slack off, she she put an arm over her eyes and dozed off into her own little world.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 05:47 PM

Scarlett took Ian's hand, wondering what the two had been talking about. But she wasn't about to let her curiousity get the best of her and ask. She hand her bathing suit in her small bag over her shoulder, guessing there would be a changing area in the pool. If not she'd go back to her room.. but she then gave a quick smile to Ian. "Thank you." She said softly, glancing around.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 06-20-2011, 07:35 PM

((I may not be able to post for a few days. I'm going to my friend's, but at the latest I'll be back on Thursday and able to post! I can try posting while I'm at her house, but I don't know yet!))


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