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Peanut is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 05:46 AM

This will be Peanut's thread for his adventures with temporary Yanbby~

Hopefully he'll love me enough to stay with me~

1. Intro
2. Picture List
3. Day 1
4. Day 2
5. Day 3
6 and on will be next days.

(Unless you're baby Yan or big Yan. <3 Or Jelly. ily.)

Last edited by Peanut; 08-11-2011 at 04:26 AM..

Peanut is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 05:55 AM

The Master List of Pictures:
:vicky: = Newest

All Pics (click!)X





DAY 3 :vicky:

Last edited by Peanut; 08-11-2011 at 04:24 AM..

Peanut is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 05:57 AM

Day 1!

At around 11 PM, the adoption agency finally contacted Peanut to take his trial Yan home. Excited, Peanut darted to the agency and picked him up.
When arriving home, Yan was very grumpy for being woken up. As an apology, Peanut let Yan have his bed. Yan calmed down when he hopped on the Catherine pillow.

Silly Yan likes bewbs.


Hopefully tomorrow will be more exciting. Meanwhile, Peanut slept on the floor.

Peanut is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 10:47 PM

Day 2~

(switching back to first person)
After waking up, I took Yanbaby on a tour of his new, temporary ( ;^; ) home! He enjoyed the Catherine pillow lots, so I thought I'd show him my manga shelf. He seemed to enjoy it a lot.
After I read him a few, I showed him the rest of the house. He got distracted by the TV. Food Network was on, and well...
I admit, it looked good. So good, that we had pizza for lunch. (forgot to take a picture. We ate it too fast!)

Anyway, after we stopped watching TV a bit, I decided I'd show him the family dog, Sugar!
They got along fine~ : D

But he really got excited when he saw my stepdad's motorcycle. He hopped on it and made all sorts of noise pretending to drive it. It was adorable.

When we went back inside, we played hide-and-seek so he could get more familiar with the house. Guess where I found him?
If you guessed my sister's panty drawer, you were right.
I actually should've seen it coming. But it was alright, sis thought he was adorable. *phew*

As a reward for being such a good boy, I gave him some cake for a treat.

Little did I know how he's react to sugar. We were fine at first, watching TV again, when all of a sudden, Yanbaby jumped on my face!

He hopped off and clung to mom's bridal barbie, professing his love to it and claiming it to be his.

Before I caught him, he ran into another room and rode the spinny chair like crazy. He rode that thing so much, he made it fall!

Too smart to get hurt from it, he simply ran into the room the chair crashed by and proceeded to make an absolute mess of it.
(Sorry for the mess, Stepdad!)

But that tired the little bugger out. I carried him back to the, now his, Catherine pillow, where he is now napping.
Maybe I should nap myself...

Peanut is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 03:44 AM

DAY 3!?

Today, Yanbaby wanted to explore my room more and play with my things. As a matter of fact, when I woke up, I ound he'd picked up my cellphone and prank texted my friends!

Then we found plenty of things Yanbaby loved. For example, some loud, purple $-shaped sunglasses. He looked so adorable, I had to take a picture of him.

He also liked a thing of lip balm that had Princess Peach on it. He said she was "hawt."
He then proceeded to wipe it all over his face.

When I washed him off and carried him back to my room, he flipped his mind when he saw a giant Pikachu pillow.
Now, he declares it and the "Bewb pillow" his. As well as my hand-made quilt.

He seemed pretty crazy, so I tried to calm him down with video games.
He tried a lot of them but he had three favorites, and wanted his picture with them.
He liked Catherine for the "purty woemnsss," Resonance of Fate for the guns and killing people (Only bad people!!), and Fable 3 'cause he could be king and tell all the people what to do. It was cute.

It distracted him for a while, but then he turned and saw something that I forgot I even had. A telephone shaped like a Digimon.
He was so excited, because it was a dinosaur-like Digimon. He called it his "orng drgon of dewwwwwm" and my orange dresser his "twr of ebillll."

Then my mom called and reminded me about college, and how I'm starting it next week. Oh, and that I have no college books. So I decided it was time for Yanbaby and I to go to the bookstoreeee!
He really enjoyed the car ride.

When we got back, Yanbaby looked through them all excited ad proclaimed he was now "cllge educamated." He also said I should buy him something, since I spent so much on books.

When I asked him what he wanted, he said "FLOWER SHORTS~"
Like a good parent, I went to amazon. I could only find girls' flower shorts, and tried to tell him that, but he LOVED, the pair I found.

Mom got home from work with glorious food about this time. Yanbaby forgot all about his flowered shorts and we ate happily.

I even let Yanbaby have a vitamin so he'd grow up big and strong.

He seemed tired then, so I laid him down and started typing our story.

Oh, and now he wants me to tell you all how he gets around.
Since I love him so dearly, and he doesn't like to walk, I carry him, like a nice daddy.

G'night. :3

Last edited by Peanut; 08-11-2011 at 04:24 AM..

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