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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 05:48 PM

“No it’s not alright. Look, since I’ve met you I’ve done nothing but cause you trouble or hurt you in some fashion. I’ve given you a job but I don’t that will do enough to help make up for the things I’ve done.” He explained. “I’m not a bad guy, I’m not a jerk, and I’m not like every other vampire out there. I just haven’t had a chance to show that to you. Yet when it seems like I finally find a way to make things up to you, you just shut me down. Please just take what I’m offering you. It’s not a loan or an advanced payment. It’s a nest egg I guess. For when ever you really need the money then at least you’ll have something on hand. In this case I’d suggest using it get a dog or an alarm of some sort.” He explained looking up at Vaan pleadingly.

Oops he’d done the mind reading thing again hadn’t he? Or at least he’d done something like that….well what ever the case he’d hurt Vaan and he knew that. Now he was just trying to fix it. But Vaan wouldn’t let him. What was it going to take to get Vaan to trust him enough that they could get past all the stupid blunders he’d made so far?

Rei Ann
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Old 07-07-2011, 06:35 PM

" No, look I just can't alright. It's not like your not going to have the chance to make things up to me, since you seem to bent on that. Money not going to fix everything, and make everything a ok. It'll just make me feel like I've been bought, I don't want that. Now you can either take the time to try and make things up, or you can go. Because I sure as hell won't be bought, just so you can feel better about your actions." He said.

He took a few breaths," I don't want a dog or an alarm, if I get either they'll think I got something to hide, and then I'll have to worry. I'm fine here, really I am. I don't bother anyone and they don't bother me. As long as I mind my own business, no one bothers or tries to mess with me." He said. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. This was getting rather complicated, he hated complicated, but he wouldn't be bought. He never wanted to feel like that again, not after his relationship with Michael.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 08:00 PM

And he’d done it again. He hadn’t tried to but somehow he’d royally screwed up yet again. He hadn’t been trying to buy Vaan off. He wasn’t rich but he did have more than enough money, money that he didn’t need near as much as Vaan did. And he was just trying to help not that his efforts would be that way. Why was he getting all wound up over a guy he barely knew anyway? It was silly…very silly. Vaan didn’t want his help? Fine he wouldn’t offer it. He’d be the mean, cold, an uncaring boss.

Sighing and running a hand through his hair, Keenan shrugged softly. “Fine. Well now that we’ve got everything covered I’m going to leave. You’ve got a job, you’re short one pervy boss, and clearly you don’t need me or any help I’ve got to offer. So goodbye.” He said stiffly while standing up and preparing to leave.

Rei Ann
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Old 07-07-2011, 08:34 PM

Vaan sighed, and now Keenan was upset. This was rather annoying, ever time either of them tried to talk to each other. It kinda of blew up in his face. " Well you didn't give me the address or state when you want me to show up to clean." He said softly. Vaan was feeling out of place, in his own place. He really had to wonder why everything just seemed to be so hard lately, and why everything he tried to say just seemed to make everything else worse.

He really hoped Keenan would give some answer. Though he half expected for Keenan to say something about figuring it out on his own. .

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 09:10 PM

Keenan was more than ready to get out of this place now. He was annoyed and tired…and dang it he could feel the first flickers of his hunger starting to stir again. It hadn’t been that long since he’d fed from Vaan and even then he shouldn’t need any more blood! If he didn’t know any better he’d say he coming down with an illness of some sort but he didn’t have a clue if vampires could get sick. Heh 500 or so years of being a vampire and he still knew no more about vampirism than he did in the beginning.

Hearing Vaan timidly broach the subject of his address and the time he needed to be there for work, Keenan nodded. “Right, well here’s my address. 305 Hawthorne Street, its over in the upper part of town. I don’t mind when you show up to clean. Like I said I’m not that messy. What ever time works best for you is fine with me. Do you have any more questions?” he asked with a soft lilt of his head.

Rei Ann
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Old 07-07-2011, 09:38 PM

Vaan watched slightly, relived when his question was answered. " Alright, I know where that is, but are you sure about the time? Normally your suppose to tell me when to show up. Since working for you is the only job, I have any time is good for me, but I need to know what's good for you. Like during the day or night, weekdays, weekends. I don't just wanna show up and interrupt something your doing." Vaan said.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 11:04 PM

Keenan sighed softly as Vaan brought up yet another question. He knew he shouldn’t have said that last bit! Because this was Vaan, the other boys always seemed to have some question or thought pertaining to a situation. Not that it was a bad thing necessarily, just at time like now it was excruciatingly annoying. “Really, I don’t care what time. That thing about vampires sleeping during the day is a myth for the most part. I’m usually up during the day. But since you need a time I guess sometime around noon works fine for me.” he mumbled shifting awkwardly and rubbing the back of his neck.

Keenan didn’t bother hiding his mirth about Vaan’s previous comment. “You won’t interrupt me. I work at home, but it’s not like I have a specific schedule I follow. And even then if I’m working like I’m supposed to I’m pretty much oblivious to what’s going on around me.” He explained patiently trying to rid Vaan of any of his other worries. “But to answer your last question, the one about what days you should come, week days are fine. Unless you feel more comfortable with weekends?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Rei Ann
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Old 07-07-2011, 11:08 PM

" Alright, I can show up at noon and week days are fine for me. Well I wasn't sure, and I really didn't want to interrupt your day to day life" Vaan said. He shifted slightly, he didn't have any more questions. He figure tomorrow since it was a weekday, he'd show up, and get a lay of the land so to speak. Since Keenan said he wouldn't be interrupting or anything like that. " Well those are all of my questions" He mumbled.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 05:09 PM

(Time skip-Next Day)

Before Keenan had gone to bed the previous night, he’d hoped that tomorrow would be normal. Vaan would come and do his manly maid cleaning thing and then he’d leave. There’d be no fighting between them, no stolen kisses, no drinking of Vaan’s wonderfully sweet blood…anything. Vaan would do his job and leave and then Keenan would return to his work. Simple and peaceful.

However when he woke up the next morning right off things were far from peaceful. For starters he was tied to his bed! Second he’d more or less been stripped down. And third there was a dark haired stranger straddling him. Immediately Keenan threw his body upwards easily slinging his visitor off of him before he effortlessly snapped the bonds before he tackled the stranger to the floor roughly his slender figure holding the slightly smaller male down. His lips pulled back in a rough snarl as he leaned down preparing to attack before he froze his gaze flying up to meet the stranger’s. “What the heck?! Jaden what are you doing? Have you not heard of a cell phone? You could have called or something versus suddenly showing up in my bed room. Heck, you could have warned before you tied me to my bed!” he spat in soft annoyance as he released his grasp on Jaden and brushed his hair out of his face.

Jaden rolled his hazel hued eyes a soft giggle escaping. “Oh please, why would I need a cell phone? I don’t visit my friends that often and I can’t work certain pieces of technology. If you’d like though I could show what pieces of technology I can work. I found a treasure trove of new toys.” the other vampire offered while stretching lazily under Keenan. “Is it just me or have your sense gotten duller? I came in and I made a lot of noise well a lot of noise for a vampire and you never even moved. So I take it you were having sweet dreams? Hopefully they were of me. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you I’d love to get to know you again..” Jaden purred softly reaching up to gently cup Keenan’s cheek and pulling him downwards…

Everything inside of Keenan scream at him to resist Jaden’s attempt but there was a smaller wilder part of him just itching to come out and play. He’d been good for far too long, he was a vampire not a saint. He deserved a little fun as much as anyone else. Really, he’d had someone warm live and living under him that would have had no qualms if he’d just given into his urges. But he barely knew Vaan and he knew Jaden and Jaden was..well Jaden was a fling. A friend, a really old friend, with benefits. Once upon a time Keenan wouldn’t have even hesitated to give into Jaden’s charms and promises of a good romp. After all it wasn’t like he fooled around with other people. He was single and unattached. Or he had been…could he honestly say he was still unattached?

He could! It wasn’t like he and Vaan were dating or anything. He’d just fed from the other a few times and now he was Vaan’s boss. And not only that, but he’d been terrible rude to the other boy so it wasn’t like they had a relationship of any sort going on. So why wasn’t he taking what Jaden was offering? Feeling himself being pulled downwards for a kiss Keenan hurriedly pulled away shaking his head. “No, will you please stop? I’m glad you consider me a friend..but I’m not sure we can be this kind of friend anymore..” he mumbled looking away from Jaden’s mild look of surprise…and hurt? Aww..he hadn’t meant to do that. He’d opened his mouth to attempt to explain but stopped seeing the time on his alarm clock. Noon-actually it was a little after noon. Crap! Vaan was going to arrive and then he’d come in here and see him with Jaden and…Letting out a string of dark curses Keenan put his vampire speed to use and zipped across the room to find some clothes before tossing Jaden his clothes as well while hoping around on foot trying to get dressed. “Hurry up! Get dressed. I’ve got company coming over.” he explained.

Rei Ann
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Old 07-08-2011, 09:46 PM

Vaan watched as Keenan left, and then after locking the door he plopped onto the bed. He really just hoped that tomorrow things between them would go smoother. No drama, just Vaan going there to clean. No kissing, no blood being drank, no fight, drama or messy emotional issues. It would just be a simple job and then he'd get to go home. He really hoped that was what would happen. He just laid there, and eventually he fell asleep.

The next day, Vaan woke up later than he should have. He sat up, stretched and yawned slightly. He rubbed his eyes and looked around and spotted the time on his clock. " Shit!" He said. He darted out of bed, it was 10:30, he wanted to be ready to leave soon if he wanted to make it on time to Keenan's place. He was rather annoyed, that he had forgotten to see his alarm.

He knew it would take him a while to get there. He would have to forgo his morning meal, if he wanted to get there any time close to Noon. He rushed through getting clean, dressed, and brushed, both hair and his teeth. He jammed on his shoes and socks, grabbed his keys and left making sure to lock the door.

He made his way to the bike and unchain it. ' I'm so freaking late' He thought, as he jumped onto his bike. He then peddled off to Keenan's place. He got there, just a little after noon. It wasn't all that late that he had arrived there, so he hoped Keenan wouldn't be too mad. He parked the bike, and made his way to the door. He reached out and knocked on it.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 07-09-2011, 12:56 AM

Jaden arched one slender brow as he was ordered to get dress. “Get dressed? Now why would I do that? I’ve got better things to do that involve no clothes at all. Don’t you want to see?” he asked with a sultry smile. Not that Keenan saw this because Jaden’s promising smile was hidden by the clothes tossed his direction. Scowling softly Jaden did as he was told. Oh he wasn’t giving in just yet. Work had been heck; he hadn’t had any stinking fun in what felt like forever! Sure he could have just willed some silly human to join him in his fun…but it just didn’t hold the same appeal as playing with a close near and dear friend. At least with Keenan he wouldn’t have to explain why he was leaving so suddenly or where he was going. With some nameless human he’d have to do more than that to escape.

Keenan scowled and hurriedly threw Jaden his clothes. That was Jaden for you; his mind was constantly in the bedroom! Actually gutter was more like it. It didn’t matter where when or how Jaden did it, all that mattered to the other vampire male was that he slake his needs as soon as possible. And as usual, he was the main source of all the pent up energy. And usually he’d take that tempting offer but right now wasn’t the best time and even then….He didn’t want Jaden’s company. “Because, my maid-agh! I mean my house cleaner’s coming over. He comes over on week days and I’d hate for him to see something he needn’t see. Its unfair to him. Besides I haven’t seen you in age. Would it be better to talk and catch up before tying me to bed? That seems like the polite thing to do.” He ground out in mild annoyance as he hurriedly made his bed and disposed of the makeshift bonds Jaden had tied him up with. He’d just finished cleaning up when he heard the knock at his front door. He let out a sigh of relief and started to call out to Vaan only to let out a soft yelp as Jaden took off to answer the door his eyes bright with mischief.

“ I got it!” he called over his shoulder as he flung open the door a irrestible smile on his lips as he looked at Keenan’s cleaning person. “Awwww…..he’s adorable! He’s not you’re maid. He’s too cute. Oh you know what would make him cuter? One of those silly maid costumes. Have you thought of trying that-mmmhph!” Jaden was promptly silenced by Keenan running up behind him and slapping a hand over his mouth. “Shush! I know you’re manners are next to nonexistent but surely your mother must have taught you how to properly greet a guest!” he hissed darkly before smiling apologetically at Vaan. “I’m sorry…he’s a little rusty when it comes to talking to others outside his social circle.” he explained.

Rei Ann
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Old 07-09-2011, 01:38 AM

[[Cleaning before the cleaner gets there, what's up with that? LoL]]

Vaan didn't have to wait long for the door open. Though the person at the door had surprised him. He was wondering if he had arrived at the wrong place by mistake. Which he only hoped that this was the right place, and that Keenan just had someone over. Yet his eyes narrowed as he heard the other speak, this person seemed rather annoying.

He was also pissed that almost everyone he seemed to meet, had some weird fetish with wanting to put him in those stupid maid costumes. ' What's with everyone but Keenan wanting to put me in that stupid costume. Well at least one person is normal' He thought. " Um...well alright. So which room would you like me to start in first?" He asked Keenan.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 07-10-2011, 06:44 PM

(He’s trying to hide what almost happened. Trying to make sure things are normal and peaceful. If Vaan saw the evidence then he’d start wondering what Keenan had been up to and from there…well its pretty easy to guess what happens. XD)

Jaden’s expression was rightly indignant as he was forcefully silenced. Hmmphing’ in annoyance he wriggled out of Keenan’s firm grasp and speared his friend with a dark glare. “I think a firm ‘Shut up’ would have worked nice. Besides don’t you think its rude not to introduce me to your friend?”he asked giving Vaan a charming smile. It was a double meaning. He didn’t just want to be introduced to Vaan he wanted much more. After all with Jaden nothing was it seemed. And clearly he wasn’t going to get to have any fun with Keenan himself so maybe he could play with Keenan’s friend…

Keenan could see the wheels turning inside of Jaden’s head. An introduction would not be enough for his friend. Jaden didn’t simply want to know Vaan’s name. He wanted a relationship. A close personal bedroom relationship… with his Vaan. He could feel something rising up within him as Keenan pieced together Jaden’s thoughts with hardly any effort. It was sad that he knew the other vampire this well but that wasn’t the worst of what he could feel welling up with him besides disbelief. He felt…angered and violent and….grrrr….Just who did Jaden think he was to even consider broaching a relationship of that sort with his his mate! Hissing he reached out roughly grabbing Jaden by the collar of his shirt and shoving him in the opposite direction away from Vaan. “Vaan this is Jaden. Jaden was just leaving. Right pal?” he demanded hotly.

Jaden let out a soft yelp as he was jerked away from Vaan! Hey! He wasn’t going to do anything, he’d just wanted to get a closer look at Vaan and try to figure out what the scent was. Was that delightful scent cologne? No it couldn’t be cologne, he detested cologne because half the time it was far too strong for his tastes. But this scent was like a siren calling out to him. He found himself silently moving closer to Vaan only to be met by a low threatening growl from Keenan. That sound was enough to snap him out of his curious trance and turn his curious expression else where. His eyes widened as he took in the expression on Keenan’s face. Was that…jealousy he detected coming off Keenan? Chuckling he smirked softly and shook his head. “What? I don’t have anything to do today. I’m off work and I figured I’d come see a dear friend of mine. But if you’re busy Keenan I wouldn’t mind spending the day with Vaan. I’m sure he’d love to do something more fun than clean your house. Right Vaan?” he asked bringing Vaan into their discussion.

Rei Ann
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Old 07-10-2011, 07:05 PM

Vaan blinked watching the two of them. He was starting to think he had come at the wrong time. See this was things he was talking about yesterday. He glanced back and forth from the two of them. Though he didn't really like the looks he was getting from Keenan's friend. Plus he had work to do, if he did his work, then he got paid, and getting paid was a good thing.

He blinked in surprised when Keenan has basically tossed the other person away from him. That wasn't what he was expecting. He was sure that wasn't something a boss should do, but at this moment he really didn't mind. He wanted to sigh, and now this guy was asking him to spend time with him or something. " Uh no thanks, I'd much rather clean his house" Vaan said. He looked back to Keenan," So which room should I start to clean first, and where can I find your cleaning supplies?" He asked.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 04:39 AM

Keenan had never wanted to attack someone as badly as he had then. Jaden has some nerve to be flirting with Vaan. Especially when Vaan clearly wasn’t interested but that wasn’t what really annoyed him. Actually he wasn’t annoyed. He was kind of jealous…and he didn’t know why. It wasn’t like Vaan was falling for Jaden’s illustrious (and severely lacking) charms. If anything Vaan seemed to dislike Jaden’s attention. So why did he feel this why? It was a complete and utter mystery to Keenan.

Jaden was finding it very hard not to notice the waves of outright dislike emanating off of Keenan. He wasn’t doing anything wrong. Not really, all he was doing was trying to get vaan to laugh. Or maybe even smile. If he did that then he was sure to get a rise out of Keenan. It was all in good fun. Don’t get him wrong. Vaan was cute and he smelled delightful but at the same time he wasn’t really Jaden’s type. ’Not that I have a specific type…but still.’ he thought distractedly stepping forward and taking Vaan’s hand in his and pulling softly. “Really? Don’t be so rude. I’m not going to do anything. We’re just going to go have some fun. Keenan-“his invitation was cut short by a fist flashing forward and connecting solidly with his jaw.

Keenan might have overreacted a bit…then again he wasn’t thinking clearly. There was only one thing he could focus on. Vaan’s refusal and Jaden’s annoying persistent nagging to get some alone time with his mate. That was his blood mate, his sweet little Vaan. So who exactly did this pervert think he was to even consider touching Vaan without his permission. “If you touch him again I swear I’ll find a more creative way of ruining your pretty little face. Vann is mine. Go find your own mate.” he snarled.

On the one hand Jaden felt like rolling on the floor with laughter. On the other hand he felt like retaliating for that small action of violence. Sheesh he’d been trying to get Keenan to blow up but not like that. Sitting up he gently rubbed his jaw as the decent sized bruise faded in the blink of an eye. Apparently there were some benefits to being a vampire, one of those being immortality and the ability to heal quickly. Standing up he gave Keenan a faint glare before shaking off his annoyance. “You’re no fun anymore. I guess its true what they say about being mated. It’s the same as being married and twice as boring. Thank goodness I’m not tied down like you.” he said with a soft sigh.

Keenan had just turned away from Jaden to explain to a shocked looking Vaan where he could start before he stopped as Jaden’s words sank in. “Wait-what? What do you mean? Married? Mated?” Now it was Keenan’s turn to look extremely confused.

Rei Ann
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Old 07-11-2011, 04:54 AM

Vaan was getting annoyed, if Keenan would just answer his questions, then he could get away from the Jaden guy. It would make much more sense. He blinked, as the guy grabbed his hand, he glared at the guy. " Hey let g-" He had been saying, before Keenan clearly punched the guy. Vaan stared in wide eyed shock, sure he didn't want to be touch or bugged by this character, but that was no reason to punch him. 'What the Hell?' He thought.

Keenan's next words, really had Vaan confused. He was yelling something about not touching his mate. But Vaan wasn't his mate, though he wasn't sure what he meant by mate either, but still his was the cleaning person. " Wha-?" He said. He was clearly shocked and really tempted to high tail it out of there. So much for having a peaceful day.

" What in the world is going on" Vaan demanded. He looked between the two of them. He was clearly confused, and sort of pissed off. " Ok, everyone inside, I want an explanation, but I don't want it while we are standing at the front door, where people are watching you fight" He said, motion to the few curious passerbys.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 07-12-2011, 01:11 AM

Jaden looked back at forth a soft chuckle escaping as he took in their looks of outright confusion. Wow, these two were completely clueless. Especially Keenan, how did he not know about the blood bonds? He was a vampire, he’d been around a lot longer than Jaden and he lived in a city where he was surrounded by vampire elders. If anything he should be the clueless one. Yet he wasn’t, he knew more than Keenan!

Snickering he sobered up taking in Vaan’s ticked expression he hurried inside somewhat afraid of getting hit again. Despite his super healing abilities he did not take pride in having his face used as a personal punching bag.

“Seriously Keenan, you don’t know about the blood bond?” he asked once Keenan has stepped inside after shutting the door behind him. Keenan speared Jaden with a dark glared. “Clearly I don’t other wise Vaan and I wouldn’t be asking you what the hell is going on! I know a little bit about the blood bond but I thought it required a human drinking a vampire’s blood. Vaan hasn’t drunk any of my blood! I’ve fed from him a few times but not enough for a bond to form.” He explained a soft confused frown on his face as he thought it over. Yea he hadn’t fed from Vaan that much and even then he hadn’t taken that much blood had he? He didn’t think he had but then again it wasn’t like he knew the exact amount of blood he needed to drink to form a bond of any sort.

Once they were all gathered in his living room and the door was shut he motioned toward the couch for the pair to sit down. He gave Jaden a very dangerous scare to chase any attempts he might make to bring Vaan closer, or heaven forbid, attempt copping a feel off the other male. “Alright talk.” He ordered impatiently.

Rei Ann
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Old 07-12-2011, 01:32 AM

Vaan had stomped inside. He was still a little annoyed. He had just wanted today to go normal. He was at least glad, that both Vampires had seemed to listen to him. He felt the words Keenan was speaking washing over him, but he really didn't understand any of them. He glanced around the place with mild interest. He really should be cleaning, but no Keena's stupid friend had to mess up his first day of work.

He nodded and took a seat on the far end of the couch. He glared at Jaden, as if to say, stay away from me. He then waited, hoping that he get an explanation soon.

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Old 07-13-2011, 11:02 PM

Jaden let out a soft huff as Keenan ordered him to talk. “Fine, fine. I’ll talk since you asked me so nicely. You’re a fine to be talking about my manners. Have you ever heard of the words please? Or thank you? They aren’t referred to as the magic words for nothing-“he had just started to whine when he realized Keenan wasn’t in a mood for any of his usual shenanigans. Sighing softly he ran a hand through his dark hair before putting himself back on topic. “Ah, you meant talk about the bond. Alright lets see what I remember.” He mumbled his expression turning thoughtful as he pondered over what he could recall about blood bonds.

Like he’d already stated it was much like being married only without the fancy overly extravagant wedding ceremony and the hysterical bride or in this case-groom. In a lot of ways though the bond was much stronger than an average marriage and it didn’t occur as often as it used to. Why? He didn’t know and he didn’t really care. All he knew was that he was extremely glad he wasn’t bonded to anyone. Oh wait he was getting side tracked again. Shaking his head he reigned his thoughts in trying to scrape up a little more information before something clicked. “The attraction!” he blurted out as that tiny little puzzle piece clicked together in his head. He had the good grace to blush at this outburst before he explained seeing Keenan’s quizzical look. “There’s an attraction between the two in the bond. It’s not just a spark like what those people who believe in love at first sight say. Its stronger.” he explained patiently.

While Jaden was taking his time and being very patient, Keenan was feeling exactly the opposite. He felt impatient and confused…and Vann well Vaan seemed completely disinterested in this. How was it that he seemed to be the only concerned here? “Look I’m honored that you think so much of me and Vaan that you would take your valuable time explaining all of this to us but would it hurt for you to hurry up and get the point already?” he demanded impatiently.

It wasn’t long before Jaden mentioned something about an attraction. Hearing about this, Keenan’s eyes up slightly and he leaned forward in his seat focusing as Jaden gave them a bit more information. “Attraction? What kind of attraction are we talking about her? A scent of some sort maybe?” he asked with a slightly lilt of his head.

Rei Ann
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Old 07-14-2011, 12:38 AM

Vaan rolled his eyes slightly, as this guy went on. He was rather annoying, and increasing becoming more so. He really just wanted this guy to hurray the heck up and explain things. Also what exactly was a bond, what did it mean. The other guy mention something about how it was like being married. So did that make him married to Keenan, sure the guy was hot and all that, and even seemed really nice. Yet the two of them always ended up fighting, so he didn't really think they had some bond that made them married.

Vaan turned to look at the Keenan and then at the guy when he started exclaiming. He titled his head slightly, attraction he had to wonder. Sure he found Keenan attractive, and when they weren't screaming at each other, but instead kissing or having some feed going on there was a very strong chemistry, but Vaan just figured that was normal with anyone that a vampire was feeding from. " I'm confused, can either you actually explain this so that I understand, what is exactly is a bond? Please remember, Human here, I have no idea what you two are talking about" Vaan said.

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Old 07-20-2011, 08:26 PM

Jaden shrugged softly at Keenan’s question. “It could be a scent, it could be something else. I wouldn’t know because I haven’t had to worry about bonding with anyone.” He said with an obvious smirk before he turned serious seeing Keenan’s annoyed glare. Ok definitely not the time to gloat about his never ending singleness. “Anyway….was there something about Vaan that stood out to you?” he asked shifting awkwardly in his seat. Why was he the one stuck explaining this to them? He wasn’t an elder, he didn’t know anymore about this crap than they did!

When Vaan spoke up Jaden looked away from Keenan to look at the other male. “It’s a mental connect. In some cases one part of the pair can either read the others mind and if not that then they develop a sort of empathy towards their partner.”

Keenan blinked and shook his head softly. “You’re not funny, you know that?” he said his aggravation with Jaden growing more obvious by the second. “I’m not a human and I’m every bit as lost as Vaan is. Do you even know what you’re talking about? Or are you just playing a ridiculous prank on us?”

Rei Ann
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Old 07-20-2011, 09:29 PM

Vaan wanted to sigh it seems like this guy had no idea what he was talking about, and frankly Vaan felt like he was getting a headache. Vaan blinked at Jaden, tempted to say something about how that still didn't explain all that much to them. He then had to wonder if anyone vampire wise knew what this was. Though he still felt like maybe they were pulling a prank on him or something. Then again, Keenan didn't seem like the type to do that.

Vaan sighed once more," Instead of vague statements and treating this like it's so big joke to you, why don't you just tell all everything you do know." Vaan said shooting a glare at Jaden. He was pissed and now had a killer headache. Plus part of him want to climb into Keenan's lap and bury his face into his chest, but he was ignoring that part of him right now, cause it didn't make any sense at the moment.


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